Overrated wrestlers by the IWC.


AJ Styles
Samoa Joe
Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin
Bryan Danielson
Shelton Benjamin
Evan Bourne
Cody Rhodes

All of those guys might be able to wrestle but that doesn't cut it once you get on the big stage. None of them are remotely interesting as characters and have no star appeal. And I won't listen to the Christian marks claim he has charisma because he's beyond boring. Edge carried him all those years as a tag team and that's why Christian never made it past the mid-card after they split because he can't draw on his own and Edge was far superior and more popular in every way.

Danielson is the poster boy of vanilla midgets. A short, granny panty wearing guy with a special olympics haircut.

The highlight of Motor Citys career was having the honor of working with Kevin Nash. They are probably the absolute most overrated of everybody.
WarrenIronman did you honestly just say TNA is a better wrestling company??? i dont know what you have been watching... but if i want to watch recycled wrestlers, and the invasion storyline all over again, i'll go watch WWE classics on demand. have you read Mark Madden's newest article? he hit it dead on.

but yes i agree with the pic of "little evan bourne" granted, i like the guy. has a grea look, and is fun to watch.. but thats it. hell the last actual promo he cut was before RAW went on the air, and all we got to see was edge beating him up. he reminds me of Jeff Hardy. some high flying stuff, but thats the end of it. nothing more. Punk is not over rated. may not like the guy, but he has it. his Heel promo's draw so much heat, and he really can move in the ring with the top guys.

I belive I said TNA is the better company right now, which is true and will remain true till WWE stops with the PG crap. Mark Madden hates TNA, why would I read his shitty article? What did it say. This will never work, TNA sucks blah blah blah. Really TNA could sign HBK,HHH,Cena,Taker when they're were in their prime and Mark Madden would stip rip on them.
SHELTON BENJAMIN!!! I have NEVER been interested in him and it always pisses me off when people talk about him like he's a main eventer. Sorry to tell you but wrestling is just as much based on your charisma/promo giving ability as the wrestler and any sane person knows that Shelton was UNDOUBTEDLY one of the worst promo givers in wrestling history, yeah i'll go there. He sounds like a bored student with a deep voice reading a textbook aloud to a class.

Also i will have to say Bryan Danielson is overrated, i definitely think he has potential and his mic skills have been seeming to improve but if anyone calls him the BEST IN THE WORLD, they need to tell me what kind of drug they are using and where I can get it. No one with mic skills that average should be anywhere near "best in the world" status. I could go on and on naming people i think are better then him but to me he's a REALLY REALLY REALLY poor man's imitation to Chris Jericho
Matt AND/OR Jeff Hardy. i have not really seen much from them that got my attention, i mean.. a few flips here, falls there, and having you GF cheat on you with someone better. besides that they bore the hell out of me. Matt with his "Matt hardy will never die" crap. ugh.. and now Jeff in TNA with his 'Taker ripoff "creatures of the night" im sorry, but they are waay too hyped and over rated. neither one of them are WWE main event material, and Jeff should not have had that last push. i didnt watch smackdown while he was champ, hell Rey Mysterio was a more believable champ then Jeff Hardy. they are TNA headliners at BEST. yet i always hear about how great jeff hardy is, or how awesome matt hardy is. no. matt is a shell of his former self, and jeff is way too hooked on drugs, should get himself clean.

and i actually like Miz. didnt use to, but he's grown on me, and yes i DO see a lot of HBK in him, as well as a bit of a younger Y2J as well. give him time.

I'm Sorry, But How are Matt or Jeff Overrated by the IWC? They are constantly getting bashed on these forum's, and for stupid reasons in my opinion, but that's not Important.

This is about Wrestler's who are overrated by people in the IWC, Not Just (Real) Wrestling fan's in General, So I really don't think Matt and Jeff fall into that Category.

For me, The Most overrated has to be The Miz, Don't Get me Wrong, The guy has grown on me ALOT over the past year and is easily one of the best on the Mic in the WWE Today, But in my opinion good Mic skills don't Automatically make you deserving of a World Title. His Matches are Boring, He has improved slightly since he came to the WWE, but He still doesn't bring anything new to the table.
If anyone is overrated around here, it's The Miz. Okay, he's good on the mic, but when was the last time he put on a wrestling clinic?

