The Colons

More than before i think there is good things ahead for theses two i like the promo yesterday and carlito seemed pretty happy to be there with his brother i don think they will win the tag titles next week but soon they should have good chemistry and moves being brothers after all

What the monkey man said, Carlito's promo last night reminded me of the Carlito I became a fan of when he first debuted, the Carlito who won the United States title from John Cena and had a good fued with him thrown in the bargain.

I agree that I dont think they'll win the tag titles next week, although it wouldnt be a bad thing if they did considering that Hawkins and Ryder are crap. At least the tag titles are active for now.
They are the new Hollys more than the new Hardys.... that's not a bad thing either. They have alot of potential as a tag team but I think they still need to go a long way to unleash this potential. Carlito is one of the most underrated stars on Smackdown, occasionaly he shows flashes of brilliance in the ring, he will never amount to anything other than a great mid-carder in this buisness and I think it's time he embraced that.

What I like about this tag team is to me they seem abit more old school, so old school that they almost apear new school. I can't see them posing after every high spot they hit, I just see 2 brothers with alot of potential capable of posing a big threat in the tag team division and nothing more.
I am disappointed he didn't keep his streak alive and win the Tag Team Titles on his debut on the new brand. I am excited for the two, hope they keep it up and win the titles. It could give the tag team division something to be interested in. I hope they get a long reign out of it as faces, and feud with the Edgeheads. They could probably put on some good matches.
It shows that bitching for a year and bringing your brother in will get you somewhere.

Well, im joking there, gratz on the titles. Im sure they will at least appear on most episodes of smackdown (Unlike The HawkinRyders, they appeared on smackdown.. what 3-4 times since they won the titles?)
Congrats on winning the titles boys i really feel that they will be a strong tag team and will dominate and hopefully revive the tag team division and i like the way they both wrestle and feel that Primo Colon has a big future
Well, the Colons are officially the tag champs. It's weird. It seems the more trouble a wrestler gets into, that means the more success they have. Randy Orton and Carlito are prime examples of that. Orton's antics are legendary (pardon the pun) and yet he won the WWE title. Carlito's displeasure with the WWE has been in the news for a while, and now he's a tag champ.

Personally, I'm interested to see where this goes. With a severe lack of tag teams on SmackDown/ECW, I fail to see how they'll have any competition......because there is only so long they can feud with Hawkins/Ryder or Miz/Morrison, who are the only heel tag teams on the roster.

That said, I think that, now that they've won the titles, Carltio and Primo need to sync their looks. Similar to the way Eddie and Chavo did back in the day. Carltio needs to get rid of the 'fro and the whole "that's not cool" business, so his character doesn't continue to become stagnant and boring.
Well, the Colons are officially the tag champs. It's weird. It seems the more trouble a wrestler gets into, that means the more success they have. Randy Orton and Carlito are prime examples of that. Orton's antics are legendary (pardon the pun) and yet he won the WWE title. Carlito's displeasure with the WWE has been in the news for a while, and now he's a tag champ.

Personally, I'm interested to see where this goes. With a severe lack of tag teams on SmackDown/ECW, I fail to see how they'll have any competition......because there is only so long they can feud with Hawkins/Ryder or Miz/Morrison, who are the only heel tag teams on the roster.

That said, I think that, now that they've won the titles, Carltio and Primo need to sync their looks. Similar to the way Eddie and Chavo did back in the day. Carltio needs to get rid of the 'fro and the whole "that's not cool" business, so his character doesn't continue to become stagnant and boring.

