Is CM Punk The Most Overrated "IWC Wrestler" Ever?

He's not overrated. I mean seriously how can you dislike Punk? He can talk GREAT. He can wrestle EVEN GREATER. And he just has natural charisma. He's a very likeable character for the older fans. And do you honestly see any kids in the IWC? Barely. Maybe a few kids on Youtube trying to give a crappy review of Raw. Seriously. The words Punk and overrated just don't mix. Just cause he's the most liked wrestler on the IWC that doesn't mean he's overrated. Have you ever stopped to think that he might actually deserve all the love he gets from the fans? Punk is not overrated. He's the best the WWE has to offer and I'm glad most of the ICW see that.
He is extremely over rated. But don't worry to much about this whole IWC crap. They are just a very loud minority. You're not alone in your thinking, as the crowd reaction on RAW and especially at the end of RAW showed that... The funny part is that I have been very impressed with Punk since that Rey Mysterio fued. He really won me over in that one. But this shameless over rating by these IWC folks is actually causing me to dislike "him" and to like Cena (who i previously found kinda bland) more and more each week. And these people are full of it any. My favorite fake Punk fan moment was the RAW, when he returned. A lot of fellas were screaming CM PUNK to the top of thier lungs, as if they were some kind of life long fans. However, when "Cult of Personality" played they were silent, looking at each other wondering "who could this be"... That right there was classic and said it all.
The guy is great, he's just been held back. Now he is getting more freedom. I do agree with you on one point. Everyone praises CM Punk for being the only reason wrestling is getting better. However i dont think it would have been possible without John Cena and his "super" cena gimmick everyone hates. Plus Cena helped make MITB the ppv it was. So while Punk has had a major and i do mean major impact on wrestling latley not ALL attention should go to him.

Now before someone says that i'm ripping punk, i'm not. He has really impressed me. I'm just trying to give a little credit to ppl who have helped such as Cena, HHH, and McMahon. But i do agree Punk has been the major factor in it
I'm so glad someone made this thread. I might not have been watching wrestling as long as some of you, but a guy has to do more than cut a good promo and do some nice moves in the ring to be considered the best ever i my book. Really its just childish the way the IWC has acted towards Punk these past couple of weeks. I've tried to keep shut because I am after all enjoying the program and dont like to dump on people just because they like someone I dont but I dont think one summer can make a guy one of the best to ever step in the ring. I'll give credit where credit is due, the "shoot" promo was great and he even made Cena of all people look good at MITB but hes far from the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Hes not the best on the mic, his ringwork isnt anything wow-worthy either and his career has been far from impressive as of late. Sure hes been heavyweight champion before but so has Dolph Ziggler and I'm not giving him the best career ever award either. Punk is doing great and will go on to be a huge star if he keeps it up but its so immature to act like hes "the bestest everyzzzzz" because he got a lucky break after refusing to resign for so long, and risked walking out on the people who now kiss his feet.
He is definitely overrated(by himself as well) as an in ring competitor. However, he mic skills are truly some of the best this generation of wrestlers has to offer.
Agreed the rock is comedy make people laugh quick witted and snappy comebacks!! While CM punk dives into the truth makes very valid points and is not afraid to step on toes!! CM punk speaks facts nothing but facts!! I am enjoying this ride CM punk is taking all of us on!! Indeed he is the best wrestler out there anyone IMO who does not agree is out of their mind!! Jericho is gone Angle is over the hill Benoit well we all know what happened!! Punk needs to hold the title past Survivor Series but have a feeling that wont happen!! Punk has already had an amazing career and is not close to being done!!

Jesus man, it's all scripted. Do you really think he could go out there and say that shit about HHH's wife if he wasn't given the ok? His ass would be fired. They gave him a live mike ONCE. Then they cut him off before he said anything too bad. Maybe Punk is the best wrestler in the WWE right now. However, that really doesn't say much for him. Look at your post: Jericho, Angle, and Benoit are all gone. Hell, lets not forget Edge, Triple H, Taker, Batista, and Shawn Michaels. I'd say it's more of a "best of the rest" situation.

