John Cena the new Hulk Hogan

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I have to say this, After all the years of watching Cena and Hogan I have come to the conclusion that WWE has made John Cena into the new Hulk Hogan. Now before you go 'OMG' or something along those lines let me explain it.

First the Super in Cena and Hogan.

Hogan use to pump himself up then point to the other guy and start blocking punches and punch the guy back and move him into the knock down and leg drop.

Cena gets a sudden 'BURST' of energy and he cries out to the crowd and he pumps up that way. he gets that super strength to pick up someone for the AA.

Next is the phrase that they both have stood by.

For Hulk Hogan it's "Train, say your prayers, take vitamins, and believe in yourself"

For John Cena it's "Hustle, Loyalty and Respect'

Group of Fans:

Hulk Hogan: Hulkamanics

John Cena: Cenation

Biggest Slam

Hulk Hogan: WrestleMania 3 Body Slamming Andre the Giant.

John Cena: AAing both Edge and the Big Show.

Now before anything is said about the Attitude Adjustment against the Worlds giant Slam let me explain, Hogan picked up Andre off his feet and slammed him where Cena picked up Edge and Big Show from the turnbuckle. Cena had more weight to deal with is why he went from the turnbuckle.

WWE as WWF created Hulk Hogan and made him the face of WWF/WWE till he left for WCW. Now WWE has created John Cena, the new face of the WWE.

WWE's recreation of Hulk Hogan did work. Cena has done just as good as Hogan did back when he was the face of WWE.
How's it going Captain Obvious.
Cena also slammed Big Show at Mania to win his first singles title. just an FYI

completely obvious that's what they went for and his character panders to it. the HUGE differences though is Hogan was not despised by half the crowd. Cena is no Hogan when it comes to charisma and draw power, unless qualify people coming to see him get his ass kicked as draw power.

outside of the ring, yes they are very similar in appeal.

Both are useless "actors" and were involved in relative flops in Hollywood
Both Hulk up and are kings of no selling or bad selling moves

If they were in the same era with Hogan in his 80's persona and Cena in current. Hogan would outstrip Cena in a ratings war but Cena would be far better technically.
This comparison is fair to a point
Cena's largest detraction isn't himself, its the era he lives in, with the exposure, and the amount of ppvs and big matches, seeing Cena nearly 100 times a year, vs Hogan being exposed on less than 50 occasions a year.
Hulk didn't change his gimmick much until he jumped ships and eventually heel, Cena's only had 2 major gimmicks (Not counting "my names John Cena")
Today's era and style means you need to reinvent yourself more often, Hogan wasn't amazing in the ring, and I'd go as far as to say I like Cena's in ring performance more.
You just now figured this out? lol

You hit the nail on the head mate..

I mean seriously, how many times does this topic needs to be brought up.. On a fair basis, we have some one putting up a "BASH CENA, HE SUCKS" topic in one way or the other on this forum.. I mean if you are so good, get off the forum, train, and get in the WWE yourself..

If not, then shut the hell up and watch.. At least he doesn't give excuses for himself..

Yes, he is stale.. He himself acknowledges it.. He has done it many a times.. He only is there for the kids and to an extent the women, but that's the role that he has been given.. HE IS A ROLE-MODEL TO KIDS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.. And I bet that deep down every one on this forum would want their kid to be more like him.. At least better than a screen figure of Punk or any other heel.

I am a Cena Hater too, but stop these threads.. These are getting boring to the CORRE!!
There is more spam in this thread than in a trailer park.

Now with that being said, yes Cena and Hogan share similarities. Hogan was big on being a role model for children once, and like Cena selling to another superstar is almost unheard of. But there is a big difference. John Cena is the top dog because WWE wants him to be. Hulk Hogan has to be in the spotlight in every wrestling promotion he has been a part of, and not even have to wrestle. I respect Cena because for all I know he is doing his job and isn't about ego. Hell once upon a time there were rumors that he wanted Evan Bourne to recieve a push, and in those few weeks Bourne was beating guys like Chris Jericho. Sounds like a nice guy just doing what he is told by the company he loves if you ask me.
Your Cena fans are going to have to stop with the self-pity and cries of Cena hate. Yeah people hate him, they're going to until the WWE gets over themselves and acknowledges what's going on. People rag on him because of the unbelievable arrogance the WWE shows by trying to paint him as "controversial" because half their audience can't stand him. When you try and spin your own audience it creates a backlash and it's not going away no matter how hard they try and keep him a fresh-faced do-gooder.

Note: nobody actually hates John Cena as a person.
Holy crap, Strife3, you figured that out all by yourself? :eek2: :worship:
But you're right. The formula behind those guys is pretty much identical. It's just that I have heard Cena being referred to as Hogan 2.0 and the likes thereof since maybe 2006.
Fans often dream of a Cena heel turn, and if and when it happens how it will probably the biggest heel turn since Hogan. That is not a coincidence. Hogan was the kids' hero for several years, then when they had gotten older and a bit disillusioned with his character he turned heel and got an edge and those former kids got interested again. That's pretty much what it looks like where they are heading with Cena some day.
How's it going Captain Obvious.
Cena also slammed Big Show at Mania to win his first singles title. just an FYI

Very good point there, to be honest I find that to be more impressive than what Hogan did to Andre at WrestleMania III, just my opinion and as someone who grew up a Hogan fan, even I had to concede to this point. That's not to say I am being anti-Hogan but I have to call it like I see it on that one. LOL, I do like the sarcasm in opening of your post, it's something I would probably have said if you didn't beat me to the punch.

completely obvious that's what they went for and his character panders to it. the HUGE differences though is Hogan was not despised by half the crowd. Cena is no Hogan when it comes to charisma and draw power, unless qualify people coming to see him get his ass kicked as draw power.

