Is CM Punk being pushed down our throats like John Cena was?

no he is not being pushed down our throats at all. he gets done pretty bad to be honest none of the trhings they give him ever eng right at all they just never add up or make since he always just gets ascrewed. while Cena was Jesus Chrisy for a while i mean that shit got ridiculous! 2007 and was the worst shit ever because all that i could taste was Cena he was doen my throat for long
Yes, Punk is being force fed to us, and it's hopelessly pathetic. And the worst part about it is the reason why he is being force fed. CM Punk's meteoric rise to mediocrity was brought about because of his straight edge lifestyle. In the wake of a certain murder/suicide, the amount of heat on the WWE for drug problems was amazing. The drug free promise that this lifestyle holds made Vince and the creative team go "WAIT! This is how we can get this heat off of us. Push the guy who is drug and alcohol free!" And so there ya go, title straps, money in the bank, etc. It wasn't his work quality (which despite everything you read about him everywhere on the internet, including here, is not that great, at least not anymore). It wasn't his mic skills (non-existent from everything I've seen). It was his straight edge-ness. And this is why he's being force fed to us: because he hasn't earned any of this from his actual work, but from a by-product of the lifestyle he chooses. And to boot, it's a horrible gimmick for the time. It would have been great during the Attitude era when it was beers and sex on screen for 3/4 of the show and here stands this person counter to the entire scene, but now...not so much. The only way Punk could get over was by force feeding.

Case in point: my roommate and I got scolded by an 8 year old at a Smackdown TV taping for yelling for Edge to beat CM Punk, not because we're marks for Edge, but we just both really hate CM Punk. When 8 yr olds are such marks for a character that they are trying to argue his finer points to people who have been watching wrestling since before he was born...the character is being forced down our throats.
I perfectly agree with Kennedy316, which is why they push that kind of talent(aka John Cena), tho i have to believe that CM Punk woundnt have got the hype he has if Chris B. didnt, well... u see where im gettin at, and Jeff didnt skrew up his wrestlemania. If that stuff didnt happen then i dont kno wat in the world CM PUNK would be in his career. I dont really kno why they would pick CM Punk, since they already have John Cena. The Cena character represent that the hard work that you put into something will get u places. While CM Punks is dont smoke and do drugs. CM punk is not needed to me.
He's not pushed down our throats, he was just the guy they threw the opporunities others were meant to have (Morrison/Hardy).

He's a hard worker and great in the ring so he'll be back at the top, it might just take a year or two to build back up, he was rushed to the top and it didnt work. Now, he needs to be focused on slowly building back up, a good run with the IC title would have been good for him but JBL fucked that up with his "I need something to do at WM!".

Punk's a big asset to WWE and will be world champ agian, wether WWE shoves him down our throats or not.
The trouble with CmP is ,from day one he was an ECW newcomer who lasted more than 3 weeks (nasty but true!) so he,s kinda been under the microscope since then.True,if WWE had the monster sized rosters they used to have he,d be comfortably in the IC bracket just now like ,Y2J,Benoit & Eddie were for seamingly ages but WWE dont have the rosters nor the time for stars to develop ThaT slowly anymore.So He has to be a non veteran champ OR dangle procariously above the FCW trap door
.I admit I like CmP,he gets over excited about a win,mega pissed off about losing & has lots of good moves albiet with the feet.
Maybe there,s something in what HBK says in his WZ videos where some wrestlers dont push themselves enough & just turn up & not so much DonT give their all,but just ask CreativitY "What,ve you got for me today." rather than push their own storylline That WoulD explain CMPs short title reigns but NO I wouldnt say he,s shoved down our throats,(unlikecena-ok I said it)& the fact he,s getting A look in ensures we ,ShoulD be seeing a lot more of Mr Chicago Made in the near future.,
well the thing is cena is a terrible wrestler, punk on the other hand is very well rounded so i feel he just had a really good streak with creative thats all if you notice they're prpably out of stuff for punk to do now

