Is The IWC Behind The Regression of CM Punk?

wow, i surprised by the amount of negative posts on this thread, i thought it was a fair point to make. i have seen people on this website complain about punk pandering to fans by naming home towns but do people want to cheer him or boo him? i believe the reason punks promo's havent been as "edgy"(laurinitis aside) since a few weeks after summerslam are because us nerds on wrestling forums get what punk is talking about when he called hhh shawn michaels "bag-carrier" but sat in the crowd it went over the heads of the majority, and he had to change because fan reaction matters(thats why they insert crowd reactions on smackdown shows). people thought punk never got the push he deserved earlier this year after his matches with orton and now he is being made to look like a top guy there are those that dont like it. fair enough, people have different opinions on everything thats why there are wrestling forums in the first place, personally i agree with the sentiment of the thread, i think people wanting him to be pushed led to exactly that, and i for one am glad about it, because with punk his promos are entertaining whether they are "edgy" or not, and the guy is one of the best in-ring performers the company has, so we get good main event matches - isnt that the problem with cena???
You ever think that maybe, just maybe, you may have had a role in that?

Despite the bashing that is typical of this forum, I see what the OP is talking about, although I disagree that Punk is "regressing" or has been "tamed."

Along with the Punk program that was original and unique to the world of pro wrestling, came factors that couldn't be accurately predicted. I don't think WWE knew how the "new" Punk was going to be received, and they adapted the program as it went along to make adjustments as his reception became apparent. Since his initial actions were in direct opposition to John Cena, management might have believed Punk would wind up an uber-heel, as might happen to anyone who goes against the company's biggest star, and they were prepared to move things in that direction if needed.

Or, it could have worked out the opposite way, with Cena turning heel (as many have speculated) and Punk being hailed as the greatest good guy since the days of Hulkamania. I think that a lot of how Cena's character would change was dictated by the program with Punk. In the end, though, Cena was just too popular to turn heel, at least for now.

Or, it could turn out the way it seems to be going: both of them are faces, even teaming together a couple of times to fight the forces of evil while being seemingly opposed to each other on a personal (kayfabe) basis.
Eventually, they're going to be fighting each other again; I think that's apparent.

But when things were first sorting themselves out after Punk re-signed, I believe management truly didn't know which way the audience would receive the guy, causing them to make a lot of characterization adjustments on the fly to accommodate the situation as the direction became clear.

I don't think Punk has been tamed at all; he's still doing the things he said he'd be doing.....still speaking out, still upsetting the apple cart. It's just that he isn't as anti-WWE as many figured he would be.

Give it time.....that could change.
there is nothing wrong with character or iwc, its just the wwe that is unable to capatilize on recently occured moments.

the problem with them is that they are just following the story lines they have planned along time ago,
the reaction get is not exactly they have been expecting, but vince's ego is not letting go the storylines with the flow of wwe universe reaction
how on earth could he drop any bigger bombshells?????
The IWC is what got Punk to the number one face spot and number one merchandise sellers spot.
He is going over to with the belt at TLC, and going on to Mania as champion, his push is just beginning. Anybody who thinks Punk is losing anything needs to look at the inept booking team WWE continue to have.
Honestly, this question is being asked at the wrong time. Let's come back to this after Wrestlemania. I've read a lot of reports that there are plans to push Punk all the way in 2012, but right now the main focus is on pushing Cena vs. Rock. Punk is having and will get his moment to shine.
I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. If some internet fans are pissing and moaning about the direction of Punk's character, that's just par for the course. Some members of the IWC will absolutely crap on anything and everything a company puts out if said company doesn't do EXACTLY what those net fans think they should.

I'm sorry but there's just no cause for complaints here. People have wanted Punk to get a major push, it's happened. They've wanted him to get serious mic time on Raw, it's happened. They've wanted to see him elevated to the level of a main event wrestler, it's happened. They've wanted to see him wrestle for World Championships, it's happened. What exactly is there to really complain about? Is it because he doesn't go out there and drop "pipe bombs" every single second of every single promo he has? Why should he? He's arguably the best on the mic in wrestling today as it is. Is it because he's not quite as irreverant as he was during the summer? Again, why should he be? Punk is getting what he wants. He wanted "change" and to his character, "change" means him in the main event picture and going onto become WWE Champion. He's not gonna ultimately rage against the machine that much when the machine is giving him what he wants.

It's always damned if you do, damned if you don't with them. CM Punk is doing just fine. It just so happens there are other players in the overall story and they need their camera time too. This is in addition to all the other wrestlers' storylines taking place.
The words Punk and regression shouldn't be used in the same sentence, because any complaints about Punk's current status in WWE can't be taken seriously. This man has main evented four consecutive pay per views this year. Three of those matches were for the WWE Championship, and his no holds barred match with Triple H was a big deal. This feud received tons of attention, and Punk wrestled one of wrestling's more high profiled legends in the main event of a pay per view. Bottom line, Punk has remained in the spotlight for quite some time, and he received a huge push this year. Yeah, Punk has suffered some controversial losses, but he is a victim of the "conspiracy." Someone wants to screw him over. Someone doesn't want the outspoken rebel and underdog as WWE Champion. They don't want him as the top guy.

