Jan 4th- Monday Night Raw vs TNA iMPACT

Which federation won on January 4th?

  • WWE is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • WWE is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and TNA came out the clear victor

  • TNA is my favorite, and WWE came out the clear victor

  • I like both equally, and WWE was the best show

  • I like both equally, and TNA had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and WWE had the best show

  • I hate both equally, and TNA had the best show

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Well said. I instantly get the feeling of Nitro Vs Raw. Now that the WCW product is way in the past, and that Hogan and Flair had major runs in the WWE, these jumps to TNA allow for TNA to have an edged advantage to a Monday Night War.

The only thing that was keeping TNA back was staying in one building and taping their iMpact! show. They had 0 publicity, and you can't expect to gain fans by taping in the same arena. Now that they will get out there with the names of HOGAN, STING, ANGLE, and possibly FLAIR then this will put them on the map and audiences will take notice. Bring it on. I'm stoked as well!

I am sure that it will be in different locations soon since the filming contract is soon coming to an end for the current location. I could see it becoming a weekly live product soon.

On a side note DarkAngel, are you a Bumblefoot fan?
Just like I said .... this is a classic example of a "WWE Shareholder". Of course, you have basically admitted it, to your credit.

Actually, I screwed up the post. That was supposed to be a transcript of McMahon's pitch to Angle. Reading it, yeah, it really sounded like I was wearing a cheerleaders' skirt and pompoms, but that wasn't my intention.

Most of the time I do think that what I like personally would be good for business. Here I was thinking, ok knowing Vince's history, what are his moves going to be.

Step one, give Kurt Angle a call. (No one seems to know if he's resigned yet.) McMahon's pitch runs something like "WWE wasn't chasing you before because you wanted out and you wanted the lighter schedule. But Kurt, if there's going to be a war, we want you on our side. The number on that contract is going to be very hard for you to turn down. I know loyalty to TNA would be an issue, except that Jarrett is screwing Karen and then the Carters screwed Jeff. And as for the schedule, we're implementing an initiative where top veterans can get half pay and only work 100 days per year." (Note: 100 sounds like a lot, but start with 50 weekly TV shows and add 15 or so PPV, and you're talking about doing 30 or so other shows during the year.)

I was just trying to move on to think of, OK, what will Vince do in reaction to TNA's challenge. The answer is NOT going to be "Put on the best gosh-darn wrestling show I can."

Step 2 would be counterprogramming against the first hour of Monday Impact. Either on USA, SyFy or WGN, throw something on there to split the audience watching wrestling at 8 p.m. Eastern. MAybe a third hour of Raw, maybe move ECW to Monday nights and go live with ECW, maybe move Superstars, maybe create something new quick and cheap. I could see McMahon going with a "pregame show" type show, based on SportsCenter or the NFL pregame shows. Carry a studio set around with the Raw crew, take 3-4 guys under contract and stick them in blazers and chairs and have them narrate and discuss clips of the last week's programing in kayfabe.
A lot of people like to think that TNA is beating the WWE in certain countries. Hey, the numbers don't lie. But no-one ever brings up a certain point, for the UK ratings.

TNA iMPACT is shown Saturday night, around 9 if I'm not mistaken.

WWE RAW is shown Tuesday morning at 2AM.

Now I'm sorry, but if they're compaing those two shows then who do you think is going to get more viewers? Furthermore, WWE is on Sky Sports, which costs an absoloute bomb every month on top of the normal suscription fee, while the channel TNA is shown on costs about 1/4 of that. Therefore, that argument is null & void.
A lot of people like to think that TNA is beating the WWE in certain countries. Hey, the numbers don't lie. But no-one ever brings up a certain point, for the UK ratings.

TNA iMPACT is shown Saturday night, around 9 if I'm not mistaken.

WWE RAW is shown Tuesday morning at 2AM.

Now I'm sorry, but if they're compaing those two shows then who do you think is going to get more viewers? Furthermore, WWE is on Sky Sports, which costs an absoloute bomb every month on top of the normal suscription fee, while the channel TNA is shown on costs about 1/4 of that. Therefore, that argument is null & void.

If WWE was so special to UK fans they would pay for Sky Sports. Every WWE mark acts like they cannot do any wrong so if that is the case all UK wrestling fans should want to pay for the channel and record it or stay up later to watch it.

