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If you could pick your own TNA Champions, who would you pick and why?

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Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I already made a similar thread for WWE, so let's try one for TNA too!

If you could decide for yourself who the champions in TNA are using the current roster (they can't be someone who got released), then who would you pick and explain why.

TNA Champion: Samoa Joe
He has been really impressive lately, and I enjoyed his last run. The whole "nation of violence" he keeps talking about should play into it as well, leading into a long reign that finally ends in a huge match with Aj Styles at Bound for Glory.

X Division Champion: Consequences Creed
He deserves an X title run. Puts on great matches and I enjoy watching them. Could make for some interesting feuds too I think.

Legends Champion: Booker T
I am not sure where they are really going with this title, but I think it should stay on Booker and not go to anyone else until a true "legend" could challenge for it. Sting comes to mind, but he works better in the world title picture than for this title.

Knockouts Championship: Taylor Wilde
Her title run was amazing and I would keep the title on her until she has feuded with EVERY other knockout. She comes off like a younger version of WWE's Trish in my opinion, and keeps improving with every match. I can easily see her becoming the face of the knockouts division in the future.

Tag Team Championship: Beer Money
These guys are great, I would keep the belts on them. Best tag team I have seen since I started watching TNA.

So those are who I would pick as the champions, who would you pick as your TNA champions and why?
TNA World HeavyWeight Champion: AJ Styles
How this guy hasn't held a singles title in like 3 years is a question i've asked myself many times, and then realized its TNA. TNA needs to build him as the face of their company like they did in 2004-2005. He's always worked hard and will not let them down

TNA X Division TItle: Alex Shelley
TNA has made the right choice in giving Shelley the title as he has proved time and time again that he is a great wrestler and absolutely brilliant on the mic. Some sort of cockyness towards Sabin could lead to a great feud between the two.

THey've been the top team in TNA for like 3 years now and deserve a title reign. With Shelley being the X CHamp this could lead to some dissension causing shelley to turn on Sabn establishing himself as a Heel and Sabin as a face

TNA Knockouts Title: Ever since Taylor WIlde won the title this division has started to suck, literally. Awesome kong is great but her reign has been long and boring and she has ABSOLUTLEY no competition. Now she's feuding with Sojourner Bolt? WTF! Why don't they give the title to ROxxi who is very credible since she could jsut hit kong with a chair and win.

TNA LEgend Title: Until like 2 weeks ago this title was little more than an exessary to KIng/Booker T. The only man who seemed to want it was a referee. NOw all of a sudden AJ STyles, the man who should be world champ wants it. NOW THATS BULLSHIT
TNA Champion- Kurt Angle: He's legit. He's credible and he is one of the main reasons I still watch TNA. He is one of the best if not the best in the buisiness today and I can't think of a better option to be the TNA champion.

X Division Champion- Jay Lethal: He was a very good X-Division champion before. Low Ki is gone. Daniels is suicide. AJ and Joe have moved onto the world title and the guns are in a tag team. The best option to me is Lethal. I just don't think its a good idea to have the belt on one half of a tag team without them inevitably having to feud over it.

TNA Tag Team Champions- Beer Money: Another shining light in TNA. These guys are entertaining as hell. Storm is a complete tool while Roode is a total prick. Sorry about your dam luck TNA tag division. These guys will be champs for a long time.

Knockout Champion- Taylor Wilde: Aside from one of the Beautiful People this is my gal. But I don't want them to feud so I'll take Taylor. She's beautiful and athletic and she doesn't hurt the entire women's roster like Kong does. She isn't a liability and she has sex appeal which Kong does not.
TNA Champion- Sting: I like seein the gold around Sting. I think he should branch off the MEM and feud with all them for the gold

X Division Champion- Matt Morgan: I could see him winning the X Division Championship and having the longest reign in TNA

TNA Tag Team Champions- Scott Steiner and Booker T: I love the MEM. I think it would be interesting if Steiner and Booker held tag gold.

Knockout Champion- Roxxi: I'd pick her because she'd be the first wrestler from New Orleans (where i'm around from) to be a champion in a big wrestling company

TNA Legends Champion- Mick Foley: Not for a long time but for like a month or so just to make way for an interesting match with mick in the future. Maybe against Kurt or Kevin Nash in the future
TNA: Abyss: It would make TNA more hardcore and ECW-like which is what they need to compete with WWE. Plus Abyss deserves a title riegn.
X division: Brutus Magnus I just a hve a feeling he would make a great champion.
Legends: Rhyno it would give him something to do other than be on and off with the frontline.
Tag: Team 3d just su they could leave on a high note with TNA.
Women's: Roxxi she deserves a run she shaed her head for TNA that shows dedicatrion she like a sane female abyss to which is good for TNA.
If I could pick the TNA Champions here is who I would pick and why .....

Because he is the best thing in TNA he is a triple crown champion and works his ass off every night for TNA .

