Christian Teases Big Announcement


The President of the Peepulation
In case you missed it: Just before the contract signing promo between John Cena and CM Punk on this week's Raw, Christian, live via satellite, did a (very) short interview with Michael Cole. The World Heavyweight Champion teased that he has a big announcement to make at this week's SmackDown and that the COO himself, Triple H, will want to watch.

Anyone want to take a shot on want Christian will announce?

My gut feeling is it may be the hiring of an enforcer to aide him in his title defense this Sunday at SummerSlam. Could even be the debuting Johnny Curtis (a la The Miz and Alex Riley).

What do you think the announcement will be and what do you want it to be?

What I want: Something involving Edge (SummerSlam All Axxess guest)
I'm thinking it has to do with edge being at summerslam. I remember there was something on about him still wanting to make all his scheduled appearances for the year....wait it could be a returning mick foley. But I doubt that cause foleys still under contract with TNpact or what ever its called.
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hmm my guess is its either something to do with edge being at summerslam axcess or what id love to see for his big announcement is him saying hes hired a body guard to protect him against randy orton who has lost his mind and sense hes such a violent person he has brought back his good friend TYSON TOMKO to protect him at summerslam! i think it would be great to see tomko back as the body guard for christian! it would be such a unexpected thing and something pretty big in my much as i would love to see this happen id be more then shocked if it happened but i can hope right?
An enforcer is a good choice. But what would really be interesting if he got the returning Brodus Clay(he did return in a match before RAW) As his bodyguard. Just think. Brodus and Christian were feuding when Clay was with Del Rio. And Christian can get him to be his bug muscle and claim that Brodus impressed him alot when he faced him. And what I would really love to see is Brodus squashing Orton. Not like a squash match but an assault in the ring after Orton goes on a rampage and attacks Christian. That would put over Brodus as a beast.
Maybe he wants to tell us he's finally on his own?:blush:

I'm guessing there will be some involvement from Edge at the next PPV, because I can't imagine what else it could be.

Major announcements usually revolve around another person being inserted into the proceedings. Obviously, Edge is the guy who has a history with Christian. But if the person isn't Edge, you have to wonder who it could be, because when you think about it, Christian has no alliances with anyone else......and never really has. In some ways, he's like Roddy Piper or Steve Austin, wrestlers who had no allies. They walked alone through WWE, mowing down anyone in their paths. That was their calling card.

In many ways, this is Christian, too. He really is on his own, y'know.
I hope it has nothing to do with Edge. Christian is doing fine on his own... No need for Edge to come in and overshadow him. His program with Orton has been great. It turned him into one of the top heels in the WWE. Instead of just being a guy that was never used enough.
I hope it has nothing to do with Edge. Christian is doing fine on his own... No need for Edge to come in and overshadow him. His program with Orton has been great. It turned him into one of the top heels in the WWE. Instead of just being a guy that was never used enough.

I agree with you. I think involving Edge will do nothing but hurt Christian. He's gotten away from the perception of a Edge sidekick. If it is a enforcer he shouldn't show up until the ppv
Maybe he wants to tell us he's finally on his own?:blush:

I'm guessing there will be some involvement from Edge at the next PPV, because I can't imagine what else it could be.

Major announcements usually revolve around another person being inserted into the proceedings. Obviously, Edge is the guy who has a history with Christian. But if the person isn't Edge, you have to wonder who it could be, because when you think about it, Christian has no alliances with anyone else......and never really has. In some ways, he's like Roddy Piper or Steve Austin, wrestlers who had no allies. They walked alone through WWE, mowing down anyone in their paths. That was their calling card.

In many ways, this is Christian, too. He really is on his own, y'know.

You saying Christian had no alliances in his entire career other then Edge gave me a huge possibility Sally.

Anyone remember Tomko? Yeah Christian's former bodyguard and ally. What better time way to bring him back than now and by attacking Orton and siding with Christian again to help him out in his feud with "The Viper"? Christian can slowly get his old Captain Charisma gimmick back if he got back Tyson Tomko.
I'll just surprise myself and hope that announcement is good. I did like how they promoted SmackDown on Raw. I believe that they should promote SmackDown more like what happened yesterday. That way, casual fans who usually watch Raw more than SmackDown can tune in to see what happens this Friday.
I think it'll be the entry of yet ANOTHER stupid stipulation to his title match, once again making sure that Randy Orton will not get the title. Let's face it, Christian chickened his way to that title. He complained and complained and complained until he got what he wanted and when he got the match- we all saw it- he paniked and made Orton get himself DQed. He's going to turkey his way into a long-lasting title run that will be both pathetic and annoying, it's pretty easy to see coming.

Now, what do I want him to annonce? One of two things:

a.) The return of Edge- Smackdown has lost a lot of viewers due to the fact that we no longer have Edge around to brighten up the show. Yes, he would not come back as a wrestler but maybe kick Michael Cole off the Smackdown broadcast team?

b.) Teddy Long is fired- This might turn out to be the same thing but the bottem line is Teddy Long is doing a crap job of being GM so we need to get him out of there. This would be good news but this is how it would relate to ^ a. TeddyLong is fired and Edge is hired as the Smackdown GM. That's what Smackdown needs, someone whose been there and knows what good matches would be because they've gone against these guys before.

Either way Edge would return and Smackdown would be better than ever.