The only reason why it's null & void is because people can't deal with reality. TNA is bigger overseas than WWE in many of ways and not just due to ratings or viewers.
The only reason why it's null & void is because people can't deal with reality. TNA is bigger overseas than WWE in many of ways and not just due to ratings or viewers.

TNA may be bigger in Britain than WWE. But when people use ratings to prove that say 1,000,000 million Brits watch Impact and 800,000 Brits watch Raw, therefore Impact is more popular, it matters a lot that Impact is on a cheap cable channel at 9p.m. while WWE is on an expensive channel at 2 am. If that's the case, then Impact should be getting 10x the ratings Raw gets, if the two companies have equal popularity.

Now, should someone in WWE International lose their jobs because Impact has that spot instead of WWE? Absolutely. Long term, will this make the UK a TNA market instead of a WWE market? Very possible if WWE doesn't do something.

But just comparing the ratings as if Sky and the other channel were equals, and if WWE and TNA had comparable timeslots, is very deceptive.
TNA may be bigger in Britain than WWE. But when people use ratings to prove that say 1,000,000 million Brits watch Impact and 800,000 Brits watch Raw, therefore Impact is more popular, it matters a lot that Impact is on a cheap cable channel at 9p.m. while WWE is on an expensive channel at 2 am. If that's the case, then Impact should be getting 10x the ratings Raw gets, if the two companies have equal popularity.

Now, should someone in WWE International lose their jobs because Impact has that spot instead of WWE? Absolutely. Long term, will this make the UK a TNA market instead of a WWE market? Very possible if WWE doesn't do something.

But just comparing the ratings as if Sky and the other channel were equals, and if WWE and TNA had comparable timeslots, is very deceptive.

The thing is that WWE doesn't really have an British Wrestlers. While TNA does, It is probably a matter of catering to that audience.

On a sidenote: Instead of making a new thread, How about discussing possible names for the new show?

I think it has to be something edgy. It can't be something stupid like TNA Slap Nuts. TNA War Zone. They are not going to be using Impact for the name.
I'm sitting here thinking of the prospect of a Tna Monday night show.

Now, even though, from what I've heard, this show will air from 8PM to 10PM, thereby cutting into only an hour of Raw, does this not give TNA some credibility? You're a loyal, non-IWC Raw fan, and, being bored by Vince's stale product, you check your channel guide. You see TNA wrestling. Who are they? They have the balls to compete with Vince?

So, you tune in for the last hour and guess what? You like it! Good wrestling. Some old familiar faces like Hogan and Nash. Some new kids who have great wrestling skills. You find out it starts at 8, and you start tuning in.

Let me be honest. This week's Impact entertained me FAR more than an inebriated piper, and a boring Vince retirement angle. It entertained me more than seeing DX for 20 minutes straight.

I've heard all the criticism of TNA, Dixie Carter, and the such. But, come on? Am I the only one who finds TNA a breath of fresh air? Am I the only one who thinks TNA has better in-ring wrestling?

TNA's women's division makes WWE's look like a joke. TNA has, um, duh, what are they called? Oh, yeah! Tag teams! Good ones! Am I the only one who feels like it's the early days of WCW?

Something good could be coming. We have guys like Madden dumping on them, and even members of the IWC dump on them.

How about supporting them? How about giving TNA a chance and being patient? Yes, it may fail. Yes, it may wilt like a dying flower.

But, in the end, I'm tired. I'm tired of an hour and 35 minutes of promos and 25 minutes of wrestling. I'm tired of Taker. Tired of Vince. Tired of seeing Orton VS Cena again and again and again and again!

I'm tired of meaningless world titles. Listen, folks. If the holder of a title can't hang onto it for more than 3 weeks, then the title loses its meaning. Hogan held the belt for years. Samartino held it for years. A title change was a big thing. An event for the ages. The proud, strong champ finally being defeated.

Now, the title changes hands more times than a 1 dollar bill. Poor booking in WWE has resulted in numerous title changes, simply because WWE thinks that still is exciting. Well, it's not. It ruing the title's meaning, it's status. It makes us feel that the champ is just another wrestler with a prop.

TNA has its faults. Dixie should try to hire someone who's more wrestling competent than herself to run things. But, I've seen Morgan/Angle, a match Vince wished he could put on. I've seen my man Raven returning, and being used the way he's supposed to be used. I've seen Scott Steiner, a man in a lot of pain, risk his health to do the Frankensteiner yet again.

