When Being a Wingman Goes Wrong


crafts entire Worlds out of Words
..We've all done it. Being the wingman. Wingmanning it up. Doing what has to be done to make sure your bud goes home with the lady of choice. It has variations under Man Law and Bro Code, but it is always the same. Do your manly duty.

Disclaimer: When in Wingman mode many men do not think as chivalrously or as "politely" as they would normally. The goal is to get your friend with who they want, not to be nice. If you are offended by the contents of this thread, I wasn't trying to pick you up last night so it's fine.

I, yesterday, was called upon to Wingman for my bro. He was wanting to date a chick, and he needed an opening to seal the deal for a date later on in the week. He was hoping a excursion to a local club on Dixon for the weekly "Gay Night" (which happens to be a favorite Sunday excursion for straight women in Fayetteville...I'll never know why.) would be just the window. However, the chick he was hoping to bang was bringing along a friend. And so, the Trumpets were sounded.

I alone answered the call, after the obligatory Facebook search of the friend in question. It was going to be the ultimate test of my Wingman arsenal. The friend was needy and slightly emo, with a dash of crazy. I would need the help of the Cosmic Dude for this one.

My friend and I went to Gibson, the dorm in which the ladies resided. As I was running over various games to run in the course of the night, 4 girls exited the building. One was the girl in question, my friend's hopeful date for next week. The 3 other girls were coming along, and my challenging night of Wingman duty suddenly turned into an impossible Wingman Marathon. How would I, the Razor, handle such a daunting task? Easy. I manned up and took the challenge head on.

As we were walking down Dixon Street to the club it was easy enough to distract the 3 girls and get my friend and his potential date alone for the walk. However, when in line for the club, I had to fall back and allow the group to mingle. One of the girls started crying because of something a group behind us said about her, of which I did not catch. However, I saw an opening. This girl would be the one to pick up, and hopefully the other two girls would break away and dance by themselves. This would leave my friend and his target date alone to do their business. I was proud of the idea, yet ashamed that I would think such a thing. My ethics were still in effect, but the Wingman duty overrode.

We were in the club, dancing. The chick I was trying to separate from the group to start the plan into affect starting grinding on me. I took this opportunity to slightly separate her from the group and create a chasm. It worked. The two excess chicks dispersed, the chick I was dancing with was focused solely on me, and my friend had his target girl all to himself.

However, after the night ended, I came to realize that a double play was in effect. The target girl was, in fact, separating the group out so that I would end up in bed with the girl I was dancing with. My friend was not the target of the target girl's advances, but rather a pawn in this play that I thought I had orchestrated. I was the target of counter-wingman action, and I was about to pay the price.

I quickly got out of the club, claiming sickness. My buddy rushed outside with me, and it was there that I communicated my worries. He wouldn't have any of it, and in the midst of arguing the target girl and her friends walked up. Needless to say, the argument was cut short and my friend had won. Bro Code dictated that I stick it out until I was relieved of my Wingman Duties.

We went back to Gibson, and the group separated inside. The target girl and my friend went up to her room, as was expected on my end. No counter-wingman action would be complete without this touch. The two girls went their respective room, and I was alone with the girl I was dancing with. I bugged out of there, using the tried and true "My friend just got really wasted and puked all over my bed/half of the room. I need to go see what I can salvage" excuse.

And now I have one girl, the girl I was dancing with, after my wang like it was a bubblegum flavored lollipop and she was Violet Beauregard. To top it all off, my friend couldn't seal the date for later this week. Despite my every attempt, I was foiled by the cunning actions of a counter-Wingman maneuver, and couldn't cover my bases. Hoepfully Cosmic Dude doesn't hate me so.

This thread is for a few things.

1) Critique my Wingman plan, and console me on how it wasn't all my fault that my friend didn't get the date.

2) Discuss your own Wingman activities and adventures

3) Discuss the awesome that is the Cosmic Dude. If you do not know of the Cosmic Dude, then I shall post a description of the Cosmic Dude for all to read and be enlightened

4) Discuss Man Law or the Bro Code. We only accept the International Law of Man, or the one without the blasphemous Law "Thou shalt not be gay." There are plenty of manly gay men, and this thread will not be subject to the tomfoolery of the other Man Law.
Fucking Razor-"IS"-back and is bringing an epic Wingman tale upon his return !!!

Unfortunately, the Wingman got Wingwomaned and didn't see it coming.

Your first clue should have been the inclusion of two additional females. Women do everything in groups and helping their less than attractive friends get laid is tops on the list. That's why ugly chicks join sororities and that's why there's a house at every college or university known for the fat and ugly females.

My advice is lacking Razor, but my knowledge is great. The simple solution would have been to have walked away - friend or not. He would have understood after a thorough explaining the next day and would have eventually been convinced when he discovered he wasn't getting laid.
Well well well... you got schooled by the female platoon. Women know more than you think Razor. If you have a dude going after a woman & it seems obvious, chances are you need to prepare a plan to overcome the situation. She sensed it, tricked by giving you the "singular friend, yet I mean plural" line & you had to take on a group. If you find yourself in a not even 50/50 boy/girl ratio, you are in big trouble.

Your plan was not flawless in trying to separate the group, but you picked to bait wingwoman of the group to foil your plans. It may seem like a good idea at the time, but you have to think things through next time. Seeing as you didn't hear what was said to her initially to make her cry, that was a clear indication that it was a work.

Better luck next time.


Fucking Razor-"IS"-back and is bringing an epic Wingman tale upon his return !!!

I was hoping people would like it.

Unfortunately, the Wingman got Wingwomaned and didn't see it coming.

I know, right? I'm still rather ashamed of the whole mess.

