Christian Cage Will Be At Slammiversary?

Yeah it clearly has nothing to do with TNA letting Ric Flair be inducted itno their HOF or anything. I am sure this is them making a statement to the minor leagues known as TNA.

None of us are able to say if it's a payback for that. Even if it is, my statement still is true. The WWE sees TNA as a joke and it very well was. If I'm not mistaken ECW got better ratings than TNA did when it was on spike.
I really doubt he'll be used in a feud like some are predicting, if he's even seen on TV at all. At the most you may get a stare down with an old foe but even that's pushing it. What I am more curious about is if he'll bring the IC belt and show it on a TNA PPV. Just that alone is crazy. I doubt they will allow it though.
Just to play devil's advocate here, who says Christian is exactly happy in the WWE right now. Yea, he's the IC champion, but that title doesn't mean much at all, and he hasn't gotten much of a shot at the top, whereas in TNA he was one of the top draws in his time there. Also, his buddy Edge seems to be done, and couldn't even get a decent offer to stick around from what I remember reading on this site. So what if Christian does the ultimate screwjob to McMahon and walks away from WWE on his own terms and becomes one of the most talked about superstars of all time, may be worth it for him to do so. Again, not saying this will or should happen, just throwing it out there for the sake of argument.
A lot of people seem to find the idea of Christian being the HOF inductee impossible. This is bizarre non-logic.

So what if he's a WWE contracted wrestler? Ric Flair was a TNA contracted wrestler, who TNA allowed to appear and be inducted into WWE's HOF. We know TNA bargained something in return, and this seems perfectly fair.

Secondly, a lot of people don't think he deserves to be the first. Again, this is strange logic. The TNA HOF seems a kneejerk reaction to the Flair thing, and they have to strike while the iron is hot with Christian, as I doubt they'd get this opportunity again (assuming Christian never returns to TNA full time). Double J and AJ Styles will of course be in the HOF soon enough too.

I'm curious though. Since leaving, has Christian expressed any residual fondness or respect for TNA in interviews and such? I'm not being cynical but I just wonder how happy or willing Christian is about this, or is he just being used as a corporate pawn/bargaining chip by WWE?
That's a good possibility that CC could induct AJ Styles. So that there's no harm done, CC is not wrestling a match but would be present for the show.

What could work and play into the Dixie/AJ storyline is have Christian be the 1st inductee of the HOF and they were having Christian's friend AJ be the one working out the details between the 2 sides so no one would question what Christian and Dixie doing together. It would also explain why Dixie and AJ just haven't told the truth.
Just to play devil's advocate here, who says Christian is exactly happy in the WWE right now. Yea, he's the IC champion, but that title doesn't mean much at all, and he hasn't gotten much of a shot at the top, whereas in TNA he was one of the top draws in his time there. Also, his buddy Edge seems to be done, and couldn't even get a decent offer to stick around from what I remember reading on this site. So what if Christian does the ultimate screwjob to McMahon and walks away from WWE on his own terms and becomes one of the most talked about superstars of all time, may be worth it for him to do so. Again, not saying this will or should happen, just throwing it out there for the sake of argument.

What if Edge inducts Christian into the TNA HOF and that is the payback for letting Ric Flair appear on the WWE HOF?
A lot of people seem to find the idea of Christian being the HOF inductee impossible. This is bizarre non-logic.

So what if he's a WWE contracted wrestler? Ric Flair was a TNA contracted wrestler, who TNA allowed to appear and be inducted into WWE's HOF. We know TNA bargained something in return, and this seems perfectly fair.

As far as the WWe are concerned and played it kayfabe - Flair is still a retired wrestler. Christian is the current IC Champion and is still in his 30s - pretty safe to assume that he has a good period to go before he hangs them up. This isn't like for like.

Secondly, a lot of people don't think he deserves to be the first. Again, this is strange logic. The TNA HOF seems a kneejerk reaction to the Flair thing, and they have to strike while the iron is hot with Christian, as I doubt they'd get this opportunity again (assuming Christian never returns to TNA full time). Double J and AJ Styles will of course be in the HOF soon enough too.

Not deserving of the first spot is not 'strange logic'. Plain and simple - Christian does not deserve that accolade. Jarrett is more deserving as the founder, Sting is more deserving as the legend that has stuck with them, AJ is more deserving as the franchise for the first decade, Kurt is more deserving as the biggest WWe jump AND he stayed. It is not strange to make someone who is still tied to the organisation the first inductee rather than someone who'll not even acknowledge it after Sunday and every time they mention him they are plugging the competition making them look bush league. Plus Christian was only with TNA for three years, it's very hard to argue that is a sufficient dossier to warrant first inductee status.