So,who in the WWE puts on a "wrestling clinic" these days? Hmm let's see. Cena? Orton? Sheamus? ...Yeah,no. Very few people right now puts on "wrestling clinics" in the WWE. It doesn't mean people don't like them though. I never get the Miz haters...he tries to improve in the ring all the time,cuts awesome promos,and devotes almost all his time to the company yet people STILL COMPLAIN. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Jenks I didn't agree with a lot of your opinions about the wrestlers but I think you had the best comment about the IWC that I have seen. The internet community definitely nuts over these multi-finisher matches that are nonstop big moves. I think the problem is and one of the reasons that the WWE is still on top of TNA is that they save this for big matches. I'm not positive but I doubt we saw a person kick out of the tombstone one time last year before Wrestlemania, and thats why they got you every time he hit one on Shawn Michaels the last two years.

Shelton's name being thrown around a lot, I think with Shelton what you see is what you get. He is good in the ring and can have an exciting match, but when it comes to superstars the build-up and chemistry is always more important than the match itself. In my lifetime the biggest superstars and draws in wrestling were Hogan, Stone Cold, The Rock, and John Cena but during that same time I feel that the two best wrestlers were Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels. Obviously, I'm probably leaving some out that should be mentioned but only trying to make a basic point that I'm sure correlates with ratings and ppv buys.

One name I forgot to mention earlier, JoMo. I think it may be the face turn but he just has not been working for me in the last several months. I would be shocked if you told me months ago the turn of events that would unfold with him and The Miz but the bottom line is that The Miz deserves it. He's easy to like as a wrestling fan because he has gotten better since he came into the WWE, has excellent mic skills, and apparently is a big-time company man.
Why would you bring TNA into this? TNA has no part in WWE part of the forum. TNA is the better wrestling company right now, if there was no TNA he would see how shitty WWE is. Also many people have said this, TNA DOES'NT RELEASE PPV BUYS TO THE PUBLIC, stop using this as an aurgement. Again don't bring this into a WWE forum, go into the TNA and complain.

First off I went to this thread from the main page and didn't realize it was in the WWE section. The title doesn't say WWE only, but still my bad on that. I still stand by my belief that TNA is overrated by many in the IWC. The majority of TNA's audience is the IWC. I've seen reports on WZ and other sites that they usually get around 10,000 buys a PPV.

If TNA is the better company why do the get less than a third of the ratings WWE gets? If you hate WWE so much why are you reading the WWE forums? I watch TNA I don't think it's horrible all the time. I don't like a lot of what WWE does. Most TNA diehards like you take it so personal when says something about TNA. Usually the first thing they say is WWE sucks TNA is better. I never said they suck or anything negative really. People like you put it so high up on a level it's not. That's why I think it's overrated.
Since the more obvious picks have already been mentioned I'm gonna cross into the unexplored NXT territory and say that Kaval is pretty overrated. Don't get me wrong, I like him. I'm rooting for him. But the thing is I just can't see him becoming the WWE's next breakout star. People in the IWC tend to say that Kaval is gonna win this season of NXT no contest. But with guys like Alex Riley, Percy Watson, and Michael McGillicutty also in this season, it's gonna be a hard race to the finish.
i would take WWE in the PG form over what i saw on TNA the other night any day. think i could handle about 15-20 min before i changed it. they are trying to make a profit off of a brand name owned by WWE.

yes, after further looking into it, i agree on the Matt hardy thing, he really isnt liked that much in the IWC, but i stand by the pick of Jeff. have seen plenty of Pro-Jeff Hardy posts/threads. and i dont see why, he's a one trick pony, who really shouldnt have been more than a mid-carder at best, but i guess thats what happens when you have a crap load of teen girls screaming for you at every event. (See: John Cena)
Shelton Benjamin is a good pic, as far as being overrated. It's kind of hard to choose, because I feel that some of the guys the ICW praises deserve their credit.