i disagree with the notion that because cena isn't technically gifted, that he's a terrible wrestler. He has more moves than Hogan, who is arguably the biggest wrestler in history. If anyone has ever been totally shoved down people's throats it is clearly Hogan. furthermore, Cena has also been the guy who has been the largest draw in the company, with the highest merch sales and some of the biggest reactions in wwe. Punk is no where near as featured as Cena, nor should he be. Like it or not, Cena is the face of wwe right now and women and kids love him and guess who spends the money? guys buying stuff for girls or their kids.
I think Punk's recent success is more based on the fact that they want to show children if you live a straightedge lifestyle and you work hard you can be successful. Its great from a public relations standpoint. Now as far as Cena's push and Punk's push similarily being shoved down our throats Cena was way over on Smackdown as WWE Champion before being moved to Raw. Cena just fought tooth and nail and got to the top. Punk fluked his way to everything. His MITB win was a fluke he beat Edge after Batista beat him down. His ECW title win he got after his fourth shot at Morrison and Morrison got suspended days later. Punk won the IC title after three shots at Regal and then quickly lost it to JBL. His tag title reign was forgettable and was just a way to get the belts back on Miz & Morrison. I like Punk but to say he's being shoved down our throats is silly.
I could see the rationale in thinking this, and for many people it may be a reality. The thing is CM Punk isn't being forced to cross over, he's just over in his native environment. The Rock was a huge star before making movies, making his crossover appeal inevitable whereas WWE is forcing/coaxing/other John Cena to do the same thing. Cena is the biggest face and star on the roster, and the big moneymaker for the new target audience in the children, but they're trying to get Cena to make an impact in Hollywood in order to attract people to the product. Until I see CM Punk awarding a Kids Choice Award I don't think much could be made of this argument. I think his major pushing is a matter of quickly establishing Superstars due to the aging of top guys and injuries taking out others.
I don't see how or why one would think that the WWE is forcing Punk down our throats like Cena. That makes no sense at all. Punk's slow build has actually been solid. Actually he should win the MITB again just to prove last time wasn't a fluke. I mean that literally. No one else in that match deserves the spotlight more than Punk, not Kofi, Kane, Shelton, MVP etc.. You get my point. Another win for Punk is what I am expecting, and I wouldn't mind seeing him cash it in against Orton, since Legacy cost him the title in the first place.
I just can't stand CM Punk. I mean what about him makes him so great? When I look back in history of the great names.... Hogan, Flair, Sting, HBK, Taker... but... CM Punk? ******ed name, gimmick, and that stupid hand/wrist rolling thing.... He's not a believable champion and doesn't look like a wrestler for that matter... (Not a big cena fan) but atleast he looks like a wrestler. And has a decent gimmick, mic skills, etc....

CM Punk just doesn't make any sense to me. Why not invest in someone like Morrison? He is awesome in every way. Ok... so he has a strike on him for his violation on the wellness policy but so does hardy, orton, regal, etc... His work ethic is awesome anyways.... Frick, Punk got a bigger push than hardy....STUPID... the fans are nuts over that guy. AND.... its kinda like RVD... (never liked him personally) but the crowd did and WWE never really pushed him....

Push Morrison bc CM Punk sucks!

you obviously haven't seen ROH have you?
Yes, Punk is being force fed to us, and it's hopelessly pathetic. And the worst part about it is the reason why he is being force fed. CM Punk's meteoric rise to mediocrity was brought about because of his straight edge lifestyle. In the wake of a certain murder/suicide, the amount of heat on the WWE for drug problems was amazing. The drug free promise that this lifestyle holds made Vince and the creative team go "WAIT! This is how we can get this heat off of us. Push the guy who is drug and alcohol free!" And so there ya go, title straps, money in the bank, etc. It wasn't his work quality (which despite everything you read about him everywhere on the internet, including here, is not that great, at least not anymore). It wasn't his mic skills (non-existent from everything I've seen). It was his straight edge-ness. And this is why he's being force fed to us: because he hasn't earned any of this from his actual work, but from a by-product of the lifestyle he chooses. And to boot, it's a horrible gimmick for the time. It would have been great during the Attitude era when it was beers and sex on screen for 3/4 of the show and here stands this person counter to the entire scene, but now...not so much. The only way Punk could get over was by force feeding.

