If you could pick your own WWE Champions, who would it be and why?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
This is a thread that I did about a year and a half ago. It ended up getting a ton of responses. I thought I'd do it again, now that there are a ton of new people who weren't around for the other one. (If a similar thread exists, feel free to merge them then. I couldn't find one.)

Here are the rules.

You can pick anyone to hold any of the championships in the federation. You can NOT bring back old titles. You can NOT bring in someone who is not currently working for the federation. You also can NOT break gender rules (guys holding female titles, women holding any championship but their division's). Basically, it has to be someone who could hold the title in real life and be booked to win it on this week's tv show. You can also discuss how long you'd want them to hold it, and potential feuds. Oh, and one last rule.... No one should be holding more than one belt. Let's try to be creative and not have any dual-weilders.... and no unifying any of the belts unless the federation has done so in real life.

Dont forget to include WHY you'd give someone a belt.

I'll go first.

WWE Championship
Wade Barrett. Seriously. Everyone complains about how there is no one new to the title scene (and that Sheamus wasn't good enough) so why not let Barrett hold the title? He's been pushed so much after NXT with the whole Nexus angle. He would be someone new to the world title scene on Raw and it could continue the Nexus angle in an interesting way. They could build up a face to defeat him.... so that he won't get fed to Cena/Orton/Trips.

US Championship
I agree with WWE on this one. Daniel Bryan was a perfect choice. He could feud with all sorts of midcarders and establish himself as a star with this reign.

WWE Tag Team Championship
The Hart Dynasty should not have lost the belts. They'd win them back and start their reign over again, but this time I would have them feuding with teams from both brands. One PPV they could face a Raw team, next they'd face a Smackdown team, and so forth. The belts are for both shows, so they should be defended on both shows, and by a legit tag team.

World Heavyweight Championship
Jack Swagger. I enjoyed his reign and a second would be good. He could hold it all the way until the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber, since he would most likely not be defending it at Wrestlemania this early in his career.

IC Championship
This one's a little more difficult. Most of the guys on Smackdown either do not need the belt, or are not good enough to feud for a belt yet. I'd probably give it to Kaval because he needs to get a title shot now that he won the second season of NXT. This would help him get established, much like Bryan's US title reign will.

Divas Championship
I agree with WWE on making Michelle McCool be the champ. She was the first to hold both belts, so she deserved to unify them. As far as feuds or how long it lasts.... I seriously don't care because both female divisions are terrible. Random feuds until she loses it to some random challenger.

Ok, now let's see what the rest of you have to say.

Moderator Note - Please use this post as a template and remember that when you are answering this thread, that you give reasons to support your choices. Otherwise, it will be removed and you will be disciplined!
WWE Champ: The Miz - He's ready to show if he can carry a brand. Now's the time while he still can get major heat.
US Champ: Daniel Bryan - It was the right choice to also see if he can develop as a "Major League" star.
Tag Team: Hart Dynasty - Right now they are the only established team. A long run would help develope the tag team division.
World Champ:Drew McIntyre - I'm sorry but his entrance is the best in the WWE, he has the skills, give him a title reign and see if he's the next big star or the next Kenny Dykstra.
Intercontinetal: Alberto Del Rio - Established in Mexico, gets tons of heat, and I'm sorry his cocky attitude and smile are freaking awesome. Great heal give him the minor title and see if he can run with it like in Mexico.
Diva's: Natalya - She's not the best looking, but is the best wrestler
WWE Title: Even though I hate the Miz, I think he needs to cash in MITB. He could have a pretty good feud with Orton, or they could work a 3-way feud with Orton, Sheamus, & the Miz. So, amazingly, I'm saying the Miz. And I hate the Miz.

WHC: CM Punk. For some reason, he's been burried recently, but he'd be the perfect heel champion right now. Kane & the Undertaker don't need a belt for their feud. Let Punk build up the SES and build himself up as a great heel champion. I'd let him keep the belt until at least the Royal Rumble.

IC: I like Ziggler, but I'm agreeing with the person who said Alberto Del Rio. He's quickly become one of my favorites, and he could have some good feuds with Christian, Mysterio, Kofi, etc. Del Rio isn't as young as some other guys, & he needs to be fast tracked. Let him run with the IC title.

