I'll go ahead and talk about both promotions as to who is overrated by the IWC. For WWE I would have to go with the Miz, Ted Dibiase, John Morrison, Cody Rhodes, All members of Nexus, Matt Hardy, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, Zak Ryder, and Santino. I know the Miz is on his way to be a big breakout star, and he has improved leaps and bounds compared to where he was years ago. I just don't think the guy deserves as much praise as he gets. I feel the main reason people cheer for the Miz is because he is one of a very few people in WWE that actually has a personality.
As far as the former legacy members Rhodes and Dibiase, they are just beyond bland to me on the mic and in the ring. I seriously doubt these 2 would have even been allowed in a WWE ring if they weren't second/third generation superstars. As far as the Nexus goes, except for maybe Wade Barrett there isn't much to shake a stick at. Tarver is forgettable, Gabriel can do a 450 splash which is about it, Slater is bland along with Young and Otunga has the look and some mic skills but is very limited in the ring. Barrett has charisma and great mic skills, but he has a long way to go in the ring as well.
Morrison has the look and a few special moves in the ring, but he is another robotic figure. Swagger was the world heavyweight champion which I think was pushed on him too soon. Swagger is talented in the ring and can always bring a few laughs, but Swagger is someone I'm not intimidated by. I find myself laughing at Swagger's jokes more then seeing him as a threat. I have no idea what anyone sees in Mcinytre either. This man is very limited in everything he does but he is praised and pushed to the moon. Ryder is another one that is a decent worker but shouldn't be praised as much either.
Matt Hardy is one worker that has always been given too much credit by the IWC. He was part of a good tag team, but he hasn't been relevant since. As far as Santino goes, I'm just putting him in this category because a lot of people find Santino hilarious. No matter what he does its the funniest thing they have ever seen, when in reality its pretty stupid.
Overrated Stables: Legacy, The New DX 2006/2009
I'm not going to put all the blame on WWE's doorstep, I'm going to put on TNA as well. The wrestlers overrated in TNA: Hulk Hogan's debut, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Brian Kendrick, British Invasion, Beautiful People, Team 3D, Hernandez, Former ECW stars, Former TNA Knockotus.
I'll have to start out with Hogan's debut because I'll admit I was excited and I was really enjoying TNA, but the IWC made Hogan bigger then TNA. Whether they liked Hogan or hated him, Hogan was becoming a bigger topic of conversation then TNA itself. In reality even though Hogan brought some big names in to TNA, Hogan really hasn't done much for TNA in the long run.
Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy are constantly being featured as the two most popular wrestlers on TNA programming. RVD is TNA World Champion. I've always wanted to see RVD wrestle in TNA but now that he is there I really don't see why all the commotion? The man has basically done the same promo and the same basic moves for the past 10 years. I don't have a problem with him being champion, but RVD is a little more laid back then I remember him being. I know TNA is more of a cushy job then ECW or WWE, but at least show some emotion.
Jeff Hardy is another wrestler that I could put down for TNA or WWE being overrate by IWC. Hardy was cheered relentlessly when he was in WWE, and now that he is in TNA no former WWE fans gives him the time of day. The same can be said for Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson. When Angle and Anderson were in WWE the IWC thought they were the greatest wrestlers ever, but when they went to TNA, they were overrated?
Anderson is a good worker and great on the mic, but I do feel the IWC gives him more credit then anything. There hasn't been too many cheers for Abyss lately, but before the Hogan reincarnation Abyss was always highly praised as the monster by the IWC. I enjoyed Abyss early in his career, but I never thought of him as big main eventer like everyone else did. Kendrick and the British Invasion members are good workers but they seem to get more credit then anything.
Hernandez is better as tag team wrestler then singles in my opinion. The man is horrible on the mic and even though he is strong he is pretty limited in the ring. Team 3D is a team that got where they are because of tables. You take the tables faction out of the equation and they are just another team. The Beautiful People are nice to look at but don't set the world on fire in the ring.
I never thought the former TNA Knockouts everyone harps about were that good either. ODB didn't do anything to impress me and even Roxxi and Gail Kim were good workers but hardly enough to get upset about. Even Awesome Kong who is another good worker, wasn't the only one responsible for the Knockouts division being popular.
Finally, as far as the former ECW guys coming back I understand people are excited but its been done before. It's 2010, and most of the former ECW guys from 2005 are either dead, retired, or don't want anything to do with TNA. I will watch the PPV to see how goes down, but a hardcore one night stand ECW PPV has been done before. In 2005 the ECW guys were allowed to get away with a lot on PPV, but I don't think they will be allowed to get away with much this time around. TNA censored middle fingers on Impact so how extreme is that?