I've seen Kevin Nash get into better shape then he's been in in 10 years.

I see heart. I see men who really want this company to work.

Give them a shot. Make Vince sweat a little. Vince took the WCW brand, and destroyed it. Vince took the ECW brand, and mocked it, ruined it, soiled it, shit on it, made a mockery of the men who worked months, often with no pay, and put on some of the best shows we've ever seen.

I want to see Vince sweat. I want to see TNA make him actually do some work again.

And, I want the wars! I want to see WWII, Monday night! I want to be entertained again, and to have an option again.

So, good luck to TNA. If they screw it up, shame on them. If they succeed, God bless them. Let's do all we can as fans to push them and get them going. Let's buy their PPVs. Let's send a message that we deserve more than Taker ruining Punk over bullshit.

Let's look at Vince's forehead, and see that sweat flowing again. Go TNA!
thank you i am not the only one that is thinking this. I have been watching TNA since the early days of the weakly PPVs...they've had their bad times and the their good times.

I think right now they are on an upswing. and if they do get a monday night show i know i will be watching both hours and blowing off WWE because the only reason i am watching it now is for the off chance that something good happens.

I just hope that Hogan don't come in and destroy everything..but if the rumors are true that he has a state in the company I don't see him doing that. Would be stupid to get stock in the company; come in and destroy it.

we all need to give TNA a chance cause without competion wrestling sucks just look at wwe over the last few years and the crap they been putting out.
i can't wait to see Vince's face when his ratings are going down because people are changing the channel to TNA cuz they are sick and tired of watching DX battle a midget over what his wearing to watching some of yesterdays greatest battling the up and comers. I want TNA to move to monday nights and try to beat WWE sooner or later the giant will fall. I might not have been following TNA since the start but i have been behind them for a while and if they go monday night i will be watching them
Ignoring the fact that some of TNA's guys are WWE-scapees {Guys who left the WWE or were told no}, TNA has tons of talent. The guy they have the X-Division belt on, Amazing Red, he's got some talent in the ring and emphasizes the fact that the division is mostly crusierweight. Guys like Hernandez and Matt Morgan have the main-event part of every match card backed up and are ready to step in whenever. The TNA title contendership bounces from guy to guy, going from Sting to Daniels and Joe, to pretty much anyone. TNA would make Vince McMahon rebuild his product, Raw, Smackdown, and ECW would all be getting overhauls. We might just see a rebuilt Extreme Championship Wrestling pop up to help battle the rising stardom of TNA.
I'm sitting here thinking of the prospect of a Tna Monday night show.

Frightening, isn't it?

Now, even though, from what I've heard, this show will air from 8PM to 10PM, thereby cutting into only an hour of Raw, does this not give TNA some credibility?

No, matching or beating Raw's ratings would give them credibility. Putting them on the same time as Raw doesn't do shit for them. By your logic, putting Family Guy on at the same time as Raw would give it credibility as a wrestling programme. It's just stupid.

You're a loyal, non-IWC Raw fan, and, being bored by Vince's stale product, you check your channel guide. You see TNA wrestling. Who are they? They have the balls to compete with Vince?

Ehh.... You're contradicting yourself a little bit here. You said a loyal fan. I think the term loyal implies that you stick with the product through the bad times. Or do you have some twisted definition on loyatly?

So, you tune in for the last hour and guess what? You like it! Good wrestling. Some old familiar faces like Hogan and Nash. Some new kids who have great wrestling skills. You find out it starts at 8, and you start tuning in.

Well I've tuned in for both hours and I've never seen that. I've seen old guys who can't wrestle anymore, cruiserweights doing spotfests, gimmick matches that last 5 minutes, some wrestlers who just plain suck and 3 or 4 wrestlers that are actually decent to watch.

Let me be honest. This week's Impact entertained me FAR more than an inebriated piper, and a boring Vince retirement angle. It entertained me more than seeing DX for 20 minutes straight.

And let me be honest, I enjoyed Raw more. I enjoyed seeing some decent matches. I enjoyed watching the future star that is Kofi Kingston develop before our eyes. I enjoyed watching Orton beat up Piper. I enjoyed the rather good main event. And I enjoyed watching a midget getting pedigreed, as ashamed as I am to admit it.