US Title: Daniel Bryan. He's the best guy for it: mid carder who can put on a decent match with just about anyone. Have him defend it frequently, & let him hold it for a while.

Tag Titles: Hart Dynasty, because they're the only real tag team worthy of holding it. But the bigger issue is that the titles themselves are forgotten. But, give to Harts & let them actually wrestle. Or, better yet, let them work a story line with someone. WWE never gave the Usos feud a decent chance.

Women's Title: McCool is fine. She can give the title credibility.
WWE - Randy Orton. For now he should hold the title and when Miz gets pushed just a tad more then they could have an awesome fued.

United States - Daniel Bryan. It will make him more established in the WWE and could let him open up on the mic.

World Champ - CM Punk. Please let him have the belt. I mean seriously, he is one the most over heels and could be a great main eventer if he was given a chance.

IC - Kaval/Alberto De Rio. They need more established so giving them a mid-card title would really help push them to be future main eventers. They could even fued with eachother.

Tag Titles - I would say Rhodes/McIntyre but they barely had any matches together, so I have to give it to the Uso's because they were very dominate during their debut but are being burried now. Giving them the titles would be great.

Diva's - Michelle McCool. It's been stated before that she was the first to hold both titles so it only makes sense that she would be the one to unify them.
WWE Champion - John Cena
I am NOT a Cena mark, nor do I hate the man. But we have HIAC coming up in a few weeks, and there arn't to many people on RAW I would like to see in that match for the title. Plus John Cena has shown us that when he defends the title, it's literally a toss up who will leave with said belt. I'd put a face Cena against Barret (which we'll likely see anyway) for the belt, as opposed to Orton (who won't drop the belt for a VERY long time) against Sheamus, who I just can't see taking much advantage of the cell.

United States Champion - Danial Bryan
Once again, not a mark nor a hater. But he is a HUGE name outside the WWE, and giving him this title shows they are willing to take him in, make him one of their own, and build him up as a solid main eventer with time. All I wish is that when he drops the belt, it is to ANYONE that has never held singles gold before. Keep the push going.

World Champion - Kane
I like Kane as the World Champion, he's finally getting the push he deserves. Smackdown doesn't have alot of people I could personally buy as a World Champion right now, but hopefully when Kane drops the title (hopefully not to Taker) it'll be to someone that don't already have a shitload of title runs like Edge.

Intercontinential Champion - Dolph Ziggler
In my mind, Dolph is plain and boring. HOWEVER, he IS defending the title regularly, making it mean something again, and with the title and Vickie Guerrero, he's going to put some prestige back on the belt. As with any midcard title, as long as the champ is seen weekly, and is involved in a program involving the title (Not like the Miz with his first US title) then I am fine with it. Keep pushing midcard titles and their holders.

Tag Team Champion - A real team.
I am one of many who dislikes thrown together teams. They rarely work very well. Miz and Morrison were a rare example, and they were mostly successful because of the Dirt Sheet IMO. JeriShow were main eventers before they won the titles. I see Rhodes and McIntyre fading into the backdrop before dropping the titles, hopefully I'm proved wrong. Singles guys should fight for singles belts. Give the tag titles to Santino and Kozlov, at least they'd defend them weekly, dispite being a comedy act.

Womans Champion - Maryse
She did good as champion, and I have a hate for LayCool, simply for making a joke out of the Womans Title by breaking it in half. The womans division sucks anyway, we don't need these clowns hogging what little spotlight the divas have left.
WWE Championship: Wade Barret - He's the leader of " one of most dominant factions" in WWE history. and He's not WWE champion yet? In the words of the Hurricane . "WHATS UP WIT DAT!"

US Champion: Daniel Bryan - the right choice and this could mean the US title will mean something again.

TagTeam: Nexus (any two members) - I think they really need to win championships if they can be at the level like NWO and Evolution.

World champion: Christian - He is long over due for a world championship. He has accomplished everything in the wwe except winning the big one.

Intercontinental: Cody Rhodes - WWE is giving him a huge push right now and I think the Intercontinental title is the right choice for him.

Divas: natalya - because she's the one of the few divas in WWE that can wrestle and she nedds to win it.
WWE Champion: I would've kept it on Sheamus. My idea was for Sheamus to keep it until HIAC, have Orton win, and then have Miz cash in and win the title immediately after. What a way to piss off Orton fans!