I'm with you on how the crowd feels about Cena but I think enough kids like him to obviously keep him where he's at in terms of his position on the totem pole of WWE. Personally speaking I can't stand the John Cena character but I personally feel that he's been willing to do more in today's WWE than Hogan. Even though I won't confuse Cena for Bret Hart I think he's at least made a better effort at move variety compared to Hogan. I always found the whole big boot and legdrop dynamic to be silly even as a kid but realizing that wrestling is what it is I took all that in good context.

Cena has his equivalents to that with the five knuckle shuffle and the fact they are pushing every conceivable piece of merchandise you can think of with Cena like they did Hogan. But in Cena's defense, the Attitude Adjustment/FU is definitely a better finishing move, Hogan a handful of times finished some of his 1980s matches with a pretty brutal powerslam and to be honest I think he should have used that move more often than the leg drop. However in Cena's case, I feel he had to come up with something more powerful and effective for a finishing move in order to be accepted today. Even though there are parallels between Hogan and Cena, there are some things today that just would not work like they did back then.

outside of the ring, yes they are very similar in appeal.

I agree with you there man, COMPLETELY.

Both are useless "actors" and were involved in relative flops in Hollywood

Well, if you compare movies like No Holds Barred and Mr. Nanny to critically acclaimed work in Hollywood like The Silence Of The Lambs and Braveheart then of course. However, as much as I hate to say it, Hogan's foray into film is what I think has made these spinoff projects from WWE like WWE Studios possible. Trust me if I could have had it my way, I'd have not been to keen to produce those films but for as much as we goof on them and even I admit I found Hogan's movies to be less than appealing compared to watching him on WWF TV, they were successful ventures.

Like I said we do laugh now in a modern context about Hogan's theatrical movie releases, but over the course of 5 years, he had three starring roles in theatrically released films. No other wrestler before him ever had that distinction. There were wrestlers that had cameo appearances in movies and TV.

The fan in me doesn't' care for this concept of wrestlers doing starring parts in movies because I personally feel that despite how the majority of Hogan's WWF and WCW matches were cookie cutter, I felt his movies took away from him being in wrestling. However, Vince wanted to diversify his company's capabilities and scope in the entertainment world and if you trace things back to 1989 with No Holds Barred then you can see that this was quite possibly a catalyst to why we have films like The Marine and The Chaperone now.

In my view, Hogan's foray into starring roles in films is what started this.

Both Hulk up and are kings of no selling or bad selling moves.

The characters are designed to be like this, it's what the super hero characters are supposed to be about, I will admit that as a kid I loved the whole Hulk Hogan act, and I think because I was a fan as a kid I still look back at those moments with sentimentality. But I make no mistake that a lot of those moments have a zaniness. If I was the age I am now back in the 1980s I'd probably not care for the Hogan schtick. However, because I grew up with it, I still have a degree of fondness. But there is no doubting that a Hogan WWF/WCW match was pretty much just a whole affair of superheroics and silliness that you wouldn't see in a match with a performer in the vein of Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels.

If they were in the same era with Hogan in his 80's persona and Cena in current. Hogan would outstrip Cena in a ratings war but Cena would be far better technically.

That's a good point on so many levels however, if Hogan were to be in his 80s persona today and competing against Cena, then I think Hogan would have had to up his ante, the Leg Drop must still have been a move he used, but I think it'd take more of a role like the People's Elbow or the Five Knuckle Shuffle, I don't think there's anyway in today's wrestling that the leg drop would be taken seriously as a finisher for Hogan if he was not the established act and instead a modern performer.

Hogan I think would have had to rely more on his powerbase like he did in Japan and in his earlier days, if he was working today as a modern superstar, his backbreaker submission and powerslam would probably be more in use. Because to Cena's credit as much as I am not a fan of his, he's shown he can rise to the occasion in matches.

Hogan would more likely would have had to do the very same thing in today's scene or else he'd probably not have worked as an act.

Anyway man, great post, I like these types of observations and if I got carried away with my reply, I apologize I just really appreciate the observations you made and enjoyed your post.

Thanks boss
there's a huge difference between Cena and Hogan. Cena can wrestle and has better mic skills. As for Hogan, he cant wrestle for shit. Why are losers saying that Cena no sells? Do you just make up more and more bullshit against him? And like someone stated before, the reason wwe had more buys was bcos of the era. Cena would've succeeded ALOT more than Hogan if he was in his era. Because Cena debuted after Scsa and The Rock is the reason why he ger booed.
I"m not sure that the "All-American Hero" thing can be done without comparisons being made to former players of the part.
The characters are similar in that aspect. They're both the "All-American Hero".
I think it begins and ends there, though.
The men are clearly different, and America is a different place today than it was when Hogan played the part.
In that sense, too, they are different. America was more innocent then, not as innocent as the Fifties to be sure but compared to today. Consumers are more savvy, don't trust as often or as long and they are On-Demand at all times.
Cena plays his part, as Hogan did, to his strengths and lets the chips fall.
Hogan cannot reprise his role because the World has "grown up".
You hit the nail on the head mate..