Case in point: my roommate and I got scolded by an 8 year old at a Smackdown TV taping for yelling for Edge to beat CM Punk, not because we're marks for Edge, but we just both really hate CM Punk. When 8 yr olds are such marks for a character that they are trying to argue his finer points to people who have been watching wrestling since before he was born...the character is being forced down our throats.

I have chosen you as a target Kennedy, so get ready for war!!!

CM Punk without question deserves to be in his current spot on television. Lets think about this for a moment, shall we. Before the Chris Benoit tradgedy (became apparent), Punk had already been involved in 2 ECW title matches:
1. Elimination Chamber 2006
2. Vengeance 2007
My point from this, it's not like he wasn't originally a contender for the title. Now, it may be true Vince pushed Punk a little extra because of his gimmick, but Punk has the skills to back it up. If you don't think he can work the mic, then try and find some RING OF HONOR promos he cut in 2004-2005, I'm sure you'll change your mind. Along with that, he is a great wrestler.

Now, for people who think he got a fast push. If you read about CM Punk on wiki, you'll notice he wrestled for other promotions than WWE. TNA and ROH are the 2 which come to mind. Punk had a decent fan base built from working the independent wrestling shows, so people heard of him before his WWE debut. Watch his ECW debut, and you'll see the fans already knew him
Not really. I think the problem with Cena was how he was champion by 'overcoming the odds' in every match he was in. It got really boring to watch, and as someone who wasn't a big Cena fan anyway, it was just a whole load of *Yawn*. You either love Cena or you hate him, and there are a huge majority of those that love him, so us not liking it really made no difference.

CM Punk is different in that he wasn't really booked as the best. His title reigns are quite strange, and not something I expected. But how he and Cena are booked is completely different.
I have chosen you as a target Kennedy, so get ready for war!!!
And I have chosen to take his place.
CM Punk without question deserves to be in his current spot on television.
deserves it? If it wasnt for Hardy fucking up, I doubt he would even be where he is now. Let alone ever a big champion.
Lets think about this for a moment, shall we. Before the Chris Benoit tradgedy (became apparent), Punk had already been involved in 2 ECW title matches:
1. Elimination Chamber 2006
as a Filler and nothing more. Chris masters was in an EC as well, where is he now?
2. Vengeance 2007
who else was there at that time?
My point from this, it's not like he wasn't originally a contender for the title.
the ECW title, is worth less then the intercontinental Title. why on earth would that make you think he was going to get the big one?
Now, it may be true Vince pushed Punk a little extra because of his gimmick, but Punk has the skills to back it up. If you don't think he can work the mic, then try and find some RING OF HONOR promos he cut in 2004-2005, I'm sure you'll change your mind. Along with that, he is a great wrestler.
Oh great, Indy punk fans again. Who cares what he did in ROH? he is being pushed down our throats because of how "great" he was in ROH, yet he hasn't really done anything to back it up. Other then being a transitional Champion.
Now, for people who think he got a fast push. If you read about CM Punk on wiki, you'll notice he wrestled for other promotions than WWE. TNA and ROH are the 2 which come to mind.
Who cares what he did on something other then WWE? If somoa joe was to go to the WWE, if he was to become champion within the year, that would be a fast push. and ROH, is merely a warm up to the big leagues.

