Overrated wrestlers by the IWC.

Good thread.
Agree with Shelton Benjamin and Brian Danielson.
Evan Bourne is another totally overated.
My other picks are Shameless...I mean Sheamus. The modern day Hercules, who was a mid-carder at very best.
And another is Edge. Very limited move set (the same for 10 years or so) And i cannot believe the amount of title run's he has had.
Bourne for me.
I love the way the guy can sell a move but other than that I find him boring. All he does is kicks, he is nowhere near the level of Rey and can't even compare to any of the cruiserweights back in wcw. He has the speed and agility but not the arsenal of moves to showcase it. Cena and Rey are the poster boys of the pg era but at least they have some anger in their character, Bourne just has a goofy peace sign and looks like a backstreet boy on steriods.
I totally agree with Evan Bourne. He is similar to Shelton Benjamin in the fact that many IWC fans like spot monkeys. I respect Bourne's cruiserweight style, but I feel he's still too green to be talking about major titles.

Another wrestler who I feel is overrated by the IWC is Christian. Although I like Christian, I can't agree with many who say he deserves a world title. There are midcard wrestlers for a reason, and I feel Christian fits perfectly in this category. Edge carried the weight back in their tag team run in the Attitude Era. As a singles competitor, he just doesn't have the "it" factor to elevate into main event status.
The Nexus. Wtf are some people thinking by saying they are saving the WWE. A group of bland wrestlers always getting involved in the mainevent. I said I would give it a month before it would probably get boring. I was wrong, it ended up getting boring by the third week.

Kelly Kelly. A lot of people still don't like her, but I always read others saying that she has gotten a lot better and deserves a belt. She doesn't even deserve that butterfly glitter belt, she may have gotten better but she is still garbage.

Kaz. He puts me to sleep. I don't really know what else to say since he has no personality to comment on. His wrestling is good but not good enough to make up for being so damn boring. Maybe I'm being too hard on him, I have always disliked him for reasons I don't even know. I think his face just bothers me :shrug: lol
I like this thread. Get ready for mine, at first you will be like WTF!! Then by the end you will understand were i am coming from. This man is:

John Cena

Yep i did it, i went there. Hold on, hold on.

Lets take you back too 2003 fresh off a face turn, Cena had a good internet following (Surprised?) untill people found problems with his character and wrestling ability which begun the hate period in 2006. The hate made people think "Hey this guy isnt that bad, if your going to hate i am going to love" And when hate died down people started too like. (Ask members from 2006/2007 here on Wrestlezone i can promise you most of them at one point in the "hate period" that they too hated on Cena. I was one of them)

But it caused people to go crazy and over rate Cena and start saying stuff which is questionable like for example "Cena is better talker than the Rock and Cena sells more merch than Austin ever did or will and lastly, Cena is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE ever". That happened because people were super pissed that Cena was hated. But then we get the other half of the IWC saying "Cena only knows 5 moves or He can not wrestle" and then we get a big overating and underating of John Cena.

John Cena is the most overated wrestler because of this which is mostly accidental because this half of the IWC want to balance Cena hate with over the top Cena love. But there is more too this as John Cena is the most underated wrestler as well as i said above we get the other half of the IWC over the top hating on Cena which pretty much makes him the most Overrated and Underrated wrestlers today. If still you think WTF you hater, you clearly didnt read my post.
The Miz. I am so tired of seeing him compared to HBK, Jericho, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Bruno Samartino, basically any guy who was great in the past. He can talk, but so can plenty of other guys. He is extremely average in the ring. When has he ever had a memorable match? How is in-ring performance any better than Cena or any other guy Miz lovers hate? I get it-he has personality. But it takes more than that to impress me.

I think the Miz is improving all the time, but I cannot see myself watching the WWE with him as Champion, he just doesnt do it for me. I think hes funny, but his in-ring skills do not impress me that much at the moment. I hope he proves me wrong

As for Shelton, I loved the idea of the Gold Standard gimmick, I didnt think he needed the dyed hair, but the nickname was awesome. No one can argue about his in-ring ability and look, but it was the mic skills that held him back.However, I think with more practice at promos (which he didnt get imo) he would have improved.