Your first clue should have been the inclusion of two additional females. Women do everything in groups and helping their less than attractive friends get laid is tops on the list. That's why ugly chicks join sororities and that's why there's a house at every college or university known for the fat and ugly females.

I knew of this phenomenon many moons ago. I completely forgot of it last night, however. I was focused on the date for my friend. Rookie mistake.

My advice is lacking Razor, but my knowledge is great. The simple solution would have been to have walked away - friend or not. He would have understood after a thorough explaining the next day and would have eventually been convinced when he discovered he wasn't getting laid.

That IS where the point of no return was, I suppose. I made the rookie decision, and I paid the price. Well...not yet, at any rate. :lmao:

Well well well... you got schooled by the female platoon.

I admit defeat. :(

Women know more than you think Razor.

Oh, I know. I was just hoping my friend was smooth enough to not show the chick his cards. Turns out, he was far from it.

If you have a dude going after a woman & it seems obvious, chances are you need to prepare a plan to overcome the situation. She sensed it, tricked by giving you the "singular friend, yet I mean plural" line & you had to take on a group. If you find yourself in a not even 50/50 boy/girl ratio, you are in big trouble.

I told him as such when they exited the dorm. But no, he wanted me to stand my ground. So I did.

Your plan was not flawless in trying to separate the group, but you picked to bait wingwoman of the group to foil your plans. It may seem like a good idea at the time, but you have to think things through next time. Seeing as you didn't hear what was said to her initially to make her cry, that was a clear indication that it was a work.

Ah. I was not expecting the worked cry. Damn it. That wingwoman was quite the dastardly opponent.
2-on-4 never works. She had NO intention of sex with your friend that night. Why else would she bring FOUR friends with her? If it was just her and another, then you and your friend would have had smooth sailing, but with FOUR? She had NO intentions.
You fail at wingman.

If the girls hot and seems...eh...'nice', play the card. Then counter the counter-wing man on a later double date.
You fail at wingman.

I'd like to see you play wingman against 3 chicks at once, and somehow catch the double turn.

If the girls hot and seems...eh...'nice', play the card. Then counter the counter-wing man on a later double date.

Seeing as though the target girl was playing my friend so that I would hook up with her friend, that wouldn't have worked. My friend was going to be denied at the end of the night no matter if I had succeeded in spotting the double turn or not.
I'd like to see you play wingman against 3 chicks at once, and somehow catch the double turn.

This is difficult. Shoulda called in more Wingmen, though you did admirably.

Seeing as though the target girl was playing my friend so that I would hook up with her friend, that wouldn't have worked. My friend was going to be denied at the end of the night no matter if I had succeeded in spotting the double turn or not.

Well, was she hawt? I like teh scene girls.
Yeah the 4 on 2 situation is never good. I think you would have succeeded if the double turn wasn't done and you ended up as their target. I've tried to help a friend out as a wingman at the bar one night, sort of forced into it because he just isn't very good with the ladies, and I'm fairly smooth with them. Well there 5 women all together and two of us. I was able to distract the other 4 and gave my friend the golden ticket to getting the woman he wanted alone, but he didn't take it. So after about an hour and a half of him failing miserably, I gave up. I think I probably would have succeeded if I just told the woman straight up my friend wanted to sleep with her, would have worked quite a bit better than waiting for my friend to man up.
This is why I carry knives.

What a great idea.

Yeah the 4 on 2 situation is never good.

Yeah...and a stubborn ass for a friend won't help the situation any. :lmao:

I think you would have succeeded if the double turn wasn't done and you ended up as their target.

Thanks. I really thought it was a foolproof plan, but that double turn killed me.

I've tried to help a friend out as a wingman at the bar one night, sort of forced into it because he just isn't very good with the ladies, and I'm fairly smooth with them. Well there 5 women all together and two of us. I was able to distract the other 4 and gave my friend the golden ticket to getting the woman he wanted alone, but he didn't take it.

That is what makes Sunday night so aggravating. My friend didn't even go for the date. He wussed out, and now I have some chick after my penis for nothing.

So after about an hour and a half of him failing miserably, I gave up. I think I probably would have succeeded if I just told the woman straight up my friend wanted to sleep with her, would have worked quite a bit better than waiting for my friend to man up.

I've decided my main mistake was not leaving when I realized the double play.

Going the straight, "He wants to fuck you," approach would have worked here, but my friend forbade it. I mean, the chick is a ****, honestly. If he had just tried he would have had her in bed. Hell, I almost had her and I wasn't even trying for her.
I just have one question, and I don't mean to come across as shallow, or rude or anything... But was this chick not hot? Or at least blow j hot? I didn't gather that info directly. Because if she was at least decent looking, you should've "done the job" so to speak. As for your wing man skill, it doesn't seem like you did a bad job. Sometimes some dudes just can't lock it down, as seems to be your friends case.
I've never been a wingman, but I recruited my friend for Wingman duties once. I was interested in this really hot chick from another town, she lived about 20 - 30 minutes away, at the time my friend could drive, I could not. My friend ruined the whole night for me. The first mistake, he was driving a mini van, what self respecting girl wants to arrive on to a date in a mini van? The second mistake would be, in order to get me to impress the girl, he had me constantly rapping the songs playing in the van, in the end, I realized the whole night was a rouse ( I do believe that is how you spell it ) and they were drinking the whole night. The only way we had caught on to this was the fact that A. They asked to stop at a gas station before going to the theaters, B. Nearly 20 - 25 minutes later they come out with a bottle each of Dole orange juice.

That is the only wingman story I have ,and it was actually quite a horrendous night by the time the night was over.

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