Overrated wrestlers by the IWC.

I can't believe people actually compared MIZ to Bruno sammartino? Are you joking? Is this for real? Wow,if it is.Then who ever said that needs to have there head checked.My choice is by far THE MIZ. I agree with Shelton and bryan danielson,now he has talent.But other than that the IWC is a bunch of whiny fans who don't appreciate a damn thing.The WWE/Wrestling in period is all i had for a good part of my life.So I owe it to vince.Enough with The god Awful MIZ comparisons.
I am gonna make a generalization.. But I think anyone who does more flips then takedowns is overrated by the IWC, with the exception of Evan Bourne and Rey Rey. A lot of high flyers can't strike, don't have personality, and generally no sells the hell out of everything because they have to move on to the next spot. Dang spot monkeys.

But since is the WWE thread and not the TNA/ROH/Indy..

Matt Striker
I think he is the most obvious choice. Does the internet hate Michael Cole so much that THIS guy is deemed the "best"? Jebus. He is the WORST announcer I have EVER heard. No one gives a damn about title changes from 1974 in 2010. No one cares about YOUR stupid nicknames for the wrestlers. No one wants to hear you prattle on about how being in an ankle lock can cut off oxygen to your brain. He is NOT funny, smart or cool. He is just the biggest tool-store outside of a Lowe's or a Home Depot.

His striking is bad. His mic skills are bad. His finisher never connects.. And I think the work part, people are still staying he needs to improve to get to the next level but he will be a big deal. Hello, he has been around since 2005. The only thing that has changed with him is his tag partners and if he is bangin' Melina or not.

I liked Edge as a face in 2002. I really did. However, that was eight years ago. I think he is too reliant on other people to get him over. I think his matches are pretty bland and predictable. For the "Ultimate Opportunist" he doesn't come across as sneaky or smart, just a horny dude who banged someone who is actually sneaky or smart.
HHH was traded to Raw in the draft, Edge was a heel, Jericho also a heel and Mysterio was in the IC picture. What face could represent the main event? Jeff had already been in it and also had a time with the title already thus making him the logical choice.

So you're saying that it was because he was the only one left? right place right time? so he didnt DESERVE it, was just made champ because they had no one else. (actually HHH AND Edge were who he faced to win the title to begin with.) and you dont need a huge face to carry the show. do you remember when Evolution ran RAW? there was no "1 single face to run the show" there was a lot of them yes, Y2J, Benoit, Kane, RVD, HBK, Edge. lots. but they didnt just go give the title to any one.

Tenta did a thread on Terrible Gimmicks, and in it was talking about how Vince has been known to Punish people who are coming back after drug related suspensions/firing. not to mention someone who goes to another company. so how does Giving jeff the title make sense? Jeff did not deserve it, nor was he that good of a champion. should stick to what he does best, Gimmick matches. i'll admit, he's fun to watch. but for the same reason Evan Bourne is. cant wait to see what crazy thing he'll do next.
So you're saying that it was because he was the only one left? right place right time? so he didnt DESERVE it, was just made champ because they had no one else. (actually HHH AND Edge were who he faced to win the title to begin with.) and you dont need a huge face to carry the show. do you remember when Evolution ran RAW? there was no "1 single face to run the show" there was a lot of them yes, Y2J, Benoit, Kane, RVD, HBK, Edge. lots. but they didnt just go give the title to any one.

Tenta did a thread on Terrible Gimmicks, and in it was talking about how Vince has been known to Punish people who are coming back after drug related suspensions/firing. not to mention someone who goes to another company. so how does Giving jeff the title make sense? Jeff did not deserve it, nor was he that good of a champion. should stick to what he does best, Gimmick matches. i'll admit, he's fun to watch. but for the same reason Evan Bourne is. cant wait to see what crazy thing he'll do next.

Jeff Hardy was arguably the top face of Smackdown in 2009. There wasn't much main event talent so he rose to the top. Hardy made Punk's heel turn work brilliantly. Punk hasn't been the same since Hardy left.

Orton is so overrated to me. I used to like Orton early in his career before he got all monotone and boring. He hasn't had a match that I want to watch over and over again since 2006. I don't know if he's a full-blown face or a tweener but his promos are still the same when he was a heel. He's just been average all-around for half a decade.
So you're saying that it was because he was the only one left? right place right time? so he didnt DESERVE it, was just made champ because they had no one else

Nope but what I am saying is you don't just send a random mid card guy up to get the World title belt. Jeff Hardy was the only main event face at the time, so it made sense. LJL also made a good point, Punk was turning heel at the time ( Argueably a mainevent at the time), it made sense for these Hardy to face Punk as well, as Hardy was the most over face on the Smackdown roster, this would automatically give Punk heat. And to give Punk credit he did a good job getting more heat.

. (actually HHH AND Edge were who he faced to win the title to begin with.)

Not before he left the company. He faced them at the end of 2008.

and you dont need a huge face to carry the show. do you remember when Evolution ran RAW? there was no "1 single face to run the show" there was a lot of them yes, Y2J, Benoit, Kane, RVD, HBK, Edge. lots. but they didnt just go give the title to any one.

