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Is It Just Me...


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Or is it that every hot girl has two to three gay friends in their little clique? I couldn't help but notice that a couple nights ago. Slamming chick, with a few of her friends, and two guys that had to be gay. It's not like I have any problem it, it's just something I happen to notice. All of my girl friends who I'd consider extremely attractive happen to always have two to three guys following them.

So again, coincidence, or something more?
It's because gay guys are the only ones they trust, or the only ones they've become friends with and not been hit on. Let's face it, a girl becomes friends with a guy to become friends, a guy does it to get in their pants. Girls who experience this will realise they cannot trust straight guys.
That's simlar to what's going on right now with me. I'm interested in this chick I work with. Except all her friends work with us too. They all make it really awkward. The only one who hasn't talked to me is her gay friend. Although apparently her gay friend was asked out by the guy in the hair cut place inside the store we all work at.
Let's face it, a girl becomes friends with a guy to become friends, a guy does it to get in their pants.

I disagree. Right now, I'm in a comitted relationship with Miss Tenta. Still, I don't make friends with people in the hopes of doing the Horizontal Mambo. Whenever I'm at a party, I'm sure to introdeuce Miss Tenta to all friends, male or female, and I'm pretty sure most don't think I'm aiming to unzip a woman's pants.
I disagree. Right now, I'm in a comitted relationship with Miss Tenta. Still, I don't make friends with people in the hopes of doing the Horizontal Mambo. Whenever I'm at a party, I'm sure to introdeuce Miss Tenta to all friends, male or female, and I'm pretty sure most don't think I'm aiming to unzip a woman's pants.

I guess I should have said single guys, my bad. It may not be true to you, but where I'm from it sure as hell is true. Even the girls are cottoning on to it. There only close male friends will be gay guys and taken guys (who aren't allowed to be that close to girls not friends of his girlfriend)
I'm friends with many females and always take part in their little cliques of going out. Me and this other guy Bruce are basically what the girls love. They love taking us out as they seem to trust us... we are the only two men in the group. Must be our extra-ordinary sense of fashion and our tans.

Oh wait...
I guess I should have said single guys, my bad. It may not be true to you, but where I'm from it sure as hell is true. Even the girls are cottoning on to it. There only close male friends will be gay guys and taken guys (who aren't allowed to be that close to girls not friends of his girlfriend)

I don't make friends with girls to fuck them, and I'm single. Well...sorta kinda. I'll take a joke from Mitch Hedberg; I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a chick who would be really mad if she heard me say that.

Gay guys are usually around hot chicks, I'll never understand why though. I would like to argue that all the guys of the world have figured out a way to avoid the Friend Zone, so all the single guys have created a vacancy that only gay men can fill, but that's not true. The Friend Zone is a constant threat, which claims the lives of men everyday. Stand alert, my men. The Cosmic Dude shall shield you from the storm.
I get caught in the Friend Zone all the time. That's why I've only ever had one girlfriend in my life. And even then she dumped for after 2 weeks for no reason whatsoever.
In all seriousness, I am a straight man who doesn't mind being claimed into the Friend Zone. I embrace it and want to stay there for lengthy periods. I am doing some study in this zone to see if there is a way out of the tunnel... no, wait... a way into the tunnel.

I tell you what, if you can figure that shit out then you can definitely divide by zero and believe it's not butter. I'm getting there, but nowhere near completion. Right now, I am enjoying the friendly flirting fests.
Yeah I notice it to and I'm friends with this one girl who has some gay friends. I asked her why does she have gay boys as friends even though I have no problem with gays since 2 other of my good friends are gay.

She said its cause they are real like they don't lie to you and like if you wearing something ugly they would tell you that it is so you don't embarrassed your self.

Also she told me unlike most dudes they don't try to get in there pants and stuff.

btw im straight
Im sick of the friend zone.

