Mason Ryan RETURNS

When he first came out my thought was "Oh Shit there goes the neighborhood." I felt he would align with Vickie and destroy anyone for her. Then he turned on them and I was shocked. I didn't expect us to go from punt to the head heel Ryan to some that looked like midevil hulk. I think he could do good things as long as they do it right. No stupid smile crap like henry did but come out and just hand people their own asses. Even though Henry is a heel I love it when they let the big guys just run over people. Let him crush the mid card heels like stated before and see where he stands with the fans.
I was already not very excited to see him return, but now they're making it look like he's going face? I didn't like him as a heel but he would be goddamn horrible as a face, just the way he acted last night with the goofy ass smile and laugh after tossing Swagger was the worst shit i've seen in months. The one good thing about his return that I can say was that I was genuinely surprised, but after that it all went downhill.

Mason Ryan is a big strong dude, that's about as much as he's got going for him as a wrestler, maybe him being tan can be thrown in too. After that his in ring skills are pretty green still and I don't think he'll ever be able to talk well on the mic. Worst of all is the comparisons to Batista, the look is the only thing they have in common as Batista is actually a much better wrestler than he gets credit for by most people. Hamler said it, check out his matches with the likes of Taker and HBK, the man can wrestle, especially for a big dude which makes him that much more impressive. Ryan can be a bodybuilder and be successful there but like i've said in the past, until he makes some major improvements he is not going to be a superstar that I can respect, and i'll say it right now that I don't think he will ever be as successful or talented as Dave Batista, end of story.
Has anyone heard him talk yet? I think the guy potentially can become one of the best in the next generation of WWE monsters... Only time will tell
I liked Mason as a heel enforcer. This looks like it's going to be a terrible face run. Granted his return and face turn both caught me by surprise, but it likely won't do well in the long run because he does not seem like the type suited to be a face. He certainly isn't above Morrison or Riley. The guy randomly came back and started what will soon be a bad run as a face. He has a little potential to go further, but I don't see this ending well. I think he will end up in some filler feud that doesn't matter, lose it, and get lost in the shuffle. If Mason is going to break through then he has a lot of improvements that need to be made. He's ok on the mic but he sucks in the ring and it shows. Turning heel again will help. I don't want to see him get future endeavoured. Perhaps I'll be wrong, maybe this face turn will work. Stranger things have happened in the WWE.
Eh. I didn't care much for Ryan as the big heel enforcer of Nexus. That said, I have a hard time believing I'm going to get emotionally invested in this guy as a face. I've always thought that getting over as a face is more difficult than getting over as a heel and I have a feeling that Ryan is going to have a terrible face run. Then again, I would hate to be the type of guy who ends up biting his words in the end (after all, I did say this same thing about Vladimir Kozlov and ended up loving him as a face) so I'll give it more time before I pass final judgement.
Come on people Mason Ryan has to come back as a face or a tweener. How many monster heels does WWE need. They have Henry who is being pushed so hard as a monster heel he is all you need at the moment. If anything push Ryan as a monster but he doesnt have to be a heel. Make Goldberg like in that he is a monster but a face. Keep him away from Henry cause that will kill Ryans monster push in a minute. Put him at mid card for a while let him trounce the guys there. Maybe give him a fued with eziekel Jackson, Brodus Clay or something like that. Put him in fued where he could def lose and allow him to dominate just dont let it be squash matches. All squash matches do is take away from the guy getting squashed. He needs a monster push but a slow steady one. If he ever does clash with Henry make it right befor Henry retires have it be a battle where neither man gets the upperhand they have to be seperated and then let Henry retire and then you have yourself a new monster.
I think Ryan could be a good face. I mean, I hate to compare him to Batista like everyone else, but he has a good look and again I think he'd be a great opponent against Henry, if he's built properly. I don't see how we can't just see how he runs with it, and go from there.
This was in reply to ScottyBoy11 post about hearing Mason Ryan speak, i screwed up by clicking fast reply.

Yeah he spoke a little on Raw when he was in the Nexus, he has a thick Welsh accent and most definitely needs a lot of work on his promo skill if hes to go anywhere. I read a while ago that he was surprised at the reaction he was getting in FCW and when they decided to put the title on him he thought there was a lot of guys that were more deserving than him, so with that i would imagine that there is something there but its most probably buried deep under all that muscle and dodgy hair cuts. Get this guy into some acting classes asap to define his mental ability to speak on the mic without sounding like hes reading from a script.
Of course Mason Ryan was gonna turn face. Do none of you remember the week before when Ziggler was cutting the promo to Hugh Jackman he was going on about how great he was and how he wasn't another bland superstar with no charisma like mason ryan? it seemed a bit odd at the time for him to take a dig at ryan for no reason but as soon as he came out during the 6-man tag match i knew what would happen
A little clarifacation (sp?) on this thread, Mason Ryan did NOT return to active competition last night and he did NOT turn face last night as he has appeared on Superstars as a face over the last few weeks. This is proven by the fact that on the 8th September edition of Superstars, he defeated a heel JTG.
I think Mason Ryan could be something special. He just needs to have a bit more explosiveness about his ring style. He has good moves but he hits them too slow and seems very ponderous in between them. Give him a bit more time he may even exceed Batista.
When Vickie was sent to the back to find a third person to team with Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger, my mind immediately began to try and think of who could join their team. The thought of the third person being Brodus Clay came to mind & I was loving the idea and spent the rest of the match awaiting his arrival to the ring.

I was disappointed when Vickie returned with a returning Mason Ryan as I never really was able to invest a lot of interest in him when he was a member of CM Punk's Nexus. I did believe that if he did become a new addition to Vickie's stable, that it may be possible for me to begin to care about him in the ring.

When he entered the ring, and turned on Dolph Ziggler, I didn't know what to think but wasn't a huge fan of the idea. I'm not too sure where a face Mason Ryan would fit into the scheme of things on Raw or Smackdown. That being said, I'm not even sure if a heel Mason Ryan is needed, but I think it would be easier to put him in into the shuffle as a heel rather than a face.

It's much easier for a wrestler to be a heel and be disliked compared to being cheered as a face, and I believe that Mason Ryan would be a better investment as a heel.

I was extremely surprised to see Mason Ryan compete in the twelve-man tag main event the following week, especially over Zack Ryder who has receiving quite the push in recent weeks, so it seems like the WWE is serious when it comes to a face Mason Ryan.
this is great!! glad to see he is back. he is looking pretty good, needs a little more experience but experience is gained by doing it so i expect he will do pretty good. now im just waiting for skip sheffield to return and my master plan will be complete :devil:
I think that Mason Ryan shouldn't come back like this. He has to prove himself more as a wrestler, build up his in-ring skills and I think coming back as an enforcer for a top heel is better than having him come back as a face because he can have short squash matches to show his strength while not a lot of technique is needed. He looks ******ed screaming and 'intimidating' others in his entrance - He looks like Jack Swagger back in ECW, even more stupid. His physique should not be wasted and I think building him as a heel can make him more credible than having him be a face. By the way cool jobber theme and messed up hairstyle.

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