Mason Ryan push

WWE Wants to make him like batista, So obviously hes gonna get one(a big push) But i think its way to early for him. Like he just came not long ago. But i do hope to see the Stupid New Nexus to break up. (But i am a huge fan of CM Punk, is just that i do not like the new nexus. WWE Fd it up by putting punk as the leader.But i do like the old one.) Anyways as i was saying, i can see mason ryan the future of the wwe. As i said hes gonna get a big push, and i have a feeling hes gonna turn face soon, after watching raw last night.
I like Ryan. I know it's cool to hate him, but WWE is screaming out for a new signature big guy to come along. Skip Sheffield is a little too "off", Ezikiel Jackson just doesn't cut it for me, but Ryan just seems to have the "it factor". His in ring skills will improve, IMO. He looks like an intelligent guy, so I say push him, but slowly and carefully.
It's about fucking time WWE made him look like a force to be reckoned with. I remember watching his match with Orton and the dude jobbed that whole match. This guy has the potential to become something huge. I hope he works his ass off in the ring, his speaking, his acting, etc and if he does, he can be a big thing in a few months.
I like Mason Ryan. He is Batistwo and has all the potential of Batista. When Batista first came to WWE, lot's of people said the same thing as they are saying for Mason Ryan. They are deffinantly going for a Mason Ryan face/tweener push. Mason should be a very good breakout superstar and a future world champion.
I like Mason Ryan. He is Batistwo and has all the potential of Batista. When Batista first came to WWE, lot's of people said the same thing as they are saying for Mason Ryan. They are deffinantly going for a Mason Ryan face/tweener push. Mason should be a very good breakout superstar and a future world champion.


Remember, Batista started off as being D-Von's assistant (when he had that "reverend" gimmick). Batista was no one, but he was slowly pushed, from joining Evolution to breaking out alone. Ryan is capable of the same, only he doesn't have to live in Batista's shadow or be compared to him. Ryan can be great in his own right, but all in good time.
Besides the Batista look, he also is trying and failing to have Wade Barrett's hairstyle. Fore shame on this dude. But really, all the power movies and adopted looks in the world won't change the fact that the guy just doesn't have any charisma. Like you see him bust a move, does anyone want to see what he will do next?

The guy just comes across someone they plucked from a Gold's Gym and pleaded with him "try not to kill anyone!"
This is a sad time for the WWE. They really don't have many candidates for the 'monster heel' position, so a lot of the people here and claiming that Ryan will do. It's not that he'd make a good monster heel, just that he wouldn't be as bad as the others.

Which I disagree with.
What I will agree with is that the big guys that could fill that spot, suck ass. Let's see who've we got.. Mark Henry, Eziekel Jackson, Chris Masters, Brodus Clay and Mason Ryan. Possibly Big Show and Kane? But they're face veterans and wouldn't be best.
Who actually cares about Mark Henry or Brodus Clay? And Chris Masters doesn't have much of a monster image to portray, but could still go very far.

It seems as though the logical monster heels are big Zeek and Ryan. What a terrible pair of candidates. I really don't see ANYTHING appealing about Mason Ryan. He's a gym junkie, alright, let's give him a push. He can't speak for shit, nor can he sell anything well. I was impressed with him spearing the balls off of Big Show. Impressive. But still, I think he gives off that Kozlov/Khali impression. Come, smash someone, act like an idiot and speak random blurbs of words, leave.

So in conclusion, I think send him back to FCW and give Zeek a run. This past Raw could've simply been a test, to see how he goes. He sure as hell seemed dominant, so I think they really need to work on him before anything major happens.

I think it is much better if the WWE will go for a new character and storyline for him and don't give him a push as a face because history is just repeating itself just like what Batista did to Triple H.

