Inevitable that Jericho will go to TNA if he doesn't resign with WWE?

i cant see Jericho signing with TNA and even if he did, it wouldnt make the TNA ratings so great that WWE is scared of them. Jericho can only do so much and while i like Jericho and SOME TNA stars, the problem is they have others who i think should never have been signed, like many EV2 guys. As for Jericho, i cant see him going to TNA, BUT it wouldnt shock me if he went to TNA, but if i had to guess, i say he doesnt go, i dont think he would want to go.

As for Jeff Hardy, i agree TNA hasnt helped him, maybe it's because they have this Kurt Angle "retirement" storyline, i dont know, but Hardy is too good to be losing to RVD all the time, in WWE Hardy had trouble beating Van Dam and in TNA the same issues happened, TNA isnt a bad company, it's got good wrestling and good stars, they could have a future.
I guess you really don't know how much Jericho hates TNA and Hulk Hogan. You could follow his twitter for maybe 5 tweets before he shits on TNA. He has so much beef with Hogan that he has mocked him on live tv on many occasions the past few months. If Jericho went to TNA he would look like more of a sellout than Hogan,Hardy, and Flair combined.
Jericho isnt stupid, he's done a ton of stuff in his career, im really not sure he'd jepodise his place in the hall of fame by jumping ship at this stage. He doesn't need TNA, like he says he's done everything, i think he'll probably focus on Fozzy for a while and his tv and film stuff, come back every now and then, but he's no reason to keep goin full time or drop to a lesser brand, the guys smart, i bet he's not short on cash either
I learned long ago that anything is possible in pro wrestling, but I think hell will freeze over before Jericho goes to TNA. He has been very vocal about his opinions on TNA which are very negative to say the least. He may take a leave from WWE again to focus on Fozzy and outside projects. However I see as him as a WWE lifer.
Well jeez, after seeing how well TNA has utilized their signed guys like Hardy and RVD this year, and how they've totally stepped up their careers in TNA, how could Jericho not sign with TNA? I mean, he's done everything in WWE, why not take a smaller paycheck and lesser exposure over the WWE's larger budget and larger cable access? He's done everything, right? Except provide ratings to a sliding company, if you don't count mid-90's WCW and late 90's WWF. Why not join TNA- that's a surefire gateway to hosting prime-time network television shows, right?

Jericho is not going to TNA. Not happening, not now, not tomorrow, not ever, because he has absolutely zero reasons to. You will see The Fabulous Moolah crawl her way out of her grave and do a striptease in the middle of the ring at Bound For Glory before you see Chris Jericho in TNA.
I don't say this very often.. Mainly because I don't have to. But were you dropped on your head as a child?

He actually did do some work with his band FOZZY with TNA in his hiatus with WWE, he just never appeared on television.

They used ONE Fozzy song, ONE time. WOOOWWW that's a huge deal with TNA now. I don't hate on TNA, because there is no point in the whole "TNA's better!" "no WWE's better!" makes people sound like a bunch of 10 year olds. But mark my worlds, you will never EEEEEEEVVVVVVEEEERR see Jericho in TNA. The day Jericho steps in a TNA ring, is the day I post porn and get banned from this site. There is no need for him to go there. He has a comfortable spot in the WWE. He is taking a little time off to tour with Fozzy, that's it. Did you not read the interview where he said he's not afraid of losing his spot at the top of the WWE? that he can go out and wrestle in the first match of the night, every night, and still be one of the top WWE stars. That's true. Jericho will retire as a WWE employee, and when he does, he will stay retired. Only due to the fact that there would be no reason for him to come out of retirement, He doesn't have 3 or 4 wives he has to pay a shit-ton of money a month to (Flair). On a side note, Riaku, you said something about Jericho not being a draw.. Have you ever seen when the WWE is here in Canada? The majority of us are there for one reason. Not Cena, not Orton, not Miz. But to see Y2J.
he had an interview once and was asked about the possibility to go to tna and he said it would be very unlikely. He said that he was devoted to the wwe and if he left he would just be with fozzy and maybe on game show or something like that. In another interview Jericho stated this:
"They got nothing else going on, their booking is horrendous, and I say that with the utmost respect for those guys and I most desire to see them succeed, but it’s crap."
Jericho in TNA would definitely be something interesting. I think it would be very cool to have Abyss say at BFG: "They are Lionheart, The Best In The World At What He Does and YJ2".

