Mason Ryan RAW Debut

I liked Mason Ryan debut on Raw but it was not the best with him kicking Punk in the face then Mason bowing to Punk but what can you expect from WWE in this era off wrestling. I think that Mason Ryan has a lot off talent by being the groups body guard with him not being in big spots in matches. I would also not allow him to talk because from what I have seen from him on the mic is terrible with his accent and he even has a soft voice compared to his massive figure. But apart from Mason Ryan bad in ring skills and being bad on the mic then I think he has a bright future in the Nexus and a bright future being the next Goldberg.
Take a minute to go to fcw wrestling on you tube and search last weeks show. mason can not even back bump properly!!! Yes day one technique...he lands on his ass and catches himself on hands. Then a minute later he's given a couple hip tosses and is completely off balance (on two not one) and outta place. Listen no knock on him..some just do not have the ability to pick it up.. but don't sit here and say he is good in the ring. A big guy should at least have a base..he doesn't. That is not good. I hope he and wwe succeeds with him.. in order to do that they should just let him be a presence.. the minute he engages more than a finishing move he's exposed.

edit.. here it is.
Yes Mason Ryan is my favorite in FCW, and I been following him in FCW for the past year. But I am hearing WWE feels he is still too green on the mic and in the ring, and if that is true then Mason Ryan is probably going back to FCW for more training after WM27.

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