Kurt Angle is reincarnated with Jack Swagger
Chris Benoit is reincarnated with Daniel Bryan
JBL is reincarnated with ADR
Sin Cara is the new Rey Mysterio
Billy Kidman is reincarnated with Evan Bourne

I think if Mason Ryan will be the next Batista it is a bad move but if they will give him a new character or mix character like giving out a little Big Daddy Cool persona I think it will work:p
I want to see Mason Ryan to feud with the Nexus, it would be the perfect way for the nexus angle to blow over finally. What better way for the nexus to go out than from the inside out. Also, if he beats punk or at least gets a good match with him, Mason would probably get a huge push.
Its bad enough Mason Ryan looks like Batista, but their giving him the same move set, and having him as a part of the Nexus is setting him up like Batista in Evolution. Remember when Batista first broke away from Evolution and became a face, its sucked because it was too soon, much like its way to soon to break Ryan away from Punk and the rest of the Nexus, he's far to green. I can't recall Mason Ryan being in a solo match on any WWE programing whatsoever.

Batista he had burnt out one gimmick and moved on to the next by the time he was in Evolution, lets not forget his enforcer role with Rev Devon on Smackdown...yuck

Not to mention that Batista also got a nice slow face turn that took place over a period of 6-8 months. Ryan hasn't been with the WWE or on Raw that long. To turn him face before he can be truly hated as a heel, or before he can really gain the fans attention would be a big mistake. Pairing him up with CM Punk in the Nexus was great because CM Punk gets great heat by himself, but its way to soon to break him way from the group.

Ryan needs to be a Monster, he would make a great monster heel because hes got the build and the look. Have him come completely unglued with CM Punk always bossing him around, and have him go nuts and start destroying people during other Nexus Members matches. Have his rage and aggression cost CM Punk a WWE title match. Then cost the rest of the Nexus a tag title shot, then after a few weeks have him start destroying his fellow Nexus members. But keep him as a heel, and have him as an equal opportunity superstar smashing machine.

Also to push Ryan before David Otunga would be a big mistake. Otunga could be a break out star if he was giving the time, and in the current "New" Nexus hes been around the longest it time to give the man a chance. Have him be the first to break away and strike out on his own and see where that goes before taking Ryan out of the Nexus and away from Punk.
There is no way in hell this guy should be pushed yet!!!! He has a great look he is HUGE powerful and all that and a bag of nuts but I think he is still way to green for a major push on TV right now. If anything let him go on a win streak on Superstars or something like that. Him overpowering Kane and spearing Big Show was cool to watch but if you have ever seen him wrestle in FCW you know aside from his big moves he needs aot of improvement. I think given time he could be way better than Batista ever was. He has athletic ability and the strength, power and look to make it. He just needs more time to develope as a wrestler in the ring and somewhat on the mic but his mic skills aren't horrible but no where near great either.
I fear we're going to end up with another 'push-tease & ditch' situation that we're constantly seeing from WWE. Remember Drew McIntyre's face tease? Where did that go?
As a Welshman myself, I hope to see more of Mason Ryan. He's got potential as a monster superstar as long as he remains as far away from a microphone as possible. This is why WWE needs to re-visit the weedy, charismatic mouthpiece managers such as Jimmy Hart. With a legitimate mouth behind Mason Ryan, we could be looking at a guy who will be over by next year.
I'm getting a little tired of the Mason Ryan "green" argument. Who are you to say whether a current WWE superstar is green or not? Have you personally trained with him? WWE is not TNA or WCW that they just push someone because of their physique, for example Rob Terry on TNA. Ryan is obviously talented. Also, you have to understand that it's a lot more difficult for someone built that way to have finesse in the ring and not to look clumsy at times, because let's face it, this man is bigger physically than Batista even was.

Look at this video again:

All I saw here was 1) an AMAZING spear hit on Big Show, 2) some priceless facial expressions and 3) what looks like a guy who could be the next "big" monster, at a time when WWE is lacking in such talents.

It is what it is. Ryan is not the next Batista, he is the next Mason Ryan. Of course, there will be comparisons, but they are not the same.
I want to just point out, if anyone says he looks/acts/could be Batista, I will scream. I think he has so much more than Batista ever had.

So, on to my point. I watched Mason Ryan vs Kane on repeat, and Mason Ryan made Nexus look so much worse, and made Kane look non threatening! He has the strength, he has SOME mic skills, that are okay, but can develop, and he has an aura that makes him seem like a serious contender.