Everyone is comparing Punk to the all time greats. However, I think he should be compared to Shane Douglas. Ten years ago Shawn Michaels did a shoot interview. A few years ago Wrestlezone put it up on this site, and he said something very true about Shane. He talked about how everyone was saying Shane Douglas was the best promo guy in the world during the ECW glory days. Shawn said they watched his promo's and noticed that he only got a reaction from a few things. He would shoot on other companies and say fuck a lot. CM Punk is the same thing. His "amazing" promo's have all had one thing in common. If he hand't made "shoot" comments, NOBODY would be talking about him. On Monday everyone was talking about his amazing promo. He only got pops for talking about Triple H's wife. Another shoot promo. Hogan, Austin, Flair, HBK, Triple H, and the Rock were able to get a crowd whipped into a frenzy be talking about things that were actually happening on TV. Punk has to shoot on backstage shit to get a reaction.

I don't think Punk will ever be the antihero that Stone Cold was. I'm not even talking about Austin being a once in a lifetime superstar. Everybody wanted to be Steve Austin. I would never want to be CM Punk. He looks wormy as shit with all his nasty ass tattoos. An antihero doesn't go out and say "its not fair", which is all Punk has done.

That being said, Punk is the hottest thing going on Raw right now. I'm just waiting to see where the heat goes when he runs out of things to "shoot" about to get pops.
Before I say anything else, I just have to state that I hate any statements accusing the IWC of anything. The 'IWC' is a semi-random collection of wrestling fans who happen to live in 2011 when computer use (ie: blurting out opinions about everything) is prevalent; it's incapable of having a uniform opinion, and noone at this point is even remotely capable of determining a statistical consensus of the opinions offered here. Furthermore, every poster accusing the IWC of something seems to be operating under the assumption that if there is an IWC, they are not a part of it and therefore can criticize it. Obviously, if the IWC exists and includes every wrestling fan offering opinions online, than every poster is a part of it, regardless of how much they might like to utilize the label to generalize everyone opposed to them. But anyways....

If a moderately attractive girl walks into a bar with a few ugly friends, she looks better by comparison. If a well-spoken and charismatic wrestler cuts an excellent and heart-felt promo amidst a sea of scripted rookies who all sound alike, he stands out. For better or worse, it's all about CONTEXT. Punk's work is being praised and glorified because it's been a long, long time since we've seen anyone do what he's doing, or as well. He also stands out because he's great at what he does. Is he the best ever? I don't know. "Best Ever" is entirely 100% subjective and depends on your personal criteria.

Obviously you're correct that the Rock was far better at popping a crowd than Punk is currently, but then again the Rock was working in an entirely different era and context. The WWE's audience has consisted largely of little kids for a while now, and that's the situation Punk is working in. Additionally, "more popular" doesn't mean "better" by any means. Justin Bieber sells more records than Arcade Fire (I assume - it's a relevant choice but substitute any band you like as you see fit), but does that mean he's more talented than them, or just that what he does has a wider appeal? It's the same with wrestling; for a long time Hulk Hogan was more popular than Ric Flair, but by no means did that make him better.

I personally have no idea where Punk stands in the grand scheme of things, but I doubt very much that I could name 100 wrestlers who I prefer on the mic over him. But then again, it all depends on what you enjoy. Some people praise Hulk Hogan for being great on the mic; personally I've always found his mic work to be awful. Many posters consider Ric Flair to be the best on the mic ever; he's not even in my top 5 (although he's good, his schtick is really all "WHOOO!" and "Jet flyin, limousine ridin," etc). In any case, does it really matter what people think? A lot of fans are excited about wrestling for the first time in a long time; what's the point in picking apart the reason for their excitement? Besides, I can name at least one guy who's more overrated than Punk (entirely IMO): Crimson.
No, the most overrated wrestler in the IWC is zack ryder. CM punk got over with us by speaking things we wanted to here. Its pretty obvious now that are voice is being played we will eat it up.
If you thought that the John Cena vs. CM Punk rematch felt rushed, wait until you hear what the WWE originally had in mind for SummerSlam 2011. According to a recent report, Punk vs. Triple H was the original plan, only being changed a few hours before RAW went on the air.

I blogged when Triple H returned as “Chief Operating Officer” two weeks ago that the plan was for a Triple H vs. CM Punk match. The difference being that I thought the feud was for WrestleMania 28, whereas the WWE was ready to pull the trigger on it this past Monday. And it only gets stranger from there.