I've heard all the criticism of TNA, Dixie Carter, and the such. But, come on? Am I the only one who finds TNA a breath of fresh air? Am I the only one who thinks TNA has better in-ring wrestling?

TNA was a breath of fresh air, 3 years ago. But now they're not. How can you call seeing Kurt Angle, Sting, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, 3D, Lashley etc. etc. a breath of fresh air? Have we not seen these guys before. And the names I have mentioned take up at least half of Impact. Sure, I'm enjoying AJ as champion. But he's feuding with Daniels? Really? What possible reason could I have for being interested in that?

TNA's women's division makes WWE's look like a joke.

And Shimmer make the knockouts look like a joke, what's your point? Just because they do something better than WWE doesn't mean they do it well.

TNA has, um, duh, what are they called? Oh, yeah! Tag teams! Good ones!

I've been more entertained by Jerishow this year than any tag team in TNA.

Am I the only one who feels like it's the early days of WCW?

Well, no. Because the early days of WCW would never have let AJ Styles be world champion. But that's for a different thread.

Something good could be coming.

Yeah, could. But you could say the same about WWE. Next weeks Raw could be one of the the best ever. The wrestling industry is that unpredicable.

We have guys like Madden dumping on them, and even members of the IWC dump on them.

Pointing out their obvious flaws is hardly dumping on them.

How about supporting them?

How about them giving me something to support?

How about giving TNA a chance and being patient?

I've been watching TNA for 3 years. I've been patient.

Yes, it may fail. Yes, it may wilt like a dying flower.

In fact, if we're honest, that's the most likely outcome.

But, in the end, I'm tired. I'm tired of an hour and 35 minutes of promos and 25 minutes of wrestling. I'm tired of Taker. Tired of Vince. Tired of seeing Orton VS Cena again and again and again and again!

TNA had very little wrestling up until recently, so don't bullshit me.
And I've just checked, Undertaker had 16 minutes of TV time on Smackdown. And less, I believe on Raw. And you're telling us to be patient?
Lastly, you cannot use the Orton vs Cena excuse. It's over. It's finished. But rather than going "Yay, it's over." You're going "It doesn't matter if it's over, I'm still sick of it...". Typical smarkyness.

I'm tired of meaningless world titles.

But you're not tired of meaningless midcard titles? Like, the Legend's title, for instance?

Listen, folks. If the holder of a title can't hang onto it for more than 3 weeks, then the title loses its meaning. Hogan held the belt for years. Samartino held it for years. A title change was a big thing. An event for the ages. The proud, strong champ finally being defeated.

Who's willing to be that this guy complained over Cena's long title reign?

Now, the title changes hands more times than a 1 dollar bill. Poor booking in WWE has resulted in numerous title changes, simply because WWE thinks that still is exciting. Well, it's not. It ruing the title's meaning, it's status. It makes us feel that the champ is just another wrestler with a prop.

And that's why they've put both World Champions in a position where it doesn't look like they'll lose the titles for a while. I mean, come on! Triple threats where the champion faces a tag team? The title never changes hands in those matches, fact. So I don't know what you're complaining about.

TNA has its faults.

Of course they do, every wrestling company has their faults. But WWE are doing more to help their faults than TNA.

Dixie should try to hire someone who's more wrestling competent than herself to run things.

Like a 3 legged sheep?

But, I've seen Morgan/Angle, a match Vince wished he could put on.

If Vince wishes he could have that match, he would've done it when Morgan and Angle were in WWE, duh.

I've seen my man Raven returning, and being used the way he's supposed to be used.

I know this is hard for ECW fans to hear, but Raven doesn't matter anymore. Nobody cares except for the aforementioned ECW fans.

I've seen Scott Steiner, a man in a lot of pain, risk his health to do the Frankensteiner yet again.

During his shitty matches...

I've seen Kevin Nash get into better shape then he's been in in 10 years.


I see heart. I see men who really want this company to work.

As opposed to, y'know, John Cena. Who's so obviously only in it for the money...

Give them a shot. Make Vince sweat a little. Vince took the WCW brand, and destroyed it. Vince took the ECW brand, and mocked it, ruined it, soiled it, shit on it, made a mockery of the men who worked months, often with no pay, and put on some of the best shows we've ever seen.

