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In ring debut of Mason Ryan


Championship Contender
So on Raw last night we seen the in ring debut of Mason Ryan in WWEand even a lil mic action. What were your alls thoughts???

From someone who knows nothing about FCW (myself) iv never been introduced to this guy. Just seen his run ins with Nexus. I was very impressed with this guy. His look, and move set, everything.I think he can be a bigplayer in WWE, and if he was to get away from Nexus i could see him as a wwe championship contender reaqlly soon...
Last night's "match" was absolutely atrocious. I couldn't believe how sloppy R-Truth and Mason Ryan were with each other. As if R-Truth was bad enough on his own, they actually thought it was logical to put him in the ring with someone as green as Mason Ryan. It was a bad decision by the WWE and the segment came out as being horrific.
My thoughts personally I enjoyed it.

I quite like that they seem to have given him a submission move as a finisher instead of a powerbomb which I was expecting. I think the match was very sloppy as R-Truth lost his a nerve a lil after being booed for saying wrong place name and went downhill from there for him.
I hate they even put R-Truth in the elimination chamber. He got destroyed by Mason Ryan. R-Truth is a mid carder and should stay there. They mad him look so weak last night it's not even funny. At least the ways Sheamus, Orton and Morrison got hurt was believable to make them look like strong competitors .
The match was very sloppy indeed. I dont blame Mason Ryan, he's green, the rest will come with experience. A bad move by WWE. But Ryan has to learn so not alot you can do...
I'm going to agree with D-Man. The match seemed very sloppy, and i was expecting more reaction from Mason from certain events.


*Like when the ref kept taking the chair, if he is really some tough dude then i would expect him to shove the ref out of the way and take the chair from him. Not abide by the ref rules and show no anger towards the official.

*It really wasn't much of a showcase of his move set at all. He primarily focused on truth's leg, so he was limited in this match.


*I'm digging how he says stuff in another language then says it in English. It's different and it gives him character.

*At least if nothing else, he dominated a top mid-card on the raw roster. Which gives him some good credit as a macho dude.
I think the WWE drop the ball last night with Truth vs Ryan. Ryan should had a squash match with a local wrestler or just interfere in all the Elimination Chamber participants matches. I love wwe been watching for over 30yrs and there is no excuse for that match it hurt both wrestlers.
First off, why R-Truth is even in the Elimination Chamber is beyond me when you have someone like Daniel Bryan(i know he is the US champion but still), Ted DiBiase, even Mark Henry like they said yesterday....but, anyway

As far as Mason Ryan goes, I think he needs to be put in a tag team or something so he doesnt need to carry a match by himself, because, I dont think he is there yet. Although, in his defense, he was facing R-Truth last night, and he isnt exactly the best guy to have a match with.

I think, in time, Mason Ryan will be a big time player in the WWE, just not quite yet. If you remember, they said that about both John Cena, and Batista in the beginning too, and we know how big of stars they became.
That match was so ughh.

Mason Ryan is pretty green but damn R-truth could have tried harder to sell moves but thats not the point. What made this match worse was that the crowd was bored out of his mind I think Mason should have been able to use the steel chair on R-truths leg instead of doing whatever thing he did with truths leg onto his neck :p.

Shake my head I expected better from Ryan but he is green but hopefully in a year he will be better
The only good thing was a pretty innovative Finish Maneuver by Ryan

The match itself was horrible and the thing at the end with ref was like WTF how many times does he take the chair before you grab the ref and slap him in the same move

I also think truth might be the sacrificial lamb of the EC and might not even make it in ala Kofi and Edge taking his place
R-Truth. Man, I remember when people here were saying that he should be pushed to the moon. I'm sure now you see it basically the same way I always have, in that he should be shoved aside, not pushed up. Anyway. Don't be so hasty to hate on Ryan's abilities. We've seen practically nothing of this guy on WWE programming, and there's no reason why he can't improve and become a more powerful and distinguished character.

