I'm sitting here thinking of the prospect of a Tna Monday night show.
Frightening, isn't it?
Now, even though, from what I've heard, this show will air from 8PM to 10PM, thereby cutting into only an hour of Raw, does this not give TNA some credibility?
No, matching or beating Raw's ratings would give them credibility. Putting them on the same time as Raw doesn't do shit for them. By your logic, putting Family Guy on at the same time as Raw would give it credibility as a wrestling programme. It's just stupid.
You're a loyal, non-IWC Raw fan, and, being bored by Vince's stale product, you check your channel guide. You see TNA wrestling. Who are they? They have the balls to compete with Vince?
Ehh.... You're contradicting yourself a little bit here. You said a
loyal fan. I think the term loyal implies that you stick with the product through the bad times. Or do you have some twisted definition on loyatly?
So, you tune in for the last hour and guess what? You like it! Good wrestling. Some old familiar faces like Hogan and Nash. Some new kids who have great wrestling skills. You find out it starts at 8, and you start tuning in.
Well I've tuned in for both hours and I've never seen that. I've seen old guys who can't wrestle anymore, cruiserweights doing spotfests, gimmick matches that last 5 minutes, some wrestlers who just plain suck and 3 or 4 wrestlers that are actually decent to watch.
Let me be honest. This week's Impact entertained me FAR more than an inebriated piper, and a boring Vince retirement angle. It entertained me more than seeing DX for 20 minutes straight.
And let me be honest, I enjoyed Raw more. I enjoyed seeing some decent matches. I enjoyed watching the future star that is Kofi Kingston develop before our eyes. I enjoyed watching Orton beat up Piper. I enjoyed the rather good main event. And I enjoyed watching a midget getting pedigreed, as ashamed as I am to admit it.
I've heard all the criticism of TNA, Dixie Carter, and the such. But, come on? Am I the only one who finds TNA a breath of fresh air? Am I the only one who thinks TNA has better in-ring wrestling?
TNA was a breath of fresh air, 3 years ago. But now they're not. How can you call seeing Kurt Angle, Sting, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, 3D, Lashley etc. etc. a breath of fresh air? Have we not seen these guys before. And the names I have mentioned take up at least half of Impact. Sure, I'm enjoying AJ as champion. But he's feuding with Daniels? Really? What possible reason could I have for being interested in that?
TNA's women's division makes WWE's look like a joke.
And Shimmer make the knockouts look like a joke, what's your point? Just because they do something better than WWE doesn't mean they do it well.
TNA has, um, duh, what are they called? Oh, yeah! Tag teams! Good ones!
I've been more entertained by Jerishow this year than any tag team in TNA.
Am I the only one who feels like it's the early days of WCW?
Well, no. Because the early days of WCW would never have let AJ Styles be world champion. But that's for a different thread.
Something good could be coming.
could. But you could say the same about WWE. Next weeks Raw
could be one of the the best ever. The wrestling industry is that unpredicable.
We have guys like Madden dumping on them, and even members of the IWC dump on them.
Pointing out their obvious flaws is hardly dumping on them.
How about supporting them?
How about them giving me something to support?
How about giving TNA a chance and being patient?
I've been watching TNA for 3 years. I've been patient.
Yes, it may fail. Yes, it may wilt like a dying flower.
In fact, if we're honest, that's the most likely outcome.
But, in the end, I'm tired. I'm tired of an hour and 35 minutes of promos and 25 minutes of wrestling. I'm tired of Taker. Tired of Vince. Tired of seeing Orton VS Cena again and again and again and again!
TNA had very little wrestling up until recently, so don't bullshit me.
And I've just checked, Undertaker had 16 minutes of TV time on Smackdown. And less, I believe on Raw. And you're telling us to be patient?
Lastly, you cannot use the Orton vs Cena excuse. It's over. It's finished. But rather than going "Yay, it's over." You're going "It doesn't matter if it's over, I'm still sick of it...". Typical smarkyness.
I'm tired of meaningless world titles.
But you're not tired of meaningless midcard titles? Like, the Legend's title, for instance?
Listen, folks. If the holder of a title can't hang onto it for more than 3 weeks, then the title loses its meaning. Hogan held the belt for years. Samartino held it for years. A title change was a big thing. An event for the ages. The proud, strong champ finally being defeated.
Who's willing to be that this guy complained over Cena's long title reign?
Now, the title changes hands more times than a 1 dollar bill. Poor booking in WWE has resulted in numerous title changes, simply because WWE thinks that still is exciting. Well, it's not. It ruing the title's meaning, it's status. It makes us feel that the champ is just another wrestler with a prop.
And that's why they've put both World Champions in a position where it doesn't look like they'll lose the titles for a while. I mean, come on! Triple threats where the champion faces a tag team? The title never changes hands in those matches, fact. So I don't know what you're complaining about.
Of course they do, every wrestling company has their faults. But WWE are doing more to help their faults than TNA.
Dixie should try to hire someone who's more wrestling competent than herself to run things.
Like a 3 legged sheep?
But, I've seen Morgan/Angle, a match Vince wished he could put on.
If Vince wishes he could have that match, he would've done it when Morgan and Angle were in WWE, duh.
I've seen my man Raven returning, and being used the way he's supposed to be used.
I know this is hard for ECW fans to hear, but Raven doesn't matter anymore. Nobody cares except for the aforementioned ECW fans.
I've seen Scott Steiner, a man in a lot of pain, risk his health to do the Frankensteiner yet again.
During his shitty matches...
I've seen Kevin Nash get into better shape then he's been in in 10 years.
I see heart. I see men who really want this company to work.
As opposed to, y'know, John Cena. Who's so obviously only in it for the money...
Give them a shot. Make Vince sweat a little. Vince took the WCW brand, and destroyed it. Vince took the ECW brand, and mocked it, ruined it, soiled it, shit on it, made a mockery of the men who worked months, often with no pay, and put on some of the best shows we've ever seen.
I want to see Vince sweat. I want to see TNA make him actually do some work again.
And, I want the wars! I want to see WWII, Monday night! I want to be entertained again, and to have an option again.
So, good luck to TNA. If they screw it up, shame on them. If they succeed, God bless them. Let's do all we can as fans to push them and get them going. Let's buy their PPVs. Let's send a message that we deserve more than Taker ruining Punk over bullshit.
Let's look at Vince's forehead, and see that sweat flowing again. Go TNA!
Look, I want to see Monday Night Wars II as much as the next guy, I really do. I want WWE to be put into a position where they have to up their game in every way so we get real quality television. I want WWE to worry about the competition.
But that competition isn't going to come from TNA. They don't have anything that shows they can be more than a glorified Indy promotion.
WWE had Hulkamania to rocket them to the top. WCW had the nWo. What do TNA have? AJ Styles? The Main Event Mafia? That's no where near enough to kickstart the Monday Night Wars again. They need to get better then they need to pull out something huge. Until they do that, TNA will always be a distant number 2.