Daniel Bryan.... cant comment, I havent seen enough of him in ROH to give an opinion

I am gonna throw this out there.....as I didnt see much of his work in WCW in his early years...why is Sting so loved? He is good....but there are many who are better in the ring than him? I am just curious to know thats all. I didnt get to catch WCW that much, and when I did I never seemed to see Sting. To be, he seems a decent wrestler with a cool look, but uses Bret Harts Sharpshooter and a bad reverse DDT as finishers, and his Stinger Splash isnt impressive either.

Please dont have a go at me for my opinion, but please tell me why Sting's IN RING work is held so highly, he has just never impressed me that much
Im gonna get a flak for this but Chris Jericho is my main pic.

Let me say that Jericho is super talented, he is great on the mic, he is still decent in the ring, his recent match with Evan Bourne stole the entire PPV and he used to be even better.

But, despite all these attributed he never really achieved true main event status, he never got to be a big star and break through, sometimes they let him be a champion and then he is always quickly demoted back to upper midcard or even midcard.

And the reason for this is that he simply isent as exciting to your more casual fan than he is to the IWC fans, Jericho is alot of things but he isent a "superstar" he dosent have the "it" look, the casual wrestling fans never cared too much about his great wrestling ability (they never cared which is why the likes of Goldberg became a big star).

Calling Jericho a perfect performer just isent true, he isent someone kids will buy a magazine so they can put his poster on their walls, he isent a guy that can lure the masses in to watch him, he never had that it factor that is so important.

Thats the real difference between Jericho and HBK, both great talkers and great in ring performers, but HBK had the special superstar look that Jericho lacks.

Sometimes its feels as if the IWC ignores this insanely important factor when they talk about Jericho, there is a reason why he gets short reigns as more of a transitional champion rather than be a main eventer ever since he won the undisputed title.

AJ Styles
Samoa Joe
Alex Shelley
Chris Sabin
Bryan Danielson
Shelton Benjamin
Evan Bourne
Cody Rhodes

DDPandNWOfan watch something more than WWE because most of these have never been champions in WWE or main champs in TNA so how can these be over-rated idiot you are on the wrong forum these guys are under rated.

Miz and TNA woh can these be consider over rated. Miz has just been consider higher rated less than a year ago and good shot at TNA really a whole promotion that's a good one Kurt Angle and Desmond Wolfe are over rated my ass.

My picks are

RVD- Seriously I can't stand this guy he sounds like he is on crack and can barely do any stuff he used to do he just typical makes me fast forward the channel.

The Hardy's - see above

John Morrison - This guy makes me think is raw going to be worth watching or spending my time. This guy can't wrestle, can't talk and looks like a male ****e.

Kofi Kingston- See above.

These are my picks and people that Daniel Bryan can't cut a promo then watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bop6WAK2swk
This is gonna be fun.

I like this thread ever time someone posts it (yes, it's been done a billion times before) mainly because I come up with new guys to add to the list every time.

Matt Hardy
Come on, now. What else needs to be said? I know that this guy, somehow, has a cult following of brainwashed, pre-teen, bed-wetting fans that swear he should be a world champion. But every time I ask them for a real, valid reason as to why Matt deserves the title, the only answer I get is "Because he WILL...NOT...DIE." Oh, shut the fuck up already!!! The guy is sub-par on the microphone, his physique has severely diminished over the years, and he just isn't able to make the audience believe that he is a formidable champion. Just a borefest, all-around.

Jeff Hardy
How can I list one brother without the other? I mean, come on now. What the fuck is the appeal with this guy? Whenever he won a world title, I sat in my living room scratching my head. He's a glorified spot-monkey who's still grasping and hanging onto the coat-tails of his glory days from the Attitude Era. Yes, Jeff Hardy has done some sick stunts for our entertainment. But how does that make him someone who deserves to carry the torch of the largest pro-wrestling company in the world? The guy has some of the most immature mic skills I've ever heard, is very sloppy in the ring, and is the poster-child for everything that pro-wrestling fans should NOT aspire to be... a drug-using, out of shape, irresponsible flash-in-the-pan.

Sorry TNA fans, but holy FUCK does this guy suck balls. Yes, he's a big man with great agility. But I've never seen a man so awkward in front of a crowd from a personality standpoint. From his ridiculous entrance to his atrocious mic-skills, this guy should be nothing but backup muscle for another mouthpiece. That is the only way he'd deserve to hold onto a world title. If this guy was booked like Brock Lesnar originally, he'd be impressive. But allowing someone like him to try and pave his own way is just the biggest mistake ever.