Um no, HHH did run the show because he was the leader of Raw and basically telling what Evolution to do. When HHH was about to lose they would step in. They were also trying to build Randy Orton and Batista, so to have them fiddle around the mid card/tag team while they were getting ready for the main event. Has I can remember to, people were complaining about HHH wanting the title and always having it during that time. So if you ask me it mean HHH ruled that show.

Tenta did a thread on Terrible Gimmicks, and in it was talking about how Vince has been known to Punish people who are coming back after drug related suspensions/firing. not to mention someone who goes to another company. so how does Giving jeff the title make sense? Jeff did not deserve it, nor was he that good of a champion. should stick to what he does best, Gimmick matches. i'll admit, he's fun to watch. but for the same reason Evan Bourne is. cant wait to see what crazy thing he'll do next

And what does that have to do with both Jeff and Evan Bourne being overrated? They were rely on the high risk moves, they are really over, They make Vince his money. So how does that make them overrated? Give me one way how they are overrated. As I said before almost everyone on this forum Think Jeff isn't that good of a wrestler. Your not overrated because your really over.
Nope but what I am saying is you don't just send a random mid card guy up to get the World title belt.

lets see, Edge, CM Punk, Hardy, Jack Swagger.. should i go on?

Not before he left the company. He faced them at the end of 2008.
what do you mean not before he left? the first time he left was 2003, after his temper tantrum heel thing, and then the Trish angle that was horrid to watch.

i beleive Ric Flair said it best, when talking about mick Foley: "he's a glorified Stuntman"
and the same rings true for Jeff hardy. except in foley's case, he has the respect of his fellow workers. in any company. Jeff is not a very liked guy in the locker room, because he is too unpredictable. will he show up sober today? or screwed right the fuck up on drugs? who knows. will he even show up at all? who knows.

Anyone who has reached the 3 strikes should not be able to still HAVE a job as a wrestler, and the fact he refused rehab really speaks well for him... not.

and the last thing you said.. "Your not overrated because your really over."
really? well, there's been an award in Wrestling Observer Newsletter every year for most overrated, and looking at a few of the names... hmm.. Hulk Hogan is on there like 7 or 8 times. HHH, Undertaker, Kevin Nash, yeah i'd say it's quite possible to be called overrated when you're really over.

My point is Hardy did NOT deserve it. he was a drug addict and they have no right as world Champ, never mind as Role modles for our children. they could have moved anyone up they chose at the time. yet the IWC for the most part loves him? yes, that is why i picked him
I personally think the IWC are a bunch of idiots who don't know what they're talking about. They seem to praise all the little twerp high flying guys who have no personality whatsoever and bash on the guys who have boatloads of personality (but perhaps mediocre wrestling ability).

Evan Bourne sucks. I don't care what they say. They are not going to convince me that this guy is a main event superstar. No way in hell. He's basically Rey Mysterio Jr. without a mask on. Most of the new wrestlers these days have zero personality. It's a shame because it used to be fun to watch. If people want high flying trapeze acts...go to the circus. I like personality with my wrestling...as that's the way it used to be. If personality wasn't necessary...there would be no build ups to the matches...and they would just have random match after random match with guys nobody knows anything about. Is that what these guys want??
I'm going to say that the IWC tends to over rate Randy Orton. Now I'll agree he gets good pops, is one of the top guys, and everyone loves the unpredictability of the RKO. But he's not that good in the ring or on the mic imo. People say Cena knows 5 moves, well so does Randy Orton. I can't think of a match in the last two years that was good enough for him to garner all this hype. I understand the RKO is surprising and he can hit it at any moment, but when that's all you have going for you, that just doesn't cut it for me. I'm not saying he has to be Dean Malenko, I would just like to see him add some more impressive and brutal moves to his arsenal. They don't have to be crazy, maybe a submission move like a Dragon Sleeper or a move like the Air Raid Siren could add a lot to his matches to me. Also I tend to find him rather boring on the mic. They are certainly performers with worse mic skills than him, but I just can't get into his promos, I think he tries too hard. I do think he should be where he's at because he is tremendously popular by today's standards and I can see why, but I just never got into him and can't see how he got so over to be in the position he's at now.

I also agree on Evan and Danielson. When Evan first came I honestly didn't think he would even get as far as he has. While the SSP is impressive, I feel he over sells a lot, and I can't picture him being a Main Event guy. And while I love Danielson's in-ring work, he doesn't fit in WWE, he doesn't have the over the top personality and charisma you need to be a big star in WWE.
lets see, Edge, CM Punk, Hardy, Jack Swagger.. should i go on?

Ahh lets see, Edge won money in the bank, CM Punk won 2 money in the banks , Hardy was flirting with the main event, and the first time he challenged for the title he lost. So he didn't just go straight up there and win it did he. Swagger same thing. Also they were all being built up for the main event. They didn't just get put in there, they were really been pushed to make it there.

what do you mean not before he left? the first time he left was 2003, after his temper tantrum heel thing, and then the Trish angle that was horrid to watch.