I don't want to say John Morrison, but I guess so. I really really wish his mic skills would improve so he'll get a world title shot soon. ;_;

Another I suppose would be the Miz. Everyone is really high on him right now, including myself, but until he makes the landmark promo, I think everyone's just excited about Who he will become not What he already is. But he's still Awwwwwwesooooooome!
Triple H: A man that is treated like God by most wrestling fans.His wrestling ability is nothing special,he is average in the ring.I will admit he is AWESOME on the mic though.I have lost most of my respect for him because of his backstage politics and his sleeping to the top.

Daniel Bryan: What is so damn awesome about him? I watched his matches on NXT and thought ''Meh he's pretty good'' He is a talented athelete but he isn't the best in the world like people say he is.

Stone Cold: Like HHH, SCSA has average wrestling ability and good mic skills.But why is he so popular? His cries for attention didn't do it for me simply because the man can't wrestle anymore.All he did after his neck injury was punch,stomp stomp then STUNNER! Although that isn't his fault but even when he was healthy he couldn't wrestle that well.

Randy Orton: Probably the most average wrestle in WWE today.He sucks on the mic also yet is becoming the most popular superstar! Why? He is boring on the mic and at times,in the ring.His moveset is

1. Punch
2. Stomps
3. Rope Hung DDT.
4. That backbreaker thing
5. RKO

So why do fans like him? I used to be a HUGE Orton fan but I don't like his face turn,he isn't the same anymore.At least when he was heel his awesome character made up for his horrible mic skills and average wrestling skills.He doesn't even PUNT anymore.I am no longer a huge fan of him,I cheer him on still but he isn't in my Top 5 anymore because of the reasons above.

Christian: I am SICK and tired of people crying over him,wanting him to be world champ.IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN! Vince doesn't think of him as world champ,so he has no chance! What is so good about him? In my eyes he's like Daniel Bryan,good wrestler,decent on the mic but VERY overrated.Christian has exciting matches but I don't think he should be treated like a legend when he ISN'T.He will go down as an upper-mid card wrestler.Also why doesn't he ever lose? Since he came back to WWE i've only seen him lose at least 10 matches! And I've seen A LOT of his matches on ECW,RAW and Smackdown.

Respect to all these men though because of the stuff they put themselves through.
Triple H: A man that is treated like God by most wrestling fans.His wrestling ability is nothing special,he is average in the ring.I will admit he is AWESOME on the mic though.I have lost most of my respect for him because of his backstage politics and his sleeping to the top.

Daniel Bryan: What is so damn awesome about him? I watched his matches on NXT and thought ''Meh he's pretty good'' He is a talented athelete but he isn't the best in the world like people say he is.

Stone Cold: Like HHH, SCSA has average wrestling ability and good mic skills.But why is he so popular? His cries for attention didn't do it for me simply because the man can't wrestle anymore.All he did after his neck injury was punch,stomp stomp then STUNNER! Although that isn't his fault but even when he was healthy he couldn't wrestle that well.

Randy Orton: Probably the most average wrestle in WWE today.He sucks on the mic also yet is becoming the most popular superstar! Why? He is boring on the mic and at times,in the ring.His moveset is

1. Punch
2. Stomps
3. Rope Hung DDT.
4. That backbreaker thing
5. RKO

So why do fans like him? I used to be a HUGE Orton fan but I don't like his face turn,he isn't the same anymore.At least when he was heel his awesome character made up for his horrible mic skills and average wrestling skills.He doesn't even PUNT anymore.I am no longer a huge fan of him,I cheer him on still but he isn't in my Top 5 anymore because of the reasons above.

Respect to all these men though because of the stuff they put themselves through.

He Punted Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania this year.

ALL Wrestlers Stick to 4 or 5 Signature moves in Every match, It doesn't Matter How many moves you have, It matter's on how well you Perform the moves, and Orton performs them very well. Just sayin.
Matt hardy-he really isn't that good, the guy isn't a great in ring worker, looks atrocious (as a girl I go crazy for his brother jeff, but matt? yuck), and he sucks on the mic. Matt hardy is not that good and will never get higher than the midcard. Even if he went to TNA-he would never get more than a tag title reign.