I don't think that he is being pushed down our throats like John cena. Cena was actually liked by alot of people to start with, and Cena actually deserved his push. He also hasn't steered us wrong after how long? where as CM Punk, I can see will, fail. badly. He needs to remain in the mid card status for a few more years. he is still to green. The WWE need to stop pushing him, before he falls.
Sparky said:
deserves it? If it wasnt for Hardy fucking up, I doubt he would even be where he is now. Let alone ever a big champion.
Yeah, but the fact that they chose HIM when Hardy fucked up speaks volumes in my opinion. It means they must have had some stock in him. If Hardy HADN'T fucked up, Punk would have probably gotten to where he is now a lot slower, but he'd have gotten there eventually.
That's how I see it, at least.
For all the great "wrestling talent" that is CM Punk, why do all of his move sets look like punches, kicks and slaps. Because it is just punches, kicks and slaps... with the occational knee to the head. It's terrible the way that everyone overvalues his talent. Just look to the crowd at WM25... was it me or did they totally mark out when Christian was up there, boo when Punk was about to grab the breifcase, cheer when Kane grabbed him by the throat, and then boo again when he won the match. Just look at his facial expression on Raw this past week! He totally looked like he was dejected because i'm sure he heard the same boos I heard through the tv. I'm just hoping that Punk becomes the first MITB winner to lose the actual title match... because if not... then may Jeebus help out the WWE.
I don't think Punk is being shoved down our throats. He isn't booked as "superhuman" like Cena was. Remember those horrendously long and boring Cena reigns? He RARELY lost and was always booked like he was some sort of superhuman underdog when he obviously isn't. CM Punk is just a regular guy that fans can connect to. Plus his straight edge lifestyle is a great influence for kids, which is WWE's primary target audience. I don't -mind- CM Punk, and I've come to tolerate Cena's matches because he at least loses occasionally now.
I don’t think CM Punk is being pushed down our throats. I mean can you blame the WWE for wanting to push a guy who is over with the fans. I mean if it was somebody like let's say sniksty it would be different.Oh yeah they did try to push Sniksty down our throats but he is not over, CM punk is. Regardless if you like or dislike CM punk, the wwe is about making money and a guy who is over like CM punk is going to help the WWE sell tickets.
Wasnt Cena just as over if not more than CM Punk was when his push was beginning. I keep hearing CM Punk is over and thats why he was pushed and for the straight edgeness his gimmick provides. I sse what ur saying, but Cena was pushed for a similar reason as well, he was pushed because he was a rapper, and it appeal to a certain derogative of people(white and black alike), white people have the Eminem of the WWE, while black people have the rapper that makes them feel good about rapping. As soon as tha gimmick wasnt need and Cena was getting over with the fans, Cena changed his gimmick into a superhuman underdog. The WWE is trying to appeal to kids a lil more. The needed someone lyk Cena, they needed someone who could be able to replace The Rock and Austin when they left, and Cena brought the attitude of the Rock, with the fan base of Austin. Cena definatly has a lil of Austin in him tho, but tha WWE needed someone lyk Stone Cold but on a lesser (ala Cena). CM Punk is tha superstar who has a good message, and is very sucessful, and i believe this is why.
I think he is i mean he won two Money in the bank's plus i think the WWE is going to overrated him like they do with John Cena.
CM punk is a joke, why can't they push someone with real talent like Y2J? well they are Randy Orton. He is my favorite person behind Chris.. I hope WWE don't let a joke like CM flunk be the champ.. they let HHH and look at the ratings drop.. Put the title on someone i want to see with the belt.
Guys...I have two words for you... STRAIGHT EDGE! That's why Punk's being pushed down our throats. WWE's got a PG rating and what better wrestler to push (Besides Cena) than to push the guy who doesn't drink, do drugs, or looks like he's on any steroids. He's unique in the ring. I like his wrestling style and, in time, he can be a legit wrestler in the WWE, but the bad news for him is he has to develop a style as he goes along.

