How Would You Push Mason Ryan

I see no reason for Mason Ryan to be pushed right now. If you look at WWE's past, Mason Ryan has absolutely nothing that other wrestlers who were more qualified didn't have. He's a generic big guy with ripped muscles. If he's pushed, he will likely tank as he has little charisma and a very stiff in ring move set. He has no way of getting over and his look alone is not exactly cutting it. If you look at the current direction of the WWE, big guys don't seem to be the path they are currently taking. CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Zack Ryder, Cody Rhodes are all superstars who are incredibly small and got over on something other than looks. Instead of pushing him as a dominant, generic babyface give him something totally different. Give him a good year or so in FCW developmental to develop a character. Bring him back in a dominant tag team and go from there. I can't exactly see a bright future for Mason Ryan as I do not believe he'll be around long. If Mason Ryan can force himself to actually give a shit, maybe, just maybe he can get over with the crowd. But like I said, his future seems dark.
I agree with most people that he should be sent back down to developmental for at least a year so he can work on his character and not be so stiff in the ring. I think he actually needs to lose some of his muscle. If you look at him back when he was FCW champ, he was a lot smaller, but I think that look actually suited him a lot more than the one he has now. He was still big, but just more toned than actually having muscle mass. Because of this, he should hopefully be less stiff, thus helping him with his in ring abilities and promoting him as a viable superstar, as long as he works on his mic skills. When they bring him back in, it should be eased in, rather than straight to US or higher. It should be at tag champ level, IMO. Then he can work up towards US.
Unfortunately for Ryan, there's no place for him on Raw, and he's just barely passable for Smackdown. I think you get him in a Tag Team with an Alex Riley, because like it or not, with Rosters this expansive, one of two things are going to have to happen...either they add a third weekly show, or they begin the tag division in earnest.

And as for all the enforcer ideas, he can't be an enforcer and be a face...pretty much doesn't work.
Also, for God's sake, have him be different than Batista was. Let Ryan have a more expansive move set to get him over with more of the hardcore nerd fans.

That would presume Ryan is capable of executing more expansive moves. Right now, the guy looks great when standing still; it's only when he starts to move that you can see he's never going to be a great pro wrestler. He's too musclebound, has slow feet, and doesn't seem to possess the instincts required of a fluid performer. If he can somehow acquire the latter trait, more power to him.

That said, there's always use for a guy who's built like Mason Ryan, but it's in tandem with someone else who has a strong other words, a manager. I can see him with William Regal, allowing the veteran to unleash his verbal fury on all the good guys while having Mason to back him up. I can also see him alongside Ric Flair, if he ever came back.

Does that make Mason Ryan subordinate to his manager? Yes, it does. That's the only way I can see him going anywhere in the company.
Coming off survivor series, and I just re-watched the Survivor Series match. Poor, poor Mason Ryan. You can see his confidence building in the ring, but the crowd just totally rejects him in favour of Cody Rhodes taking him out. Creative have had Mason Ryan make a few saves of other wrestlers like Zack Ryder, they've had Mason Ryan almost squash Ziggler on mutliple occasions, but the crowd just will not get behind him. For whatever reason, the crowd never seems to get behind Mason Ryan as a face.

So, put yourself in creative's shoes here. Lets say the scenario is laid out like this, Vince McMahon really really wants Ryan over as a face (not saying this is or is not happening in real life, thats for you to decide.) You've just watched Survivor series play through, and heard the chants for the heel, Cody Rhodes after he took out Ryan in the survivor series match....this is not a good sign for Mason Ryan. How would you go about making Mason Ryan a viable face with support from the fans?

i say turn him into a monster face - if possible, Kane and Henry are already on it. But Big Show isnt really a monster so theres room for a face of that kind right? I'd love to seem him to feud with Miz! Cause Miz will have a alot of free time from now due to now title hunt.
And as for all the enforcer ideas, he can't be an enforcer and be a face...pretty much doesn't work.