However, IMO he is not going to TNA. If he does not sign a new contract with WWE, he will pursue his interests outside wresting such as his band, maybe some movies or tv shows, and his family.
Jericho going to TNA would be bigger than Hogan or any of the others that have come in. I doubt it will happen. Why would he take a step back at this point in his career? He's so much bigger than TNA and I don't say that about too many wrestlers but for my money, he's the best thing going today in the business and if he's done with WWE, so am I.:007:
No there is no way that Jericho will go to TNA. Why would he really? I don't think he likes Hogan too much, he would just be on a low-budget show with less fans, less pay, and there is just really no point. Y2J has worked 10 long years in the WWE to be called The Best in the World and to be at his famous status he is at right now. Why in the blue hell would he throw all that away just to go to a low-budget show with no security that he will actually have a job the next day? He works for the biggest wrestling company in the world right now, gets paid top dollar, and enjoys what he does. Give the poor guy a break and let him spend time with his family and get a month or two to spend time with his band. Jericho is not done with the WWE just yet, so do not be predicting, "oh Jericho lost he is definitely on his way out". It is not true because no one knows where this storyline will go. Maybe he will sign a new contract and stay with the WWE or maybe he will take a break and come back as the "The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla.
I don't think Jericho would ever... EVAHHHHH go to TNA. Well maybe he would. It'd give him some exposure still and leave him plenty of time to tour with Fozzy or whatever he wanted to do. I mean he'd be getting paid a lot less, but he'd also be working a lot less. Plus all you Jerichoholics would be tuning in to iMpact if you aren't already.

Besides, there are a lot of matches I'd love to see that could only happen in TNA. Imagine Jericho vs. Bobby Roode or Jericho vs AJ Styles. And what if they got back The Fallen Angel? Daniels vs Jericho. Come on, that alone would get me to actually buy a TNA PPV.
Well, I haven't read all the threads yet, but IMO I think this would be a great move for TNA and the wrestling business. If you know anything about the history of wrestling or have watched the Rise and Fall of WCW dvd's, you would know that one way that WCW became famous, was to import great wreslters from other promotions.

This could be one way that TNA will start to turn the corner. We all know Hogan, Nash, Jarrett (I can't believe I am putting his namein here), Sting (The greatest), Flair and countless other older talent, used to draw big crowds back in the day. WCW became more famous because those talents could still draw a decent audience.

Now on to my point. TNA really needs to find talent NOW that will draw NOW. They made a decent move by getting Hardy but, IMO, that havent used him right.

Getting Jericho will not only boost ratings, will hopefully, re-ignite the Wrestling Wars.

But we all know that will not happen as long as Russo is there. I wouldn't work for that guy emptying his trash, let alone trusting him with making sense with a story line.
Well, I haven't read all the threads yet, but IMO I think this would be a great move for TNA and the wrestling business. If you know anything about the history of wrestling or have watched the Rise and Fall of WCW dvd's, you would know that one way that WCW became famous, was to import great wreslters from other promotions.

This could be one way that TNA will start to turn the corner. We all know Hogan, Nash, Jarrett (I can't believe I am putting his namein here), Sting (The greatest), Flair and countless other older talent, used to draw big crowds back in the day. WCW became more famous because those talents could still draw a decent audience.

Now on to my point. TNA really needs to find talent NOW that will draw NOW. They made a decent move by getting Hardy but, IMO, that havent used him right.

Getting Jericho will not only boost ratings, will hopefully, re-ignite the Wrestling Wars.

But we all know that will not happen as long as Russo is there. I wouldn't work for that guy emptying his trash, let alone trusting him with making sense with a story line.

I'm sorry, but Jericho wouldn't re-ignite a wrestling war, and I highly doubt it would make a huge impact. Look at Batista, how fast his spot in line was replaced (basically by Sheamus), he's now a distant memory. With all due respect to the best in the world,Batista probably draws more.
Jericho signing will be a horrible move for both parties for one simple reason -

- TNA have no idea how to utilise him.
Really now? How so?

They've shown it before, and they will show it again, they have no idea how to take a star from the WWE and give them anything worth shouting about.