Randy orton as a face-really a face? seriously? he is boring as a face, all he does is stare....stare then give an RKO....thats all his character is now. When he was a heal, he was the man, now he just bores me.

TNA-sorry i need to say it, just because this company isn't PG everyone thinks it's amazing. I will admit this: yes I think WWE is better than TNA-but not that much better. However even I can see that it is overated.

But yh those r my thoughts, should b fun to get ripped apart now :)
haha no, you just supported my pick of Jeff being over rated, and cheered on by girls.
although i do see your point in picking Orton, as he has really become watered down as a Face.. just never payed that much attention to it, mostly because i havent payed much attention to Orton since Evolution.

Batista is another one that was WAAAY over rated, but not so much by the IWC, so that one dont count then.. While i understand the pick of Undertaker, i see it as the man has done it all. everything there is to do in wrestling, he's done it. introduced some of the coolest to watch matches, and put on some epic matches, yes not so much anymore, but when you been doing it that long, lets see how well you preform.. in no way is 'Taker over rated, only because he has nothing left to prove. just doing it now out of the love of the job, and maybe to be around his wife.
Triple H: A man that is treated like God by most wrestling fans.His wrestling ability is nothing special,he is average in the ring.I will admit he is AWESOME on the mic though.I have lost most of my respect for him because of his backstage politics and his sleeping to the top.

Well, actually, he's good in the ring and he used to be great. But thats besides the point. I'm not sure how long you've been traversing internet forums, but in no way, shape or form is HHH overrated by the IWC. He gets himself torn a new ******** every day, perhaps some of it just, perhaps some of it not. The exact reasons you listed "i.e sleeping his way to the top" are the exact points that are brought up in every single thread he has ever had dedicated to him. So, incorrect.

Daniel Bryan: What is so damn awesome about him? I watched his matches on NXT and thought ''Meh he's pretty good'' He is a talented athelete but he isn't the best in the world like people say he is.

NXT showcased maybe a fraction of what Bryan Danielson can do in the ring. I was never good with the American Imperial system, but somewhere in the region of 1/16th would be my guess. It's pretty hard to impress fans when you're booked in consecutive losses to lesser opponents, before being released just as a huge storyline begins to shape. Watch some stuff that he has done from a company called ROH. Then perhaps you may change your mind.

Stone Cold: Like HHH, SCSA has average wrestling ability and good mic skills.But why is he so popular? His cries for attention didn't do it for me simply because the man can't wrestle anymore.All he did after his neck injury was punch,stomp stomp then STUNNER! Although that isn't his fault but even when he was healthy he couldn't wrestle that well.

I wouldn't say he's overrated by the IWC at all. He is lauded because he single handedly drove the Attitude Era and made the WWE into what it is today. Every compliment the IWC throw his way, it is absolutely deserved. I don't understand why you're complaining about his wrestling style. He was a redneck brawler, and he did just that. Sure, Chris Benoit could do "heaps of movez", but Austin was outpopping Hogan in the late 90's.

Randy Orton: Probably the most average wrestle in WWE today.He sucks on the mic also yet is becoming the most popular superstar! Why? He is boring on the mic and at times,in the ring.His moveset is

Ooh you got one right. Yes, he is decidedly average. But if he's getting that sort of reaction, who is to argue? The thread is called "overrated by the IWC". This would generally be characterised by people who get no reaction but are lauded for their techical skill or psychology or something like that. When you're getting the biggest pops of the night every single week, I don't think thats being overrated.

1. Punch
2. Stomps
3. Rope Hung DDT.
4. That backbreaker thing
5. RKO

He does perform other moves. That nifty powerslam for instance. I hate this argument, loathe it even. You can reduce every single wrestler that ever lived into this category. Whether you're Bret Hart, HBK or The Great Khali. Everyone has a reliable set of moves they go to. It reassures the fans that a finish is coming and makes them cheer. It's wrestling 101.