Lol this gives me a funny idea. He can become Santino's enforcer. People won't get mad at someone protecting Santino. He could still be a face. Hell he could become a parody character of Batista mocking him every night. Fans will surely like that.
Or he could be a heel enforcer to a face Santino by helping Santino whenever he isn't looking. Like when Santino isn't looking Ryan helps him out making Santino think he wins all his matches cleanly. The only problem there is that for Ryan to get the heat Santino would have to go against faces. It would be hard to keep Santino a face when he is constantly getting dirty wins over faces whether he knows it or not. But I can imagine him hitting the Cobra and start doing his trombone dance only to have Ryan sneak in a powerbomb.

I know these ideas are dumb, but Raw almost always has a dumb comedy segment.
Sorry but Mason Ryan needs to be a heel and establish himself as a heel. I have no idea whatsoever why WWE is showcasing him to us as a face. I mean what value does he bring to us as a face other than the fact he beats up heels?

Even when he was slightly fueding with Dolph Ziggler, I still found no reason to cheer him whatsoever.

I don't mind WWE.coms idea of putting him in a updated version of Evolution as a enforcer role much like Batista, but why rehash shit?

I like the idea of turning this guy heel and putting him in a all Britsh Stable. Maybe even have him have some mic time, because I am sure as hell the North American audience would heckle him over that accent of his.
At this point and time, the crowd isn't going to accept him as a face, not with Ryder and Punk as champions. Put Ryan with Regal as his manager (it's time to bring managers back!!!!) and turn him heel. Have Ryan destroy everyone in his path while Regal gives out the orders until it's time to face Ryder. Make it seem like Ryan has second thoughts about hurting the U.S champ until Regal slaps him or talks him into the match.

From there you can have Ryan face his manager or keep the hell gimmick going and face Ryder for a bit only to be fed to Cena or Punk. This guy has the look for sure, and for the love of God give him something, anything! Raw needs faces, but if Mason Ryan needs to go heel only to eventually turn face then do it if it means getting the crowd to react FOR him and NOT against him.

Look at what happened to Alex Riley ( even though he got in the doghouse). His face turn sticked. Yes he had Miz by his side, but something like a turn on the manager could very well work!
The only way I'd push him is in the direction of a body guard. Perhaps with Tyson Kidd or David Otunga. He's not good enough to be in matches right now, anyway.
The one thing that bugs the hell out of me when it comes to Mason is the generic dodgy British accent. I saw him on local news and he talks nothing like what he does on Raw. It would be nice if they push him to be different than the generalised dodgy British wrestler.
I like Mason Ryan but I think he's way too green to be giving any relative push too. There's a lot of "monsters" on the roster as is that are more fluid in their ring work.

You have Mark Henry, Big Show, Ezekiel Jackson on Smackdown. You have Kane on RAW, with Brodus Clay and Sheffield (Ryback) both being slated to re-debut shortly. As much crap as Clay and Sheffield get, both are much better in ring workers than Ryan currently and both can pull off the dominant style. Sheffield reminds me very much so of a younger Dave Batista in his in-ring style and was rapidly improving while in FCW and his brief stint on NXT. Would easily take that over Ryan's big man style which just comes off as awkward.
I would have him run through a couple of jobbers before he even comes near mid card status. He is incredibly green right now which is why he was sent back to FCW.
I wouldn't push him, at all. I wouldn't have even hired him. He's like Ezekiel Jackson, he's big, but he has no in-ring skills at all and is totally uninteresting. He's also not really that strong, for his size. He's the bodybuilder steroid build, like Batista, built for show and not for strength. Not to say he isn't strong, obviously, but he's not as strong as you'd think. Someone like Kane isn't as sculpted looking, but is genuinely immensely strong, as he's built for strength.

So if he's not even the strongest around, what does he have to offer?

If they want a huge guy who can move and work, they have A-Train/Lord Tensai now, who is very capable in the ring, and unique looking to boot.

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