JBL's Big Announcement

Well based on the stuff that went down tonight with Rey and JBL I think they are building up for soemthing around Wrestelmania maybe for teh title. I see JBL sicking some goons on Rey for a few months(Finlay, Hnery maybe Big Daddy V) then at the Rumble he shows up hits a clothesline from hell and announces he is coming back fro his belt
Does anyone know exactly when this surprise is suppose to be said? This thread was made a month ago, so technically, it should've been made by now.

At any rate, I think he'll interrupt Teddy Long & Krystal's wedding to announce that Long has done a crappy job of managing the show, & that he's no longer focused on what he needs to focus on. Then, he'll announce that the Board of Director's, or Mr. McMahon, or someone, has officially replaced Long with J.B.L.

Then, to add to that.. possibly J.B.L. would also return for one or two matches. I read somewhere that McMahon is pushing for J.B.L. to return to the ring, & that J.B.L. would like to, but only here & there.. so who knows. But overall.. its been a month, where is this surprise?!
Well based on the stuff that went down tonight with Rey and JBL I think they are building up for soemthing around Wrestelmania maybe for teh title. I see JBL sicking some goons on Rey for a few months(Finlay, Hnery maybe Big Daddy V) then at the Rumble he shows up hits a clothesline from hell and announces he is coming back fro his belt

I honestly can't see all this being built to Wrestlemania, but I can see a J.B.L. v. Rey Mysterio rematch for reinstatement. I can see it happening at either Survivor Series, or a normal B-Show p.p.v. (such as Armageddon, or Cyber Sunday)

If it does get pushed to WM, it won't be a Championship match, as J.B.L.'s long awaited return to the ring would be enough to sell it single-handedly.
I honestly can't see all this being built to Wrestlemania, but I can see a J.B.L. v. Rey Mysterio rematch for reinstatement. I can see it happening at either Survivor Series, or a normal B-Show p.p.v. (such as Armageddon, or Cyber Sunday)

If it does get pushed to WM, it won't be a Championship match, as J.B.L.'s long awaited return to the ring would be enough to sell it single-handedly.

I agree with you, because with the comback of taker and edge i dont think wwe will give rey another title run some time soon, and even if it would happen i dont think a match with JBL for the titel at WM would happen.
I still think it could be the return of Jericho.... JBL could be the guy who "sorted the paperwork" and manage Jericho.

I'm not saying this is impossible, but it'd be an extreme far stretch from the reality of it. I'd look for Jeff Jarrett & Chyna to return to W.W.E. long before J.B.L. is introduced as the manager & reason behind Chris Jericho's return to wrestling.

Again, anything is possible.. but Jericho is big enough that J.B.L. as his manager would only ruin him as a single's star. J.B.L. managing isn't impossible, but managing a major star most likely is.
With everything that has happened recently, i think these could be the possibilities of what JBL was/is waiting for.

1. As posted on wrestlezone, harry smith made his debut at sd! i could see something about him bringing in the new Hart Foundation. Timing seems to be on point. They are starting to bring the new HF up slowly it looks likes.

2. The whole dumb wedding scenario could leave JBL as GM of SD! again they are/were waiting for teddys exit b4 the announcement.

3. I agree with one of the previous posters about the y2j thing. Y2J is way, way too big to need JBL to bring him in. However it would be a big spark for SD! to have a guy like JBL bring in one fo the best in Y2J t SD!