Don't forget how Batista started out. A mean, green, slamming machine who rarely talked. A man we were to just be amazed to look at. As time went on, Batista improved greatly, and his feud with Triple H in 2005 was just awesome. Batista started off just seeming to be a powerhouse without the true tools of a superstar, but that feud showed his character to have drive and ambition, and a need to succeed his mentor in HHH. I see no reason why Mason Ryan can't walk a similar path. I'm not saying he doesn't need to improve on what we saw on Monday, but I don't think we should judge him so harshly when the man has only had one match infront of a WWE audience against a pretty sloppy worker in R-Truth.
Seriously that "submission" Mason Ryan applied was pretty darn pathetic, R-Truth couldn't sell it to save his life. I can imagine WWE Creative facepalm at R-Truth's pathetic-ness (with them putting him in EC and all...).

On the other hand, yeah he will be a big player with WWE but no "really soon" more like in the next 3 years maybe.
Mason Ryan did good in his debut match on Raw. But then again Mason Ryan is my favorite in FCW and he has been my favorite in FCW for the past year.
Honestly, Ryan is not ready for the main roster. But Nexus needed a new member, & he's a big, imposing guy. I just wish there was someone in FCW who was more ready for this spot. I wonder if WWE might have considered putting Ryan on NXT & putting Brodus Clay in Nexus? Clay is definitely farther along in his development, & he has the imposing look Nexus was lacking. Of course, it takes 2 guys to make a match, & R Truth was pretty poor in his own right, both on the mic & in the ring.
That match was wiggidy whack. I mean if they (WWE) were going to let Truth win regardless, they might as well had of saved us from that crap of a match by letting Ryan destroy Truth before the bell even rang. Like damn, don't give us a half assed product. Couldn't Ryan and Truth have faced each other in house shows or something? I hate to sound "funny", but Ryan has the look and profile to be a huge star, but damn, don't kill off his potential by having him in lame ass matches, doing lame ass shit.

BTW, didn't I tell yall that McMahon big announcement was that he had a big announcement?
BTW, didn't I tell yall that McMahon big announcement was that he had a big announcement?


Btw I like the Brodus Clay idea, I think he'd fit in a bit easier and he does look imposing. But I wouldn't consider putting Ryan in NXT, he said it himself, he's too green.
I literally puked once I saw that trash yesterday. Mason Ryan's debut was about as impressive as Gillberg's WWE run. There is no way in hell that he should have been booked like that yesterday. The submission move that he applied looked half-way decent, but that move is a Brock Lesnar throw back. But Mason Ryan moves didn't look impactful at all. His hits and clotheslines all looked weak. You can't just blame R Truth for not selling them. If I got hit from a pussy, I would sell moves look like a pussy also. Until Mason Ryan can make his hits believable, I will not believe all the hype that everyone has for him.

I'm not saying that he can't be a force to be reckoned with. I'm just saying he needs a lot of work before he can get there. And a lot of work before he ever steps into the ring ever again.
Other then the lack of crowd support, which was due to Truths mistake in the promo (which happens, it is live TV after all) I enjoyed the match. It wasnt the worst match I've seen and it made Ryan look like he does somewhat know what he's doing.

The move he used is known as a stretch muffler, and was originally used by Brock Lesner and called the Brock Lock. Its good to see it again as it was one of my favorite submission, both in its uniqueness, its painful look and its ability to make the guy doing it look like an absolute monster.

Ryan is definitely still green, and he knows that. But at least he is a wrestler at heart. I think he is gonna work his ass off to improve and I look forward to seeing him become a dominate force. And, hey! at least he's not David Otunga.
In terms of getting heat on Ryan, it went tits-up. Even just R-Truth saying the wrong place name got Truth 10x more heat than Mason Ryan. I would have booked him against a stronger opponent and giving him a win, making him look like a force to be reckoned with.
R-Truth somehow managed to botch the move where he runs into the turnbuckle and jumps over the guys head that all fliers do... How? I've seen divas in FCW do better than Truth did yesterday. That being said, Ryan impressed me, taking into consideration who he was facing. It was his first match on the main roster, and the first match is usually the hardest, even if you know how to do it perfectly from training. I actually liked the submission (Especially when he stood up with Truth's leg still around his neck) and didn't feel like I wasted my time watching them wrestle.
Just to get one thing out of the way about people complaining about R-Truth being in the chamber and wanting someone like Bryan or DiBiase to be in it. Bryan and DiBiase would be filler just like R-Truth is.

