Jericho in TNA...

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when i first read this i had no idea what to think about it. i can't really see him wrestling in tna, because i was thinking he would stay loyal to the wwe. he was pretty good friends with angle, so maybe someday soon he could be wrestling in tna. most likely its just a way for his band to get noticed, but you never do know
there is hardly any loyalty in the wrestling business. If Hogan could turn his back on McMahon like he did when the man made him, and WWF made him, anyone can turn their back on anyone. Just cause Jericho has stated he would only come back to WWE doesnt mean anything, so did Angle.
We've known he's been interested in TNA for awhile. In an interview over the summer he stated, "Well, Vince would probably be mad at me for this, but right now I TNA a lot more than WWE."
I remember that, plus when he first left WWE almost immediately there was TNA logo with the jericho pose in front of it on his website. and now a TNA logo is back on his website, but for the fozzy thing (Haven'nt looked at it tho, but i assume it is there to promote there appearance).
This is awesome news. I hope that if Jericho does come back to wrestling it will be in a TNA ring. I would prefer to see Jericho in a ROH ring, but TNA would be cool.
jefferson411 said:
there is hardly any loyalty in the wrestling business. If Hogan could turn his back on McMahon like he did when the man made him, and WWF made him, anyone can turn their back on anyone. Just cause Jericho has stated he would only come back to WWE doesnt mean anything, so did Angle.
McMahon didn't make him. He just marketed him better. I look at it as he "un-made" him. Hogan used to be a credible wrestler once upon a time and he developed his personality and skills in AWA and New Japan. Vince was just pissed off over the whole steroid trial and the fact that Hogan wouldn't lie in court. Loyalty was absent when all the other roid-slurping wrestlers were thrown by the wayside for a few years after the trial commenced. The prime ones being Bulldog and Warrior.

As for the main topic, I sincerely hope that if Jericho returns to wrestling, that it will be in TNA. It has the TV exposure to do something special, and the other workers are WAY more tailored to Jericho's style and in-ring abilities. He belongs in a company fighting alongside guys who can push him to the limit. Not guys like Batista and Cena.
jefferson411 said:
I remember that, plus when he first left WWE almost immediately there was TNA logo with the jericho pose in front of it on his website. and now a TNA logo is back on his website, but for the fozzy thing (Haven'nt looked at it tho, but i assume it is there to promote there appearance).
Yeah I remember WWE calling him in panic to make sure he didn't sign.
Kasey said:
McMahon didn't make him. He just marketed him better. I look at it as he "un-made" him. Hogan used to be a credible wrestler once upon a time and he developed his personality and skills in AWA and New Japan. Vince was just pissed off over the whole steroid trial and the fact that Hogan wouldn't lie in court. Loyalty was absent when all the other roid-slurping wrestlers were thrown by the wayside for a few years after the trial commenced. The prime ones being Bulldog and Warrior.

As for the main topic, I sincerely hope that if Jericho returns to wrestling, that it will be in TNA. It has the TV exposure to do something special, and the other workers are WAY more tailored to Jericho's style and in-ring abilities. He belongs in a company fighting alongside guys who can push him to the limit. Not guys like Batista and Cena.

Amen. Jericho and Kurt in a month. Can you imagine if its true????
As I said, take it for what its worth. That doesn't mean I beleive it, its just something I found. I also looked on the Sun and couldn't find jack squat.

At the bottom of that section is where I found it at. Again, take it for what its worth. Most likely just some rumors going around. BUt please, don't claim that I "talk shit". I guess no one here has heard the phrase "take it for face value"
sevastra said:
As I said, take it for what its worth. That doesn't mean I beleive it, its just something I found. I also looked on the Sun and couldn't find jack squat.