It's easily avoided. I tried becoming friends with girls I liked for a couple of years, and it never went anywhere but the 'Friend Zone'. Then one night I got with a friend of a friend on a night out, who I had never spoken to. A year and a half later, we are in a committed relationship. Don't try going the friend route. Get to know them as you are dating them. If you're not feeling anything, there's an easy way out.
They're not really gay, they just say that to get close to the hot girl. Come on, oldest trick in the book. Well actually it isn't, rape is, but that doesn't count.
They're not really gay, they just say that to get close to the hot girl. Come on, oldest trick in the book. Well actually it isn't, rape is, but that doesn't count.

Maybe so, but women have an uncanny ability to take a split-second glimpse and tell you which men they see in a busy street are gay. It is an amazing gift they possess, so you have to do some serious research to keep that monika of being gay.
In all seriousness, I am a straight man who doesn't mind being claimed into the Friend Zone. I embrace it and want to stay there for lengthy periods. I am doing some study in this zone to see if there is a way out of the tunnel... no, wait... a way into the tunnel.

I tell you what, if you can figure that shit out then you can definitely divide by zero and believe it's not butter. I'm getting there, but nowhere near completion. Right now, I am enjoying the friendly flirting fests.

The Cosmic Dude. He is the answer to everything you wish to know.

Also, a great way to avoid the Friend Zone is to spend no more than a few weeks "getting to know them" if you absolutely HAVE to know them for a bit before asking them on a date. Set up that deadset, 2 week deadline and ask them on that date. If not, then kiss the relationship goodbye, because you're heading for the Friend Zone. And all that flirting in the Friend Zone? They mean nothing by it. Nothing. Seriously.

I wouldn't advise starting the friendship with flirting as a way of trying to skirt the Friend Zone. It won't do what you want, it'll instead make the girl think that you're being insincere. I've seen many a man fall into that trap. Mostly douchey frat guys, but the Code of the Cosmic Dude applies to all.
So this Cosmic Dude understands how to divide by zero then? I doubt it...

I'm taking my time very slowly, like a science project. Flirting maybe nothing, but I am too far in to give up at this stage. I must crack the "Friend Zone" barrier whilst pertaining to be a Friend.
My first actual relationship happened in late 2004 till mid 2005, it was instantly a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, there was no hanging out and getting to know each other. It was a instant "You wanna go out with me?" response, that relationship lasted 6 months, didn't talk for a year and i was in the friend zone from then until mid last year, and i could never get back with her andn ow she's getting married at 20. Life's a bitch sometimes.
You should be happy J-Dogg, you helped her find happiness. That's what us men are here for right or have I completely missed the point?
The relationship I was in, it started out at work, a good friend of mine, who was actually a girl, was training a new girl on cash, and happened to get her to help me with something to try and set me up with her. I made the mistake of only blurting out sarcasm that night. But I made up for it by talking to her, and getting to know a little bit about her before asking her out. Then our first date was dinner and a movie, on which she constantly fought me on me paying for stuff. In fact, she always fought me on it, so much so , I had to let her pay.
I guess I should have said single guys, my bad. It may not be true to you, but where I'm from it sure as hell is true. Even the girls are cottoning on to it. There only close male friends will be gay guys and taken guys (who aren't allowed to be that close to girls not friends of his girlfriend)

I think that's just England Todd, were horrible people.
It's true. There's a couple of reasons.
1. Most gays only surround themselves with hot girls(no ugo's please)
2. We are frank. If you look ugly, ****ty, or fat, we will tell you. Then give you some makeup/clothes/workout advice/tips.
3. Girls don't think gay guys are as catty as other girls. This is a myth. We are worse.
4. The majority of gay guys are best friends with girls. I mean not all gays are the same but generally speaking gays stick to their hags. I have 2-3 good male friends(1 gay, 2 straight) but girls are just more our "type" for friends.
5. Girls don't feel threatened by gays. Unlike a girl best friend, they don't have to worry about their b/f's cheating on them with us. This is also a myth. Gay guys(generally speaking)are bigger hoars than girls. We are also bigger backstabbers, so if the b/f is willing, then we pounce.

*Not all gays are the same, but....the majority of us are....we are still nice and fabulous though*

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