Look a Jeff - he was a megastar within the WWE. Within TNA, he is just another wrestler.
I say that's great. Why make a outside name that at one point turned his back on TNA their top star? To make themselves look desperate? Why should TNA be quick to make Jeff World Champion like done to RVD simply because he was top draw in WWE? It's called humanizing. Just like he was one of the guys in WWE, he's one of the guys in TNA.

I fear the same for Carlito. Notthat he was a megastar in WWE like Jeff was, but when he signs (let's face it, The Pope said it was him) I don't see them doing anything with him that makes him any different, anything new.
Being on TV alone would be a step up, so I'm sure they can work it out. Especially since they hav e a good relationship with Carlito's WWC. They helped TNA get Mr. Anderson.

I would say the same about Batista. They could bring him in with a huge fanfare, but it's all pointless if he becomes JUST ANOTHER WRESTLER. Hell, I could say the same about Randy Orton and John Cena.
I fail to see the wrong in that. Why make them look superior to your own talent?

As a wrestling promotion you need to do either two things, make stars, or bring them in and ride that wave. For TNA, I don't feel they have the ability, or the track record, for doing either.
Yeah, because they failed miserably with turning Christian from a career mid card guy into a main event star. They failed in cementing Kurt Angle as the greatest in modern day wrestling. They failed in AJ Styles the top wrestler of the past 2 years even though he's "confined in a second rate company". Gimme a break.


john cena has a better chance to go to TNA than jericho does, its literally a 0% chance.

1. instead of going to TNA, he would take time off and focus on his band. or tv. or whatever else he wants to do.
2. if was going to want to continue to wrestle, he would just resign. not a lot of gray area there.
3. no chance he takes his skills to a secondary promotion. hes still got it and can main event any WWE PPV. TNA would definitely blow his debut, his use, and his matchups.
Yeah. Because Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Christian, Booker T, Mr. Anderson and Ric Flair would even bother with taking their highly praised abilities to some other place.

what are you trying to let us know kid? TNA sucks! and you are the biggest TNA hogan co ********er. jericho does NOT need to go to the minors! he is better off working for mcdonalds or resigning with wwe performing in front of 15,000-89,000 fans and being on a show that gets a 2.8-4.0 rating instead of performing in a bingo hall in orlando every thursday in front of 500-5000 plants who get in for free and being on a mediocre show that gets what? a 0.5-1.7 rating. in your mind you think TNA will one day beat the almighty WWE. but with your sexslaves hogan,bischoff,russo,jarret and a bitch who does not know how to run a company TNA is a FAILURE and it will FAIL! i would like to see you post on the day when vince mcmahon shows up on impact and says those famous words..."i have bought my competion"
i wonder what your hogan ********ing butt will say and how you will feel.
You make me laugh. I could poke a million holes into WWE. Like how a computer runs your show and how your workers are misled and fired and all that, but that is off topic.

Not only is it not inevitable that Chris Jericho would go to TNA if he doesn't re-sign with WWE, but I believe that it's downright unlikely that he would do so. And I feel this way for several reasons.

First of all, I don't believe Chris Jericho is leaving WWE in the first place. At most, he may be taking a short hiatus, whether it be to pursue some ventures with Fozzy, or to simply take a short break from the grind, or even just to re-invent his character; he could depart as a heel, but return as a tweener or even as a face, as we all know that wrestling fans have notoriously short memories. And Jericho, more so than many of his colleagues, can re-invent his character in the blink of an eye, transitioning from heel to tweener to face, and back again. But he may not even be leaving at all; this could all be storyline, all kayfabe, and he may not be going anywhere. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jericho in the six-pack challenge as originally planned.

Even if he were to leave WWE permanently, why would he go to TNA at this stage of his career? What could he hope to accomplish? Money? Let's not even go there. Fame? Sure, that's the way to garner fame, by leaving the big stage to go to a much smaller venue with a much smaller following. Would he be interested in holding titles he never held before such as the TNA Heavyweight title? That would be like Tom Brady leaving the NFL and the New England Patriots because he's interested in winning the Grey Cup in the CFL. Why would Chris Jericho compromise his legacy in the WWE and adversely affect his eventual induction into the WWE Hall of Fame, just to go to Spike TV and the iMPACT zone?
Ah, Habs. I love ya, but disagree right there. This is pro wrestling. Not football. In here, stuff can grow. And people can make it grow. People can also grow huge in small places. People see Kurt Angle as on of the all-time greats. In his time in WWE he was seen as just great. In TNA, after pushing that company upward people see him in a much larger scale now. And then there's good ol' AJ Styles. Who from the nick of obscurity has risen to fame. From a once unknown place where he still resides.

