In ring debut of Mason Ryan

One of the messiest things I have ever seen. It looked like Truth hit two lie detectors right at the start of the match. Ryan had no clue what was going on and totally no selled, they bounced off each other for another couple of minutes and then Ryan won and then didn't with a submission. Unless they are writing Truth out of the Chamber it was an completely nonsensical finish. Truth looked very weak indeed and Ryan legitimately won the match. No call from the announcers that it was a convincing debut win?! Then they reverse a the decision? WTF?? So why does that not apply to del Rio, and anyone else for that matter?

Honestly, what a complete mess this segment was. Otherwise it was a fairly decent show. Truth is being booked dreadfully at the moment
Ok, yall are ripping on a dude for his first match. This wasn't the main event at WrestleMania, it was a match 20 minutes into a Monday Night Raw. His goal was to just hurt R-Truth, which he did pretty convincingly for his experience. You try getting put into that submission maneuver, I bet it'd hurt.

Ryan is the lowest in Nexus, and Truth is the lowest member in the EC, so it was natural to pair them up. In fact, he destroyed Truth BEFORE Punk had informed Nexus to do so.

Unless they are writing Truth out of the Chamber it was an completely nonsensical finish.

Don't forget, the whole story in this past Raw was for NEXUS to destroy the rest of the EC participants. If this was just another normal random debut, we might be able to criticize a little more. But he did his job, and the finish made sense.
umm there is green and there is incompetent, and he was the latter. He didnt seem to know what he was doing in there and totally no sold a couple of truths moves. Goldberg and batista look like brett hart compared to this guy. It looked like they just picked someone off the street and threw him in the ring.
It was pretty much what I expected from Ryan. I knew he was green so I didn't expect the best worked match. The guy has a fantastic ripped big physique and is powerful he will rise whether or not he improves much. Hey at least he's much better in the ring than fellow Nexus member David Otunga. But that's not saying JACK.
Ryan is most definitely green and needs a lot of work. However, I thought his match worked in the sense that he did look pretty dominant against R-Truth. From a kayfabe perspective, R-Truth is a former United States Champion and Ryan made him look like a punk basically. I thought the finisher that he used was pretty unique and I like that they didn't just try to make him come across as this usual chest pounding, muscle bound powerhouse that I was expecting.

But yeah, Mason Ryan really isn't ready to be wrestling in matches by himself, not by a long shot. Keep him doing what he's been doing for Nexus while he works to improve himself.
This seems like a basic case of "OMG this guy is huge, let's push him even though he can't wrestle!!!!".

He's big and his accent sounds cool, that's about the only things I like about Mason Ryan. I don't understand why he was even put in that match, he's not ready for it by a long shot. What worries me the most is that he has been considered the greatest thing coming from FCW (and also FCW Champ for months now), so what are we going to expect for now on?

I don't think Truth could have gotten buried anymore than he did on RAW, Mason basically made him look weak and useless by not selling his moves or anything. I thought that Lie Dectector in the beginning of the match was a joke because MASON DID NOTHING TO SELL IT. He was basically thinking "What the hell is that".
Hearing all the reports about Mason Ryan being the champion in FCW, I was pretty interested to finally see him get some real ring time, I'd heard that Mason was green and not that experienced in the ring but I figured he had to have something going for him, And then I saw him wrestle.

Oh my god I have not seen anyone so awkward in that ring since watching Celebrity Championship Wrestling. The bodyslams he landed on R Truth looked extremely painful, but painful in a bad way. It didn't even look like Truth was selling it looked like he was legitimately afraid for his career. This man needs some proper training and a lot of it.

All in all, Huge disappointment.
It looked bad. Really sloppy. Ryan is still really green, not ready for the big time to be honest. He was thrown right into the fire on Raw, and it was disappointing. It'll take some time for him to improve significantly, but as the muscle of the group I think he'll do a fine job. He won't need to wrestle much, just rough a guy up every once in a while. I still don't get why they chose R-Truth, though. I mean, he's pretty bad unless somebody fairly good is in there with him. It made absolutely no sense to me. I was pretty much bewildered by that entire thing.
If your still that bad after 5 years pro wrestling and two years at fcw then you are NOT GONNA GET IT.. lol... The guy takes a back bump (day 1 training) on his ass... he is off balance on hip tosses and doesnt even have ring awareness. This is stuff you should have within your first 10 matches. Then the HARD STUFF BEGINS. he;ll never be good. Too bad..
the ryan vs truth match was bad, they should have least put him in the ring with a mid card face that has better in ring experience, like if goldust was healthy that would have been good for him to learn from someone like that, but i was not sold on ryan at all as far as in ring, especially when he kept slamming truth to the ropes, boy was that bad i know he was trying to work on the leg, but that was bad, but there is potential with him

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