I want to see Vince sweat. I want to see TNA make him actually do some work again.

And, I want the wars! I want to see WWII, Monday night! I want to be entertained again, and to have an option again.

So, good luck to TNA. If they screw it up, shame on them. If they succeed, God bless them. Let's do all we can as fans to push them and get them going. Let's buy their PPVs. Let's send a message that we deserve more than Taker ruining Punk over bullshit.

Let's look at Vince's forehead, and see that sweat flowing again. Go TNA!

Look, I want to see Monday Night Wars II as much as the next guy, I really do. I want WWE to be put into a position where they have to up their game in every way so we get real quality television. I want WWE to worry about the competition.
But that competition isn't going to come from TNA. They don't have anything that shows they can be more than a glorified Indy promotion.
WWE had Hulkamania to rocket them to the top. WCW had the nWo. What do TNA have? AJ Styles? The Main Event Mafia? That's no where near enough to kickstart the Monday Night Wars again. They need to get better then they need to pull out something huge. Until they do that, TNA will always be a distant number 2.
The problem with Monday Night Wars II is that TNA is outgunned, out-cashed, outmanned and outclassed.

Vince McMAhon will only improve his TV shows as a last resort. That's hard. He will instead run TNA out of business. That's relatively easy, as he has done it to WCW, ECW, XWF, WWA, AWA, Jim Crockett Promotions, the NWA Georgia territory, WCCW, the UWF, plus buying out Maple Leaf Wrestling and Stampede Wrestling under duress. Some of those would have failed on their own, but all of them either suffered from or could clearly foresee talent raids and/or challenges to their TV outlets that would cripple the business. Some would have failed without WWF going national, but the fact is that Vince McMahon's Titan Sports WWF going national was the biggest factor.

If WWE starts to feel threatened today, there are five moves they can make over the next year or so to weaken TNA without changing one minute of the guest-hosted home for midgets doing crotch chops.

1. Let the WWE main-event talent know that they are at war. Grudges will be held against any main eventer who goes to TNA when their contract is up. Vince has placed ego before wallet before, and if he did it with Hulk Hogan he can certainly do it with Edge or Mysterio or even Cena.

2. Institute a lighter "veteran main eventer" (VME) schedule for ex-champions over 35. (Those are the most likely to jump to TNA for the lighter schedule, and the most in need of time off anyway to prolong their WWE main event careers.) RVD and Kurt Angle would be eligible. Let Cena, Orton, HHH, Punk, Morrison, and two or three rotating "VME"s carry the load at house shows.

3. Talent raid on TNA's key talent. Kurt Angle is a free agent, unless he has re-signed and TNA hasn't publicized it. Samoa Joe's contract is up in 2010 or 2011, as is Awesome Kong's. AJ Styles is locked up unti 2014. Everyone else on the TNA roster is either a net negative to TNA or is an interchangeable part.

4. Talent raid on TNA's ordinary talent. Whenever a cheap TNA guy's contract is up, offer a WWE TV roster minimum guarantee one-year deal. Some will come to WWE, TNA will match the offer to some, but TNA's pay scale goes up dramatically at minimal cost to WWE.

5. Counterprogramming. Next year, move Smackdown to Thursdays. 8pm Mondays, run a one-hour "pregame show" from a studio. Have three or four panelists review the last week's matches and feuds, preview this week's Raw, Smackdown, ECW and Superstars. Interview wrestlers. To really twist the knife on TNA, show one or two matches during the hour. Go to the WWE 24/7 tape libraries to run a classic match between or at least involving whichever Over-The-Hill gang members are feuding on TNA this week. Create a new X-division/Cruiserweight style "TV title" exclusive to the studio show and let Evan Bourne, Shelton Benjamin, Low-Ki, Chavo and a couple of others they have hanging around FCW go nuts. Bring in Petey Williams, Brian Kendrick, Sonjay Dutt, Paul London, and Johnny Devine for one-shot appearances to fight for that title.