Would Chris Jericho be interested in matches with other guys on the TNA roster? I doubt it. Most of those guys are former WWE guys anyway and so he's faced a lot of them before. He may like a match with Styles or.... well that's probably about it, but I doubt he'll flush his career and his legacy down the toilet for a match with one guy.
Not like he can really do much anyway. What he can offer is no better than what can Kurt, Jeff or RVD can offer.
So Chris Jericho is going to be the guy to take TNA to the next level, to boost their ratings, to be responsible for bringing TNA into competition with the WWE? Just like Kurt Angle did. Or Christian. Or Hogan. Or Bischoff. Or Foley. Or Flair. Or Dreamer. Or Booker T. Or RVD. Or Hardy. Or Anderson. Or Victoria/Tara. Or Bobby Lashley. Have I forgotten anyone? Come on, there's been a plethora of guys who were going to come in from the WWE and be the savior for TNA, the guy to ultimately put them over the top and be the difference maker. And no one has done it. No one. To suggest that Jericho will be the difference maker when nobody else before him has been is downright ludicrous. And I say this from the perspective of a huge Chris Jericho fan.
The funny thing about that is when they focus on themselves instead of the "savior", it's when they actually move forward.

On a side note, Riaku, you said something about Jericho not being a draw.. Have you ever seen when the WWE is here in Canada? The majority of us are there for one reason. Not Cena, not Orton, not Miz. But to see Y2J.
And Edge? I get that. But do you really think he would draw people to TNA simply because word of mouth caught on that he's there? That if he indeed joins TNA, you'll see ratings spike like striking oil? Hell no.

Jericho in TNA would definitely be something interesting. I think it would be very cool to have Abyss say at BFG: "They are Lionheart, The Best In The World At What He Does and YJ2".

However, IMO he is not going to TNA. If he does not sign a new contract with WWE, he will pursue his interests outside wresting such as his band, maybe some movies or tv shows, and his family.
Jesus! I'm not gonna even bother. Did you really write "YJ2" there?

Jericho going to TNA would be bigger than Hogan or any of the others that have come in. I doubt it will happen. Why would he take a step back at this point in his career? He's so much bigger than TNA and I don't say that about too many wrestlers but for my money, he's the best thing going today in the business and if he's done with WWE, so am I.:007:
What? Is Jericho suddenly God or something? My God! People speak so highly of the guy, I'm inclined to the belief that he's just plain overrated. I get it. He's great. He's great in the ring and plays his characters well. To say he's gonna take a company and make it into the Genesis of a new wrestling era is just plain absurd. He never did it in WCW nor in WWF. Just what good will he do in TNA? He's just another guy.

Well, I haven't read all the threads yet, but IMO I think this would be a great move for TNA and the wrestling business. If you know anything about the history of wrestling or have watched the Rise and Fall of WCW dvd's, you would know that one way that WCW became famous, was to import great wreslters from other promotions.

This could be one way that TNA will start to turn the corner. We all know Hogan, Nash, Jarrett (I can't believe I am putting his namein here), Sting (The greatest), Flair and countless other older talent, used to draw big crowds back in the day. WCW became more famous because those talents could still draw a decent audience.

Now on to my point. TNA really needs to find talent NOW that will draw NOW. They made a decent move by getting Hardy but, IMO, that havent used him right.
I agree to an extent. But TNA has nabbed bigger names. Why go for unnecessary signings? They are not connected to Ted Turner like WCW was. WCW was able to sign huge names and just keep them for the sake of WWE not having them. TNA doesn't. Last Thursday on Dixie Carter (Miss braindead herself) herself said TNA did not need any more big names and had already turned one down.

