Savior of Silence

Well.. I'll just tell you here then...

Slyfox has a post on how to get out of here, so I suggest reading that. But I'll give you some advice, also.

  1. Don't be smart minded with the staff. They either won't pay attention to you, or if they do, they'll just leave you in here until you leave. They don't really care either way.
  2. Create MEANINGFUL topics to provoke discussion. It's not quanity, but quality. Show that you can drive discussion and not be a nuisance and you'll find your way out of here.
  3. Don't constantly ask to be let out of here. That only underminds the staff and further aggravates them.
  4. Treat the forums with respect. It may seem trivial to most, but the forums mean a lot to most of the staff as they've probably been here nearly 10 years. Being all "F the Forums" and "who cares? it's a wrestling forum" will only keep you in here longer.

Point is, just don't be obnoxious and know when you're pushing your luck.

That about covers it.

Yeah, I immediately read that "thread' just to see what I can do. I appreciate the advice though. Respect.
Of all the things I've done on here.. never have done the E-Fed.

And we all know that in terms of Old School, you, myself, and Brain may be on the same tier... you do have an absurd amount of tapes and such at your disposal. Now that I have WWE Network at my disposal, I'll be able to actually witness some of the things I've learned just by reading books, watching the occasional old wrestling tape I may come across, and memories of my childhood. :D

Shocky as well.

You should try the E-Fed. You as an old school guy would be rather interesting. It's almost all promo based.
Of all the things I've done on here.. never have done the E-Fed.

And we all know that in terms of Old School, you, myself, and Brain may be on the same tier... you do have an absurd amount of tapes and such at your disposal. Now that I have WWE Network at my disposal, I'll be able to actually witness some of the things I've learned just by reading books, watching the occasional old wrestling tape I may come across, and memories of my childhood. :D

I request you do.
Hey, I created a duplicate thread because I fucked up the first one. Kindly delete it for me? Thanks.

Done. Also, with you being in prison here is a song for you to listen to while you're in here.


Of all the things I've done on here.. never have done the E-Fed.

Speaking as someone who's been around the forums for 6 years and only in the e-fed for a third of said 6 years.... I wished I had joined sooner. It's fun and full of good writers. Give it a shot sometime.
Don't let this be the hill you die on in this forum. Many other worthy causes are worth it, but not being able to talk about eating a girls booty in a very uncreative way.

I'm the most perverted guy on this forum and I know saying anything about eating booty or anything grossly disgusting sex wise are grounds for a warning or being sent to prison.

Also, don't antagonize KB. He'll send you to prison or ban you.

These LD's and occasional administration are the only things he does on here nowadays with him being busy with marriage, his own website, and other things outside of here. Don't piss him off by being an asshole, which is in the rule book.

PM me if you want to know the solution to get you out of here.


Former Moderator and 6 year member of the forums

Did you miss my return........?
Of all the things I've done on here.. never have done the E-Fed.

And we all know that in terms of Old School, you, myself, and Brain may be on the same tier... you do have an absurd amount of tapes and such at your disposal. Now that I have WWE Network at my disposal, I'll be able to actually witness some of the things I've learned just by reading books, watching the occasional old wrestling tape I may come across, and memories of my childhood. :D

So you're just forgetting about Gelgarin, Tasty, and myself? I'm hurt.
I mean.....if this thread is named after me....and it's my personal jail cell....can we at least talk about what an asshole I am? #ConstructiveCriticism
Should have shut the fuck up way earlier dude.

Ass talk made you look like an ass, and now your ass is here.
Should have shut the fuck up way earlier dude.

Ass talk made you look like an ass, and now your ass is here.

Agreed....but I'll make the most of my time here. Please go to the thread I created regarding part timers. I could use the general discussion to prove I'm not a complete degenerate.
Gelgarin's old school is even more old school than old school. I'd accept forgetting to include him in the discussion :lmao:

"Old school" can be broken up by eras. There's the mid 90's - the early 80's, the national expansion era. The late 70's - mid 60's, the territorial era. The early 60's - late 40's, the NWA era. The mid 40's - late 30's, which was when wrestling saw allot of gimmick acts explode on the scene. The mid 30's - late 10's, which was the outlaw era. And the mid 10's - early 1890's, which was when wrestling was considered to be legit even though carnies exploited allot of it anyway.

Not many of us have extensive knowledge that dates that far back.
Shocky as well.

You should try the E-Fed. You as an old school guy would be rather interesting. It's almost all promo based.

This whole prison thing is a bit ridiculous at this point, agreed? There's no real, viable way for somebody to prove their worth when they're limited to next to nothing here in The Prison.

Can we move on now? That'd be pretty sweet.
That seems to be how it works. The Prison hasn't been a viable forum in ages. Even ridicule has gone by the wayside. Either ban them or let them go. The Prison is pretty much useless at this point.
The Prison exists to amuse the admins and it pretty much always has.


So then how do I get outta here in a timely fashion?

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