So why do fans like him? I used to be a HUGE Orton fan but I don't like his face turn,he isn't the same anymore.At least when he was heel his awesome character made up for his horrible mic skills and average wrestling skills.He doesn't even PUNT anymore.I am no longer a huge fan of him,I cheer him on still but he isn't in my Top 5 anymore because of the reasons above.

Kicking someone in the temple is decidedly heelish. If it weren't, kids would be wearing merchandise with soccer hooligans all over them.

Christian: I am SICK and tired of people crying over him,wanting him to be world champ.IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN! Vince doesn't think of him as world champ,so he has no chance! What is so good about him? In my eyes he's like Daniel Bryan,good wrestler,decent on the mic but VERY overrated.Christian has exciting matches but I don't think he should be treated like a legend when he ISN'T.He will go down as an upper-mid card wrestler.Also why doesn't he ever lose? Since he came back to WWE i've only seen him lose at least 10 matches! And I've seen A LOT of his matches on ECW,RAW and Smackdown.

Eh. Yeah I guess.
The Miz...

He still has to do something impressive to win me over, I have never really been excited when I see him..so he is good on the mic, but I would say he is below-average...shouldn't be compared to other greats when talking about great in-ring performers...

And like someone said before, he hasn't had a single memorable match and he has been on a high for nearly a year now!!
I will agree with the OP about Shelton Benjamin. I believe he was a phenominal athlete, but the bottom line is he couldnt cut a promo to save his life. People want to be entertained when watching wrestling (thats why its sports entertainment, afterall). If you are as gifted of an athlete as Shelton was, I feel you should either be spending time developing your mic skills or gaining martial arts skills and being in MMA/UFC, where its not as important that you have mic skills.

I have not seen Bryan Danielson in any matches asides from his work in the WWE so I cannot comment on him, like others have. I thought he was solid on promos when he was with the WWE and honestly hope he comes back because I would like to see what all the hype is about.

I know a few other people mentioned Sheamus and Evan Bourne. Personally I like these two... Evan Bourne needs some character development as we rarely hear him on the mic. However, he has some fantastic acrobatics and could potentially be the next Rey Mysterio if he spends time building his character. Unfortunately, with his current mic skills he is a far cry from Rey Mysterio... Sheamus is money on the mic. Who doesn't enjoy hearing "fella"? LOL I think he needs a little more character development and perhaps a little polish in the ring, but I think he is definitely legit.

You know,I get sick and tired of people bitching and moaning about Shelton Benjamins promo skills. You know who else couldn't cut a promo to save his life,Chris Benoit. And they made that guy the World Heavyweight Champion.

Am I saying that Benjamin should have been World Heavyweight Champion,no I'm not. But he should have been more than somebodies whipping boy.

That's why I always prefered the old NWA to the WWF/E product. There it was all about the wrestling. Now it's "oh he's not cool enough,they need to get rid of him"
Are you really calling Bryan Danielson overrated? Please, the guy IS the best wrestler, he backs it up inside the ring, why don't you go look at his 75 MINUTE match with Austin Aries, that match was pure gold.

Want to talk about overrated, Evan Bourne is overrated, he's nothing more then a spot monkey.

The Miz has been getting way too overrated by the IWC, he's got mic skills but he's really not that good inside the ring. Most of his wins lately came by him being booked lucky.

I will agree with Shelton Benjamin though, the only times I really cared about him was when he was in the WGTT, Team Angle and his (short lived) program with HHH.
Bryan Danielson is overrated? How? He isn't boring as people say, look at when he was a heel in ROH, he was interesting and charismatic playing his 'best in the world' gimmick. How the hell are you gonna judge a wrestlers skill based on 6 minute matches against horrible wrestlers like Batista and Young. Again look at his ROH matches where he was having 4 star and plus matches on every single PPV. He's decent on the mic but underrated on the mic at the same time- look at his farewell speech on ROH and his recent Cole attack.

There's a little secret I want to share with you: did you know WWE waters down and limits wrestlers moves. Do you know why they do this? I'ts because the wrestlers work 300 days and are prone to injury if they wrestle with a style say the Indie's use. WWE style is very much storyline driven, methodical and underwhelming. So most guys will have few moves to do which is perfect for the WWE style.