Getting Jericho will not only boost ratings, will hopefully, re-ignite the Wrestling Wars.
Here we go again. :rolleyes:

Chris Jericho is great. I won't deny it. But the guy is and has always been enhancement talent. Great to at. But not the worker you would build a company around. Bringing him to TNA would be nothing more than a bother for both TNA and Chris. TNA already has Kurt Angle. A guy who can elevate talent as well as be "the" guy for the company. They have Jeff Hardy. A charismatic name, who really doesn't need to do much to attract a crowd. We have RVD. A workhorse who can help put talent over. Not to mention Sting. TNA has reached a point where anybody, no matter how big, can come in and it would be like any other day. Back in the day, the thought of a Kurt Angle or Rob Van Dam or a Hulk Hogan going there was just plain ludicrous. Now... Well just look at the pigs flying over there. I wish I had a shot gun.

The bottomline is that Chris Jericho doesn't need TNA and TNA doesn't need Chris Jericho.
dixie carter has been tlkin bout a big change to tna maybe its jericho but y would he tna has less money and exposure so it would be a very stupid thing 4 jericho 2 go nd join tna.
Jericho has said in the past the he would NOT join TNA. He doesnt need to join TNA because he is in the top company and has achieved everything he wanted to achieve. If he joined TNA he would become another former WWE gone TNA star.
Jericho isn't going to TNA. If he wants a break from the WWE schedule, either to tour with Fozzy or just to take a break, he's better off sitting at home, doing VH1 bits and a satellite radio show than being involved in TNA.

Jericho in TNA wouldn't do anything that Angle in TNA, Jeff Hardy in TNA, RVD in TNA, Booker and Christian in TNA, Foley in TNA, Hogan in TNA didn't do. Sure there would be great never-before-seen matchups with Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, D'Angelo Dinero and maybe even Sting. Sure he could make guys like Matt Morgan and Ken Anderson look amazing.

But Kurt Angle could do any of those things, and has done most of those things. And TNA is stuck at the same 1.0 rating it's been at since they debuted on Spike TV, with terrible PPV buyrates.

After the experiment has been run time and again, it's time to face a sobering fact: No wrestler can help TNA. John Cena could walk in the door, and in six months he'd be ruined as an attraction.

And, by the way, TNA has not helped Kurt Angle's reputation. He's added some nice matches with Samoa Joe, Styles and Morgan, but his place in wrestling history was already secured when he walked out of WWE.
Havent' read any replys but i gotta say that if anyone even thinks Jericho is such an idiot to even CONSIDER going to TNA and tarnish his legacy is out of their damn mind.TNA is shit and jericho wont go there to be missused and bloodied up when he can go touring with Fozzy, and thats if he doesnt resign with WWE.Or he can just stay home and chill and be awesome.
"iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2422057

Ah, Habs. I love ya, but disagree right there. This is pro wrestling. Not football. In here, stuff can grow. And people can make it grow. People can also grow huge in small places. People see Kurt Angle as on of the all-time greats. In his time in WWE he was seen as just great. In TNA, after pushing that company upward people see him in a much larger scale now. And then there's good ol' AJ Styles. Who from the nick of obscurity has risen to fame. From a once unknown place where he still resides.

Oh stuff can grow all right, Riaku, and to grow it needs manure or some other type of fertilizer. And I'm smelling plenty of it here with all due respect.

I realize its professional wrestling instead of pro football, granted it's not a perfect analogy but the point is still the same. I disagree with your opinion regarding Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle was already seen as one of the all-time greats when he was still associated with WWE. He wasn't only great while there, he was already seen as one of the all-time greats. I don't think that his tenure inTNA has done anything to enhance his overall perception in terms of career accomplishments or accolades. I would actually suggest that he has managed to maintain his greatness which he established in WWE in spite of TNA, more so than because of it. I don't really understand how you can say he has pushed TNA as a company upwards. TNA is exactly where it was when he arrived, he hasn't really pushed it anywhere, except in the minds of the TNA faithful like yourself. And Jericho wouldn't either. He'd be a role player, a piece of the puzzle, but not a true impact player or difference maker.

I would also argue that Styles has gone from obscurity to fame. Outside of the IWC and the impact zone, I imagine he is actually pretty anonymous. And even if he has risen to new levels as you say, he's the exception to the rule. He is a very good wrestler, some would say better than most. He's one of a very select few that could even try to make a claim to fame after wrestling his entire career outside of the WWE.

Not like he can really do much anyway. What he can offer is no better than what can Kurt, Jeff or RVD can offer.
The funny thing about that is when they focus on themselves instead of the "savior", it's when they actually move forward.

