Is CM Punk the mid-card Champion?


The Doctor Of Veganomics!!!
Throughout the history of the WWE, the WWE championship has been put around the waist of the guy the company feels can draw ratings and people will pay to see (heel or face). The last few months, it seems that CM Punk's reign at the top has been tainted by guys like, Rock, Lesnar, HHH, Cena....and Laurinitis. I understand that these guys are big stars and make Vince McMahon very rich, but why must it overshadow CM Punks reign? CM Punk, a year ago was the most compelling figure in the company and now he's an afterthought as champion. It's almost like they gave him the title to hold on to because the title isn't as important as all of these storylines featuring Johnny Ace, Cena, HHH and Lesnar. I think this move de-values the championship and it probably doesn't matter if Hornswoggle is the champion! Punk was in a tag match with Santino Marella and it seemed like a last minute move just to get him put on TV. He's the WWE champ for Christ's sake! Maybe they should move CM Punk to Smackdown and make him the focal point of that show. I think Punk deserves to be highlighted as a major player on either brand, he's the total package right now as far as ringwork, mic skills and has an unortodox but unique look to him. What do you guys think of all this? Do you think Punks reign as champ an legacy will be hurt? Or is his current reign meaningful in any way?
I agree that CM Punk has been overshadowed by HHH, Brock, Rock and this stupid Cena vs. Laurinitus as of late. But I think its an unfortunate tale of the times in WWE. CM Punk is amazing at what he does, i've seen some great matches of his the last couple years. But, he cannot do everything for the company. They need more than just CM Punk. WWE obviously felt they needed former superstars to come back and take the brand to where it used to be. I dont know that moving Punk to samckdown will nessecarily be good for him. I'll admit that I NEVER watch smackdown because its always their second rate superstars that aren't good enough for RAW, or superstars that have no real good feuds going on. Samckdown will just seem like a demotion for suchan awesome superstar in my humble opinion
Punk v. Bryan is on the card for "Over the Limit" (for the WWE title) and Cena v. Laurinaitis is the main event.

That should say it all right there.

Punk has been a good champion. He has certainly lost some steam, but to no fault of his own by any means. However, he certainly hasn't been the man around the WWE. Punk is supposed to be the main champion in the company, yet he hasn't main evented a pay-per-view all year. So, I guess you could say that he's the midcard champion.
CM Punk is my favorite WWE star at the moment. Midcard NO but overshadowed because HHH and other old timers can't let go of the spotlight YES! Punk was outselling Cena in merchandise sales and they STILL put Cena as the top star and took away all the momentum Punk built up over the summer for some BS "HHH needs to get his big nose on TV again feud".

Its not that he is mid-carding, it's more that WWE bookers and higher ups are so out of touch with what modern fans want, they are pushing the stars people liked 5-10 years ago. They all seem to have Hulk Hogan disease.

The guy's held the belt for a long damn time and should be shown the respect he still gets a reaction.

I think he's taken a back seat because VMK doesn't like the fans have turned on Cena so he's done everything he can to shove even more of Super Cena on us. I guess he want's us to all feel sorry for Cena's character.
CM Punk has been the best champion in a while, it would be absolutely stupid not to cash in on a Lesnar / HHH feud or the Rock / Cena feud. They're both huge but as time goes on these feuds will finish up and Punk will still be there to hold the company.

Give it time, right now what the WWE is doing makes sense, there is no real other candidate to put the WWE title on right now, due to all the other guys being in these feuds, Punk is in a great spot and over time will get even bigger.
CM Punk has been the best champion in a while, it would be absolutely stupid not to cash in on a Lesnar / HHH feud or the Rock / Cena feud. They're both huge but as time goes on these feuds will finish up and Punk will still be there to hold the company.

Give it time, right now what the WWE is doing makes sense, there is no real other candidate to put the WWE title on right now, due to all the other guys being in these feuds, Punk is in a great spot and over time will get even bigger.

what has made Punk the best champion in a while??

If he had stayed with the attitude he had last summer Id agree with you but he pretty much turned into what he was bitching about a year ago. He smiles to the camera, smiles to the fans, does the good thing and is the good boy... hes turned into another generic baby face.

What made Punk so interesting last year is that he lashed out at everyone, not just johnny ace, not just vince but also the fans. He technically sold out the moment he won that championship.
what has made Punk the best champion in a while??

If he had stayed with the attitude he had last summer Id agree with you but he pretty much turned into what he was bitching about a year ago. He smiles to the camera, smiles to the fans, does the good thing and is the good boy... hes turned into another generic baby face.

What made Punk so interesting last year is that he lashed out at everyone, not just johnny ace, not just vince but also the fans. He technically sold out the moment he won that championship.