I'm curious though. Since leaving, has Christian expressed any residual fondness or respect for TNA in interviews and such? I'm not being cynical but I just wonder how happy or willing Christian is about this, or is he just being used as a corporate pawn/bargaining chip by WWE?

And you wonder why people are against him being the first inductee? Christian didn't even acknowledge that he had been a previous two time world champion when he won the big gold belt.

I really doubt he'll be used in a feud like some are predicting, if he's even seen on TV at all. At the most you may get a stare down with an old foe but even that's pushing it. What I am more curious about is if he'll bring the IC belt and show it on a TNA PPV. Just that alone is crazy. I doubt they will allow it though.

I'm not saying that he will be directly used, all his involvement would entail is inducting AJ and leaving the stage. Daniels and Kaz making their feelings known can either take place after this happens or could even be left to the following Impact.
mmm this maybe something extremely interesting. To see what he would be doing when down their. Sure it maybe some sorta deal tna had with wwe for Flair as im sure they would have wanted something big. And well really maybe he might just show up for as a guest and be apart of the whole big anniversary for TNA lasting 10 years. Be part of some flash back to the stars that helped build TNA as he did make an impact as being on of the first guys to make the jump to TNA.

All in all i will be reading the live results on Monday/sunday to see what will happen with this.

And the big question is ... Does this open the doors MAYBE!! to some sorta open doors relations between TNA and WWE in the future
what i would like to see is him come out and do a promo on tna making it to 10 years but i doubt that will happen but i think will happen is he will sitting in the crowd and they will have the camera pan over to him and the commentaries will just mention him.

i think it would only be fair if wwe let him do a promo since tna let flair go to the HOF and WM and let him do a speech i know its not the same but still.
The dead horse is beaten cross promotion WILL NEVER HAPPEN a WWE/TNA show benefits TNA only WWE needs TNA like a fish needs a bicycle. My guess is Christian retires in 5 years tops and becomes a road agent for WWE because there is more long term finnancial stability doing that than being TNA champion.
Christian is the one that got tna a ton of exposure. When he was the top guy they were a constantly growing wrestling company. I beleive there ratings went from .4 to 1.0. When he left they went down and there now at .9
lets be real guys this is just a hey tna since you let us use flair on wwe tv we will let you use cage on tna tv. i will not be surprised if cage cuts a promo on his time in tna and how its been 10 years then leaves.
Let's start by saying I don't know if anyone else has done this thread before.

A thought that just passed my mind is that as Christian is supposed appear at Slammiversary, could he be te first member of the TNA HOF!

It's pretty damn obvious that this was the other side of the deal with Ric Flair appearing at the WWE HOF. I'm sure they told the WWE, but told them they had to keep their mouths shut about the HOF idea in general and who would appear. As for Christian being the first? Well, Cool I guess. Being the first in anything is always a good thing. I don't agree with the TNA HOF overall and I still think it's ridiculous as it's not been a company very long, but it is what it is.
If this is the case how idiotic is TNA.

1. Active wrestler full time with another company
2. Short stay in TNA 05-08

Jarrett or sting should be first an Christian should be a good no 10 or lower .
Christian Cage definitely left a huge splash in TNA, the big issues against him,
A. He's not retired
B. He's an active WWE wrestler
C. His career was made in WWE (This is against 95% of TNA's HoF material thogh)
D. The first footage that pops into my head is This isn't so much a point as a black mark on TNA for promoting WWE.
E. There are dozens of better names for this, and it'll be a damn shame if TNA gives WWE their first HoF nod, someone like Jarret, Sting or AJ are the only "current" stars I'd like to see in their first HoF induction.
Just look at what he did for tna. Like I said, they were at .4 ratings when he came, and they went up to 1.0. He more than hogan, more than angle , more than hardy, put tna on the map.
Just look at what he did for tna. Like I said, they were at .4 ratings when he came, and they went up to 1.0. He more than hogan, more than angle , more than hardy, put tna on the map.
Considering TNA didn't start having weekly TV on a cable outlet until June of 2004 on Fox Spots Net which was aired late at night in my area they didn't have much of a following because they were basically just beginning. The show on Fox Sports in my area was also often moved or interrupted by sporting events and little advertising as I found it by accident.

They moved to Spike TV and got the one hour show in a decent time slot with better exposure on October 1st of 2005 which was only about a month and a half before Christian Cage debuted on November 13th of 2005. Basically it can be pointed out that the ratings rise can also be credited to the fact they finally had a weekly show on a station that had much better coverage on cable markets with a stable time slot and better advertising. You can't really attribute that entire jump in ratings to Christiam Cage.

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