World Heavyweight Champion: Drew McIntyre. Kane, Mysterio, Taker and Show is not my idea of a main event picture. It needs some new life desperately.

Intercontinental Champion: I like Dolph Ziggler right where he's at. Del Rio will have his time in the future.

United States Champion: Daniel Bryan works for me. Seems to me that they wanna push him as the next Angle/Benoit-type technical wrestler. His big submission victory is an excellent start.

WWE Tag Team Champions: I'm a fan of the Gate Crashers. They have an HBK-Diesel vibe to em.

Women's Champion: Michelle McCool. Unifying the titles, giving them to LayCool was the obvious decision to me. Good call.
Unified Divas Champion: Beth Phoenix- easily the best wrestler in the womens division and deserves the most
US Champion: Evan Bourne- he needs some prestige he has never won a championship in wwe and it could elevate him into some really decent midcard battles
Intercontinetal champion: Christian- For gods sake hes an awesome wrestler so atleast give him a midcard title!
WWE tag team championships Darren Young and Daniel Bryan- think about it the 2 ex members of Nexus holding a championship before anyone out of nexus?
World Heavyweight Championship MVP - i want to see him have a major push and get what he deserves in the WWE it should DEFFO happen!
WWE Championship Triple H bring him back and show everyone he is still dominant and can still cut it with the new kids!
WWE Title - Randy Orton. The guy has put in the time and this Viper thing is sick. He is the Austin for the new generation.

World Title - John Morrison. I mean lets me honest here, the guy has the look and the skill set to be "THE" guy. No doubt in my mind, if they give this guy a change he is the next HBK. And thats saying alot cause HBK is my favorite of all time

IC Title - John Cena. I know people are going to get on my case about this but hear me out. Remember back in the day when the mid card titles meant almost as much as the World title? Thats because they had superstars fighting over them like they actually mattered. People my age and older remember the matches HBK put on over this belt and Mr Perfect, Bret Hart, Rock, Austin. Have a big star make this title mean something again instead of the watered down version it has become.

US Title - Edge. Same situation as IC Title. Make this titles actually mean something!

Tag Team - Hart Dyansty. My reason for picking them is cause they are really the last of "tag team wrestling" its not like there is much to pick from these days

Womens/Divas - Natalya. I am honestly surprised she hasnt had this belt yet. She is the best wrestler they have on the roster and she hasnt even gotten a chance with the belt. Put it on her and let her run with it
ok lets see here.

wwe championship- i would have liked to see wwe keep the title on sheamus to build him up some more. unfortunatly wwe makes him look like a week champion. he needs more credibility.
runner ups- the miz, john morrison, and wade barrett.

world heavywieght championship- cm punk is the best smackdown has to offer. he has everything going for him. he is already a 3 time world champion and he was great when he held the belt. hes had some great fueds and hes amazing on the mic. he can be loved and can be hated. hes an amazing transitional champion just like jericho.
runners up- drew mcintyre and christian

may i just add its long over do for kane to become world champion i just wish it was alittle sooner. he deserves it.

us championship- wwe could not have picked anyone better the daniel bryan to carry the title. his in ring ability is flawless and he is a great performer. this is a great way to start to build him up and make him a main eventer
runners up- ted dibiase. wwe really needs to start building him up.

intercontinental championship- drew mcintyre needs to be built up more in my opinion. he has the in ring ability and he is the future of the wwe.
runners up- alberto del rio and cody rhodes.

tag team championship- nexus. they have been on a rampage destroying the best in the buisness. i think they need some kind of championship.
runners up- the uso's

divas championship- gail kim. aside from natalya shes the best womans wrestler wwe has to offer. if you disagree go look at some of the amazing matches she had in tna. o and not to metion when she first came to wwe she won won the womans championship.
runners up- natalya.
World Heavyweight Champion:The Big Show,becuase he hasn't won any titles ever since he was drafted to SmackDown.Plus if did won a title,it would give him a boost in his career.

WWE Tag Team Champions:Evan Bourne and Rey Mysterio,because they both have the same high-flying ability,plus they would make a great team together.

United States Champion:John Morrison,because Morrison has been on a roll lately,and he has beaten some of the top superstars on Raw.So he would be my pick as United States Champion.