Shelton Benjamin
First of all, I will never take away from this man's in-ring skill. Seriously, I think he's one of the most polished in-ring wrestlers of the past decade. His moves are smooth as silk and the guy is a decent storyteller. But for 75% of the IWC to believe that he should wear a title belt is such a travesty. Don't you guys realize that it takes a lot more than good ring skills to be a world champion? Shelton has improved on the mic but is still WAYYY behind the eight ball. So why should he represent and carry the torch of pro-wrestling when he can't even connect with the crowd he's performing for? Use your heads, people.

Ugh... this guy blows so fucking bad. This man looks mean and tough, but has also amounted to the grand total of NOTHING in the world of pro-wrestling. Yes, he was a God in ECW, but that shit was 15 years ago. Where's the appeal now? This is a guy who's only way of getting over was to have play-by-play announcers shouting out his finishing maneuver whenever it was sloppily executed. (Nothing annoys me more than when play-by-play announcers try and hype up a wrestler's move when they constantly fuck it up. Hell, Rhino would barely touch an opponent when he performed the Gore.) If it weren't for Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler, and Jim Ross, Rhino would be an absolute NOTHING in pro-wrestling.

Mick Foley
Yes, I said it. And if you don't agree with me, I could give two squirts of piss. As far as I'm concerned, this man is the complete opposite of Shelton Benjamin. He's a man that has tremendous mic skills, personality, and crowd-connection but is just god-awful inside of a wrestling ring... and outside. I'm one of the many fans who believes that Mick Foley was nothing more than a "glorified stuntman", as Ric Flair so eloquently stated in his book. Without the body-massacring, self-mutilating, death-defying style that Mick Foley has given to us in his glory days, what the hell would he have been? Try and answer that question before praising him...

Another fucking joke of pro-wrestling. Here is another guy who's idea of entertainment is to flip into metal guardrails, mutilate himself, and do flips and moves that endanger his opponents. If you guys think this is "wrestling" then we're all better off if you would just stop watching. Plus, have any of you ever heard this guy talk on the microphone? Holy SHIT does he suck balls.

Rey Mysterio
Over-Rey-ted. Sure, I stole that phrase from IrishCanadian25, but he couldn't be more dead-on. Here is a guy that's 5-foot nothing, one-hundred and nothing, and is supposed to be hanging with men like Kane, the Big Show, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, the Undertaker, and other world-champion likenesses in the ring. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?? Not only are his moves weak-looking, but his finisher is one of the most overrated finishers in all of professional wrestling... possibly it's history. The 619 is a joke of a move and the setup for it has been old for years. I mean, if you were wrestling in a match with Rey and he tripped you onto the second rope, wouldn't you either get up or move out of the way? Yup, that's what I thought. If it weren't for the fact that he sells tons of Mysterio-masks to the fans, he would never wear a world title strap.

...and the award for the MOST OVERRATED PRO-WRESTLING goes to... (drumroll, please...)

Rob Van Dam
I've said it a million times before and I'll say it again... this guy just doesn't live up to his hype... not by a longshot. Can he wrestle? Sure. But what else does he have? He smokes weed and is proud of it. Yay. He can use chairs and flips off the ropes really well. Great. And he has the 19th version of Snuka's "Superfly" as his finisher. Whoopie. The guy has little to zero mic skills, zero emotion, no passion, and severely lacks charisma. His catchy thumb-point is the extent of his personality, and while catchy, it doesn't make up for everything else that he lacks in wrestling. Wake up, people... RVD is not nearly as good as you think he is. Sorry.
shelton benjamin. I know this name was thrown around a lot, but this guy literally bored the shit out of me. Whenever someone is asked to name a good match from him all they ever say is against HBK in the gold rush tournament years ago. This guy was just a MITB spot monkey. He couldnt talk at all on the mic, when he came out it was a bathroom break for the show. He was the most athletic person in the WWE when he was there but so what? the guy had no charisma wwe is an ENTERTAINMENT business not so much as WRESTLING. Its both but the entertainment factor is higher.

Carlito - same as shelton. I NEVER liked this guy one bit. Never saw at all what the IWC were jacking off to him about. The IWC does not know how the WWE or the overall pro wrestling industry works whatsoever. They push people who can entertain and are fun to watch no people like shelton and carlito who put people to sleep. i guarantee if the IWC got a hold of a genie in a lamp and wished to own the WWE, the first thing they would do is rehire these two and they would be the the world champion and WWE champions and they would make the industry go out of business because neither of these 2 would ever be able to draw to save their life.