At the bottom of that section is where I found it at. Again, take it for what its worth. Most likely just some rumors going around. BUt please, don't claim that I "talk shit". I guess no one here has heard the phrase "take it for face value"
I'm starting to think some of the people on here can't actually read. I hope that the little tidbit is true, though. Watching guys like Angle, Benoit, and Jericho take the backseat to a few underqualified stiffs is a crime against the business as a whole. I still don't understand the rationale of pushing useless gimmick-driven "superstars."
attila said:
Amen. Jericho and Kurt in a month. Can you imagine if its true????
It would be amazing. I'd also love to see Daniels or AJ take on Jericho. I'd also love Jericho to get his old Japanese/WCW moveset back. I've been missing a good Tiger-Driver or Super Frankensteiner for years, and it's high time we saw them again from one of the best Americans to ever use 'em.
RavenEffect__ said:
Any you have what facts to support this? I guess if you prefer stories over wrestling.

Stories is what saved wrestling in the 80's. If it wasnt for Vince and creating storylines, there would be no wrestling companys today cause no one would care.
G-Money said:
Stories is what saved wrestling in the 80's. If it wasnt for Vince and creating storylines, there would be no wrestling companys today cause no one would care.
Steroids and cross-marketing is what saved wrestling in the 1980's. The storylines were infantile by comparison to even the worst storylines from WWE today. Every top athlete was juiced to the gills, and the Rock-and-Wrestling deal was what made WWF click in those days. Cartoons and Wrestlemania didn't hurt, either. I fail to see how Piper hitting Snuka with a coconut is epic storytelling. Storylines are what saved wrestling in the 1990's. For once, the Big Two stopped treating everyone at home like they were shaved primates (at least some of the time). Too bad that couldn't be remembered today. Then I wouldn't ever have to watch another man tossing McMahon's salad on TV (I'm looking at you Big Slow).

In the interview, Jericho mentioned how the music video for Fozzy's "Enemy" will air this Thursday night on TNA iMPACT! on Spike TV. Jericho said he was contacted by TNA's David Sahadi to promote the song and he went with it. He reportedly laughed off rumors that he was going to TNA as a result of this move.

According to Jericho, going to TNA is not an option for him right now. He stated that he is currently in Los Angeles most of the time working on projects and doing stand up comedy. Jericho added that he never said he was "retiring" from wrestling, but that he has a full plate of projects left that he wants to do. He did admit that he hasn't really thought about returning to wrestling since he has been so busy lately. Jericho stated he may return to wrestling one day, but that it would have to be the right situation and he would have to be in the 100% right state of mind. But as of now, wrestling is on the back burner for Jericho.
Jericho is a great athlete. Never heard any of his songs. Well he should take time off. Finish his projects and then get back into the biz. Doesnt matter if its TNA or WWE. As long as he gets back in the ring. Hopefully he will get an impression on how TNA is and might join their. Only time will tell.
Unlike Angle and Christian, Jericho didnt leave the WWE on bad terms.. He and Vince actually have a great realationship.. That is why I believe he'll be back in the WWE... Jericho doesnt need to go to TNA and make half as much money as he can be making in the WWE... Jericho seems like the type of wrestler that is all about the money, and that is why he is performing on TNA... Just to have a gig..

I believe once hes done trying to sing, act or whatever hes trying to do, he'll be back in the WWE, in a WWE/World Title Hunt..
wikipedia iss a site that anyone with a computer can edit, it has absolutly no value as facts are concerned,i can go to that website and put into vkm`s spot and put in that he is going to tna, someone must have put that into y2j`s just to start trouble thats all
The following interview is from

By David Sahadi

“Life is about possibility. It is about tearing down walls so that we may see farther; traveling new roads so that we may experience greater; shattering old ways of thinking so as to understand better.”

It was a dreary Sunday evening in Chattanooga when I saw Fozzy in concert for the first time two years ago. I arrived tired and with modest expectations. After all, I knew Chris Jericho personally, worked with him professionally and saw him cheered hundreds of times by thousands of fans as a wrestling superstar. This, on the other hand, was a small venue. And surely this music thing must be some quirky, fleeting hobby of his.

