I'm afraid of Eugene...

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
... well, not of Eugene, but Eugene pairing up with Hornswoggle.

When it seemed like all the hope was lost to Hornswoggle continue his mediocre run in the WWE, it appears that Eugene has signed with WWE.

So, I'm afraid that Eugene will pair up with Hornswoggle in what I would call: "Piss Break Extravaganza".

Does anyone cares about Hornswoggle anyway? Screw the kids. No one cares about Hornswoggle, and sure as hell no one cares about the Eugene character anyway. Dinsmore is a great wrestler portraying a bad character, he was over as hell like.... 6 years ago! It doesn't really matter now, no one cares and no one should care, he sucks as much as Hornswoggle does as a character.
i dont even think eugene is gonna be wrestling. i hate horny as much as the next guy, but i dont think they are gonna be pairing up. but come to think of it, i can see it now. chavo beats the hell outta horny finally, then that eugene music starts playing. ya never know...
i dont even think eugene is gonna be wrestling.

It looks like Eugene will in fact be wrestling. The following is from Wrestlezone Uk:

Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore made his return to WWE last night at the SmackDown/ECW live event in Manchester, New Hampshire. Eugene wrestled Ricky Ortiz in the fourth match of the night. Eugene played the face and confused gimmick for the fans. Eugene got the roll-up on Ortiz for the win.

So from this it looks as though Eugene will be wrestling on Smackdown for the time being. As for the proposed pairing of him and Hornswoggle, as much as people may not like it, it does make sense and probably will happen even if it doesn't occur immediately...and yes, that will probably spell more humiliation for Chavo Guerrero.
Wow. I could see that happening. I would hate that storyline. I wish they would let Nick Dinsmore actually let his in ring work speak for itself, and not have this gimmick. I always thought he was technically sounds and could have some excellent matches with some of the other in ring techs. So, Hornswoggle, Golddust, Eugene, and Festus in a faction? OMG! It would be pretty funny I think. What would we call them?
I'm really rather indifferent about Eugene coming back. He was over before he got released, after all. Eugene/The Swoggle would form a crowd popping machine. And we might be free of these Chavo/Swoggle matches. That means that I don't have to see Chavo anymore! ..At least, I shouldn't have to see Chavo anymore.

At any rate, yeah. Eugene coming back or Eugene staying at home, it doesn't effect anything at all. He'll just take up the same time The Swoggle does. 5 or 6 minutes a Raw, with plenty of stupid shit to take up the time. It'll be great nap material.
I would like to see him and Santino team up. It would be pure comical genious. At least it would get Santino back in the ring and not backstage.

Or even, and I know it would never work because it wouldn't make sense, but Eugene and Festus teaming up... It would be like watching the special olympics. All the kids would want them to win. Actually, I could see that happening in the PG era.
Have Eugene team up with Horny... turn on him and become partners with Chavo! Get rid of the whole Eugene gimmick and give him a new bad ass persona and let him and Chavo have a run as a serious tag team!
I can see it now..Horny,Eugene,and Festus all riding down to the ring in a yellow short bus like the special kids ride it. Since JBL is gone no one is riding to the ring in an automobile anymore.
Eugene vs Chavo matches should be pretty good. Both guys are talented. Maybe we'll see Chavo beating the shit out of Horny for the next few weeks until Horny paints a black hole in the wall and Eugene pops out or something stupid like that...
Eugene without the gimmick would suck. To everyone who thinks otherwise, you're wrong. Pairing him up with Festus would be awesome. They would even look right together! I'm not a huge fan of his, but in this kid friendly environment, he could really thrive with that character.
I've always felt that the Eugene character was just a BIT too close to making fun of the mentally handicapped. Not that I'm particularly offended, I just always wondered how they got away with it.
I've had the thought for a long time to turn Eugene. Make the whole dimwit thing be that hes faking it, start showing short little blips of him going out of character, showing actual smarts with a mean streak. Get him lined up with someone and slowly start the turn out of character, then into a feud. Would make him into an instant heal. Develop that into a more straight up character.
The PG rating screams for someone like Eugene. But, BLERG. Seriously, apparently he can wrestle but the gimmick doesn't let him show that AT ALL. It's awful.

The WWE doesn't need a gimmick like that. If they want to bring in more viewers, bring him back with a proper gimmick and let him WRESTLE. I guess it does go with the PG rating, but it's not going to last long. Won't be long before you see him on ECW, I'll tell you that much.
I've heard Dinsmore can really go. I've never bothered to watch perhaps more than 1 match (Pre-debut). He seemed Ok, but God does his look & all out physique just suck. I'm not one of those guys who are all about being 7 feet tall and juiced up by any means. I'm almost positive that they gave him this ******ed gimmick because he literally looks hard to take seriously (hence....they made it so you don't have to).

Hornswoggle is equally terrible (talk about overstaying one's welcome, huh?) But yes I can see the tag team forming now. Scary. Sucky. I don't even put it out of the question to have horny pin Big Show for a tag-title change. As if the tag titles weren't worthless enough.

Still Eugene is a part of one of my all time favorite stand up & cheer moments. It was ECW: One Night Stand 06'. Eugene opens up the ppv to the horror/disgust of the entire Manhattan center. Of course then the Sandman comes out and relentlessly cane's him and runs him outta the bldg. Now that my friends is how you open an ECW show, a drunk caning a ******. I submit this post smiling :)

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