As to which guy is most overrated, it has to be Orton, HHH, Bourne(although he is good in the independents), CM Punk ( amazing on the Mic but is a shadow of his former self in ROH) Matt Hardy(boring as fuck, slow, clumsy, horrible on the Mic: the only thing he has going for him is his theme which is an excellent theme).
Interesting thread, though I think it probably needs to be more in the general section rather than the WWE section. There are quite a few wrestlers that tend to be overrated favorites of the IWC and some definitely stick out more than others. I could probably name most of the ECW roster. However, off the top of my head, I'm going to go with Rob Van Dam, Mr. Anderson, Samoa Joe, Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy and, to some degree, Bryan Danielson.

Rob Van Dam has been seen as a god by indy fans and internet fans that grew up watching ECW in its day for over 15 years now. I do think that RVD tends to be pretty entertaining to watch inside the ring, but the guy has no personality whatsoever. He comes across as a bland and baked stoner more often than not and while that might not be too far from reality, it doesn't make him particularly interesting either.

Mr. Anderson is another guy that the IWC has really taken a shine to, particularly after his release from WWE. Anderson is good on the mic no question on that and he's decent inside the ring. However, I don't believe he's nearly as good as many make him out to be. I think that his "asshole" schtick is somewhat lame and not really necessary. Anderson has shown that he doesn't have to resort to stunts like that in order to get pops and it just makes him look cheap. Inside the ring, he's nothing special. Overall, he's a good wrestler but not nearly the godlike being some make him out to be.

Samoa Joe is someone whose matches I do tend to enjoy more often than not. I'm impressed by the guy's natural athleticism and I like the fact that he looks more "normal" in terms of his build and all. Makes him easier to relate to on some levels. But Joe has no personality at all. He's pretty much bland and entirely one dimensional. While I do like his more "normal" look, it does have its shortcomings. For instance, I've never viewed him as even remotely intimidating. He doesn't have the appearance of someone that I could buy into as this supreme badass.

Shelton Benjamin is a guy that I've heard the IWC piss and moan about, saying that he should be world champion for years now. Shelton Benjamin is easily the blandest guy of all those I came up with just off the top of my head. He has the personality of an expired jar of mayonaise. He has great athletic ability and it's not as if the WWE didn't try pushing the guy, but he just never got over. Multiple time tag champ, multiple time IC champ including a run that lasted roughly 6 months, a U.S. title run that lasted 6 months, feuding with & beating the likes of Triple H, Chris Jericho & RVD and Benjamin simply could not get over. All the athletic ability in the world means jack if you can't get people to care about you and Benjamin failed supremely.

Matt Hardy is a solid, all around mid-card wrestler but I do not understand why so many people think he should be a world champion. Matt Hardy is someone that's along the same vein as Jeff Jarrett, which is a good mid-card worker that simply can't cut it in the main event. His mic work is horrible, his matches are generally good but most aren't nearly the epics most make them out to be, he's had runs with almost every major championship the WWE has had for the past decade and all of them have been forgettable except his tag team title runs with his brother Jeff. Jeff Hardy is more responsible for Matt's overall popularity than Matt Hardy himself.

Bryan Danielson is someone I'd only heard about before coming to the WWE. I'd heard he was the absolute greatest and all this and that. I did become a Bryan Danielson fan during his time in the WWE. Even though he was booked a particular way on NXT, the guy's ability was there for anyone to see. But I didn't see the "best wrestler in the world" during his time. I know, I know that maybe I didn't get a chance to see what he can REALLY do and all, but I can't help that. I can only go by what I did see. The last several weeks he was with the WWE, I think Danielson did manage to show that he's not the bland white bread guy that some have said he was. He gave a couple of damn good promos. From what I've seen of Danielson in the WWE, he's good but not the greatest in the world.
This is a really ignorant statement. When you say they have no promo ability or draw power, you have no idea how wrong you are. ROH's last iPPV drew over 1,200 buys. For an indy company, that's pretty damn insane. If I'm correct, a TNA PPV last year drew about 5,000 buys or so. There are a ton of guys on that roster like Davey Richards, Kevin Steen, Colt Cabana, or Austin Aries who are extremely charismatic and equally good in the ring. A lot of people are saying that Daniel Bryan has no charisma but let's get real, did you see his promos on Cole and The Miz? Lastly, guys like CM Punk, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, MVP, and Desmond Wolfe have all come from ROH and they're all huge superstars today. If anyone is overrated around here, it's The Miz. Okay, he's good on the mic, but when was the last time he put on a wrestling clinic?