4. I guess this could be his return to the ring. The rey mysterio angle has been mentioned previously and seems possible. But from what i have read his back is really messed up and he could suffer some serious problems if he falls on it the wrong way. But his announcement is already over a month over due so maybe he is taking his time really to get back to wrestling shape b4 he announces it. That is why he is building up the rey angle without having to actually wrestle yet.
I'm seriously hoping that due to this recent incident with the wedding and long, and kristal most likely going to RAW, I would love for the announcement for JBL to be GM of Smackdown!, I would really miss his character and personality during the matches, but him as GM would add so much needed boost to the Smackdown roster, JBL is just that kinda guy who you hate, and may hate with a passion, but respect him. Whether you respect him for his title reign, or his past in the APA with Ron Simmons, he is a legend in the business, and would do a way better job than long. Plus, being a past champion, he could possibly add some rivalries where he uses his powers to benefit him and his wanting of the WWE title, bringing back the old JBL in a small form. It would be very epic to see this, but I don't believe that this will happen.
Oh look i agree, his character is very good and is a character everyone misses. As Gm , would be great, but that means 3 Heel Gms, something that has never happend. JBLs big announcement has to be the return to the ring against Rey.
Yeah, i imagine it will be a return to the ring, most likely part time i.e just ppv's/occasional tv shows/squash house matches/ Ive heard hes banged up bad, but wants to get back into the ring, and i think he will, at least until the roster chrisis is over and they get the top stars back. I'd like to seem him as GM though, he would have some amazing feuds, and could easily put over some younger guys in the roll just like Vince did with austin (JBL's character is, remember, just an extension of Mr McMahon).
I miss JBL so much in the ring, But who would he fight? Taker? seen it! Batista? Seen it! Rey? seen it! (but I would love to see him get revenge!) He needs som enew feuds! I guess there is Kane and maybe Matt Hardy if they want to give Matt a bigger push. As GM he would add the lack of on screen personality and add some great mic work. Its all very well having him commentate but he is better wjen he is talking TO someone and not WITH someone. I would love to hear that bell dinging again on smackdown!
simple fact jbl is a better anounncer then gm, i like teddy he is a good gm and works on soo many levels if they need another gm keep vicky as gm now and sww what happens i see a revenge plot coming, as for jbl he was smackdowns triple h we hated him but he always got out by the skin of his teeth.
JBL as GM of Smackdown = Ratings.

I've never been a fan of his in-ring work wether it be Justin Hawk Bradshaw, Blackjack Bradshaw, Acolyte Bradshaw.... all were just the same. He was a big, dumb, beer drinking Texan who just wanted to brawl.

Then in 2004, something happened. He was given a character and since then I have gained a hell of a lot of respect for John Layfield. He still was not the best "wrestler" but he was really entertaining which is a key element in the business now adays. I would miss him on commentary on Smackdown because he is hillarious but being in a role of authority will give his character a new dimension.
He is a lot more entertaining than people like Mysterio and Cena. Oh look at me i am a midget with a gimp mask that can do circus tricks, or look at me I never lose the WWE title because I am a Marine wannabe, JBL is a lot better brawler than Cena I think. Cena would be better changing his style because he gets boring now in my opinion. And I think JBL did better moves than Cena did like the fall away slam and his powerbomb which actualy look like they hurt unlike Mysterio and Cena's moves. I think Cena needs to get some new moves and do and say some new stuff. Mysterio needs to join a freak show or something. JBL should come back because he is funny and entertaining
Well since its probably going to be Batista defending the WHC against the opponent of the fan's choosing, I doubt JBL is a choice for a Special Referee. Hopefully, Finlay will quickly end his feud with Mysterio and JBL can return at a future PPV to battle Rey one-on-one in a revenge match. I would love to see that since they put on a good main event match at Judgment Day 06.
It might not be a bad idea, He could be a tag team with Jamie Noble. So they both can get some respect. I kind of feel bad for Jamie but with JBL his luck might change
It might not be a bad idea, He could be a tag team with Jamie Noble. So they both can get some respect. I kind of feel bad for Jamie but with JBL his luck might change