WWE Champion:For the WWE Championship,I have no idea becuase I'm getting for the WWE Championship.It is always the SAME exact people who goes after the title.For example,here are the people who goes after the title:John Cena,Randy Orton,Sheamus,Edge,Chris Jericho,etc.So I really don't know.

Intercontinental Champion:Kaval,becuase he has the potential to become the Intercontinental Champion for SmackDown.Now if we can only get rid of Laycool breathing down his neck.

Women's Champion:Beth Phoenix,because their is NO question at all.
WWE Champion - Randy Orton. The guy is arguably the most over in WWE right now. He has been very consistent inside the ring and in my opinion this title reign has been LONG over due! I think he could take this title feud with guys like; Wade Barrett, The Miz, John Morrison (just to put in some new faces), John Cena, and Edge.

World HeavyWeight Champion - CM Punk nuff said. This guy has been one of the most over guys on SmacKDown with the straight Edge Society and his promo are always very entertaining along with his In-Ring Ability. CM Punk if given the chance could dominate the SmackDown Brand like Edge did in 07.

Intercontinental Champion - Alberto Del Rio. The guy has impressed since eh stepped foot in the WWE. With his aggressive attitude, his cocky arrogance, his luxurious look, and pearly whites he is definitely in the line for a IC Championship and I would love if he was on my Brand.

United States Champion - Daniel Bryan. The guy has shown he is one of the best from his In-Ring Ability since day one on WWE NXT. The guy has a HUGE following and could use the belt as an opportunity to prove himself and get over.

WWE Unified Tag Team Championships - The Hart Dyansty. They are the only established team in WWE right now. I think giving McIntyre and Rhodes the title was a wrong move. These guys could've had some classic matches with the expansion they were given.

WWE Unified Women's Champion - Gail Kim. She single handedly revolutionized the almost non existent Women's Division in TNA with her battles against Awesome Kong. She is your actual women's wrestler who has beauty to go along with it. Gail Kim could very well do the same thing with the WWE Women's Division and revolutionize it and bring that spark back into the Division.
WWE Championship - Sheamus: Ok, so I chose Sheamus for one simple reason, and that is he hasn't been given the title run he needs. Yeah he's a two-time World Champion, but how many defenses did he win clean? What I'm saying is that they should have kept the strap on Sheamus a little longer and have him actually go over some people cleanly, that way he would look like a more credible champion.

World Heavyweight Championship - Kane/CM Punk: This one is pretty much a toss up. On one hand I think Kane should have some more time to enjoy this title run he deserves, but on the other hand I want to see CM Punk actually make some progress and get into the main-event again. If I could have my way, I would let Kane's reign go for a while longer then let him drop it to 'Taker and then have 'Taker drop it to Punk due to Kane interference and let the feud go on from there. If this happened, then I would absolutely mark out at the potential of a Kofi/Punk feud over the title.

Intercontinental Championship - Dolph Ziggler: While Dolph can't really get over w/o Vickie at the moment, I still think he deserves this reign. This guy has tried to with the title so many times it became ridiculous to even put him in a match with the title involved. I would like to see him go on with this reign for at least a few more months.

United States Championship - Daniel Bryan: Wouldn't change a thing about this, Bryan deserves a good long reign with the title and I hope he gets it. With Daniel Bryan as the US Champ, there is a potential for many great mid-card feuds in the air.

WWE Tag Team Championships - ????: I really don't know where I would go with this one. Personally I find the Heart Dynasty incredibly bland and boring, but then again there aren't many credible tag-teams in WWE to give the titles to. You have guys like the Dudebusters, the Usos, and of course Hawkins and Archer, but you barely see these guys on tv anymore, not to mention there was 0 build for any team so it really hard to pick one over the other. In the end, I suppose Dashing Dreams was the best choice out of the bunch to go with. :shrug:

Undisputed Divas Championship - Melina: Melina is (arguably) the most over diva in WWE right now, and I really would have liked her to go over a NOC rather then Michelle. While I don't really have a problem with Michelle (besides her gimmick of being annoying) I think Melina would have been a better choice in the end. Overall, I suppose I'm ok with McCool being champion though, again :shrug:
OK this sounds like a fun thread so I will present my list to you. :)

Undisputed Women's Championship
I agree with the WWE's decision on Michelle McCool being the new Undisputed Womens Champion. Since Mickie James was let go earlier this year and the injuries to Beth Phoenix & Melina, Michelle was the one woman that really stood out as the top competitor in the Women's division. Now that she has the titles hopefully she will have the chance to travel between both shows and be able to try and revive the sinking womens division (although I'm not getting my hopes up here).