I mean seriously, how many times does this topic needs to be brought up.. On a fair basis, we have some one putting up a "BASH CENA, HE SUCKS" topic in one way or the other on this forum.. I mean if you are so good, get off the forum, train, and get in the WWE yourself..

If not, then shut the hell up and watch.. At least he doesn't give excuses for himself..

Yes, he is stale.. He himself acknowledges it.. He has done it many a times.. He only is there for the kids and to an extent the women, but that's the role that he has been given.. HE IS A ROLE-MODEL TO KIDS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.. And I bet that deep down every one on this forum would want their kid to be more like him.. At least better than a screen figure of Punk or any other heel.

I am a Cena Hater too, but stop these threads.. These are getting boring to the CORRE!!

Umm when was this a bash Cena thread :) OP just said he was the next Hulk Hogan, that's hardly bashing.

Well, if you compare movies like No Holds Barred and Mr. Nanny to critically acclaimed work in Hollywood like The Silence Of The Lambs and Braveheart then of course. However, as much as I hate to say it, Hogan's foray into film is what I think has made these spinoff projects from WWE like WWE Studios possible. Trust me if I could have had it my way, I'd have not been to keen to produce those films but for as much as we goof on them and even I admit I found Hogan's movies to be less than appealing compared to watching him on WWF TV, they were successful ventures.

Like I said we do laugh now in a modern context about Hogan's theatrical movie releases, but over the course of 5 years, he had three starring roles in theatrically released films. No other wrestler before him ever had that distinction. There were wrestlers that had cameo appearances in movies and TV.

Agree that Hogan more or less got WWF on the hollywood map more then anyone else, much the same as his character put wrestling on the map.

However, Rowdy Roddy Piper starred or played a big role in more movies then Hogan ever did and some b4 Hogan ever stepped into that area :)

Clear Lake (2010)
Cold Case (2010)
Opponent (2010)
Fancypants (2010)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2009)
Gothic Tale (2009)
The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens (2008)
Bloodstained Memoirs (2008)
Super Sweet 16: The Movie (2007)
Ghosts of Goldfield (2007)
Honor (2006)
Blind Eye (2006)
Night Traveler (voice) (2006)
Three Wise Guys (2005)
Cyber Meltdown (2005)
Code Black (2005)
Shut Up and Shoot! (2005)
Jack of Hearts (2000)
Legless Larry and the Lipstick Lady (1999)
Shepherd (1999)
Hard Time (1998)
The Bad Pack (1998)
Last to Surrender (1998)
Dead Tides (1997)
First Encounter (1997)
Sci-Fighters (1996)
Jungleground (1995)
Marked Man (1995)
Terminal Rush (1995)
Tough and Deadly (1995)
Back in Action (1994)
Immortal Combat (1994)
No Contest (1994)
Highlander: The Series "Epitaph for Tommy" (1993)
Tag Team (1991)
Zorro (New World Zorro): The Man Who Cried Wolf (1991)Season 3, Episode 4
The Love Boat: A Valentine Voyage (1990)
Zorro (New World Zorro): Broken Heart, Broken Mask (1990)Season 2, Episode 9
Buy & Cell (1989)
They Live (1988)
The Highwayman (1987)
Hell Comes to Frogtown (1987)
Body Slam (1987)
The One and Only (1978)
[edit]Voice acting [/quote]

I still stand by my statement Hogan and Cena in fils were laughable sucky at best.

but back on topic, Hogan catered to a bit of every audience and was not as PG as Cena is, even in the 80's there was more attitude then alot of what was happening the past few years most of which was centred around the Cena "super hero" character. Cena is aimed at kids and women.

and jsut to state, i don't hate Cena, personally he's a great guy but the character is just too damn lame and his inability to sell moves "still" is getting old. There's a difference between Hulking up and just plain ignoring any semblence of what was transpiring in a match
There are big differences between the two but its pretty clear that John Cena is the modern day equivelant of the Hulkster for this generation.

He will never have the same impact that Hogan did, that was a one-off but Vince clearly sees Cena as the Hogan of the company right now, the superhero good guy for the fans to believe in. Pity that alot of them dont.
You know, John Cena is 10xxxxxxxxxx better then that talentless piece of shit Hulk Hogan, he has surpassed Hogan on so many levels. Hes a better talker, better wrestler, better gimmick, better history, doesn't fuck up his life with pointless controversies.
Yes, the comparisons are obvious and yes we all knew it anyway. WWE will never pretend that without Hogan you could never have had Cena. However, Hogan was definitely a one off. You will never ever get that same hype surrounding a wrestler again. It had never happened before it and never will. The company was just going national and Hogan helped that to happen, and with that came worldwide superstardom. The only other difference I will care to make is that Hogan is quite obviously a bit of a cowardly a-hole outside of the ring and won't lay down for anyone. Cena on the other hand comes across a decent guy and doesn't pretend to be anything that he's not. He knows he's not Dean Malenko in the ring and he knows he'll never be The Rock on the mic but he sure as hell is John Cena and that sells!
Agree that Hogan more or less got WWF on the hollywood map more then anyone else, much the same as his character put wrestling on the map.