Dave Meltzer has a fascinating report in the current edition of the Wrestling Observer newsletter documenting the original plans for SummerSlam & Punk’s return. Let’s just say for those of you who may have felt disappointed about the way things played out Monday, you would have flipped if the WWE stuck with its original plans for the angle.

According to Melzter, the plan all along was for CM Punk to come back this past Monday on the July 25 RAW. However, the original plan did not have RAW going off of the air with Punk and John Cena standing nose to nose in the ring. Nope. The original plan had Punk squashed at the hands of Triple H, leaving RAW without the WWE championship.

“Punk was to return at the end of the show, get beaten up by HHH, left laying with a pedigree and Alberto Del Rio would come down, cash in his briefcase, beat him to win the title, and Alberto Del Rio would go to SummerSlam and defend against Cena.”

Screwed again Del Rio!

If you are reading this and reacting the same way I did when I first read that, you probably need to take a deep breath. Yes, one of the biggest WWE angles in recent memory was supposed to end with one of the company’s “top babyfaces” being laid out by a man who hasn’t wrestled since WrestleMania 27. It only gets better.

Meltzer concludes that this whole CM Punk angle was more about getting Triple H over than Punk. According to Meltzer, the idea all along was for Triple H to “re-sign” Punk making Triple H the babyface for giving the WWE Universe what they want. So at the end of the day those of you that thought this was an elaborate booking plan to elevate CM Punk because they needed more elite superstars (and they do) were wrong. This was all about The Game!

Finally, this was all going to lead to Punk vs. Triple H at SummerSlam. Hey, I was all about this match when I blogged on it a week and a half ago. However, in my blog I had this tension simmering for eight months up to WrestleMania 28 not two weeks. By the looks of the original RAW booking plan, you could probably take a good guess at how this match would have ended in Los Angeles.

So, for all of the critics (me included) that are disappointed in Punk coming back early against Cena, it certainly could have been worse. You could have all watched this entire angle blow up on your face if not for someone with enough sanity to call the audible Monday night.

Oh, and for those of you that still think that CM Punk will remain slotted as a top WWE superstar following this feud. Well, it almost didn’t last two weeks so be prepared for the worse come WrestleMania.
For the past month the IWC has been on a craze about how Punk is a god of wrestling, the best pure wrestler ever, best on the mic, you name it the IWC has said it about punk.

You're kidding right? Can you please show me where anyone said that CM Punk is the best wrestler of all time? Can you please show me where anyone said that CM Punk is the best on the mic of all time? I bet it's going to be hard to find those quotes.

CM Punk is not the best ever...but he's the best in the WWE right now, and he has been for years. Yes, for years. He's excellent on the mic and he is tremendous in the ring. You can't even imagine what Punk could have done if he were 30 in 1998.

Everytime the Rock got on the mic the whole arena would hang on to his every word. There would be a HUGE reaction (cheering, screaming, booing, laughing) every time he touched the mic, whether it was heel or face. The Rock did not have a run like that for a month, but instead had it for his entire career.

Really? I don't recall Rocky Maivia being that over, and I certainly don't recall him getting "The Rock" pops. Let's not be a mark.

Punk is by far the best all around wrestler in the WWE right now.
first, for punk to be overrated he would have to be undeserving of the praise and attention that hes getting. Punk has worked his dick off for the last 10 years and ive been a Punk for about 6 of em. He has always been golden and now the rest of the world can see that and by right they should.

2nd Cm punk is one of the best talkers of all time he may not be better than the rock but no one is or ever will be. But he does have the marks in the palm of his hand. If you watch the promo from monday the fans were glued to punk there were no what chants which is probably the most notable thing because even the babyfaces get those sometimes and not even the cena marks were giving them to him. I love flair and i love piper even more but i think punk gives better promos than both of them and hes a damn good wrestler I would say best in wrestler in the world because theres a couple guys in japan who are a bit better than him. but he is still great
Yes he's insanely overrated by his hardcore fans. I'm a fan of Punk, but his hardcore fans love him.

He basically gives you all a handjob everytime he's one the mic by reinforcing your own opinions. He's great, but some of his hardcore fans are ridiculous.