I completely diasagree, I don't believe they should have similar looks. The idea is for Carlito and Primo to do well but they don't have to look alike to do so. Carlito could keep his fro and his "cool" business and tell Eddie (Primo's real name) that Carlito is cool but Eddie is not and mess around with him and stuff like he has been doing. You haven't seen anything from "Primo" yet but he is an awesome athlete and wrestler and I have seen him in Puerto Rico. Eddie could try to impress Carlito every night more and more, but Carlito will always say that he his cool and his brother is not. Carlito could pick up a new line or something but he should be somewhat different from Primo to keep interest. Carlito has his opportunity now, he can use this to propell him to other titles later if he doesn't mess up. I understood Carlito getting upset a couple years ago for being taked off of the card at Wrestlemania with Flair. Flair and Carlito's father had a legendary feud in Puerto Rico and he and Flair and Carlos Colon are very close. It was a very big deal to him. Later Carlito wasn't being used anymore and he got stuck with Santino. Now he has his chance. He can dominate the tag division with his brother for a while something that has been lacking in the WWE for quite some time until recently. He looks very happy now and that can be good for him because it can help him bring out the passion he has for this business. His father said in an interview in P.R. who is the promoter for the WWC in Puerto Rico that this could be his time to shine. Back to the "Colons", the idea that they are brothers and that they are so different is to me is "cool".
It's pretty obvious that Carlito and Primo will likely not remain a team for too long, because has said himself that he enjoys being a heel more than being a face. Now, I want to know how you people think the Colon's tag team will end and how Carlito will be used afterwards. I predict after a few months as tag champs, they will go on a losing streak and Carlito completely snaps and attacks his brother, causing them to lose the tag titles. That will then set up a feud between Carlito and Primo and then after that Carlito will go back to ''jobber-status'' or maybe he'll be pushed into winning another United States Championship.
I like what the WWE is doing with the colons. They are naturally funny, and are good wrestlers as well. I like watching them in the back, they are pretty funny. Primo makes Carlito better. They used to wrestle together and eachother in the WWC. I hope the hold the titles for a while and stay in the tag storylone for a while after they loose the titles.
It's pretty obvious that Carlito and Primo will likely not remain a team for too long, because has said himself that he enjoys being a heel more than being a face. Now, I want to know how you people think the Colon's tag team will end and how Carlito will be used afterwards. I predict after a few months as tag champs, they will go on a losing streak and Carlito completely snaps and attacks his brother, causing them to lose the tag titles. That will then set up a feud between Carlito and Primo and then after that Carlito will go back to ''jobber-status'' or maybe he'll be pushed into winning another United States Championship.

Why is it as soon as another tag team comes around people start talking about way's to split them up? Miz & Morrison, The Colon's even Hawkins & Ryder. WWE would be mad to split up any of them, they need all the tag teams they can lay their hands on, for the first time in god knows how long they've got teams that people actually give a shit about (and Hawkins & Ryder).

The Colon's wont split up anytime soon, Primo on his own doesnt get much reaction and Carlito is lazy and unmotivated but gets a reaction, put the two together and you've got Primo feeding from Carlito's fan reaction and Carlito feeding off of Primo's work effort and you have a decent tag team.
I have to admit, even though I didn't like Primo at first, this team is starting to grow on me a little. I think they work really well together. Sure, its not the standard "one big tough guy and one small fast guy" scenario, but they're actually looking like a solid tag team of people that weren't just thrown together. They have the matching attire, they're related, they perform TAG TEAM moves....I have a feeling that the WWE could have something with them if they keep them together for a while.

And I have to agree with El Miko above me...why does everyone automatically want teams to split up and then everyone complains that there aren't any tag teams left? I think The Colons should stay together for months and months unless of course there's some issue like a release or a long standing injury.
I really dig the colons. I like their high paced match style, great teamwork, and everything about them. its a very sad state that the WWE absolutely REFUSES to unify the tag titles,and give them a decent division to work in, becuase it could be awesome. I like that becuase of them, we get to see pretty good tag wrestling every week, and I think their spot will stay cemented for at least a bit, with SD! generally wanted to cater to the hispanic market. I hope Carlito can stay happy in the tag ranks, but i imagine carrying the titles with his brother is better to him than not getting on the programming at all.

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