However, Rowdy Roddy Piper starred or played a big role in more movies then Hogan ever did and some b4 Hogan ever stepped into that area :)

Oh I don't deny you at all on that, but Roddy Piper was someone that did a lot of those movie parts outside of his wrestling career and without Vince's hand being involved in things. When Hogan did his movie parts they were under the authority and behest of Vince McMahon. That's why I made that point about Hogan's movie parts because he was still a WWF contracted performer when he had his forays into theatrical releases. Roddy Piper was a different story and to be honest, I'm a little disappointed that not more was done with him on the big screen in major starring roles after They Live. I would have loved to seen him get the same type of push that a guy like Bruce Willis got as the more common man type. Hell, seeing Roddy Piper in Die Hard would have been bad ass to be honest. But basically my point about that is that Piper was far more removed from the WWF when he went into films, Hogan though was still tied down well to the company.

And to be fair to Piper, he was a lot more believable in his movie projects outside of the wrestling business. Whenever I see Hulk Hogan I can't think of him as anyone else but the Hulkster, that's not a dig at him, it's just well Terry Bollea is pretty much typecast in the Hulk Hogan role as far as I am concerned. And that's how I always preferred it anyway, I'm not one of those Hogan fans that bothers with much about the man outside of Hogan's wrestling career.

Yes, the comparisons are obvious and yes we all knew it anyway. WWE will never pretend that without Hogan you could never have had Cena. However, Hogan was definitely a one off. You will never ever get that same hype surrounding a wrestler again. It had never happened before it and never will. The company was just going national and Hogan helped that to happen, and with that came worldwide superstardom. The only other difference I will care to make is that Hogan is quite obviously a bit of a cowardly a-hole outside of the ring and won't lay down for anyone. Cena on the other hand comes across a decent guy and doesn't pretend to be anything that he's not. He knows he's not Dean Malenko in the ring and he knows he'll never be The Rock on the mic but he sure as hell is John Cena and that sells!

Everything you said about Hogan outside of the ring is irrelevant to what we're talking about, you or I are not the character police and you or I are not on a first name basis with any of these people, at least that's what I suspect. I mean I know I am not, so unless you work in the business, know these people or have an actual insight as to how the wrestling business works in the way of booking decisions you have no leg to stand on and this thread is not about who these people are in real life, we are talking about their wrestling personas. Nothing more, nothing less. Is this what wrestling fandom is coming to these days, whatever happened to the days where we stuck to kayfabe and didn't care for stupid things like who these people are outside of their persona? Is that what being a wrestling fan is about these days, is a wrestler's real life actual criteria to be their fan?

If that's the case you're going to be in a world of disappointment since many entertainment and sports figures are far from being perfect people. Let's not be naive here.

You know, John Cena is 10xxxxxxxxxx better then that talentless piece of shit Hulk Hogan, he has surpassed Hogan on so many levels. Hes a better talker, better wrestler, better gimmick, better history, doesn't fuck up his life with pointless controversies.

Irrelevant, and if you really are 16 then that explains it all, but just the same you could be some troll that's actually ten years older and just trying to be cute on the forums. Give John Cena another twenty years and we'll see what his life is like at that point, when his career winds down and he's avoided any major controversy then your point will mean something you twit. Again, this thread is not about controversies or stuff outside the confines of kayfabe, you would do well to remember that, so go troll somewhere else. If you really are the age you list, I can give you something of a pass on this, but you still got a thing or two to learn kid.
Everything you said about Hogan outside of the ring is irrelevant to what we're talking about, you or I are not the character police and you or I are not on a first name basis with any of these people, at least that's what I suspect. I mean I know I am not, so unless you work in the business, know these people or have an actual insight as to how the wrestling business works in the way of booking decisions you have no leg to stand on and this thread is not about who these people are in real life, we are talking about their wrestling personas. Nothing more, nothing less. Is this what wrestling fandom is coming to these days, whatever happened to the days where we stuck to kayfabe and didn't care for stupid things like who these people are outside of their persona? Is that what being a wrestling fan is about these days, is a wrestler's real life actual criteria to be their fan?

If that's the case you're going to be in a world of disappointment since many entertainment and sports figures are far from being perfect people. Let's not be naive here.

Woah, I don't think you created this thread so it's not really up to you what gets discussed within. I was merely suggesting a simple difference that we all know about the two men to counter the many similarities that have all been mentioned.
Another Cena-Hogan comparison. What a pleasant surprise...

I mean, how many times must this be brought up? We all know Cena is the top dog in the company. The kids love him, he's a hard worker, blah blah blah. When you say the new Hogan, do you mean face of the business, or Hogan in general? Sure, they are similar in strength, the kids loving them, overcoming the odds every goddamn night(!!), but they are different in ways. You can't compare Hulkamaniacs and CeNation. They're not the only ones to dub they're fans something(the people, creatures of the night, kanenites, edgeheads). The difference between Cena and Hogan though, is that Cena knows he has haters. Cena acknowledges his faults. He's a humble and hard worker. Hogan thinks he's God's gift to pro wrestling. Hogan put pro wrestling on the map; Cena is helping it stay there.
Oh I don't deny you at all on that, but Roddy Piper was someone that did a lot of those movie parts outside of his wrestling career and without Vince's hand being involved in things. When Hogan did his movie parts they were under the authority and behest of Vince McMahon. That's why I made that point about Hogan's movie parts because he was still a WWF contracted performer when he had his forays into theatrical releases. Roddy Piper was a different story and to be honest, I'm a little disappointed that not more was done with him on the big screen in major starring roles after They Live. I would have loved to seen him get the same type of push that a guy like Bruce Willis got as the more common man type. Hell, seeing Roddy Piper in Die Hard would have been bad ass to be honest. But basically my point about that is that Piper was far more removed from the WWF when he went into films, Hogan though was still tied down well to the company.