The IWC, the hardcore IWC, has always loved him. He's always had hardcore fans that overrate everything he does. The thing is, it's like he's reading some posts on here and then saying them in a promo. THAT'S why a lot of people are overrating him.

I like CM Punk, he's stirred up some stuff and targets a totally different fanbase bettter than anyone else in the WWE. Is he the best in the WWE? No, he's not the most over guy so he's not the best.
someone define overrated?????

ryder is over rated!!!!!! why? cuz of his stupid internet shit whocares u should c some of the people on youtube that have over 200k views a video and are broke and over rated!!!!!! wooo wooo woooo your just a newer version of santino...

bryan danielson- gained respect for him at mitb but he is over rated he is just a happier version of chris i like my family benoit!!!!!!

hbk- overrated... great wrestler but cant draw worth shit, ratings and buyrates all very low when he was the face of the wwe.. only time hbk really put asses in the seat was against the undertaker..

john cena - super cena worse promos, shittier wrestlers... we love to hate him!!!! he is the most over rated wrestler ever he will never be ABOVE hulk hogan, stone cold, the rock, or BROCK LESNAR !!!!!!

john morrison- a white lacho libre but much more shittier, his look is a gay ric flair of the late 80's.. its not going anywhere

CM PUNK- tells you how it is, great at doing promos better at wrestling over rated NEVER!!!!!!!! compared to the people i named above not even close.....
Let's face it, the IWC certainly like what they like, and CM Punk is appealing to them at the moment. He's cutting groundbreaking promos every week, involved in an interesting storyline, and breaking the fourth wall. They like him. Now, while he does appease them, Punk is entertaining, and I see that. Therefore, I think the praise he has gotten is fairly merited.
i m a life long WWE fan. Grew up on the attitude era, and right before Punk entered the WWE I had to stop. WWE was terrible, and I think it was stil terrible up until this year. CM Punk got me back into wrestling again, brought out what I love about the business. Im sick of seeing Super Cena use 5 moves to defeat anyone, and any amount of people. Punk even has made my friends huge WWE fans, who used to mock me back in the day for watching wrastlin cause it was all fake. He made wrestling seem real, which is much more than I can
say for most of the rosters of Raw and Smackdown. Yeah, Cena might get bigger and louder pops, but next time listen to them closely. I was in Indy for Raw, Cenas reaction was louder, and higher pitched, because he is a childrens champ. Moms, and people younger that 144 love Cena, and there are more of them so it makes sense. Punks are always deeper, and almost as loud. I had a child tell me CM Punk is crap to my face…when in reality, Superman Cena is crap. Im glad Punk has made wrestling matter again…so i dont think he is overrated,he is getting now what he deserve, GIVE HIM ATLEAST A CHANCE,HE JUST GOT NEW LIFE AS A TOP FACE OF WWE, HE HAS ALL THE TOOLS TO MAKE IT. Question is will wwe treat him like the rock,austin,undertaker,cena,orton or triple h, ITS MY PERSONAL VIEW THAT IF WWE GIVE HIM EVEN HALF AMOUNT OF PUSH THAT WWE GAVE TO ORTON,CM PUNK WILL GET DOUBLE HYPE ,REACTION THAN ORTON.
I'd phrase it this way. Maybe CM Punk is overrated by some people. The vast majority of the time I'd say people hit the nail on the head though. People have been singing his praises for a lot longer than just recently. I myself have thought of him as one of the top three competitors in the WWE which has been only confirmed.

I mean look at the facts. He had a match many people gave a full five stars, from what I hear that includes Dave Meltzer who's last five stars to a WWE match was about 14 years ago. He also set the wrestling world ablaze with his words, that is a fact. How highly rated would he have to be for him to be overrated? I think you have to face facts here and acknowledge he is as good as most people say he is.
Whilst I agree that the recent minor hysteria over Punk is getting OTT, I think you're missing the central feature of pro-wrestling - people are only as good as their gimmicks and while the best can the worst ideas tolerable, every needs assistance. People have already mentioned Rock when he was Maivia and STSC when he was the Ringmaster/Stunning Steve. You can a slew of the 'greats' to that: HHH as Hunter Hurst Helmsley, Shawn Michaels in the Rockers, Undertaker as Mean Mark Callous, Chris Jericho as Lionheart etc. It goes hand in hand with adapting gimmicks as well - Mysterio gets stick now because he's gone the same gimmick for over 15yrs, likewise Kane, Taker and before that Bret Hart and Benoit. It also incorporates the gimmick fitting the company and era - Samoa Joe was perfect for ROH, but is getting killed in TNA, likewise the Dudleys.