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As i said at the end of my statement i just wanted proper recognition for their talent. and the whole no draw thing was based not on them being in ROH, most of them if they were elsewhere wouldn't equal anything major in increase of PPV buys. And ROH has been a gateway for stars to being made without a doubt, again all i was pushing was the topic of this thread. At times ROH is very oversold by people, this isn't at all saying they suck or are bad.
I'll go ahead and talk about both promotions as to who is overrated by the IWC. For WWE I would have to go with the Miz, Ted Dibiase, John Morrison, Cody Rhodes, All members of Nexus, Matt Hardy, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre, Zak Ryder, and Santino. I know the Miz is on his way to be a big breakout star, and he has improved leaps and bounds compared to where he was years ago. I just don't think the guy deserves as much praise as he gets. I feel the main reason people cheer for the Miz is because he is one of a very few people in WWE that actually has a personality.

As far as the former legacy members Rhodes and Dibiase, they are just beyond bland to me on the mic and in the ring. I seriously doubt these 2 would have even been allowed in a WWE ring if they weren't second/third generation superstars. As far as the Nexus goes, except for maybe Wade Barrett there isn't much to shake a stick at. Tarver is forgettable, Gabriel can do a 450 splash which is about it, Slater is bland along with Young and Otunga has the look and some mic skills but is very limited in the ring. Barrett has charisma and great mic skills, but he has a long way to go in the ring as well.

Morrison has the look and a few special moves in the ring, but he is another robotic figure. Swagger was the world heavyweight champion which I think was pushed on him too soon. Swagger is talented in the ring and can always bring a few laughs, but Swagger is someone I'm not intimidated by. I find myself laughing at Swagger's jokes more then seeing him as a threat. I have no idea what anyone sees in Mcinytre either. This man is very limited in everything he does but he is praised and pushed to the moon. Ryder is another one that is a decent worker but shouldn't be praised as much either.

Matt Hardy is one worker that has always been given too much credit by the IWC. He was part of a good tag team, but he hasn't been relevant since. As far as Santino goes, I'm just putting him in this category because a lot of people find Santino hilarious. No matter what he does its the funniest thing they have ever seen, when in reality its pretty stupid.

Overrated Stables: Legacy, The New DX 2006/2009

I'm not going to put all the blame on WWE's doorstep, I'm going to put on TNA as well. The wrestlers overrated in TNA: Hulk Hogan's debut, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Brian Kendrick, British Invasion, Beautiful People, Team 3D, Hernandez, Former ECW stars, Former TNA Knockotus.

I'll have to start out with Hogan's debut because I'll admit I was excited and I was really enjoying TNA, but the IWC made Hogan bigger then TNA. Whether they liked Hogan or hated him, Hogan was becoming a bigger topic of conversation then TNA itself. In reality even though Hogan brought some big names in to TNA, Hogan really hasn't done much for TNA in the long run.

Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy are constantly being featured as the two most popular wrestlers on TNA programming. RVD is TNA World Champion. I've always wanted to see RVD wrestle in TNA but now that he is there I really don't see why all the commotion? The man has basically done the same promo and the same basic moves for the past 10 years. I don't have a problem with him being champion, but RVD is a little more laid back then I remember him being. I know TNA is more of a cushy job then ECW or WWE, but at least show some emotion.

Jeff Hardy is another wrestler that I could put down for TNA or WWE being overrate by IWC. Hardy was cheered relentlessly when he was in WWE, and now that he is in TNA no former WWE fans gives him the time of day. The same can be said for Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson. When Angle and Anderson were in WWE the IWC thought they were the greatest wrestlers ever, but when they went to TNA, they were overrated?