The Miz - Pretty much everything has been said about this guy. Yes he can talk very well but he sucks ass in the ring. Ive even seen people say Cena is worse then Miz. Not true at all. I do not remember one single match miz was in that i can remember going holy shit that was awesome (pun intended). WTF is a "miz" anyway? thats the dumbest name in a long time (excluding Dolph ziggler or the NXT 2 rookies).
Cody Rhodes - Crickets chirp when he comes out and he puts people to sleep yet manages to get threads devoted to when he's going to be in the main event picture. This is another guy that would be nowhere if his name wasn't Rhodes. Now we get grooming tips vignettes? This is a guy that some people were raving was going to win MiTB but I'd have trouble taking him seriously if he fought Tyler Reks.

Matt Hardy - Another guy that gets a ton of IWC wishful main event thinking. He's wrestling's vanilla - bland in the ring and not exactly a skilled orator. Sure, the fans like him well enough but he's right where he belongs - right in the midcard. Not main eventing and winning gold.

Ted Jr - After reading IWC threads, I'd swear that Ted Jr's farts are made of solid gold and his sweat has the sweet smell of success. All I ever see is a guy that's trading so hard on his father's name that he's even using his gimmick. Maryse is a nice addition and I think in time he might end up earning some of the love that's heaped on him. But all Teddy seems to do is annoy the crowd instead of earning heat on his own. I don't at all see why people were hoping for a MiTB win. I'd like to see him carry a halfway decent angle first.
- Ted Dibiase - boring, zero charisma, nothing about him interests me. Living off daddy's name, while Cody is out there forging his own identity.

- Jack Swagger - had what was possibly the most boring title reign in recent history. Shelton Benjamin could have gone far further than Swagger IMO and was far more of a "wrestler". Swagger isn't bad by any stretch, but he wasn't ready to wear the gold.

- MVP - Sorry, I just don't get the hype about this guy....he was actually better as a heel.
Well, one name immediately comes mind and that's the person almost everyone seems to be wetting themselves over. His name is Randy Orton. I do not get the big hype over this guy. He is very bland and predictable in the ring. Also on top of that, he has one of the most limited movesets right now. People may complain about Cena's moveset but this guy's is way worse.
Ok is this a who is most overrated in in the WWE or most overrated in in wrestling period?

If it's the WWE I think everyone has to realize, the WWE isn't looking for the best technical wrestlers. They are looking for the folks that they believe can make them the most money. Look at who their cash cow is right now, it's Cena. In fact alot of their cash cows, The Rock and Hogan immediately come to mind, are folks that weren't known for their wrestling ability.

As far as overrated in the WWE, that's easy...it's Evan Bourne. The reason is, he's a one trick pony who is really only known for one thing. The shooting star press. In other words let me put it this way, if Bourne was no longer in the WWE tomorrow, the average WWE fan wouldn't remember him in a year.

Now as far folks outside the WWE, I have to say Bryan Danielson. Don't get me wrong, great technical wrestler, but as someone that a company like WWE and TNA can make a bunch of money off of, he's not it. When Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson rumors started flying that both were going to the WWE, I truthfully thought that McGuinness would have been a bigger star in the WWE than Danielson.

Now if you want to go for super overrated, then you have to go with the old ECW. Don't get me wrong, I was a big fan of the old ECW, but truth be told, it was a company, with a few exceptions, that was full of no talent hacks who only competed in a hardcore company because they couldn't get over in a non hardcore company. The only company that had a worst wrestling talent roster than ECW was XPW.
Someone who is a bit overrated, and I know I will get flak for this, is Christian. He is a very good wrestler, but to me he's not quite as amazing as some people make him out to be. I think he was better back in the day in the tag team with Edge, and admittedly I didn't watch him as champion in TNA. But from his WWE work since his return, I wouldn't put him in quite the same category as someone like Jericho or Edge. He has a nice moveset, and his thin build allows him more mobility than some guys of similar weight, but he just seems to lack energy or flair in the ring sometimes. It's probably from bad booking and getting a bit bored, but still. And his finisher is not one of my favorites. Takes way too long to execute and usually is countered.
HBKevin i do agree on Christian, which is a shame, because i really like the guy too. but as for the thing about the finisher? aint almost ALL finishes countered too much these days? i think the only people who actually get to pull theirs off every time without fail is Nexus. which, besides Tarver's power slam last night, and the 450 of course, none of them really impress me. but look at everyone else. Orton, Edge, Mysterio, Kane, hell even HHH. everyone seems to be countered once or twice before finally pulling one off.