Sad part is I'm probably completely WRONG
I'm hoping against hope that it has NOTHING to do with Edge. He cannot be a part of a Christian match at this point. The only thing it would do is make him look weak. If Edge is involved this sunday, Christian's reign will mean nothing. I have a feeling that it does have something to do with an enforcer, but I'm not feeling that it would be Tomko or Clay. I actually think it would be someone like Cody; a person that both of them have history with, but not a good history.
I'm 95% sure that it has nothing to do with Tyson Tomko. According to my trusty source..., Tyson Tomko is not signed to WWE. Sadly it would have been a great return and made the story with Orton all the more interesting. I dont see Edge returning, at least not alligning with Christian because he left as a face and seeing him return and alligning with Christian will make little to no sense. And now that I have eliminated all of the major options I have no idea what the announcement will be, I will just tune in, find out and hopefully be surprised.
To be fair to all those criticizing interjecting Edge (even if for just one show) - I wasn't necessarily suggesting Edge suddenly becomes his manager or enforcer.

I think having Edge sort of "confront" Christian on SmackDown for some of his "actions" would be brilliant. Christian snaps, uses Edge's own Spear and lays him out in the middle of the ring. Nothing to get heat like laying out a sure fire, retired future Hall of Famer. Maybe even do a (safe) con-chair-to for old time's sake.

But that's only if they plan on giving Christian a run for longer than one month....
Not much comes too mind, especially nothing I would like.

If he announces someone as his bodyguard or that Edge will have his back I think it's a step in the wrong direction for Christian. The other possibility is that "Christian's lawyers" have added another weird stipulation to the title bout that favors Christian.

Personally, I would prefer the match stay as it is, no further interference. Let his big news be that he saved a bunch of money on his car insurance.
I'm guessing that Christian will try to make this match a No Holds Barred match....only for himself. I think Christian will say that Orton has severe anger management issues and there is no saying what he might do in a No Holds Barred environment. He might cause serious harm to Christian and might even end up doing something that will bring shame to the company. You might also see Christian producing a fake certificate or two in classic Christian style. Or maybe you could see him bring a fake doctor in. Anyhow, Christian will further proclaim that like the responsible company man that he is, it is his responsibility to adhere to the rules that the HHH has stipulated but that Randy cannot be trusted in such a situation. He could end it with saying that he is not doing it for himself, but for the company.

Of course, I expect HHH to come out and shut him up but it should be a fun segment nonetheless.
Christian's announcement has come and gone, but Friday's cliffhanger makes this worth re-visiting.

I assume Christian's big announcement teased on Raw was that he was going to sue the WWE for "putting him in an un-safe work environment" by booking him against Randy Orton and his anger management issues.

After having an exchange with Triple H, Christian backed down from this stance in fear of being stripped of the World Heavyweight Championship and said he would face Orton and SummerSlam.

Fast forward to the end of this week's SmackDown. After Orton won the main event match, Christian comes out with a microphone in hand. Christian states that he had just received a piece of information that is "going to change everything."

He goes on to say that during Sunday's No Holds Barred match when anything goes,

"I have the best thing going."

So it seems that once again, Captain Charisma has an ace up his sleeve and has left us in suspense.

Thoughts on what Christian is planning this time?
After Orton won the main event match, Christian comes out with a microphone in hand. Christian states that he had just received a piece of information that is "going to change everything."

The whole thing is too ambiguous for me, at least to this point. Was Christian's bit at the end of the show his "big announcement" or was it his conversation with Triple H at the beginning? The idea of a champion attempting to litigate himself out of having to defend his title could work, but it seems to have been introduced and abandoned the same night and that's kind of quick, no? It was a little too understated for my taste; it started well, with Christian being cock-sure of himself in trying to dictate to Triple H how things are going to be done around here. Personally, I would have had Christian accompanied by a couple of lawyers with briefcases (you know they've got to be important people if they carry briefcases, right?) and it would have given Christian's announcement a little more weight. Instead, Triple H shoots the whole thing down quickly and surely.

Okay, so at the end of the show, Christian still says he's going to change everything. I presume it means that Edge will be at his side for the PPV. Is that it?

If it is, it seems as if Edge hasn't been gone long enough to get truly excited about his return, although I'm sure lots of folks will mark out to see him.

Well, if Christian wants to keep us guessing, I suppose it's working.

Yeah, I don't like cliffhangers. At all.

He's going to CHEAT! It's so obvious!! The best thing going? Sure fire sign for ANOTHER trick.

I've dropped the Edge return plan. I still want to see Edge come out in this feud for one reason or the other but now it loks like Orton will be the one bringing him out.
after watching smackdown tonight i believe that somehow edge might end up being a part of the outcome, it is just a random theory but lets face it, i think just about everyone is thinking it. or hhh will throw a curveball and something totally unexpeted will happen but im sure the outcome will be rather entertaining.
I don't think it will be Edge. As Mustang Sally already pointed out, he hasn't been gone long enough to warrant a return. Plus, with his whole retirement/leaving, he left as a face. Would he come back just to be a heel in a match for Christian? That doesn't make too much sense. Not that WWE ever has to make sense.

No, my guess is that this whole thing is ambiguous because as of Tuesday, WWE didn't quite know yet what they are going to do either.
Somebody on anther forum had a good idea. Maybe a alliance between Christian, The Miz, and R-Truth?

The Miz was against Triple H taking over WWE since day one, R-Truth is also against Triple H and keeps telling Miz about this conspiracy that's happening to both of them. You have Miz saying that he's going to "make an impact" at Summerslam on Both of them don't have matches at the show. Plus, Christian has also been against Triple H the last few weeks.

It all add's up.
Edge would be a bad idea. For one, his neck.

For two, he was a babyface and is pretty beloved. He'll be coming back, the crowd will give him a face pop. It'd be too much work to get it to work without making Edge do too much, which would take away from Christian.

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