WWE Tag Team Championship
I understand the choice of giving the belts to Cody & Drew but my pick for the tag team champions is the former champs The Hart Dynasty. For my nickel the WWE has not done enough to really show them as a dominating tag team and they never even went to Smackdown to defend the titles so they should be given another chance to be champions and have better exposure as champs.

United States Championship
Once again I like the choice of the WWE with Daniel Bryan since his return at Summerslam (aka Summerfest LOL) he has been on a hot streak actually winning matches unlike his time on NXT Season 1. Winning the US title officially places him in the spot light so everyone can really see what the Indy sensation is all about. Plus his technical ability in the ring will make for some amazing matches with the likes of R-Truth, JoMo, Borne, Riley, and even some of the Nexus crews over the title.

Intercontinental Championship
This one is a toss up for me. I have seen the title be at the forefront of some great matches on Smackdown over the pass year but as great as some of the men are who have recently held the title (Kofi, Dolph, Drew, & JoMo) I want to use this pick as some who legitly should be the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Championship and that pick is.....Jack Swagger. He has has a hell of a year since Wrestlemaina winning the MiTB match and going on to be World Heavyweight Champion, but hear me out here, he can return to dominance again by taking the IC title and defending it against every person on the roster and then not only would that add prestige to the IC title but show his dominance as a competitor over everyone on the roster (not just Rey Rey). Plus the feuds he could generate for that title would be great to watch especially Swagger vs. Christian II.

Now for the big ones.....

World Heavyweight Championship
The current situation on SD has Kane vs Undertaker for the Title and in my opinion it would be a very compelling story without the title involved because they are both very big name stars so I would actually give this title to someone who has not had a major singles title in quite some time and my choice would be the Big Show (Yes he was ECW champion but obviously to the WWE that doesn't count as a major world title to them). He has had a strong push as a major face on Smackdown and him holding on to the title would not only make the title look great but also who ever was able to defeat him for it would give them instant credibility as a major name not only for Smackdown but also the WWE, plus the natural charisma that the Big Show has would make for some great and funny promos.

WWE Championship
In recent months we have seen the WWE title picture become very crowded with the likes of Cena, Shamus, Edge, Y2J, Barret, and new champion Orton rising to the top of the WWE but in my opinion there is one more person that should be included on that list and he is my pick as my WWE champion.....The Miz (yeah that's right I went there). We have seen the Miz really come full circle since his early days in the WWE. He has become a major workhorse right along side Cena as a superstar that really works hard to perfect his craft and has gotten over with the crowd. He has multiple Tag Team title and US title reigns to his credit and has improved vastly behind the microphone. In my opinion he is now is ready to take his place on top of the WWE as it's rightful champion. This may happen sooner than later but only time will tell.

Hopefully you all have enjoyed reading my pick for my champions and let me know what you think. ;)
WWE title: i like that orton is the champ he deserves it adn should have a really good intense face run a champ

WHC: this one is hard...Kane good for him being champ but its too late for him...taker has had enough reigns...swagger hasnt done anything since loosing the belt...punk is being buried bc of what happen last year before hell in the cell... big show too old... even tho christian is 40 he deserves a world title run more than anyone in pro wrestling, so my world champion is christian.

US champion that i would have would either be daniel bryan, i like his story line or R-Truth. More Truth because he was one of the biggest faces on raw and i thought they were finally making him go somewhere when he won teh us ttile but that ended quick losing it 2 weeks later

IC champ i would have drew or cody rhodes to young upcoming guys. if i had to pick a 3rd maybe swagger

Unified womens: natalyia, shes been in wwe for a few years and never had a shot yet her n beth are prob the 2 strongest divas in the wwe

tagteam titles should be staying around hart dynastys waste for a while...they are the only legit tag team right now and wwe should build tag teams around them
WWE Champion: Randy Orton. He's so over with the crowd and his in ring work over the last few months has very good.