and on that note, i am also picking (here comes the heat..) Hulk Hogan. it would be very very hypocritical for someone to bash Cena, and then turn around and idolize Hogan, as they are basically the same character. Cena hulks up, and almost no one kicks out of his finisher. both have so-so matches, and their promo's really make me scratch my head wondering wtf i was just listening to. YES hogan helped revolutionize the industry, i'll admit that, but he is seen as a god in a lot of people's eyes, and really his wrestling, acting, and all around character are the exact same as what they have made Cena, and since i really think Cena is kinda over rated, im going with Hogan as another pick. now remember people before you blow the top of your head off freaking out, it's personal opinion.
Matt Hardy
Come on, now. What else needs to be said? I know that this guy, somehow, has a cult following of brainwashed, pre-teen, bed-wetting fans that swear he should be a world champion. But every time I ask them for a real, valid reason as to why Matt deserves the title, the only answer I get is "Because he WILL...NOT...DIE." Oh, shut the fuck up already!!! The guy is sub-par on the microphone, his physique has severely diminished over the years, and he just isn't able to make the audience believe that he is a formidable champion. Just a borefest, all-around.

I'm sorry, I know your one of the "Top guy's" on here who loves to pick apart people's post's and make them feel like idiot's for there opinion, but this just really pisses me off.

This is not a reply to you not liking Hardy, to be honest, I don't give a FUCK if you think he's overrated, doesn't change my feeling's. But saying something as borderline ******ed as "he has a cult following of brainwashed, pre-teen, bed-wetting fans" is the reason I am replying to you.

Ok, I am a Matt hardy fan...

-I am a grown adult
-I certainly don't wet the bed
-I have a wide knowledge of Wrestling
-I'm willing to admit his weaknesses

Am I the kind of "Bed-wetting Pre-teen's" you were talking about?

I'm sorry but I hate it when guy's like you not only insult the Wrestler, but You insult the Fan's of the Wrestler.

I personally will never understand why people like Shelton Benjamin so much, But I don't throw all of his fan's into one group and insult them all.

I could write over 2 pages of reason's why Matt should be pushed, But I doubt you would give a shit so I'm not gonna waste my time.

I once again apologize if you feel like I am "Attacking" you, But a Man has gotta stand up for what he thinks is right, as Corny as that sound's.
I agree with everything marklouis said. The Miz. He is absolutely nothing COMPARED to what so many of his lovers make him out to be. Sure he's got personality and great mic skills. Everything else? Are you kidding me? He doesn't even have the LOOKS of a champion.
And I used to love Matt Hardy back in the Hardy Boyz days and then a little after when he had his feud with Edge and all that. But honestly, now? His physique has gone so far down hill and it looks like he just let it all go. He used to be far more exciting in the ring now, too. I think he's turning into like... the Mark Henry of Smackdown. He'll come crashing down to the ring for Team Smackdown! and be that lovable face that people like despite how much they lose.
Honestly some of the names the IWC creams themselves over are a bit overrated sometimes but mostly I think the IWC have some of the best wrestling minds in the world. We are big enough fans to spend our free time on the internet talking about wrestling so for the most part I think the IWC gets it right.

But opinions will differ. I’ll go through a couple of names that I think have been brought up so far.

Shelton Benjamin. I like watching him wrestle, he’s a great in ring worker. That’s all I got. His look isn’t bad (except the hair colour) but his mic skills and ability to get over are just not up to scratch to deserve the World Title push many IWC members feel he deserved while he was with WWE. I like the guy and absolutely enjoyed his matches but (in my opinion) he is indeed pretty overrated by a large percentage of the IWC.

Matt Hardy. As my name suggest I am a huge Hardy (Jeff) fan but when it comes to Matt I don’t see main event in his future. I think he’s a great worker, has a lot of experience, could help a lot of guys backstage but do I think he deserves his World Title moment like a lot of the IWC wants. No of course not. Matt has ok mic skills but they are only good enough for mid card feuds, his skills on the mic will not be able to carry a World Title feud. His in ring work though still strong isn’t what it used to be and he’s not able to get over based on his matches like Jeff did. I think most of the IWC feel Matt deserves a World Title solely on the fact he’s busted his arse for the WWE and he’s earned it. I disagree. I certainly think Matt has served the company well and deserves some kind of reward wether that be a trainers job when he can’t wrestle anymore or a talent relations guy or something he just doesn’t fit into a World Title feud to me.

