Jerichoholic4Life vs Disturbed - Official Debate Thread

Who Wins The Debate?

  • Jerichoholic4Life

  • The Disturbed

  • Too Close To Call. It's a Tie.

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Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
We decided that we would have a debate that's just gonna go over the next couple of days. Disturbed suggested we both pick a Wrestling Related Question, but I say we just go for one, which he picks. We'll discuss over the next couple days, and you can vote on the poll for who you think wins.
Ok. Why don't you go first?

That's why I said we both pick a question, Crock but he said it was a good question so what the hell. Next time, we can let someone else pick the topic.
Let's go with the Hogan/Austin simple question first. Then once we are done, the one Crock suggested about WCW.

Ok, nevermind.
Why was Hogan a bigger draw in his peak, than Stone Cold Steve Austin

A lot of posters on WZ, (in the prison in particular) start off their debate with a long ass post. Well, I am different than most posters. I will start off with something simple. Hulk Hogan was the face of the WWF longer than Austin was. Hulk Hogan was the face of the company for the better part of a decade, as Stone Cold was the face of the company for four years. Hulk Hogan has six more years on Stone Cold. Hogan was in movies, on television, doing comercials, pretty much all over the media. Austin was all over the media too but in a negative way with his issues with Debra. Steve Austin was the face during the attitude era, where it was focused on more of an adult product. Hulk Hogan was the face when it was focused on not only adults, but kids as well. It seemed like Hulk Hogan was the WWF, and when people thought of WWF, they thought of Hulk Hogan.

I am by no means a big Hogan fan, as I love Austin ten times more but Hulk Hogan was without a doubt the bigger draw.
Why was Stone Cold Steve Austin a bigger draw in his peak, than Hulk Hogan?

Stone Cold may have debuted in WCW in 1991, but we would call his "Peak" the years of 1996 - 2000 (Approx). These four years were his true moments as face of the Company. Yes, Hogan was face for around a Decade, as stated by Disturbed, but Austin had these four years, which cemented his name is WWF/E History.

1996 was the year that Austin won the King of The Ring, earning the biggest push he had been given in his career. It was in the finals of this tournament that he came out with the phrase "Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your ass!". The phrase that became known throughout the Wrestling world and also, is the best selling Wrestling-Related T-Shirt ever.

Austin was a bigger draw because of his Character and the time he was around. It was the perfect match of Year(s) & Superstar for Austin. His feud with Vince McMahon made him more than popular. The crowd would go crazy for him whenever he appeared, even though he was pretty evil. But, nope, the crowd were riled up for Austin, all the time! This is the man who had his own Era. The "Austin Era" or "Attitude Era", whichever you wanna call it.

Finally, possibly one of Austin's biggest moments. He had Vince in the center of the Ring, gun pointed at his head. The crowd were going nuts. Absolutely nuts. Austin pulls the Trigger, and a little flag type thing comes out, reading BANG 3:16. Vince has pretty much shit himself, but Austin is laughing & smiling & the crowd's going crazy. This is the guy who could do anything, evil as it may be and get away with it.

In depth to come. And Austin didn't run away to TNA.
Alright if Austin was the bigger draw then how come he wasn't all over the media and getting publicity like Hogan did? Austin was in the media in a negative way as Hogan was in a good way.
Well, Austin may have been in the Media in a negative fashion, whilst Hogan in positive. However, I don't believe that just the Media depends on how well you draw. It's the impact you bring onto the Company on a whole. Media is just a part of it. Sales, like mentioned by me, is another. To be the man who's Quote makes up the number one selling Wrestling T-Shirt in History surely must mean something? Or is it just all nonsense? Then there's a BIG chance that Hulk was such a draw in his Peak simply because of the fact that he was in Rocky. Then again, that's the reason Vince signed him. As it says on Wikipedia, Hulk had a "National Recognition". This was only due to his appearance in the film. However, Austin didn't play parts in films. He was a tough son-of-a-bitch, who made his mark on the Company when he debuted and continued to all throughout his career.
Hulk Hogan would be just as big of a draw without Rocky. Hulk Hogan was the reason everyone knew about the WWF. Hogan made the WWF famous and he did it for a decade. Austin only did it for four years and everyone in this world knows who Hulk Hogan is, not everyone knows who Stone Cold is. You say Stone Cold had his own era but no the Attitude era still would have happened even if Austin wasn't in WWF at the time because the Attitude era began in Montreal when the famous screwjob took place. Stone Cold was not apart of the Montreal Screwjob and Stone Cold wasn't apart of all the profane things DX did either so without Stone Cold WWF still would have had the Attitude era. Plus if it wasn't for Hulk Hogan, the attitude era may have never happened and the WWE might not be as famous as it is today. Hulk Hogan put butts in seats. Austin also put butts in seats but Hulk Hogan put 93,000 butts in seats.
You say this, but HOW do you know Hogan would've been as big of a draw without Rocky? HOW do you know that he would've even been signed. In all reality, he's a mental "Real American" who likes to say "Brother" a lot. Also, the Attitude Era is secondly known as the Austin Era, because this was when he truly drew everyone in, with the money. I would guarantee you now, that if Hogan was not in Rocky, that he either;
A) Wouldn't have been signed
B) Been signed later & not been as big a hit
C) Been signed there & then, with the future being different.

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