Was I ever wrong.

When the band took the stage at Rhythm and Blues that December evening, I was instantly impressed. Their energy was rampant; the crowd raucous. This was not the Chris Jericho I thought I knew. He truly was the “Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rolla”!

Their sound is varied. “It falls somewhere between Pantera and Journey,” Jericho told me, “heavy, with melodic vocals and tons of guitars solos.”

True. But what really amazed that night me was how natural Chris Jericho looked on stage playing the lead role of rock-n-roll superstar. It seemed so easy, so effortless. And he was having fun.

“On stage, our mission is to make sure everybody in the crowd has a great time,” says Jericho. “And we always succeed.”

Chris Jericho became a wrestling fan when he was a young boy, watching television with his grandmother in the family room on Saturday nights. The Rockers, Hulk Hogan, Ricky Steamboat, Owen Hart and Outback Jack were just a few to make a lasting, first impression. But make no mistake: music was his very first passion in life.

“I had every Beatles record by the time I was ten years old and formed my first band at 12.”

He includes the Beatles, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Metallica and Helloween as his favorite bands of all-time. They also inspired him to pursue his passion for making music even when he was working full-time as a professional wrestler. That’s why he was so dedicated to Fozzy.

“I started playing in a band to emulate the musicians who made up the fabric of my soul,” he said. Then, with a devilish grin, he added, “Oh yeah, and for the chicks!”

The similarities between wrestling and music are undeniable.

“They’re both hard-hitting, aggressive forms of entertainment that feed off of the reactions from the fans who are experiencing the magic,” Jericho notes. “Both are legitimate forms of art and we are all artists.”

Chris Jericho is much more than an artist: he is a genuine human being. He listens to his heart when others become slaves to the status quo. He is not afraid of taking chances. He leads when most others only follow. Last year, he left the world of professional wrestling at the apex of his career because his heart was calling him to explore new worlds. And he has never looked back.

In the summer of 2003, I, too, left a job when it would have been easy to stay. I, too, felt the calling to leave the world of comfort and safety, to break down the walls of illusion, to venture into an unknown adventure. Driving through the parking gates at work for the final time on my very last day, B.B. King’s, “The Thrill Is Gone” played on the stereo. I immediately began to cry. At that very moment, I felt vulnerable and alone. Fifteen minutes later, when the tears subsided, I checked my voice mail. There was a message from Jericho. He just wanted to wish me well and lend his support. In typical fashion, he even left a droll comment that made me laugh. It was a small gesture, but it made a profound impact. Simple, genuine acts of kindness at times like that become great memories that are never lost to time.

As a wrestler, Chris Jericho’s favorite memory is becoming the first ever Undisputed World Champion, followed by his show-stealing match with HBK at WrestleMania 19. Despite a hectic schedule, he still manages to keep abreast of current storylines. He lists Samoa Joe and LAX as two of his top five performers in the business. And he was absolutely stunned when he heard the news that Kurt Angle was heading to TNA.

“I think it’s amazing,” Jericho told me. “It’s great for the business, for TNA and for Kurt. He needs to be the destroyer guy and not the cowboy hat guy, though.”

Between acting, writing, touring, hosting television and radio shows, recording a new record in the studio with Fozzy, or working on a litany of other projects in the entertainment industry, Chris Jericho’s work schedule is as full as ever. But he’s enthusiastic because he’s following his heart. He has broken down the walls of safety and constraint and has grown tenfold as a person because of it.

Does that mean the countless Jerichoholics who cheered him for all those years while he performed in the ring will never see him wrestle again?

“The hundreds and hundreds of Jerichoholics have dwindled down to about 47 over the last year,” he said. “But there are 22 of them in Peoria alone, so I’m huge there. I might have to return just for them!”

If he does come back, will it be in a ring with four sides…or six?

“Never Say Never Mr. Bond”, he replies, shaken not stirred.

(To learn more about the band go to
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