Where I give Punk props is that like Jericho and Edge, his presentation has allows been top notch even when creative hung around his neck like a millstone. Yes, we've had people burst in people's conscience with a bang only to evaporate, think Hardy, Mr Anderson etc, but we've also had the defining moments when Hunter became HHH, when the Ringmaster became Austin 3:16 etc. Only time will tell. What Punk does have is a very solid base and, it appears, a gimmick that fits with the needs of the wrestling fan still intelligent enough to now good Sh*t (Hart/Austin/HBK/Benoit) from bad Sh*t (Mr Anderson/Miz/Ultimate Warrior/Cena).

As for Punk in the ring, yes, in the WWE context, there have not been as many marquee matches has you would hope, but that is more to do with the fact that in-ring ability is treated as a secondary requirement, so the calibre of guys available for him to compete against has been limited - hence why the MITB match was such a surprise since few people have been able to carry a match with Cena to such a level, and let's be clear, JC was carried. Cena is good at what he does, but wrestling technique is amongst that. That's the next feud for Punk after Cena needs to be against Del Rio and not Mizanin, where he'll have to carry someone else.

The fact the original poster has not seen any ROH and potentially any TNA footage demonstrates the limited knowledge of many wrestling fans and when WWE is able to get away with such a low standard inside the ring. Anyone who'd seen Punk vs Danielson, Styles, Cabana or Daniels wouldn't doubt what Punk can do and would realise how low the standard is in the WWE.

So, is the current hysteria over the top? Yes. But is CM Punk overrated on the mic or in the ring? On the mic, in this context, no and never in the ring. Punk IMHO fits into the top 20 all time list on the mic and in the ring. I say that boardly, because opinions as to the rankings inside that will be individual. For example I wouldn't mark Benoit down for the events surrounding his death, many would and given the limited knowledge people have of things not WWE, my placement of Davey Richards, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels and Kenta Kobashi would be higher than many.

In the end, he's the not the new wrestling messiah, but neither is he just a naughty boy either - and that is gospel (well, monty python anyway lol)
Let's face it, the IWC certainly like what they like, and CM Punk is appealing to them at the moment. He's cutting groundbreaking promos every week, involved in an interesting storyline, and breaking the fourth wall. They like him. Now, while he does appease them, Punk is entertaining, and I see that. Therefore, I think the praise he has gotten is fairly merited.
Are you saying what he's doing is groundbreaking because it's blending the line? I mean, there have been dozens of worked shoots. Matt Hardy/Edge, a ton of Paul Heyman stuff, etc. Or are you saying it's groundbreaking because in the current WWE climate you don't expect worked shoots?

As far as Punk being overrated, I think calling him "groundbreaking" is overrating him. It's weird, some people overrate him, some underrate him. The people who overrate him are the super hardcore IWC members that think Cena should turn heel and that WWE sucks and always will suck.
IWC???? What are you talking about? Punk is the best thing they have right now, but we're not allowed to be fans without being in the IWC, right? Here's the deal I've been a HUGE Punk fan since he was in ROH. I don't care how overrated you think he is, I've always been a fan and I always will.
I am a Punk fan, always have been. But before his promo a few weeks back, did anyone really care about what Punk had to say at all, I mean really? He says a few things that all of us tend to agree with about McMahon and the wwe and all of a sudden Punk is the greatest talker of all time? Please, give me a break. Is he a great wrestler? Of course, but saying he's the best in the world is pushing it. And I keep hearing how he's the savior of wrestling, how's that? Because he can cut a good promo? I am a huge Punk fan, but I tend to agree with the comment posted earlier, he's had a great few months, that's all. Whether he's the best wrestler in the world and the best talker of all time remains to be seen.
IWC???? What are you talking about? Punk is the best thing they have right now, but we're not allowed to be fans without being in the IWC, right? Here's the deal I've been a HUGE Punk fan since he was in ROH. I don't care how overrated you think he is, I've always been a fan and I always will.
Cena outpopped Punk on Raw. Triple H mentioning Cena's name also recieved a bigger pop than when Triple H mentioned Punk's name. Cena's title win got the loudest pop of the night, even louder than Punk coming out and raising the title. He's the best thing going in the minds of the IWC, Cena still gets louder reactions which means he's more over. In fact I'd venture to say that Punk wouldn't be as over had he not called out Cena.