And to be fair to Piper, he was a lot more believable in his movie projects outside of the wrestling business. Whenever I see Hulk Hogan I can't think of him as anyone else but the Hulkster, that's not a dig at him, it's just well Terry Bollea is pretty much typecast in the Hulk Hogan role as far as I am concerned. And that's how I always preferred it anyway, I'm not one of those Hogan fans that bothers with much about the man outside of Hogan's wrestling career.

Everything you said about Hogan outside of the ring is irrelevant to what we're talking about, you or I are not the character police and you or I are not on a first name basis with any of these people, at least that's what I suspect. I mean I know I am not, so unless you work in the business, know these people or have an actual insight as to how the wrestling business works in the way of booking decisions you have no leg to stand on and this thread is not about who these people are in real life, we are talking about their wrestling personas. Nothing more, nothing less. Is this what wrestling fandom is coming to these days, whatever happened to the days where we stuck to kayfabe and didn't care for stupid things like who these people are outside of their persona? Is that what being a wrestling fan is about these days, is a wrestler's real life actual criteria to be their fan?

If that's the case you're going to be in a world of disappointment since many entertainment and sports figures are far from being perfect people. Let's not be naive here.

Irrelevant, and if you really are 16 then that explains it all, but just the same you could be some troll that's actually ten years older and just trying to be cute on the forums. Give John Cena another twenty years and we'll see what his life is like at that point, when his career winds down and he's avoided any major controversy then your point will mean something you twit. Again, this thread is not about controversies or stuff outside the confines of kayfabe, you would do well to remember that, so go troll somewhere else. If you really are the age you list, I can give you something of a pass on this, but you still got a thing or two to learn kid.

Becides the fact that your rebuddles to everyone comes off condecending and dismissive, I actually do agree with you about Hulk Hogan being Hulk Hogan no matter what platform he is on. I do that with him and Sly Stallone where he is ALWAYS going to be Rocky to me considering how popular the Rocky movies were in my home city of Philadelphia.

As for the topic Cena has a similar character that of Hulk Hogans all american character. Which is why I think I cant stand his character because I couldnt stand Hogan either. I remember watching WM5 and I loved Savage so much and he hit his flying elbow and I was jumping up and down screaming, I was SO happy and Hogan kicked out at 2...not an almost 3..he kicked out as the ref counted 2 and Hulked up and beat Savage. Cena wins when he hulks up at the end of matches and I honestly think thats why I cant stand him because of my hatred for Hogan.

Honestly, If your opinions differ from SirJoseOle you might as well just stop typing because he is RIGHT and we are ALL wrong. He whipes his backside with scented toilet paper and we use our hands. He is entitled to his opinions but we are not ours. He is the type of person if you say the sky is blue, he will tell you he is the reason why its blue.

Yes, peoples personal lives will be important to me if I am going to be a fan. I will not root for a wife beater, a dog killer, a family murderer, etc. etc... To say it doesnt matter is ignorant.
Honestly, If your opinions differ from SirJoseOle you might as well just stop typing because he is RIGHT and we are ALL wrong. He whipes his backside with scented toilet paper and we use our hands. He is entitled to his opinions but we are not ours. He is the type of person if you say the sky is blue, he will tell you he is the reason why its blue.

Boss, I gotta be honest I have no problem with you calling me out on being condescending and dismissive, even if I care to challenge you on the latter. And I'll tell you why, because personally speaking I read what the OP discussed here on the thread and even if I didn't create the thread, the OP clearly was posting things that were SOLELY related to the characters and not the people playing them. Again I stand by what this thread is about it's not about inciting all the tabloid sentiment that other threads do. If this was a posting about Hogan's steroid scandals or his son's car accident, I'd gladly offer a different perspective. Those two events for instance are black eyes on the man's image but within the confines of speaking solely about his character they really are irrelevant. Period. I mean Robert Downey, Jr. is a noted heroine addict and alcoholic does that make me dislike his movies? Absolutely not. That same logic applies to how I view these wrestlers because a good majority of these people, if we really knew them would not be humanitarians of the year, at least I got a good feeling that wouldn't be the case. The same can be said for someone like Bret "The Hitman" Hart who I've grown up a HUGE fan of but the fact that he cheated on his wife subsequent times while it doesn't personally offend me is still something that isn't the most redeeming quality a person can have. However, it doesn't stop me from liking The Hitman's matches or his other moments in pro wrestling. The same goes with Hulk Hogan or any other wrestling star.

So if I take exception to some stupid mark bringing up Hogan's controversies or his unwillingness to put someone over when the thread topic was merely to discuss the comparisons between the John Cena and Hulk Hogan characters, of course I am going to take exception. There are other posters that contributed positively to the topic at hand and at least stayed relevant to the subject.