OMFG are you kidding me. Did he win the world title in 2003. Fuck sakes.

i beleive Ric Flair said it best, when talking about mick Foley: "he's a glorified Stuntman"

Of course Foley was a stuntman, he did win the title 3 times. But what was the longest he held the title for? Not long at all. Like I said before WWE wants cash, Foley provides it, also had a good feud with Taker and Rock which allowed them to gain momentum for the title. Should he have won the titles? No. But doesn't mean he is overrated. Because No one has said he was a good wrestler.

and the same rings true for Jeff hardy. except in foley's case, he has the respect of his fellow workers. in any company. Jeff is not a very liked guy in the locker room, because he is too unpredictable. will he show up sober today? or screwed right the fuck up on drugs? who knows. will he even show up at all? who knows.

You could say the exact same for HBK back before he hurt his back. He was disliked in the locker room, he was a really good wrestler tho. But just because you are hated in the locker room doesn't mean you should be punished does it? Same thing with Orton remember. Fuck, almost all the WWE guys do weed, import illegal steroids.

Anyone who has reached the 3 strikes should not be able to still HAVE a job as a wrestler, and the fact he refused rehab really speaks well for him... not.

Meh shit happens. He matured alot after he got his second lot of two strikes. Altho I do agree to you to an extent. But if someone is making millions of dollars for you and your Vinny Mac, then your not going to release them.

and the last thing you said.. "Your not overrated because your really over."
really? well, there's been an award in Wrestling Observer Newsletter every year for most overrated, and looking at a few of the names... hmm.. Hulk Hogan is on there like 7 or 8 times. HHH, Undertaker, Kevin Nash, yeah i'd say it's quite possible to be called overrated when you're really over.

Obviously they refer to Title belts and how they did during the year. Nash and Hogan and HHH all dominate every year ( Nash when he was in his prime) Hence why they were there. You don't put a person that hasn't won many matches in the year but are a great wreslter there are ya? If so Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Bret Hart would be number one every year.

My point is Hardy did NOT deserve it. he was a drug addict and they have no right as world Champ, never mind as Role modles for our children. they could have moved anyone up they chose at the time. yet the IWC for the most part loves him? yes, that is why i picked him

Yeah so, what about Eddie Guerrero? Did he deserve it? I think he did and no kids ever find out about drug strikes. It's not like Vince comes out and says, "Oh and Jeff Hardy will not be here for 30 days becuase he did drugs, kids don't follow his path". Like I have said before, WWE wants money, Jeff provides it. So does Taker, Rey etc etc, When a heel has the title, evreyone tunes in and is hoping they lose to the face. And also like I said before. Your not overrated because your loved, your overrated because everyone things your the best wrestler, when infact your shit.
let me start my list.
Jack Swagger
This guy should be nowhere near the main event but he somehow gets pushed to the moon. He is a good worker, but his acting, timing, and manerisms annoy the fuck out of me. And I see alot of you guys are huge fans. Thats what frightens me about the iwc.
ted dibiase jr.
people were jumping on his ban wagon because he had a movie coming out. Hes doesn't have anything it takes to be a great wrestler. He is an ok worker at best. He sucks on the mic. He has a bland character. He doesn't stand out when you look at him. And for the it factor, well if you mean IT takes his daddys name to get him a job, well then yeah. Jesus, i feel like a pro on nxt. btw, I called it monthes ago, rhodes is the shawn and dibiase is the jannety.
evan bourne
this guy is the mayor of spotsville. He can only have spotty matches. spot spot spot. Done.
And finally i am going to end it with an era. The attitude era. I will be the first to say the attitude era was great, but their was wrestling before and after it. They fudged it sometimes in the ae. Remember the mark henry mae young baby. I just think that alot of the iwc thinks that the ae was the perfect time tra la la la la. It had flaws like any other era, not as many as the pg era but their were still flaws.
The problem with Shelton was, and Carlito, that they didnt try enough. Then i started to get really pissed off with them. And they got a bit boring too, they never got me interested in their matches the way others do/did.

I think with the other things like ROH, people say they like it to sound cool to the rest of the IWC. If the amount of people who claimed to be die-hard ROH fans were then they'd be a more prominent promotion in the public eye.
Triple H: A man that is treated like God by most wrestling fans.His wrestling ability is nothing special,he is average in the ring.I will admit he is AWESOME on the mic though.I have lost most of my respect for him because of his backstage politics and his sleeping to the top.

Typical ignorant statement that brings up a biased opinion and doesnt have any facts behind it. HHH has been one of the hardest workers in the industry. The guy works injured, sells wrestling moves, and helps get people over. Evolution was one of the most dominant stables in WWF/E history with HHH as leader. He helped get both Randy Orton and Batista over as superstars. Saying you lost respect for him for his backstage politics is sad, since there have been so many wrestlers that have done the same.

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