Hahaha,why am I not suprised your ass got banned.Anyway,I think its pretty clear by now that there wont be an announcement.This trhead has been going on for months,but its all just been speculation.I'm sure JBL was planning a in ring return,but its cleary it wont materialize any time soon.He may try amd work a match against Rey at WM24 though.
I heard JBL is going to announce to the world that he was Bradshaw of the APA the whole time. Then Simmons will come out from under the broadcast both with two beers ready in hands and say "Damn!.....Bitch!" then JBL will take off the cowboy hat to reveal his long died black hair and Simmons will DIRTY SANCHEZ him a moustache and they will take on the brothers of destruction one last time in a pink slip on a pole match.
I heard JBL is going to announce to the world that he was Bradshaw of the APA the whole time. Then Simmons will come out from under the broadcast both with two beers ready in hands and say "Damn!.....Bitch!" then JBL will take off the cowboy hat to reveal his long died black hair and Simmons will DIRTY SANCHEZ him a moustache and they will take on the brothers of destruction one last time in a pink slip on a pole match.

i think everyone knows that he was bradshaw even farroq / ron simmons / DAMMN knows we all saw smackdown some time in o3 when he did the switch over to his rich side
well, it seems as if JBL will be returning to the ring. Wrestlezone had a tidbit up saying how he has recently gotten back in to shape lsong 25-30 pounds already. Personally i like this. If he is healthy this will be a nice boost to Smackdown. He had a nice main event heel character that will play second only to Edge. It will be refreshing to see an actual qualified heel on smackdown other than henry or khali.

If he goes back to smackdown as a heel i think they are in desperate need of another major face. You have Batista, who is....eh at best. You have a very old undertaker who really is a major gimmick instead of a wreslter. Besides that your next best face would probably be Matt Hardy....who is nice and all but lets face it, isn't world title material (he doesn't have the look, size, or mic skills). Or you would have rey, who is just too small and not that believable as the champ....although he is a nice draw. They have some nice mid-upper card heels who could step up to the main event heel level in Finlay and MVP, but they need that other big draw non gimmick face........ie Chris Jericho. Lets face it he will probably end up being buried on raw due to the ego of HHH and HBK wanting the spotlight and with cena and lashley coming back i just think he would fit and become a bigger draw for the WWE if he was put on smackdown to feud with JBL, Edge, Finlay.

So basically it would be nice if JBL came back but only if they put another supporting cast member to counter act him.
It would truly be amazing to see JBL back!!

He can do so much!! He can announce that he is back in the ring (which i think he should go back wrestling but like once in a while bc he is hurt...and people will be complaining "oh he sucks in the ring, he can't wrestle like he used to" so I feel have him be part of the WWE but not in the ring.

He can re-unite with the APA...and have them show up on RAW and ECW and Sd! Every single week and have him play tricks. Once in a while have them fight...APA vs. WGTT or APA vs. Elijah Burke and Miz or APA vs. Deuce and Domino....that would be fantastic

Have them be like DX but better. I loved it when they played cards and everything!!

Have him be a manager of a heel superstar, someone like MVP or just a plain new superstar that they r trying to get over.

I would love it if he would be a heel GM...and have him screw over the World Champion...Batista or Taker.

Oh...can't someone just dream lol.
i certainly hope JBL comes back. He has awesome promos which devlop his character ver well. The only thing i have a problem with is I'm going to miss his commentating with Michael Cole.
i hope jbl comes back cause with his promos and even the way he wrestles with some of the other wrestlers is awesome. i would love to see jbl back
JBL & Edge vs Taker & Batista that would be a good main event at Armageddon or No Mercy, don't you think?

JBL could be good for the business, good promos, solid gimmick. I only hope that he don't get another loooooooong title run.
Only thing is, if he returns to the ring, who do you think will replace JBL on the commentating duties with Michael Cole?

I don't personally want to see JR and the King split up, and seeing as ECW is carrying on, that rules out Styles/Tazz coming to Smackdown, so would we then have to put up with Todd Grisham or something?
Rey mysterio might just pick up his feud from where they left off. That would be great considering the Hardys and Rey agains JBL finly and Mr Kennady like on raw

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