I label Punk fans "IWC fans" because they're basically the same. I too have been a Punk fan since he was in ROH, I know the Miseria Cantare beat (sounds like the terminator beat), I know about Joe vs Punk II being better than Joe vs Punk I if you use the godfather logic that it builds but Joe vs Punk I is better as a stand alone match, etc etc. However, Punk is grossly overrated by his hardcore (IWC) fans.
You must be crazy, talking shit about the IWC Favorite Wrestler, but I agree with you.

CM Punk is very good in the ring, nobody have ever said that, but he is not the best, he doesn't do anything out of the extraordinary I can name a lot of guys from other wrestling companies that are better than him in the ring.
The first thing you should realize is that CM Punk is skinny, it's true, so he can make things (like going to the ropes) that others can't.
He looks sloppy when he does the GTS or even the kick in the head, that sometimes we know that he truly hit with it.
His mic skills are genuinely good, but just because he is playing himself (which is not hard, I can play myself for a crowd), but the truth is when he loses the WWE Championship, what is he going to do? Be back jobbing for The Big Show (remember him losing in handicap matches and squash matches in about 30 seconds?)

He had the most boring stuff too, SES was boring, despite from the feud with Mysterio that was average and acomplete failure, he then got a injury and was at Raw commentary (that was when people started to notice him, diet coke anyone?)
He grabbed the Nexus, he destroyed the Nexus, simple as that.
He is very "hot" right now, but after that I doubt that WWE is going to give him the mic more than 10 minutes per show, and he can't eb Stone Cold, because we knew that Stone Cold was actually capable of beating everybody, CM Punk can't, he can't attack The Big Show and put him out, Stone Cold could.

He is overrated, but what the hell, overrated wrestlers is what makes WWE money.
I've seen his stuff from ROH and despite some 1 or 2 matches, he was pretty boring there too.
I'm expecting for him to prove me wrong (pin Randy Orton cleanly, and I will shut up)
its silly you are comparing pops of cena and punk,
Cena- he is face of wwe since last 6 years, pushed like hell by wwe, have amazing title reigns,have amazing fueds.
Punk- just got a real push one month back, its funny when people say- he is 4 time wwe world champ,have fueds with undertaker,orton, big show ,rey.. C'mon we all know he was buried and have not single memorable title reign, still he is competing cena in pops and there are some places when punk will get more pops and in some places cena will get reaction,just because in last Raw cena got more reaction doesn't mean that punk is just loved by iWC, it will take time, atleast give him 6 months to built, austin's transformation from ringmaster to 3:16 didnt happen in one day, rock's transformation from rocky to the rock didnt happen in one day, same concept applies on punk.
its silly you are comparing pops of cena and punk,
Cena- he is face of wwe since last 6 years, pushed like hell by wwe, have amazing title reigns,have amazing fueds.
Punk- just got a real push one month back, its funny when people say- he is 4 time wwe world champ,have fueds with undertaker,orton, big show ,rey.. C'mon we all know he was buried and have not single memorable title reign, still he is competing cena in pops and there are some places when punk will get more pops and in some places cena will get reaction,just because in last Raw cena got more reaction doesn't mean that punk is just loved by iWC, it will take time, atleast give him 6 months to built, austin's transformation from ringmaster to 3:16 didnt happen in one day, rock's transformation from rocky to the rock didnt happen in one day, same concept applies on punk.
This isn't a transformation. He's still essentially the same character. The only people who see it as that much different are the IWC fans who get their egos stroked everytime he cuts a promo. Seriously, how is Punk calling HHH out on his wife (that tons of people have done) any different than calling Mysterio out for being a fake superhero? It's not that much different to the mainstream audience.