All without improving one second of Raw, Smackdown or ECW, with the exception of adding RVD, Angle and Joe.
TNA is out fan based, WWE has the money going as well. Although I would definitely watch impact over raw any day. Seriously after all the bullshit that tna has put out, WWE out bullshitted them with this guest host non sense. I might still tune in for a segment or 2...that's really all i see when I flip over, it;s rarely a match. I very rarely watch smackdown....I can litterally count the times on one hand. I have watched the tuesday show once this year...and it was a replay on hdnet...or was it uhd...anyways, Kofi to me has always had a dull gimmick...his moveset is like...oh okay, i've seen this. Had hope for the miz i mean he has the charisma but he's goin nowhere from the little I have seen. The same can be said for jack swagger so yea... I'd pick impact over raw
I'm sorry but this post has to be something of a joke right? Listen, it doesn't matter to me who thinks which wrestling company is best, it doesn't matter if you think Cena sucks or if Hogan is over the hill or whatever. When it comes down to the simple basics...wait for it....TNA cannot beat the WWE right now.

I like some of what's going on in TNA and some of what's going on in the WWE. However, even if I absolutely despised everything going on in the WWE, that still wouldn't affect the numbers the WWE pulls in. What it all boils down to when all the fans have gone home, when the IWC has passed out in front of their computers are the numbers.

http://www.wrestlinginc.com/news/wi/2009/1120/463311/index.shtml That link shows something of what I'm talking about. Pay particular interest to the attendance figures each company has had with some of their most recent shows. I see that within a span of 6 days, the WWE performed in front of crowds numbering in excess of 80,000 whereas TNA performed in front of a little more than 2,000 in 3 days and one of those shows as a ppv.

I hope TNA can grow and become a legitimate competitor to the WWE. But anybody that believes that a company that often plays to well under 1,000 people in most of their venues can seriously take on and beat a company that literally wrestles in front of millions of people every year is seriously delusional. I'm not saying that to slam TNA, I'm not saying it to put TNA down. But the numbers don't lie. You would have to combine the audience of 19 different episodes of TNA Impact to equal the number of people Raw drew to MSG this past Monday night.

TNA is not a threat to the WWE, TNA is not going to be a threat to the WWE anytime in the near future. Dixie Carter knows this and she knows it all too well. In spite of all the bravado she puts out hyping TNA whenever she does an interview or a press release, she knows that TNA can't compete with the WWE right now.
I agree. TNA is not ready to compete with the WWE right now. I know everyone would love to see a new Monday Night War, but let's be realistic. TNA doesn't have the money or support to pull it off. The WWE is a billion dollar company and Vince would have no qualms about out-spending TNA out of business. He then would then buy them out and make re-coupe the money on their video catalog.

While TNA's ultimate goal is to compete with the WWE, they first should try to improve their name recognition. They have to get their ratings higher than a 1.0 average. They stopped showing Impact replays on Saturday morning in hopes of doing that but so far it hasn't worked.

They have also got to improve their house show attendance. Getting 500-1,000 people a show is just not cutting it. Once they can start filling up small 3,000 - 5,000 seat arenas then we're talking. Maybe taping Impact on the road will help that, but that cost money.
If TNA would actually advertise better they could easily compete with WWE. All they gotta do is pay for ads during RAW. Send someone like AJ or Joe to a talk show and get the TNA name out there. TNA has WWE beat in every way except history. People know WWE but don't know TNA.

TNA has so much great talent. AJ, Joe, Daniels, Morgan, Hernandez, Dinero, Abyss, Red, Homicide, Wolfe, Beer Money, MCMG's, EY. Plus some of the biggest stars of all time like Angle, Sting, Foley, Hogan and Nash.

If they would do a better job of promoting that those big 5 are in TNA that would atleast draw in older fan to see them for a show or 2. Then it would be up to all the others I mentioned before that to keep the viewers coming back.

I would think anyone over the age of 5 would rather watch all of that great talent TNA has instead of a fucking midget leprechaun.
First, let me preface this by stating that I am a TNA fan, a big TNA fan, and have been watching them for years. I hope they can get to a WCW level and we can see some competition but I don't think they are ready for it just yet.


I don't think hoping that people stumble across TNA while changing the channels from RAW is much of a business plan. WCW had CASH to compete with WWE head to head. If they didn't get immediate interest they had the money to build and wait it out, they could afford to try new things and retool...TNA can/does not.

Even if they move to Monday night they need to let WWE fans know that they are there. In the 90s, WCW advertised on TV/Radio/Newspapers, everywhere. WWE and WCW PPV advertisements also came with literally millions of cable bills.

