IMPACT Wrestling LD for 07.14.11

Great. More Network stuff that results in people simply talking about power changes instead of showing us such changes.
Yeah, this officially got creepy. Nobody has brought that many clowns to the ring since ICP wrestled for WCW.
It's getting to the point where I genuinely can't tell if I love or hate Joker Sting. It's so stupid, but he's so good at it.
I'm not saying this at all to start a fight, but is this supposed to be PPV style Impact or does it just have a fancy name and will be a regular Impact?
No it is just some matches that would have been on the PPV.

So it's not really like "The Whole Effin Show" or anything right? I didn't read the press release so I want to know where to keep my expectations.

On another note, Roode has to win this right?
I have no idea why they do not give Joe a different look.

He needs to be redefined, but I think you're seeing that over the last few weeks. My guess is he loses tonight, again, likely getting pinned and furthers his frustration the way he did when he first left for the Nation of Violence re-package.

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