I agree with you a lot! I don't get WHY they wanted him to revert and tone down his character. I can only assume his work was showing up other people who they feel are the life blood of the company. That exact issue has been bothering me since he lost to HHH.It seems like they gave Laurinaitis his character of screw authority and what not.
what has made Punk the best champion in a while??

Since becoming WWE champion, he's faced off against Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Henry, and now Daniel Bryan... four "underdogs" in WWE's higher ups that never really get their shots. He's put on decent to outstanding matches WITH those people. He had potentially match of the year with Jericho at WrestleMania. He stays consistent with his promos and his attitude has never really changed at all... he's just used less because WWE's busy putting focus on their sure fire money makers.

CM Punk is doing a great job as WWE champion. He's at a Kurt Angle level right now in a sense that he won't be the guy who appears in the big name feuds, but he's the guy that WWE knows can sell tickets when they need him to. He's also the guy WWE knows they can trust to put on great matches with nearly everybody, a feat not many champions can do.
what has made Punk the best champion in a while??

If he had stayed with the attitude he had last summer Id agree with you but he pretty much turned into what he was bitching about a year ago. He smiles to the camera, smiles to the fans, does the good thing and is the good boy... hes turned into another generic baby face.

What made Punk so interesting last year is that he lashed out at everyone, not just johnny ace, not just vince but also the fans. He technically sold out the moment he won that championship.

The fact of the matter is if CM Punk was still lashing out at authorities and doing what he was doing last Summer you would all be whining about how stale he has become and not done anything different.

There is no pleasing some people.
CM Punks pipebomb fizzled out when HHH/Nash took more stagetime than Punk. Not punks fault they muzzled him, Can you imagine creative 10 years ago if they had have muzzled Austin and Rock.

Anyway these days the "titles" go like this:

- The "Cena" title - you are instantly put in the main event, you will get the most promotion, and though you will only work on RAW they will spend 20 minutes recapping you on Smackdown, however in the end, you will be fed to SuperCena. This is what happens when you feed your mogwai after midnight. And even though you can carry 6 pokemon on you, in WWE you can only have one in this day an age and its all about the CENA.

- The WWE Title - Hooray for you, You win the most ugly piece of shit title ive ever seen, it would be my pleasure to smash the shit out of this and make it the new Hardcore title. This used to mean something, now you will get B material, have good matches, but get PG promos and recycled, rotten storylines, and that fresh new stuff you got last year forget about it. 10 years ago we saw Hogan vs Rock!!! go on before HHH and Jericho for the title. Now you get Cena v Laurinitis who couldnt hack it in his prime in the spotlight over Punk v Danielson

- Intercontinental/ US - WWE smackdown this week basically proved these two are one in the same, useless. Basically the modern day European title, gives the lower card ppl something shiny to fight over.

- Tag titles - Lol, your division sucks. Once proud home to the Hardyz, Edge and Christian and the Dudleys, you will now consist of Anyone ethnic, plus at WWE HQ they will spin a giant wheel to see who they can pair with Kofi Kingston .

- Divas title - Again congrats, used to mean something, now one of you will enter during the commercial break, get 2 minute squashes and no interesting fueds. Barbie dolls like Kelly Kelly and Layla will go over talented womens athletes like Natalya. Unless your a freak (See Chyna, Karma etc) you will never get pushed unless you can be on the cover of Playboy.

- The SQUASH CHAMPIONSHIP - Now this has me confused, i thought this was a singles title, but f me if we dont have Brodus Clay, Ryback and Tensai all claiming this. Maybe these 3 should have an undisputed match, with the winner getting meaningful fued and matches and the losers getting erased from our memories hopefully.

Long story short compare WWE to 10 years ago and then drink from your bottle of JD and now your a cynical f*ck like me.
When a superstar does something significant like what Punk did last summer, it seems as that individual is going to be atop of the industry for a while. They're covered by the media, ratings go up, and WWE feels compelled to stop whatever they're doing and drop the title on that person. But lets be realistic. When the buzz goes down you see what that superstar for what they really are. Lately we've seen the downfall of Randy Orton and John Cena in terms of popularity. CM Punk was never a major draw, and I know thats going to hurt some of his fans but I'm not trying to take anything away from the guy. I'm merely saying that the amount of time that has passed since his famous shoot promo, combined with a boring storyline and the returns of The Rock and Brock Lesnar have brought the rollercoaster of momentum CM Punk was riding to an abrupt stop. This doesnt mean that Punk cant rise up to the spot he was at last summer but the current state of the WWE doesnt call for it.
He is not being overshadowed He is currently the wrestling in world wrestling entertainment... CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan sold Over the limits everyone knew with that match going in it was going to be a wrestling match and the finish did not disappoint and both superstars came out looking stronger.