World Heavyweight Champion: CM Punk. Why he has been buried in recent weeks is beyond me. One PPV win since he lost the belt to Undertaker at HIAC is mystifying. He is a phenominal in ring worker and cuts amazing promo's would definatly work as WHC.

Intercontinental Champion: Christian. Much like Punk, he's been tossed aside when it comes to title matches and hasn't been given a real push since he lost the ECW title despite the overwhelming fan support. He'd be a solid worker and would no doubt put on some excellent matches with the talent that's on SmackDown!

United States Champion: Daniel Bryan. Has amazing in ring ability and his following speaks for its self. Hopefully his win last night will lead to him going on a good run before potentially moving up.

Tag Team Champions: The Hart Dynasty. Why on earth they lost the titles is beyond me. They're the only real tag team left, yet the continue to throw two guys together and give them the gold dispite the fact they have two established teams on SmackDown!

Unified Woman's Champion: Michelle McCool. Draws good heat, even if she is quite annoying. I think as soon as Beth returns she should get the belt as she is far superior to McCool in the ring and it would make a good rivalry.
WWE Championship - Wade Barrett. I wish his elimination of Cena with the help of Nexus would have been the final elimination. With 2 weeks to go before HIAC, this would have set up the necessity and logic to put these two in a HIAC match. I still think Barrett would benefit most as champ, whereas Orton hs proved he doesn't need the title to be over with the fans.

WHC Championship - Kane. It feels like this was a long time coming. With Smackdowns roster a little weak right now, I like seeing Kane show some dominance, especially over Taker. With Kane being a heel, this can easily lead to feuds with Christian and (hopefully) a Smackdown bound face version of Y2J.

US Championship - Daniel Bryan is by far the best choice. Let him dominate the midcard and make a name for himself before moving him to the main event scene. The only downfall is his best competition is the Miz, who is leaving the midcard division. I am eager to see some Bryan/Riley matches though.

IC Championship - CM Punk. The biggest downfall of the SES was the fact that 3 members and a manager could not defeat the Big Show in a handicap match. Give the leader some gold, and credibility, at that. Reform the SES, and have them compete for the tag team belts. Then Punk can move back to main event status.

Tag Team Championship - The Usos. Wow. Did WWE drop the ball on this. They have a weak tag team division, so obviously, the next logical step is dive it to Rhodes/McIntyre. With the Usos, you have a built in rivalry with Hart Dynasty, Santino/Koslov, which would be ok, because of the funny romance between Santino and Tamina. The dudebusters and gatecrashers are going to be there too, giving WWE time to create other teams like Rhodes/McIntyre, or Bourne/Yoshi. I also like any two members of Nexus at least in the title picture.

Divas Championship - Michelle McCool. Just Michelle McCool. Oh my God, get rid off Layla. If McCool can't draw enough heat, where she needs help from Layla and Vickie, then turn her face. Have Beth Phoenix come back and take the title from her, but for now, McCool is fine. It's too early for Melina to be the most dominant diva after her injury.
WWE- Miz - I think it's his time to prove that he is the future of WWE
Wordl - Wade Barrett - I think Barrett's needs the title to keep Nexus around longer. Why not jump to Smackdown and win it.
Tag Team - Hart Dynasty - They are the best tag-team in WWE and deserve the belt and deserve to defend it at every ppv.
Divas/ Womens - Natalya - Best female wrestler on the roster
US - Daniel Bryan - I'm glad he won the belt now hopefully he can make the belt important again
IC - Cody Rhodes - I like the "Dashing" gimmick and think he deserves the belt
WWE Champion - The Miz
Lets be real for a second, this guy is a great heel. He's got the talent, charisma, and awesome mic skills. The Miz is a breath of fresh air when compared to the usual's, i.e. Orton, Cena, HHH.

World Heavyweight Champion - CM Punk
Again, awesome mic ability. He gets an great response from the crowd and has a long-standing faction with the SES. I do agree that Kane deserved another title opportunity, but now that he's had it, its on to other things.

WWE Tag-Team Champions - The Hart Dynasty
I have to agree with the majority of the others on here by saying that they are the only REAL tag-team in the WWE. I do have to respect the WWE's willingness to create a better tag-team division though, even though they don't have much to work with.