Drew McIntyre. I saw him come up but I tend to think Drew is deserving of a main event push. He’s got everything he needs to be a big main event player sometime. I like the way he’s being pushed. He has far better mic skills than most of the guys on Smackdown bar Punk. His wrestling is strong, believable and utilises the psychology really well. I think he is most definitely deserving of feeling the IWC has.

I’m not going to go into anymore but I want it known I am a big fan of all 3 of these guys but I do think the IWC overrates Shelton and Matt slightly but is right on target with Drew. He’ll be a main eventer by this time next year and no one will feel he’s not deserving.
This is turning out to be a real underground thread, where people are FINALLY letting off steam on wrestlers that they think are absolute sh*te but don't always post about it.
Good! very good!

We need more balanced opinions on this forum.

Bryan Danielson

I had no idea who he was before NXT. But around that time i joined WZF and read about fans just drooling over him and was a little perplexed.
So I researched, Youtub'd to be exact.

My friends,he is very good!

There is a kinda electricity you could feel when The Final Countdown would hit and he made his way out.
I saw his matches where he would just come up with a new move that would leave me and the crowd astounded.
He is one of those guys who just seems to be thinking one step ahead all the time.

His mic-skills are very good. His true persona is of a very witty and charismatic person, who could hold his own with anyone in the ring.
I would suggest all of you to see the video of his ROH farewell, where he made that fantastic Cena comment.
His 'Lose some weight Joe-Lose some weight clapclapclap' chant had me in stitches.
His comedy match with Chris Hero is epic and a must watch.

Remember when The Miz told him that he has to go out there(to the ring) and make an impact, Bryan said sure, and Miz says go out there to my music, Bryan says that's gonna be a little more difficult :lmao:

The tragic thing is, and here I agree with Vince Russo, paying dues is backstage bullsh*t to keep a star down.
He was booked into oblivion and was never allowed to make new mainstream fans. He had THE best match with Y2J of the whole NXT season put together.

And was in the end let go because of external pressure of his actions.

But, I believe, he will be back and will be the top technical wrestler in the E (taking Angle's place)

This man used to to do the WORST frog splash I had ever seen. But I don't think he is a hopeless case.
He can surely talk his way to the top. He does have awkward skills in the ring but he does to simple things right and has spectacular promo-potential.
He can work the upper mid-card and even the top card from time to time.
The man's mic-skills are still very untapped.


His promos just sound scripted. Don't get me wrong his delievery is good, but his promos are nothing spectacular.
Guys like Jericho, Hunter, Shawn, Rocky,Cena would throw such a witty and humorous improv to the promo they were cutting, the people in the crowd and at home had no other option but to give'em an applause and say 'yo! that was damn good!'

The Miz however is a work in progress and should look to be a little more spontaneous with his words.

Matt Hardy

Tenta, pointed out that he (Hardy not Tenta!) has an ailment around his lower abdomen and can't do crunches no more. Hence the weight gain, although his new ring attire does help.
Look every time his music hits and goes 'Oh yeahhhhhhhhh' the crowd pops like crazy. I do think he can have a run at the top-level with one great adversary (namely Edge) and then we could really see where he belongs.

His mic-skills are stellar, ring work is proper, I just feel he is a feud away from something great.

Ted Dibiase

Wooden expressions. He has some good chops in the ring but his promos are a snoozefest. If he is gonna be a rich spoilt brat he has to start showing it off so much more.
Hell!! Alex Riley plays that role better than him!!!
Matt with his "Matt hardy will never die" crap. ugh..

Oh here we go, we have another person that hates a guy because of what he says or does. Yes Matt Hardy does say I will never die, and yet he loses alot. But honestly do you think it is his idea? Do you think he wants to keep that has his gimmick. No, no one does, but he needs to keep his job and something he loves doing, and he is kind of believable at it, to an extent.

i didnt watch smackdown while he was champ, hell Rey Mysterio was a more believable champ then Jeff Hardy

OMG are you kidding me! Do you even watch wrestling, how can you say Mysterio is a more of a believable champ than Hardy? This just really's angers me. Give me one credible reason on how he is better.

they are TNA headliners at BEST

Where is Jeff now? The reason why Jeff was getting his last pushes on Smackdown is because it was him, CM punk and Taker were the only ones that could actually do it on that brand, and if I am right Taker was injured or having time off. So that left Jeff the only real face that was over on smackdown.