You want to know why that match was not the main event? It had nothing to do with selling a story or Cena Hogging the spotlight. It's because EVERYONE knew the finish to the Cena match.... and seeing as they went with that finish it was going to piss a lot of people off... "Because BY GOD I KNEW THAT"S WHAT Was going to HAPPEN I TOLD EVERYONE WWE IS SUCH CRAP!!!!!!!"

It would not have mattered how good the in ring match between Punk and Bryan would have been people would have been bitching none stop about how cena lost losing some of the greatness that is Punk and Bryan...

And let's be honest Brock Lesnar coming back to legitimize wrestling and beating the hell out of Cena DESERVED to be the main event at Extreme Rules...

Also I just had a funny thought... I wonder if people worried that the WWE Champ was the mid card champ when the Tag Team Titles or the Intercontinental Champion Main Evented the PPV...

Punk is one of the most entertaining workers out there right now and is secured as a main event player... Does it seem like they are booking him improperly sometimes? Hell yeah it does. But over all he is holding his own and putting on the best ppv matches out there.
You guys easily forget, when Orton won the championship from Sheamus. He was also put in the shadows for the CM Punk Nexus/Cena feud. If you look closely everything is put in the shadow, if Cena isn't in the picture. The WWE Championship means nothing, its not the main event anymore, its only the main event, if Cena is the champion or feuding for it.
Dont you think people would have been a little less sour on the PPV if Punk V Bryan had closed it?

People would still complain about the predictability, but Punk and Bryan entertaining us at the end coulda made us go "Well who didnt see that coming, least Punk v Bryan was great" Instead of "Punk vs Bryan was great but that about that ending, how shit was that, who didnt see that coming".

Theres a reason why its called the Main Event, the whole show will be reflective of mostly that event
I've been saying this for months. CM Punk hasn't main evented a show in forever. He has brought the WWE title down to his level and that just happens to be the midcard level. They should probably consider turning him heel considering the top baby face spot is currently filled. I know others would say the other guy should turn, but he actually draws so what does that tell ya?
I have watched wrestling forever (except in highschool). i have watched cm punk and bryan danielsons indie work. Mid card? Why? Because theyre small? I dont beleive so. Last year and prior to that I was HUGE punk fan. But...he has gotten stale. Maybe hes a born heel, last year I thought anit- hero. Punk has gotten over. It sucks, especially to IWC and wrestling nerds all over the world. He is not the same. Daniel Bryan works great as a heel and the yes! campaign has taken over. But IWC has seen DB as a face...garbage. Maybe thats the face of all the outstanding talent from ROH and Dragongate and whatever other promotion. I dont see him as a mid carder though. Up until a few weeks ago, when they started having Cena vs. the establishment, it was Punks ball to carry. Then wwe realized, lets get Cena over again. Honestly, do you think they are gonna leave Cena out? the raw storylines over all are garbage. And i did not complain seeing two of my favorite wrestler WRESTLE for the WWE title. there are opinions, and they will be said, but overall, Punk is a main eventer but he has gotten stale. That is all.
and now he's an afterthought as champion.

Or maybe the championship is changing? maybe they realize the IWC and real wrestling fans love Punk and wrestling all together so theyre giving the coveted title to the men who in the 80's and 90's would have held the I.C. title a.k.a. the best wrestlers in the company. The title can be on Punk and Punk doesnt have to be the super mega face of yester year. the times are a changing. new smackdown wrestlers and wretlers in FCW are from ROH. McMahon has thrived by eating up big players from small ponds, why should today be that much different? Once in a lifetime (or maybe a couple) you get a rock or a stone cold or hulk, but honestly McMahon can make almost anything work.
Punk vs. Danielson had the biggest constant reaction from the crowd last night by FAR and yet I get the feeling that creative isn't looking at that and thinking "WOW, the people really want THIS over all so we should figure out how to give them what they want". Instead they probably heard the reaction and thought "What are we doing wrong so that Punk vs. Danielson got that reaction while our "main event" didn't?
I wouldn't call Punk a "mid-card champion." What has happened is that the WWE has evolved to the point where some wrestlers, the top main eventers, are bigger than the belt. That's not taking anything away from Punk. He is the WWE Champion.

It's just that John Cena, Triple H, The Rock, Undertaker, hell even Brock Lesnar, are bigger than the championship. Tehy can be involved in the main event WITHOUT having the belt involved. What this does is allow for other guys to have opportunities at the title, while still keeping Cena (or Rock, or Triple H) in the main event picture. I like CM Punk but I'm not stupid. I know he needs that belt. Cena does not, Undertaker does not, Brock Lesner does not.
He's lost what made him a phenomenal champion in the first place, his attitude. I don't blame him for that, it's obvious the likes of Triple H didn't like it because Punk was completely owning them. I just can't believe Punk/Bryan wasn't the main event last's sickening.