Punk's still not used to wrestling WWE's way. He's got tinges of the old ROH shoot style he uses and he has to work on that in order to have good matches. If he bloodies someone's nose, then loses, it makes no sense. He's not as bad as other wrestlers on the roster, but the fact is, the WWE wants to hammer this PG demographic and the "Straight Edge Superstar" is the guy to do that.

But I don't see him holding on to the briefcase...and if he cashes it in..again...the only way it would work is if he beat Orton for the belt, which would require many other things to happen before that takes place.
Throughout the past year,

-CM Punk possesed the ECW Championship
-CM Punk Won the Money in the Bank Match
-CM Punk cashed it in to become WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP
-CM Punk had two title defenses, and lost it unfairly
-CM Punk Won the Tag Team Titles wit Kofi Kingston
-CM Punk won the Intercontinental Championship, thus making him the quickest to become an triple crown champion(correct me if im wrong bout tha quickest)
Update: BECAME THE ONLY BACK TO BACK MITB Winner. (Since edge cash MITB Twice).

Now if all these things happened to JOHN CENA, all the smarks would call this pushed down our throats. But even when Cena had tha title, all he had was a long title reign that i could believe.

In my opinion, CM Punk was not in the least ready for all of this, thus making him in my opinion the worst to cash in there money in the bank and become championship. I still think CM Punk has one of the brightest future in the WWE, but if u look at this he is a 2x World Champion, in less than a year apart from each other.

If you agree or disagree with me..fill free to discuss.

I agree, I don't think Punk is ready for all that. After the ECW title, they should've had Punk have a few decent IC title reigns, then maybe MITB. He wasn't ready to be WHC at that point. I also agree with Punk not hanging on to the briefcase. I doubt it, unless he held on to it for a WHILE, but idk... But, when he first won the briefcase last year, Jeff Hardy was supposed to win it, but he got suspended... So he wasn't even supposed to win MITB at that point. So bottom line, the WWE really 'rushed' CM Punk...
Are you crazy, CM Punk first of all is 100% more athletic than Cena will ever be and can do stuff Cena would never attempt. I'm not starting a Cena Spam. Cena is a hell of an entertainer you may not like him (nor do I) but you have to respect the things he's done. He is some what athletic you have to be in order to be a wrestler (these days sports entertainer) but he's more of a Showman. (Like Hulk Hogan) He can have a 5 min match and still work the crowd as if it was a 15 min. CM Punk is a great wrestler he needs the time to build up a great match and the things he'll do you'll remember. I really wish Samoa Joe would come to WWE so they can recreate some of the great matches they had in ROH.
I've heard alot of people complaining that Punk won MITB again, but really why not, he did get screwed the last time he won it.
You saying Punk is being shoved down our throats is crazy. If anything he's just regaining the push he needs. He may have won alot of titles in a year, but How long did he hold them. a couple months maybe? He was written out of a main event title match and there was no reason really given as to why. (backstage) He was punted in the head by Orton, did they even have a match as a result (NO!) He lost the title and didn't even get a chance to defend it. After Jericho won it Cena went right into a program with him. To say Punk is being shoved down our throats is an insult. WWE needs more pure talent like Punk. and don't ever compare him to Cena.
The only thing i can think of is they are trying to put the ECW title below the WHC & the WWE Championship and the I.C & U.S below the ECW belt, so punk having the ECW Title and winning the MITB last year should have already got him the fans to get the MITB Shot at either WHC or WWEC but the way they present ECW is a joke, no one watches and its just a side show to the main shows.
I personally would regard Jericho havin the U.S belt for 2 weeks more right at a WHC match than him having the ECW title for 2 months like Swagger has now. Kane had the title for a few months last year and didn't get anything from it e would have benifited more from having the I.C or U.S and bringing that division back and having some good storylines, theres never a storyline for the ECW belt apart from "Hey champ i want that belt!" lol and thats why no one cares!!!
Even the I.C or U.S (Until recently with JBL getting it and Shelton losing it)they build a feud with matches not actual promos!!


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