. yet i always hear about how great jeff hardy is, or how awesome matt hardy is. no. matt is a shell of his former self, and jeff is way too hooked on drugs, should get himself clean.

You don't here that all, actually most of the people on this forum have bragged Jeff and Matt for much of there careers. Yes they are not the best wrestlers or people on the mic, shoot them. Your not always going to have a champion that is a great wrestler and also great on the mic. I personally think Taker is shit on the mic, mainly because of his gimmick but even when he was the badass he was still shit. WWE is about money, the Hardy's bring them money, that is why they get there pushes.
OMG are you kidding me! Do you even watch wrestling, how can you say Mysterio is a more of a believable champ than Hardy? This just really's angers me. Give me one credible reason on how he is better.[/QOUTE]

as i said, not really a mysterio fan, but yes, he was more believable as a champ, because Rey has made his career off beating the big time guys. Jeff made his jumping off a ladder. Jeff wasn't reliable, never knew when he would show up clean, or decide to leave the company again.

Where is Jeff now? The reason why Jeff was getting his last pushes on Smackdown is because it was him, CM punk and Taker were the only ones that could actually do it on that brand, and if I am right Taker was injured or having time off. So that left Jeff the only real face that was over on smackdown.

at the time when he won it, they had HHH, Edge, Jericho, Mysterio. all former world champs. so why move up someone who failed a drug test a few months before to main event status?

You don't here that all, actually most of the people on this forum have bragged Jeff and Matt for much of there careers. Yes they are not the best wrestlers or people on the mic, shoot them. Your not always going to have a champion that is a great wrestler and also great on the mic. I personally think Taker is shit on the mic, mainly because of his gimmick but even when he was the badass he was still shit. WWE is about money, the Hardy's bring them money, that is why they get there pushes.

are you kidding me? when 'Taker speaks, people pay attention. the lead up to the past 2 wrestlemania's? hell, the lead up to ANY wrestlemania.

as you can see if you read through all the posts, i was not the only one to pick Jeff. or Matt. i wasnt the only one to call Jeff a one trick pony. so why you picked my post apart, not too sure, but i stand by what i said of both Matt and Jeff as the most over rated by the IWC. and you kinda just supported that pick too.
OMG are you kidding me! Do you even watch wrestling, how can you say Mysterio is a more of a believable champ than Hardy? This just really's angers me. Give me one credible reason on how he is better.[/QOUTE]

as i said, not really a mysterio fan, but yes, he was more believable as a champ, because Rey has made his career off beating the big time guys. Jeff made his jumping off a ladder. Jeff wasn't reliable, never knew when he would show up clean, or decide to leave the company again.

Did you forget Jeff beat Triple H? He did have a singles career before he left the first time, yes he is in alot of gimmick matches but where did Edge first start off? He made his name in a ladder match like Jeff.

at the time when he won it, they had HHH, Edge, Jericho, Mysterio. all former world champs. so why move up someone who failed a drug test a few months before to main event status?

HHH was traded to Raw in the draft, Edge was a heel, Jericho also a heel and Mysterio was in the IC picture. What face could represent the main event? Jeff had already been in it and also had a time with the title already thus making him the logical choice.

are you kidding me? when 'Taker speaks, people pay attention. the lead up to the past 2 wrestlemania's? hell, the lead up to ANY wrestlemania.

Anyone is going to listen to a main eventer when they are on the mic? I am sure alot of people listened to Jeff as well, just because your megaly over doesn't mean you are overrated.

as you can see if you read through all the posts, i was not the only one to pick Jeff. or Matt. i wasnt the only one to call Jeff a one trick pony. so why you picked my post apart, not too sure, but i stand by what i said of both Matt and Jeff as the most over rated by the IWC. and you kinda just supported that pick too

I picked yours apart beacuse you said Mysterio is a more belieable champion, which caught my eye, I then found more things wrong in your post. I don't see one person on this forum saying Jeff is the best wrestler in the world, or even close to it. I am a huge Jeff mark and however I don't think he is overrated.

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