Intercontinental Champion - Christian
There are a lot of great mid-carders on SmackDown right now, but seeing as Christian is a vet of sorts and has basically had sh##ty return being back in the WWE, he desrves it more.

United States Champion - Daniel Bryan
For the moment... But afterwards, i'd like to see DiBiase with the strap.

Undisputed Women's Champion - I don't care
WWE Champion - Wade Barrett
In my opinion he's the only guy in the main event scene who doesn't really... fit in. I love his mic work, and he's good in the ring. I just wish he had the title to make it more believable that the nexus is there for a reason.

World Heavyweight Champion - CM Punk
This guy is gold. He draws a lot of heat from the crowd, and is excellent in the ring. I enjoy watching him everytime he's out there.

United States Champion - Daniel Bryan
I think he deserved getting it last night, because I think he'll be a huge star in the future, and what better way to start showing that, then giving him the united states title?

Intercontinental Champion - Drew McIntyre
I'm not a fan of this guy at all, but at the same time I think he has what it takes to be a main eventer some day. I'd give him the title, and see where he goes with it.

Tag Team Champions - The Usos
I really like these guys, and was expecting much more than them just debuting, only to look strong, then lose to the Hart Dynasty. These guys I think have the potential to be a great tag team, they just need the chance.

Woman's Champion - Michelle McCool
She's great for being champion, because she draws a lot of heat being "flawless"
And it would keep the title on a diva who actually knows how to wrestle
WWE Title: Randy Orton. Let him keep it for a while, at least. I don't remember a time when he was a face world champion (other than his 2004 win over Benoit, but HHH killed that). Let him hold it, have some great matches, and drop it to a rising star in a face vs. face match rather than giving Sheamus another heel run. Or to Miz.
Second choice/should lose it to: Miz (or, if I had it my way, WWE would push R-truth violently, more so than Miz's push, until he wins the Royal Rumble 2011, loses to Randy at 'Mania, but wins the title in a rematch the following PPV)

WHC title: Kofi/Kane: I like Kane's run, and I want him to hold it for a while longer, but it's about time Kofi gets that heel turn and wins the strap. He could carry SD!. Or just have Kane lose it to Kofi after the Taker feud
Second choice/should lose it to: Drew McIntyre

IC title: Luke Gallows (as a face). Once again, the 'E dropped the ball. Granted, I think the Festus angle was never gonna go anywhere, but he could have a good student vs. teacher feud with Punk in order to get over. I like his in-ring style, though I never remember him having mic time. But sadly, he's gonna be future endeavored. I can see it coming.
Second choice/Should lose it to: Cody Rhodes

United States title: Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan. They're doing the right thing by giving him the title. Let him keep it.
Second choice/should lose it to: William Regal

Tag Titles: MVP and JTG. Both are being grossly misused by the bookers. Why not put them together since they both have 'hood gimmicks and let them re-establish themselves? I could come up with so many possible storylines for this to happen.
Second choice/should lose it to: Uso's

Unified Women's champion: Gail Kim. Only these current bookers could find a way to take TNA's most successful knockout and turn her into just another eye candy diva.
Second choice/should lose it to: Beth Phoenix
WWE Championship- Wade Barrett. YES YES YES, I said it. I quite like this guy, I've seen potential in this young man from the start. I think the WWE belt is what he needs to break him away from that pack mentality and get those nexus kids off and on their own to see who will sink or swim. Other notables include Sheamus (I love me my Irish Ginger-man.)

WHC belt- CM Punk, he is THE reason for the belt, and without the SES in his corner, he needs some hardware to be his army.

US Title- Daniel Bryan, I wasn't a big fan of his at first, but then, the more Miz kept coming in and digging his own grave, and I see Bryan's LeBell submission. I really like this guy. Plus I like how he just pisses off Cole just by being himself. Way to go kid!! :thumbsup:
Other notables- Ted Dibiase

IC title- I say that Christian would benefit from it most. He's not just ready yet for the big belt. Even though I know most people think he is. But he should have a mid-card belt before ascending to that upper eschelon. I think if he feuds with someone in the upper ranks who may be a belt holder like that would be perfect.
Other notables- Cody Rhodes

Tag Team Belts- Dude Busters. Again, I wasn't fan of these guys at first, but slowly but surely, they have begun to impress me. And the one who does that DDT off the top rop, is the sweetest finisher I've seen in a while.
Other notable- Gatecrashers

Divas/Women's belt- Natalya. This girls is SOOOO overlooked its sickening. Her matches she's had against Tamina were amazing. She is the epitome of strength and beauty. I'm so torn between her and Beth Phoenix.
I'm not reading anyone's answers until I post this to go back and see how mine compare with everyone elses....but this is been the best Forum topic in a while....