I feel I have every right to disagree with people who state such stupidity because fans in my generation did not grow up with that mindset. Sadly though as the internet has become such a big part of all our lives, you tend to have a lot of people that tend to think they know it all just because they watch shoot interviews and read rumors. You can call me condescending all you want silrock316, however reading what people like B. Ware wrote I would say he's a far more condescending individual than I could be. At least that's how I feel, at least I am not going on to forums and passing off an opinion as fact by saying "Hulk Hogan didn't put this guy over or that guy over".

As a fan, I don't look at things like that, that goes against the nature of enjoying the product. At least in my view. Do I think shitty calls get made on who wins a match? Hell yeah I do. Do I think Hulk Hogan has more likely than not used his leverage as a top star to get what he wanted? You damn well bet. But at the same time, those are only my thoughts and I don't pass them off as being absolute fact like a lot of posters on the internet usually tend to do.

Therefore when I read certain things and reply to them with a less than pleasant tone, I get told it's just opinion but many posters don't always do a good job of stating such. GameOver for instance stated some things that I don't completely agree with but it was a lot of more constructive than what most people on this forum have written. Therefore I respected what he said a lot more than what B.Ware and Sleep Time wrote. I put you in that same category, I respect a lot of your points even if you feel I'm abrasive in my writing.

Yes, peoples personal lives will be important to me if I am going to be a fan. I will not root for a wife beater, a dog killer, a family murderer, etc. etc... To say it doesnt matter is ignorant.

And I disagree on some points of the personal life issue. Benoit's case is an isolated one. That case led to things such as booking plans for an event changing (not as important of course in the long run of course, but something to keep in mind) and a PR NIGHTMARE for WWE and pro wrestling in general. Now I was never a Chris Benoit fan to begin with BUT if I see a match of his on a DVD collection or on YouTube, I am not going to turn it off. After the murders I'm still disturbed by what the guy ended up doing but it's not going to stop me from watching any old matches of his. Not saying I am a fan but Benoit is not the first famous person to be involved in a murder scandal and I doubt he will be the last also.

Now I assume you're eluding to Steve Austin and Michael Vick when you mentioned wife beater and dog killer. Well I'm not much of a football fan to begin with but Michael Vick, there is no excuse for what he does. However, he's acting in a fictional presentation like pro wrestling or any other performing art. Granted the media works with pro wrestling and the entertainment business in much the same way it does with professional sports.

Steve Austin, well yeah him having domestic situations that have brought him to court well that's a pretty disappointing thing, there's no doubt about that. Steve Austin like Benoit was someone I liked watching in the ring but I was not a huge fan of. But even his case like anything Hogan might have ever said or done wrong (i.e. the stupid things Hogan's said in the wake of his son's accident or his divorce case) has done nothing to destroy the wrestling business. That reflects more on their personal lives and not their characters. I will concede though that Hogan's involvement in the early 90s steroid controversy is a totally different story because that put the WWF in major jeopardy. However, I cite my earlier point with Robert Downey, Jr., it is important to separate the person from the portrayer.

And again the OP was not asking for anyone to be a fan of Hogan or Cena in this thread, he was merely making comparisons. That is all. Again you can say all you want about me and that's cool, but I merely wish to defend the idea of what being a wrestling fan is all about. This art form is too enjoyable to just have conversations about it denigrate into tabloid nonsense. Just my opinion, but any wrestling fan who really cares about the on screen product and not the behind the scenes nonsense would totally understand that.

Woah, I don't think you created this thread so it's not really up to you what gets discussed within. I was merely suggesting a simple difference that we all know about the two men to counter the many similarities that have all been mentioned.

I didn't but I sure as hell got the point of it better than you did, keep it kayfabe B. Ware. The OP's verbiage from what it sounded like seemed more concentrated in kayfabe and not tabloid nonsense which is just speculation to begin with.

This isn't Inside Edition or the Wrestling Observer. A wrestler's life outside the ring has no weight in his character's storylines. Nuff said.
The parallels between Hogan and Cena are certainly evident, particularly to longer-time fans who had the privilege (or to some, displeasure) of seeing them both work in their respective primes.

To be shocked or even surprised that Cena has evolved (degenerated?) into this era's Hulk Hogan is both shocking and surprising in itself though. A quick look at WWF/E history shows that Vince has always been on the lookout for the next Hulk Hogan. That is, a banner type guy that can lead the charge of the company and be the posterboy for whatever "generation" of wrestlers that entails. Attributes like "never say die" attitude and "super human strength" are merely by-products of that already defined role.

When looked at from that perspective, at one point Bret Hart was essentially "Hulk Hogan." Shawn Michaels was too. Vince tried to make the Ultimate Warrior into a "Hulk Hogan" but failed ultimately due to the performers unreliability... why do you think he was brought back so many times? Even Stone Cold, as distorted and unconventional as his persona was, also assumed the "Hulk Hogan" position in his time. That's to say, they all played the proverbial role of hero at the top of the company for the generation they presided over.

If popularity and a name outside of wrestling is the discussion, then Hulk Hogan may be an island unto himself. In my opinion, that's an entirely separate conversation for a different thread. On topic, Vince has not only promoted the "concept" of a Hulk Hogan since the Hogan era itself, but is constantly on the lookout for another "Hulk Hogan" to lead his company. That's his vision in a nutshell.

