Savior of Silence

Really don't get what? If I can't quote him because the thread is closed, and I can't PM you or another mod, how exactly do you expect me to get your attention?

Well, you could start by saying something in here, as I've responded to almost everything you've said. Like I am now.
Uhhhhh......probably yeah.

You guys try to make the forums an enjoyable place for everybody and I thoughtlessly tried to sabotage that with my ass jokes. I tried to make the forums an enjoyable place for everybody through my tournament and I was sabotaged. Not a good feeling. I understand now. Lesson learned.

Now free me!
Uhhhhhh.......not yet.

I heard you like boulders and peanut butter and I remember that you were watching The Flintstones the other day.

So I got you a present...

We can talk about porn in private. I'm focused on action, prison action. People do things in Orange is the New Black, and it makes me happy.
I'll admit that it takes suffering through half of the first season to really find these characters to be endearing. I'm a Star Trek geek, so seeing Captain Janeway was enough to keep me tuned in. After the first season, every character (to include the guards) has been fleshed out enough to where you really care about how they turn out. To each his/her own though.
Out of couple of Forums I have wrote, this is the only one that has prison section. I like it because if you are annoying on other Forums you get ban on couple of days and then come back. So on other forum there is one who annoys all with conspiracy theories on every subject. And they ban him on couple of days and then he comes back with same. After couple of bans you get perma-ban but you can open new account because its not IP address ban, just account ban and you can continue same behavior afterward. So this "prison" thing is pretty better when it comes to forum discussion because it makes you adapt to Forum and not the other way around. Not saying about you SoS, just in general. :)
Its probably going to be one of those shows I have to go back and watch. Did it with Breaking Bad. Same with The Walking Dead. I'm always late to the party.
I only got into Breaking Bad and Walking Dead last June, and I've seen every episode of both.

Breaking Bad was pretty awesome. I was curious at how Gus had his guy inspect Hector's room at the assisted living center for wires, but apparently he "forgot" to check Hector's wheel chair. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't seen the show, but it seemed like a huge brain fart on part of the writing staff.

Walking Dead is really cool. Michonne is the most badass character in all of pop-culture in my opinion, Daryl is a close second. What I find odd is how Rick clashed with The Governor, but almost became him recently. Plus there's the dark story line involving the Priest which almost seems like direct commentary on how mankind is unworthy of whatever qualities we wish upon our higher powers. It's nice to see zombie media that can actually make you think.
Well, you could start by saying something in here, as I've responded to almost everything you've said. Like I am now.

In lieu of my tournament debacle, I thought I should ask permission to start a Summerslam LD in the prison. It IS the 2nd biggest show of the year after all and I don't want to be left out :worship::worship::worship:

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