Anderson is a good worker and great on the mic, but I do feel the IWC gives him more credit then anything. There hasn't been too many cheers for Abyss lately, but before the Hogan reincarnation Abyss was always highly praised as the monster by the IWC. I enjoyed Abyss early in his career, but I never thought of him as big main eventer like everyone else did. Kendrick and the British Invasion members are good workers but they seem to get more credit then anything.

Hernandez is better as tag team wrestler then singles in my opinion. The man is horrible on the mic and even though he is strong he is pretty limited in the ring. Team 3D is a team that got where they are because of tables. You take the tables faction out of the equation and they are just another team. The Beautiful People are nice to look at but don't set the world on fire in the ring.

I never thought the former TNA Knockouts everyone harps about were that good either. ODB didn't do anything to impress me and even Roxxi and Gail Kim were good workers but hardly enough to get upset about. Even Awesome Kong who is another good worker, wasn't the only one responsible for the Knockouts division being popular.

Finally, as far as the former ECW guys coming back I understand people are excited but its been done before. It's 2010, and most of the former ECW guys from 2005 are either dead, retired, or don't want anything to do with TNA. I will watch the PPV to see how goes down, but a hardcore one night stand ECW PPV has been done before. In 2005 the ECW guys were allowed to get away with a lot on PPV, but I don't think they will be allowed to get away with much this time around. TNA censored middle fingers on Impact so how extreme is that?
Randy Orton is the one that comes to my mind when I think of wrestlers who are immensely overrated by the IWC. Now i'm not saying this because i hate the guy, that couldn't be any further than the truth. But I do have the opinion to think he is overrated, which in my mind he is. A lot of people clammer about how great and superior he is to watch in the ring. Now don't get me wrong when he is on top of his game, Orton can put on a great match with the best of them, but usually he just puts on his mediocre showing of slow offense that takes ten years to build up until an eventual RKO. Now this is not a terribly bad thing, as a lot of wrestlers usually put on the same showing match after match so it really doesn't make Orton that much more entertaining or exciting than other star who do have a faster offensive showing than him most of the time.

Also over the past year or so has it been noticed that Orton may have been hit by charisma draining bullet? The man has been pretty mediocre on the stick since late last winter, but it has progressively got worse as we got into this year. At times he can be a little plain, but that could be do to what the WWE feeds him to say, or it can also be the overall lack of color and charisma that he may have. I'm not sure which one of these it is, or if it even happens to be a little bit of both. So he surely isn't as great of a promo man that I have heard people on here talk about when referring to him as the "total package".

Again he is not the only wrestler who suffers from issues like this in WWE. But over the last year or so of being on here that he apparently is exempt from criticism in these fields. I have no clue why, as he is most certainly not a perfect wrestler. So why is he not criticized for lacking or just plain sucking in various arsenals as a professional wrestler? The overall praise he gets from the IWC is enough for me to think he is overrated on here and other websites.
There are two that come to mind for me. Ted DiBiase and MVP.

When there were rumors about the breakup of Legacy, everyone thought that Ted was going to go on to be a star and Cody was destined for the midcard. Everyone thinks that Ted is going to be the next big star in the company. He is good, but I think the IWC gives him a little too much hype. He could be a future star, but there were many believing that he is the next HHH or something.

Another is MVP. A big portion of the IWC has always had high hopes for MVP. Many believe that he should be given a push or should have already won a few world titles. I dont see it. Like DiBiase, he is good, but he isnt as good as a lot of people make him seem. I guess with both of these guys, they just get overhyped.
Nexus is presently the most overrated thing in the IWC. The most confusing thing about it is that it is a bunch of guys (aside from Barrett) that individually the IWC would rip to shreds but somehow as a group that does the same thing every week it is deified. I do not think Benjamin is overrated much because there has never been mass opinion that he displayed much personality. Is there anyone besides Barrett in nexus that really stands out more than Benjamin? I sure as hell do not see it. If the argument is those guys have "potential" if they learned to do certain things better then why does that not apply to Benjamin as well? Especially since many are saying he is overrated just because many of us have said he has always possessed a lot of, you guessed it ... potential.

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