Mason Ryan's debut was unspectacular but that's the case for many wrestlers. He's still green and I don't believe they're going to put him in a lot of high-profile matches. It was with the same way with Batista when he started out. Ryan's match was bad but I'm not going to say he should be future endeavored as a result. In a few months, we can evaluate him and see where he's at.
It wasn't the greatest WWE in ring debut or performance by a long shot (probably even overshadowed by R-Truth's blip at the start of the match). He has obviously performed admirably in FCW for WWE to want to push him as quick as they appear to be doing so. It is clear to see that Mason Ryan has potential; he has the look and size WWE like. He is unique in that he is one of a select few Welsh born wrestlers to make a name for himself (others of note - Adrian Street and more recently Rob Terry in TNA). He can provide something different storyline wise other than the usual English, Irish and Scottish performers/gimmicks.

It was good to see someone of his size take a different approach with their finishers. as someone else said, you'd expect a powerbomb, spinebuster or spear from someone of his build. But to give him a submission finisher is interesting indeed; although that needs a little bit of spit and polish in my opinion. Truth really was horrible in this match and there's not a lot more I can say about that.

Mason Ryan can only go onwards and upwards from here though. I hope.
Theres really nothing to say about this match, he didnt bump at all, he didnt sell well, he didnt do a decent offensive manuever..... I could go on forever. Mason Ryans debut would probably get a 2 out of 10 from me.
Why does a man that size need to use a submission move??? Poorly executed and awkwardly applied, might I add. Hey, if Rey and JoMo wanna try this in the middle of a match, by all means, go for it. But I am pretty sure that RTruth wasnt sure what was going on during the end of that match. I was at least hoping he would do that sitout rock bottom that he did to John Cena, instead we got 3 body slams (IN A ROWWW!!!!sarcasm) and by the way, once Mason Ryan stood up with RTruth it pretty much eliminates the pressure, so Im sure Truth was thinking "should I really sell this..?":wtf:

Then again, Batista was one of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen and he won multiple world titles based on the veins the size of garder snakes in his arms.:shrug:
i really had hopes for mason ryan & the more he is on screen i realize the problem. batista. besides being real new to the machine, he dosent have alot in the ring to work with. no matter how much he gains in the ring or on the mic- he will always be compared to batista. he wont be able to shake it & probably wont be elevated any higher than mid card squash matches until another monster comes along. its sad, bc he has potential- but i dont see it happening.

all of the biggest wwe\f stars have had their own identity. it makes them unique & allows vince to build the character up without all the comparisons that would otherwise destroy the potential. stone cold, rock, taker, hhh, cena, savage, hogan. they have embodied their personas & set themselves apart from all. most even carrying the characters into other forms of entertainment. if you are constantly compared to another wrestler b\c of the exact same look- you wont go far. anyone remember how long the 'fake' raror ramon\diesel lasted? exactly.

somehow i think that if he was in tna he might have a better chance. if this was baseball, i would trade him for Rob Terry. Rob has a very unique look, decent in-ring ability, & strong as hell. in some ways, he is the anti-mason ryan. so if wwe wants to build a brittish monster who can go somewhere, choose Rob Terry. TNA wants batista so bad, give them mason ryan.
I have been really waiting for his debut. Last night did nothing to justify my anticipation.

First thing is first... He obviously needs some work. There are things in place for him to succeed. His size, strength, physique and spot in Nexus is a genuine start for a solid push.

I think a meeting should be called immediately and the topic for that meeting should be a finisher for the guy. That whole debacle surrounding the ending of his match and the move he was using, came off really shitty.

I think a solid high impact move to finish people will work wonders for him. Since he looks like Batista, it would probably be better if they avoided his move set. Do not have this guy finish his matches with a Powerbomb or Spinebuster. Also, no Chokeslams. It has been done to death.

I think a nice looking power move could come off very easily with him using his strength. Maybe bringing back a move that hasn't been done much lately would be good. A Full Nelson Bomb or A Pump Handle Slam would be just the ticket.

EDIT: A move much like WCW's Wrath using The Meltdown.

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