What? Is Jericho suddenly God or something? My God! People speak so highly of the guy, I'm inclined to the belief that he's just plain overrated. I get it. He's great. He's great in the ring and plays his characters well. To say he's gonna take a company and make it into the Genesis of a new wrestling era is just plain absurd. He never did it in WCW nor in WWF. Just what good will he do in TNA? He's just another guy.

Chris Jericho is great. I won't deny it. But the guy is and has always been enhancement talent. Great to at. But not the worker you would build a company around.

That's surprisingly inaccurate and naive coming from you Raiku, I'm sure you actually know better than this and are letting emotion get in the way of common sense here. To suggest that Chris Jericho is "over-rated," that he "has always been enhancement talent" is actually laughable. He is great, he does play his characters well (face, heel or tweener, with more versatility than almost anyone). He never took WWF or WWE or WCW into a new era because he never had to do so, they were already there, so to say he hasn't done so before is sort of irrelevant.

Funny thing here is, I think we are largely in agreement. Chris Jericho won't be going to TNA, and if by some stretch of the imagination he committed career suicide and did so, he wouldn't be the difference maker, the messiah that some people are suggesting he would be. But please, let's not refer to Jericho as enhancement talent, I've been enjoying your posts here for too long and I know you know better than that.
Yeah, you're right. Angle, Anderson, Pope, and Hardy aren't the top stars in the company right now or anything. Granted Hardy could be put in prison any minute and can't be booked into any long term programs/feuds or any World Title runs, yet TNA is doing a solid job at keeping him fresh and relevant. Try again.

Angle, Anderson Pope & Hardy aren't the top stars in TNA right now. Maybe they should be, but they're not. The guys getting nearly all the promo time, matches on television and ppv hype are Fortune, EV2.0 and Abyss. It's unfortunate and the Hardy/Angle match at No Surrender is a perfect example. A year ago, people would have been salivating at a Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle match in a TNA World Heavyweight Championship situation. However, there was virtually no buzz about Hardy v. Angle at NS and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and anyone that's been involved in that scene have been pushed aside so the ECW has-beens, never-wases and never-will-bes can have another last chance in the spotlight.
Is this a joke? There is actually no way Jericho will go to TNA. Jericho always talks about how the WWE is the best wrestling company. Besides nothing he would achieve in TNA would matter compared to his WWE achievements. Also with Jerichos character and legacy I highly doubt that hed want anything to do with some of the TNA creative. TNA is such a step down for someone like Jericho I'm pretty shocked people actually are taking this seriously.

Im not being a dick about TNA, I watch it every week and some weeks prefer it to WWE. At the same time WWE when on its game is capable of things like taker/hbks wrestlemania feud which was amazing even in this shit PG era. I dont think TNA has the potential to create something massive like that for a guy at the top of his game like Jericho.
not trying to hate,but TNA has a serious problem marketing there product and there wrestlers!guys like The Machine Guns are the coolest thing they have going,but it took the Hogan regime forever to pick up on that

Jericho would have to be drinking grandpas brown stupid medicine to wanna come here
Nah, in my opinion, that would be a step back for Y2J. I mean sure it worked for Angle who was a great talent and jobbing on ECW before he left, and probably would work for Carlito, but Jericho's just too big for TNA.

And as much as I love TNA, I could never see Jericho working with TNA.
Inevitable? No. Possible? Yes.

The last time Jericho took time off from the WWE he was gone for more than two years before the save_us campaign brought him back, and in that time he spent most of his time recording and touring with his band, Fozzy.

From what I understand, he wants to record another album and tour again with the band, which tells me that yes, it's possible he could come to TNA seeing as TNA would give him the lightest working schedule possible, but I'm also fairly confident the WWE would be willing to give him something similar, so if he's not willing to accept theirs, I'm not entirely sure why he'd accept TNA's, albeit TNA's is still lighter when you also consider they work out of one city.

The Jericho fan in me would love to see him come over, but I wouldn't hold my breathe.
I do NOT think he will leave the WWE. But to play along, I will say this...

If for some reason he does leave WWE and/or doesn't resign, I DO believe he will sign with TNA. I don't think he would sign with ROH EVER. So that only really leaves TNA, assuming he still wants to wrestle. Because I truly don't ever see Chris Jericho roaming around The Independent Circuit.

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