Heavyweight: I'm going to have to go with Christian on this one. Vince, you've put this man through enough since his return to WWE. Yes, you gave him the push on ECW with the belt but seriously give this guy the Heavyweight strap. He jobbed to guys like Ezekiel Jackson and Drew McInteyer for weeks at a time, when he could have been in the main event picture all along. He can still work a good match, and tell a story in his match which a lot of these young guys cant do. He's earned it, he should be champ right now and I hope to see him get it in the future.

WWE Title: Wade Barrett. Why? Because it would actually mean something in this whole Nexus angle, that's why. I'm not one to agree with guys coming in and getting the straps right away, but when you have this huge stable supposedly taking over WWE, and they keep at it for weeks....you might as well give their leader the belt. He's absolute money on the mic, and can work a solid match. The heat he would draw as champ with Nexus around him would be huge, the only thing is I would like to see guys like Orton and Edge challenge him for the belt and not Cena, because that is getting old. If Nexus crumbles, then I say build him up but don't give him the belt until he's at his peak. I want to see them take their time with the Miz....I want to be surprised when he cashes that breivecase in.

IC: Kofi. Let Kofi have a solid run with the IC belt. He's got to be the best midcarder right now, and having him have a decent run would solitify him a spot in the main event picture. If he keeps winning the thing and losing it 2 or 3 weeks after, the guy isn't a believable dominant force. He has the potential to be in there with the best, I do like how they're taking their time with him, but honestly if I see him lose another match to Ziggler I'm not watching Smackdown anymore.

US: Daniel Bryan. clap clap.......clap clap clap. He's a monster, and I hope he brings some prestige back to the U.S. title. After his thing with Miz, I can't wait to see who he can feud with next. Maybe it's someone unexpected like Justin Gabriel. Can you imagine those two in a long, built out feud?

Tag Team: Honestly, keep those where they are too. Until they can figure out what they want to do with Rhodes and Drew....let them hold onto them for a while and build their heat. Two completely different heels, but maybe it works, maybe not. We'll see.

Divas/Womens: WHO CARES!
WWE Champ- Wade Barret. His time with Nexus is almost up due to Young being kicked out and Skip injuried until Feb/March. He needs to be champ if running the most interesting and biggest team right now. If not, he'll just end up being another CM Punk & S.E.S.
WHC-Kaval. I hate him, but aren't they trying to show little guys can prevail and be as succesful as the big boys?
IC-Regal. He needs to stop being in this sissy storylines with Santino and Vladimir. I want the old Regal back. I read a book during his matches.
US-Agree with WWE because Bryan is champ material in opinion. And because I love to see Cole pissed.
Tag-Antoher cross brand like Jericho & Show. Maybe Mysterio and Cena, to amp up the Tag division.
Diva-FIRST OFF I'M SICK OF LAYCOOL!!!! But I would say Natalya with her being the best.
WWE Champion: Triple H. That's only as a heel champion, I never liked him as a good guy, but if he's like he was when he was with evolution it makes for good entertainment.

World Heavyweight Champion: John Morrison. Didn't really care for him at first but he can get it done.

United States Champion: Vladimir Kozlov. This guy has all of these skills in the ring yet he's being used for the comedy section.

Intercontinental Champion: William Regal. Again, another talented guy who is stuck in the comedy section. This man is a vet and is being misused horribly. He should've had at LEAST one reign as world or wwe champ. BTW did he ever get a title shot after winning King of the Ring?

Tag Team Champions: The Great Khali and Ezekial Jackson. These two monsters! Who could stop them.

Women's Champion: Gail Kim hands down! The other women can't even wrestle that well and look so clumsy trying to do it. Michelle Mccool does ok and Melina, and Natalya hardly wrestles so that leaves Gail.

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