Jericho's Announcement


Occasional Pre-Show
I apologize if this thread has been created anywhere else, but I missed it if it was.

Anyway, apparently, Jericho is going to be making as "shocking" announcement soon. Eddie Trunks, a dj, congratulated him but didn't give any ideas as to what the announcement would be. I think I might know, but I'm probably very wrong: Dancing with the Stars.

Here's my logic. The next season of DwtS starts March 21, with the cast to be announced on February 28. I want to say that I read a while back that Jericho has been in the running for a spot on a former season, but that either his WWE or Fozzy schedule prevented him from doing it. Also, Jericho wouldn't have a problem connecting with the audience, even if they don't know him.

So that's what I think the announcement will be. I'm probably wrong, and I'll probably get blasted for considering it, but who knows. I know I'd actually consider watching the show if he was on. What do you guys think?
I actually think you hit the nail on the head.

That or he's announcing a one shot movie deal to continue in that aspect of his professional career.

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