Punk's misfortunes tie into his most recent storylines, and I don't have a problem with the direction of Punk's character. In fact, I'm enjoying Punk's push this year. Of course, you'll have the group of people, who will bitch, moan, and nitpick everything WWE does. Punk cut a shocking shoot promo this year, he won the WWE Championship, he has main evented pay per views, and he will have WWE Championship match with Alberto Del Rio at Survivor Series. Punk is still near the top of the food chain in WWE, but some internet fans will never be satisfied, and WWE can't please everyone all the time.
The only one to blame is Vince.

Instead of riding the momentum that was built from pre MITB, he kills it off by putting over HHH at NOC and shelving the Nash storyline, which to me is confusing.

Don't know if it's Punk himself or the creative team but he sucks as a face and looked weak in every showdown with Nash.

So far, so good with Del Rio in their feud, but comparing them on the mic is like a normal person squaring off with a ****** on Jeopardy.
The only one to blame is Vince.

Instead of riding the momentum that was built from pre MITB, he kills it off by putting over HHH at NOC and shelving the Nash storyline, which to me is confusing.

Don't know if it's Punk himself or the creative team but he sucks as a face and looked weak in every showdown with Nash.

So far, so good with Del Rio in their feud, but comparing them on the mic is like a normal person squaring off with a ****** on Jeopardy.

Ok, this numb nutted turd gobbler reminded me of a few others to throw onto the list.

If you think Punk was supposed to come off as a Heel all the way back when he kicked this off with his little speech, you're wrong.

If you think HHH was put over Punk at NOC, or that HHH has hijacked any of Punk momentum coming into this, you're wrong.

And just to spice it up, I'm going to explain this. Just so Mr. Shit For Brains here can maybe learn something. First of all, go look at a mid-card heel in the 'E right now. Ziggler, Swagger, Rhodes even...doesn't matter who. How does the typical heel shit they do compare to Punk attitude in the build up to MitB? Answer: not at all. Shit, even Del Rio has a clear "HEEL" feel to everything he does. Punk didn't have that. Just being against Cena doesn't make one heel. Heel Punk was running a gang to fight for him. Punk going into MitB had dropped all of that shit. Make no mistake about it; WWE knew they were giving him a turn going into MitB. They also knew that were he to leave and disappear, he could just be written as another "Batista" type. And they knew were he to stay, they could continue on and turn him into a star. We all like to pretend we know what's going on behind the curtains, but I'm pretty sure that WWE knew what they were doing from the get-go regarding Punk, and they knew it could possibly blow up big. So, in summary, if you thought Punk was a heel until going face on his return YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT.

Secondly, LOSING A MATCH, EVEN A PPV MATCH, DOES NOT MEAN YOU WENT UNDER/SOMEONE WENT OVER YOU. I cannot stress that enough, at least not without using a different font or increasing the size or changing the color...whatever, those of you with a brain cell get it. Winning doesn't mean "you went over", at least not automatically. HHH didn't "go over" Punk at NOC. He picked up the win, sure, but he also put Punk over. WHAT? WHAT?!!! Yeah, you heard me. It's not even news; most of you that can think have already mentioned this here or elsewhere and get it and understand it. But for those few of you who lack the hardware to "get it", I'll explain. A Punk who was getting slapped around and treated like crap and then folding to a Pedigree would be a Punk who jobbed out and put HHH over. A Punk who took not only Pedigrees but a Jacknife Powerbomb, as well as a Punk who was made during most of the match to look as tough and as durable as the veteran HHH? Nah, that was a star getting the star treatment right there. Don't agree? Hart vs Austin, WM 13. Austin lost. Are you going to tell me Hart went "over" him then? No? Then shut the fuck up already.


If you think ending your statement with a shitty comment like "a ****** on Jeopardy!" is either witty or effective, you're wrong.

You're welcome.
^ I'm almost laughing at the effort and the emotional response you put into this.

Since you clearly have a thing for Punk, let me put it into perspective:

In his promos, he's coming off as a face without an edge that whines about change. Lately, he has toned down on the latter, but I think this is part of why the people behind the scenes are doing a bad job with the way they've handled Punk recently.

Why? He's getting the biggest response from not just the IWC and wrestling fans, but casuals as well. Instead, they choose to promote the same old Cena crap, push Del Rio to the moon, and put over HHH without there being a conclusion or further progression of their storyline.

It just seems like, to me anyway, that the WWE has done everything they can to tone down Punk's momentum since he re-signed with the company. It's also further evidence that if you are not on Vince's good side, he'll find a way to defy logic and what's good for business to satisfy his own agenda.

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