It just shows that WWE really don't appreciate the talent CM Punk has. He really is just the mid-card champion...
I posted this as a part of a comment in the Over the Limit thread, but it is probably just as apt here:

Here's what's happening: they are trying their damndest to keep John Cena away from the WWE Championship. That much is obvious. Remember last summer when everyone was pissed off that Cena was always the champion and Punk was being held down, title reigns were too short, and how the audience was split between the two? So here's what they've done: Cena has been isolated in his own universe separate from the WWE Championship and Punk has been given the WWE title to run with for a few months. That's why Cena is feuding with Big Johnny even though Punk was the one who had beef with him. That's why Punk feuded with Dolph Ziggler, Cena with Kane, and that's why they're lining up guys like Big Show and Lord Tensai. If you put Cena back in the title picture, he's inevitably going to win it. If he wins it, the audience will turn on him. So they're trying to make the indie-head Punk fans happy by leaving the strap on him and giving him good technical matches (Bryan, Jericho, Ziggler) without Cena crowding the scene, while simultaneously pandering to the Cena faithful by giving him main events.

Simply put: this is a compromise. Cena isn't going anywhere. So if you're a Punk fan (or just someone who is sick of Cena's shtick) who can't stomach the thought of John Cena and exist in a constant state of outrage over his position in the company and placement on the card, your consolation is supposed to be that he isn't also toting around the belt.
I posted this as a part of a comment in the Over the Limit thread, but it is probably just as apt here:

Here's what's happening: they are trying their damndest to keep John Cena away from the WWE Championship. That much is obvious. Remember last summer when everyone was pissed off that Cena was always the champion and Punk was being held down, title reigns were too short, and how the audience was split between the two? So here's what they've done: Cena has been isolated in his own universe separate from the WWE Championship and Punk has been given the WWE title to run with for a few months. That's why Cena is feuding with Big Johnny even though Punk was the one who had beef with him. That's why Punk feuded with Dolph Ziggler, Cena with Kane, and that's why they're lining up guys like Big Show and Lord Tensai. If you put Cena back in the title picture, he's inevitably going to win it. If he wins it, the audience will turn on him. So they're trying to make the indie-head Punk fans happy by leaving the strap on him and giving him good technical matches (Bryan, Jericho, Ziggler) without Cena crowding the scene, while simultaneously pandering to the Cena faithful by giving him main events.

Simply put: this is a compromise. Cena isn't going anywhere. So if you're a Punk fan (or just someone who is sick of Cena's shtick) who can't stomach the thought of John Cena and exist in a constant state of outrage over his position in the company and placement on the card, your consolation is supposed to be that he isn't also toting around the belt.

Good post. I see it as WWE, as always, trying to have it both ways. They want to cater to the kiddies by having Cena main-event the PPVs, but they realize the need to placate the legions of CM Punk fans, so they leave the belt on him for what has been an incredibly long time, relative to other recent title reigns.
CM punk is 2nd to John Cena WWE unfortunatly feel CENA is the main Event guy chamion or not Punk is right after him with the difference of the crowd likes Punk alot more
One thing I really wish they'd do with Punk is treat him like a fighting champion. Have him defend the belt every week on RAW against a different contender and elevate the importance of the strap. It might make it harder to build title matches on PPVs, but there are always ways to build feuds even with the uncertainty of whether he'll be holding the belt into the PPV.
I posted this as a part of a comment in the Over the Limit thread, but it is probably just as apt here:

Here's what's happening: they are trying their damndest to keep John Cena away from the WWE Championship. That much is obvious. Remember last summer when everyone was pissed off that Cena was always the champion and Punk was being held down, title reigns were too short, and how the audience was split between the two? So here's what they've done: Cena has been isolated in his own universe separate from the WWE Championship and Punk has been given the WWE title to run with for a few months. That's why Cena is feuding with Big Johnny even though Punk was the one who had beef with him. That's why Punk feuded with Dolph Ziggler, Cena with Kane, and that's why they're lining up guys like Big Show and Lord Tensai. If you put Cena back in the title picture, he's inevitably going to win it. If he wins it, the audience will turn on him. So they're trying to make the indie-head Punk fans happy by leaving the strap on him and giving him good technical matches (Bryan, Jericho, Ziggler) without Cena crowding the scene, while simultaneously pandering to the Cena faithful by giving him main events.

Simply put: this is a compromise. Cena isn't going anywhere. So if you're a Punk fan (or just someone who is sick of Cena's shtick) who can't stomach the thought of John Cena and exist in a constant state of outrage over his position in the company and placement on the card, your consolation is supposed to be that he isn't also toting around the belt.
I agree with that 100%! To me the main event is when Punk fights and everything else is just a joke. That's how I felt watching WM, ER and OTL. The fact of the matter is that We are seeing quality matches with some of the best wrestlers to grace the ring. I can live with that because I know that eventually these incredible matches will be shifted to the main event.

Cena cannot have these pointless feuds forever.

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