So my question is, who would you have him feud against, so that he could build up and be up there with the big dogs, and how would you have them feud?
His physique is awesome! His talking ability is that which may be hard to understand for Americans and others not to familiar with Welsh speakers, but I love his reccent Spear! I think he can go far.
So my question is, who would you have him feud against, so that he could build up and be up there with the big dogs, and how would you have them feud?

Right now? If so, the only feud that'll get him over i against CM Punk. Since last Monday, he's been off Nexus' tracks, and now he must go on his own. I know it means he'll have to be face, but if WWE is smart enough, they should know that a feud with CM Punk will get him over BIG.

As opposed to what you said, HE tried making Nexus look strong, but I can't buy that he's better than CM Punk in anyway, not by 1000 miles. Physique does not count, who actually cares what a wrestler looks like? As long as they can do something, whether they look strange or not, ALA Mick Foley.

Anyway, Mason Ryan in my opinion is a ridiculous person to push. They have so much heels they HAVE to push right now on RAW. Ahem.

Drew McIntyre
Alberto Del Rio
Jack Swagger
& Most Importantly: CM Punk

Mason Ryan is not Batista, he's not anything like Batista. When Batista works hard, his matches are great. Mason Ryan on the other hand failed in every match he did in FCW. Batista even had good matches in OVW.
Yeah it would be pretty lame if ryan gets a push just because of his personal build while the older guys who have been so loyal to vince and the wwe in general get pushed aside or maybe get a new t shirt designed omg! But yea if anything I would like to see mason on smackdown vs jackson in about a year long fued, that would be good, two monsters going at it lit it was there day job :P
To the guy who said he is sick of seeing people say Mason Ryan is Green. News Flash HE IS!!!!! Mason Ryan has HUGE potential no doubt about it. I don't compare him to Batista because Batista was never a great in ring worker even at his peak in WWE. Ryan has a ton more potential than batista ever did. Ryan is pretty young, athletic, looks great and is huge. Is he ready for a huge push now??? IMO not at all. I think the WWE needs to slowly maek this guy a force not have him a part of Nexus and do nothing for well over a month and then have him come out and destroy two of the most dominant guys in WWE in Kane and Big Show. I think that to much to fast and it will only hurt Mason Ryan in the end. If this can destroy Kane and Big Show like he did...Who's stopping him on RAW?? The only good thing is he didn't beat Kane and Big Show in a match. He was disqualified in his match with Kane and destroyed him and Big show post match.

I just think WWE needs to move slow with this guy. He doesnt have Brock Lesnar type skills in the ring. He needs a mouth cause his mic skills while not horrible wont help him if he is being pushed as a monster.
they should have moved him to smackdown then he could have the push if u think about it del rio the miz and drew is gonna be to top heels on raw so there know way he can really be a main eventer
I don't see how Mason Ryan has a "great" look. He isn't making a name for himself, but rather as "the dude that looks like Batista." It would be different if there was a huge gap between when Batista left and Ryan started (ala Billy Graham and Hogan), but Batista hasn't even been gone a year before "the dude that looks like Batista" debuted.
Pushing him now, independently, makes no sense. The bloke has potential: he's obviously got a great look and that Spear which destroyed the Big Show last week looked very convincing. If that develops, it could be the type of wipe-out spear which Goldberg had and could become a very decent finisher. That being said, he's still extremely green and pushing him now, totally solo, could ruin him. He's green in the ring, he can't cut a promo and by his own admission suffers from a lack of confidence.

The best idea to me seems to be to have him and CM Punk break from Nexus, have Punk get into a rivalry with somebody else and have Ryan act as his body guard. Punk can talk him round and say that New Nexus was just holding them both back and then they can branch out together. Have Punk do the majority of the talking with Ryan as his enforcer. They can have the odd tag team match together, meaning Ryan gets more in-ring experience without being thrust in at the deep end and having to work a match by himself. He can also learn the promo and in ring stuff from one of the best in the business.

This plan would also have the benefit of giving Punk a decent story line rather than burying him in The New Nexus. Give it 4-6 months, then have them falling out, then a more experienced, seasoned Ryan can turn face and feud with Punk. Far more chance of getting over in those circumstances.

Thats how I'd do it anyway.

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