With that said, how do you think John Cena (or Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels for that matter) got to where they are or what they were? Vince saw a little "Hulk Hogan" in all of them... not the man himself or even his individual accomplishments, but a composite picture who could fit the mold of determined, unwavering, and reliable (both on-camera and off) hero.
there's a huge difference between Cena and Hogan. Cena can wrestle and has better mic skills. As for Hogan, he cant wrestle for shit. Why are losers saying that Cena no sells? Do you just make up more and more bullshit against him? And like someone stated before, the reason wwe had more buys was bcos of the era. Cena would've succeeded ALOT more than Hogan if he was in his era. Because Cena debuted after Scsa and The Rock is the reason why he ger booed.

You must be hanging out with RVD too much...

-First of all, Cena doesn't always properly take bumps. Case in point? At least once per match he falls flat on his ass. Where is the technique there?
-Secondly, at times, he stumbles around the ring like a baby giraffe learning to walk. Did you see the match with Miz at Mania 27? Some of the most graceless trash I've seen in a ring.
-Thirdly, Cena has been responsible for injuring himself more in the ring than any other superstar. That torn pectoral muscle? Nice of WWE to show clips of him being dropped on a table to explain the injury. Nice, but not based in reality. Reality is he tore it with those sloppy ass armdrag takeovers of his.
-Finally, no other wrestler has received more "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" chants that John Cena.

Hot mustard sandwich? Really? Cena is the corniest human being I've ever seen in my life. He's like the dorky kid in school that tried WAY TOO HARD to fit in and be liked, but as a result became way too obnoxious. This is why MOST adults, and thusly half the crowd despise him. In all fairness, Hogan could be sappy. They both appeal to similar audiences, so it is to be expected from time to time, yet I say Hogan had far more of an upside, which is evidenced by not being boo'd out of the building as Cena often is.

Until Cena has more legitamate Wrestlemania moments and memorable matches, this statement is useless. Neither men are technically gifted wrestlers. Cena is more versatile to his credit, but unlike Cena, Hogan didn't have to be. He was loved enough that it didn't matter. Hogan/Rock stole the show at WM 18. How old was Hogan in that match anyway? Cena has yet to steal a show at Wrestlemania...or any PPV for that matter.

Who cares. The biggest attractions in wrestling no sell. Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Cena, The Undertaker, Kane, etc...

How so? He hasn't drawn the ratings, or asses in seats that Hogan has today and the WWE is a far more powerful promoting machine with far more resources of EVERY KIND. I hate these kinds of comparing Hogan to Austin. They say Austin made wwe more merchandising money...well as a fan of 25 years, I can tell you now they didn't sell hogan shirts for 25 bucks a pop back in the 80's... As for Cena, Hogan didn't have 2-3 shirts per year, 2-3 bandanas per year, 2-3 foam fingers per year, wristbands, headbands etc, etc, etc....

Which implies what...that Rock is better? Cena is booed b/c there are a large number of people out there that simply find his performance in and outside of the ring painful to watch, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, it's the WWE's refusal to acknowledge this, or turn his character heel.

In spite of my anti Cena spewing venom, I don't want to hate the man. He showed signs of greatness in promos leading up to mania. He showed an edge. I enjoyed Cena as a heel b/c of his edgy character. He can have it again as a heel, or at least having a less hokey take on his current character. The problem is obvious however. Cena is being himself, sappy, corny, dorky. He has no interest in appealing to the entire audience. He's content with half the audience, and the product suffers as a result.

i guess this is going to be my third post of the day on here or forth? anyhoo sir jose ole your a man of my own heart...... you hit it right on the nail the op clearly wanted people to respond on the similarities between hogan and cena, and yet when hogan's name comes up people immediately start running off at the mouth about his personal life, or him not jobing to other wrestlers, as if his personal life should take away from the fact that he was responsible for wrestling being main stream, not just mcjackass..... let's get it straight NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE HAS A PERFECT LIFE!!!! NO ONE!!! did he mess as far as his marriage goes? of course he did!! did he fail as a father? that i can't say yes or no because again no one is perfect especially when it comes to raising kids let alone raising kids in the spotlight, so for me just like sir ole pointed out, a person's personal life. such as an celebrity doesn't determine for me rather or not i should be a fan of his or her or not, i could care less about him cheating on his wife, that happens alot in this world just in case you've been living underneath a rock for the last few years, his kids well his son i'm sure has to live with the fact that he injured another human being every time he wakes up in the morning, his daughter the only thing people can say about her is that she can't sing and that she's looks like her dad in drag, which is so stupid because i've seen her pictures and happen to think that she is a beutiful young woman, she could probably give some of the divas a run for their money had she chosen to go into the wrestling business..
You must be hanging out with RVD too much...

-First of all, Cena doesn't always properly take bumps. Case in point? At least once per match he falls flat on his ass. Where is the technique there?
-Secondly, at times, he stumbles around the ring like a baby giraffe learning to walk. Did you see the match with Miz at Mania 27? Some of the most graceless trash I've seen in a ring.
-Thirdly, Cena has been responsible for injuring himself more in the ring than any other superstar. That torn pectoral muscle? Nice of WWE to show clips of him being dropped on a table to explain the injury. Nice, but not based in reality. Reality is he tore it with those sloppy ass armdrag takeovers of his.
-Finally, no other wrestler has received more "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" chants that John Cena.

