Indeed he was. But do you think, if we take away "Hogan Knows Best", "Brooke Knows Best", "Hulk Hogans CCW" & TNA, that Hogan may still be talked about? He's in all these shows. They are on MTV, Bravo(R.I.P), whatever channels and all the time! They're repeated over and over again (CCW Excluded). You don't see "Austin Knows Best" or "Austin's CCW". Why? Because he doesn't NEED them to be popular. Yeah, he does films. But they ain't on every minute of every day. Unless you're an obsessive with them on repeat. Austin's Film/Tv Coverage is very small, compared to Hogans. Hence the reason he's talked about as much as he is. The stuff he does on T.V, the video's of him taking shits etc. That's what does it.