There are a few reasons why TNA should NOT have a Monday night show just yet:

A lot of people want to see established names...that can still work. Steiner and Nash don't cut it. But I think TNA is at least okay in this area. They have great talent to work with, but definitely need more well known names.

The iMPACT! Zone looks terrible. It's small and shows, it cannot compete with WWE venues and doesn't have the gritty allure of old school ECW venues (or the ECW arena rather).

The production value is atrocious. It's simply terrible.

They NEED to advertise and market themselves. Like I said above, they cannot just hope people flip the channel. People don't know where they are now, just because they're on Mondays doesn't mean millions of people will find them.
don´t even think about a fuckin´brand extension, that´s a crappy WWE concept, why would anyone want a federation to make 2 separate rosters, that´s ridiculous, and also TNA doesn´t have an overloaded roster of 200 people.

the thing TNA needs is a WCW Thunder-esque show for the lower mid card and move Impact to mondays and make it outside the ImpactZone

we al know Vince is scared of TNA, because after Hogan signed TNA, WWE announced that maybe The Rock is gonna return, that´s a desperate measure

I don't know if this is legit or not, but I thought I'd pass it along. This last little line seems to suggest that Hogan is confirming that TNA Impact will be moving to Mondays. This may well be just more Hulk Hogan bluster and all, I can't find any details supporting the claim so I'm not putting very much stock in it right now. However, IF it is true and IF it does turn out to be anytime in the near future, then I fear TNA's days are numbered.
I'm not sure whether or not I buy that latest report.

I have no doubts that TNA is adding, or wants to add, a show on Monday nights. I just think it'd be crazy to move their then "A" show to go head-to-head with RAW, when it's doing fine on Thursdays. I'm worried as it is about Hogan showing up, and if moving Impact is one of his moves, then you're right...It's all DOA...
I'm not sure whether or not I buy that latest report.

I have no doubts that TNA is adding, or wants to add, a show on Monday nights. I just think it'd be crazy to move their then "A" show to go head-to-head with RAW, when it's doing fine on Thursdays. I'm worried as it is about Hogan showing up, and if moving Impact is one of his moves, then you're right...It's all DOA...

Agreed, they should leave Impact on Thursdays. Their show doesn't have to be on when Raw or Smackdown is on in order for them to be competition. They can be on any night of the week and still be competition. I too am worried about Hogan showing up, and whether things will continue to go as they have been, or if TNA itself will be revamped as he sees fit. It is all DOA and I hope things succeed for TNA and that TNA becomes a better promotion.
That link seems to me like a cheap ploy for hits, if you follow it you get someone else's main page with the same wrestling news stories everyone else has.

Mark Madden says that the Monday show is in addition to Thursday Impact. He said he talked to sources, way back in the first couple of days after the press conference. I asked him for permission to post the emails, he hasn't responded, so take that for what it's worth.
Thought I'd bring this up in the TNA section.

WWE has been in talks with the SyFy network about the future of the ECW brand. WWE is planning a major re-branding and word is that WWE will still keep the 10pm time slot and may introduce a new TV show similar to WWE Superstars on WGN America.

A new show on SyFy. Might that show be on, say, at 8 pm? On Mondays?

WWE already produces a "This Week In WWE" show for international markets. How hard would it be to put that show on Mondays at 8 pm on SyFy? It would get decent ratings as a sort of "pregame show" for Raw.

And it would prevent TNA from running the 8-9pm Monday hour unchallenged.
I think the whole idea of this happening is the most exiting thing to happen in wrestling in all of 2009:) i mean a monday night war 2? I want to happen but ill be on wwe's side all the way.
as a TNA mark ill 1st say will say WATCHA GONNA DO VINNIE MAC WHEN TNA WRESTLING RUNS WILD ON YOU. The thought of people switching over 2 TNA for a sec 2 see the competition gets lost in an X-Division match and end up watching the whole show and becoming addicted gives me thrills. TNA will lead the future of the wrestling biz. Once people truly see an Angle vs Wolfe match up against a cena vs sheamus match they'll truly see what they have been missing. I wouldnt mind seeing TNA have a Monday night special once just for a taste of what will come. MONDAY NIGHT WARS 2.0 BROTHER. and i have a phenominal feeling TNA WILL NOT LOSE!
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