Hot mustard sandwich? Really? Cena is the corniest human being I've ever seen in my life. He's like the dorky kid in school that tried WAY TOO HARD to fit in and be liked, but as a result became way too obnoxious. This is why MOST adults, and thusly half the crowd despise him. In all fairness, Hogan could be sappy. They both appeal to similar audiences, so it is to be expected from time to time, yet I say Hogan had far more of an upside, which is evidenced by not being boo'd out of the building as Cena often is.

Until Cena has more legitamate Wrestlemania moments and memorable matches, this statement is useless. Neither men are technically gifted wrestlers. Cena is more versatile to his credit, but unlike Cena, Hogan didn't have to be. He was loved enough that it didn't matter. Hogan/Rock stole the show at WM 18. How old was Hogan in that match anyway? Cena has yet to steal a show at Wrestlemania...or any PPV for that matter.

Who cares. The biggest attractions in wrestling no sell. Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Cena, The Undertaker, Kane, etc...

How so? He hasn't drawn the ratings, or asses in seats that Hogan has today and the WWE is a far more powerful promoting machine with far more resources of EVERY KIND. I hate these kinds of comparing Hogan to Austin. They say Austin made wwe more merchandising money...well as a fan of 25 years, I can tell you now they didn't sell hogan shirts for 25 bucks a pop back in the 80's... As for Cena, Hogan didn't have 2-3 shirts per year, 2-3 bandanas per year, 2-3 foam fingers per year, wristbands, headbands etc, etc, etc....

Which implies what...that Rock is better? Cena is booed b/c there are a large number of people out there that simply find his performance in and outside of the ring painful to watch, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, it's the WWE's refusal to acknowledge this, or turn his character heel.

In spite of my anti Cena spewing venom, I don't want to hate the man. He showed signs of greatness in promos leading up to mania. He showed an edge. I enjoyed Cena as a heel b/c of his edgy character. He can have it again as a heel, or at least having a less hokey take on his current character. The problem is obvious however. Cena is being himself, sappy, corny, dorky. He has no interest in appealing to the entire audience. He's content with half the audience, and the product suffers as a result.


well said you pretty much sum it all up right here, cena might be this generation hogan, but he will NEVER be in the same boat as hulk hogan. Hogans the reason why ppl watch wrestling and hes one of the main reason wwe and wrestlemania are the powerhouse they are now... Hot mustard sandwich :lmao::lmao::lmao: he is like a loser kid trying to hard and watched a little to many batman and robin shows back in the day ZOOOOM, ZIIP, POW!!!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Im a big Cena fan, but I hate comparing eras because it's unfair. The same as comparing Michael Jordan to Kobe Bryant. Times were different and the WWE was different. Cena is without a doubt the best of THIS era bar none.
Oh I don't deny you at all on that, but Roddy Piper was someone that did a lot of those movie parts outside of his wrestling career and without Vince's hand being involved in things. When Hogan did his movie parts they were under the authority and behest of Vince McMahon. That's why I made that point about Hogan's movie parts because he was still a WWF contracted performer when he had his forays into theatrical releases. Roddy Piper was a different story and to be honest, I'm a little disappointed that not more was done with him on the big screen in major starring roles after They Live. I would have loved to seen him get the same type of push that a guy like Bruce Willis got as the more common man type. Hell, seeing Roddy Piper in Die Hard would have been bad ass to be honest. But basically my point about that is that Piper was far more removed from the WWF when he went into films, Hogan though was still tied down well to the company.

And to be fair to Piper, he was a lot more believable in his movie projects outside of the wrestling business. Whenever I see Hulk Hogan I can't think of him as anyone else but the Hulkster, that's not a dig at him, it's just well Terry Bollea is pretty much typecast in the Hulk Hogan role as far as I am concerned. And that's how I always preferred it anyway, I'm not one of those Hogan fans that bothers with much about the man outside of Hogan's wrestling career.

Everything you said about Hogan outside of the ring is irrelevant to what we're talking about, you or I are not the character police and you or I are not on a first name basis with any of these people, at least that's what I suspect. I mean I know I am not, so unless you work in the business, know these people or have an actual insight as to how the wrestling business works in the way of booking decisions you have no leg to stand on and this thread is not about who these people are in real life, we are talking about their wrestling personas. Nothing more, nothing less. Is this what wrestling fandom is coming to these days, whatever happened to the days where we stuck to kayfabe and didn't care for stupid things like who these people are outside of their persona? Is that what being a wrestling fan is about these days, is a wrestler's real life actual criteria to be their fan?

If that's the case you're going to be in a world of disappointment since many entertainment and sports figures are far from being perfect people. Let's not be naive here.

Irrelevant, and if you really are 16 then that explains it all, but just the same you could be some troll that's actually ten years older and just trying to be cute on the forums. Give John Cena another twenty years and we'll see what his life is like at that point, when his career winds down and he's avoided any major controversy then your point will mean something you twit. Again, this thread is not about controversies or stuff outside the confines of kayfabe, you would do well to remember that, so go troll somewhere else. If you really are the age you list, I can give you something of a pass on this, but you still got a thing or two to learn kid.

We'll see where Cena is when the time comes, I can just say right now that hes not going to be in front of a mirror with a gun to his face, or ruining a major American company with shitty content and pushing untalented stars.
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