Yes, the people who cheer Punk are the IWC. The "smartened up" fans who read the dirtsheets. To most other people he sounds like, as I said, the indy rock kid who hangs around the music story writting lyrics/poems in his leather-bound journal smelling his own farts talking about how artistic he and his favorite bands are and how pop music sucks. I know this because I always watch Raw with my girlfriend who doesn't follow the dirtsheets. If you don't believe me that Punk is acting the way I say. Go to your local Hot Topic, Spencers, or music store and find the indy rock kids and talk to them. Same basic ideologies.

The reason he's over with the IWC is because the IWC is to wrestling what the indy rock kids are to music. It's simple. WWE sees this. Punk probably brought up the idea, they realized he'd target a different, somewhat neglected demographic that's very focal and let him run with it and it's worked.

Looking at your name, I bet you're not bias at all. Me, I don't have any john cena merch, but I've been following Punk's career since two pudgy kids wrestled for 90 minutes in front of 12 people in IWA-MS at "When Hero Met Punk". So if anything, I should be more bias towards Punk. I'm not, because I can seperate my own likes and dislikes from reality and analyse what's going on. I don't jump to conclusions, I look at what happens and read it.
Here are my thoughts on Punk!

1) He is nowhere near as over-rated as Zack Ryder. I can understand people investing in a C.M. Punk a lot more than some geeky doof who wears a headband and one pants-leg, but is considered "cool" because he discovered modern technology and got himself on youtube and twitter. Big deal! At least Punk deserves a push!

2) I think many here do over-rate Punk, but I think that he is good enough in the ring and on the mike to main-event PPVs. The fact is, there needs to be someone else emerge from the pack, so that we can have someone else main-event who aren't named Cena or Orton. Mind you, you can't really get a guy like Punk over if they do what they did earlier this year, and had him job to Randy Orton again and again. If the WWE were really invested in Punk, they would have had him go over Orton once or twice in their feud.

3) I think a lot of people here like Punk's "anti-authoritarian" character because it reminds them of their "god", "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. It seems that, ten years later, people have not got over the fact that SCSA has retired, and need their "fix". I'm sure that the IWC right now are getting their jollies about the thought that Punk and Triple H could be Austin-McMahon II, with Punk being SCSA and Triple H being "Mr McMahon". Because, in the end, nothing will satisfy the IWC more than a rehash of the "Attitude Era".

Next, they will want Punk to flip birds, drink beer and swear (which would be ironic, given that he was previously "Straight-Edge"). Maybe Punk could act even more like Austin, by hitting women and walking out on the company every time he doesn't get his way (maybe that he why he left after "MITB", to emulate the "Stone Cold Walkout").

4)Personally, I think he worked better as "self-righteous and judgemental ". He could have had the gimmick that he is "purifying the WWE, and purging the evil-doers". This would have got him tremendous heel heat, since he would be a PG-like anti-"Stone Cold" like character. But then, the IWC wouldn't laud his stickwork or wrestling then, since they can't enjoy the WWE anymore if there are no cuss words, swearing, rebellious behaviour etc.

5) What I find funny is, that a little more than a year ago, the same people were on here, lauding another storyline, saying it would "save" wrestling, and buzzing about how it was the best thing since the "Attitude Era" (which is the IWC standard-bearer for everything). It was suppoused to revitalise the WWE, and they too, were "anti-authority" and stood up to WWE. I'm talking about the original NEXUS! Remember that. The same things were being said then, and look how that ended up. I'm betting that Punk will go the same way (which would be a shame, because of point 2).

6) I think that a lot of wrestling "people" who come on here and "hate" on wrestling. It seems that it is cool these days to "hate" on the product, on WWE, on TNA, and on everything else. Mark Madden does it, a lot of the IWC also do it. Just like people boo John Cena because they are sheep wanting to be "cool" and "hip", "hating" on wrestling has become the new fad. If these people really thought the product sucked, they wouldn't watch wrestling anymore, let alone spend the time they do, analyzing every bit of minutae that happens. When someone like Punk comes along, and says negative things about WWE, he instantly becomes "cool" as well. A lot of them like Punk now because he says what the sheep want him to say.

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