This is a sad time for the WWE. They really don't have many candidates for the 'monster heel' position, so a lot of the people here and claiming that Ryan will do. It's not that he'd make a good monster heel, just that he wouldn't be as bad as the others.
Which I disagree with.
What I will agree with is that the big guys that could fill that spot, suck ass. Let's see who've we got.. Mark Henry, Eziekel Jackson, Chris Masters, Brodus Clay and Mason Ryan. Possibly Big Show and Kane? But they're face veterans and wouldn't be best.
Who actually cares about Mark Henry or Brodus Clay? And Chris Masters doesn't have much of a monster image to portray, but could still go very far.
It seems as though the logical monster heels are big Zeek and Ryan. What a terrible pair of candidates. I really don't see ANYTHING appealing about Mason Ryan. He's a gym junkie, alright, let's give him a push. He can't speak for shit, nor can he sell anything well. I was impressed with him spearing the balls off of Big Show. Impressive. But still, I think he gives off that Kozlov/Khali impression. Come, smash someone, act like an idiot and speak random blurbs of words, leave.
So in conclusion, I think send him back to FCW and give Zeek a run. This past Raw could've simply been a test, to see how he goes. He sure as hell seemed dominant, so I think they really need to work on him before anything major happens.