Because he is a former 4 time champion and he can beat everyone in the X Division .

Because they are the best tag team in wrestling today . I want them to fued with 3D with the IWGP and TNA Tag Titlews at stake .

because he is the true LEGAND in the MEM and because he is the bets man for the job .

It's called the Knockout Title so why should it be held by ugly girls when The Beautiful People are the TRUE Knockouts in TNA !!

There are my picks like them or not I don't really care .
TNA Champion: Robert Roode

To me this guy is the future of TNA if used right. He could be a combo of a current Mr. Perfect/JBL He's a heel but would make a great heel champion and could hold his own with Joe and Angle.

X Division Champion: Alex Shelly

I'm so glad TNA finally got it right with this guy, he deserves to be the champ

Legends Champion: Rhyno

He should capture it and do what he did with his ECW title and burn it

Knockouts Championship: O.D.B

This woman it the complete opposite of any DIVA so who better to represent the Knockouts as champion

Tag Team Championship:LAX

Best original tag team TNA has. They are a life long tag team like 3D, don't see them going very far as singles wrestlers but definitely top of the tag team division.
World Champ: Rhino as he needs a big push again as he was only champ for a short time before

X Division Champ: Brutus Magnus as he wood b a great champ but i dont feel he is world champ material

Tag Team: AJ Styles and Samoa Joe they wood b a great team n could shut beer money up

Legends: Scott Steiner as with sting and kurt feudin now it wood b fittin for steiner to feud with booker t

Knockouts: Christy Hemme as she deserves it
TNA Champion: A.J. Styles- This guy deserves the title a hell of a lot more than anybody on that roster. He hasn't had the belt in 3 to 4 years already & it's not like they got many good options to hold the title.

TNA X-Division Champion: Jay Lethal- Lethal's first 2 reigns were spectacular. With the early X-Division stars either gone, injured, being Suicide, are in tag teams or have moved onto the world title picture, now is the time to get the division back to where it once was.

TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Motor City Machine Guns- They are long overdue of a tag team title run as I think they are one of the more entertaining teams in TNA today, plus i'm sick of Beer Money as champs cause they have held the titles way too long.

TNA Legends Champion:Nobody gives a shit about this title. Either kill it off or rename it into a meaningful name so the title can be worth something.
TNA World Champion: Matt Morgan: Get him back into suit like when he was being an enforcer when he debuted with the company and get the DNA of TNA gimmick go hard somehwat like the buisness man triple h was playing with evolution i trhink morgan has the potentiel to pull off a great heel run as World Champ if he get his character going

TNA X Division: AJ Styles: First of all i don't like the name of this title x-division come on what the hell is an x-division get an international title or if you wanna have it different to not look like your copying off the WWE bringi n the TV Title WWE never brought it back and the title was a hit in WCW and ECW so why not get that as your secondary title and as for AJ Styles i don't see him in the World heavyweight picture he's a mid-card wrestler with great talent but will never be a main eventer

TNA Legends: Get rid of it it's pointless, just some lame excuse to have a title on a big name wrestler soo he is happy and an easy way to make a storyline... "i want the legends title" there are maybe 5 names in TNA that can be considered Legends so give it a rest.

TNA Tag Titles: Beer Money: I'll be perfectly honest at first i thought this was another bad move by TNA putting Roode back in Tag action a thought he had great potential as a A lister in singles competition but there the only decent tag team in TNA there is no other good tag team in wrestling these days and it disgust me if there something i hate is seing to stars put together as a tag team and win goal what happen to the rockers, demolition, hart foundation, bushwakers.. you know where you match with your partner wasnt that what made a good tag team anyways...

TNA Womens Title: Angelina Love: I don't really like the knockouts i find they have a really hard time Taylor Wilde is impressive but i'd would much rather see the beautiful people as heels with he title then awesome kong... awesome kong should be a jobber in the knockouts division like a snitsky or mike knox.
TNA World Champion: Matt Morgan: No one else I care for.

TNA X Division: Consequences Creed: He is interesting, has a lot of energy. Shocked they haven't given it to him after he chased it for a while.

TNA Tag Titles: Beer Money: Don't have to tell you why

TNA Womens Title: Awesome Kong: Best female wrestler in TNA.
TNA- Matt Morgan......TNA needs that BIG DUDE who lets everyone get a shot what makes him look unstoppable.....

X- Suicide.....something new.....A champ that doesnt talk lol haha (at the same time doesnt have a manager)

Legends- Jarrett......the title is a joke.....maybe Jarrett can make it interesting? IDK

KO- Christy Hemme....shes the hottest one hahah

Tag Team- Team 3D...another shot wouldnt hurt the company
TNA Champion - AJ Styles: Should be the main focus these days for the company

X Division - Homicide: He has the briefcase for it, and I think he would make a great X Division Champ

TNA Tag Team - Team 3D: They have been champs tons of times, but they are THE tag team in TNA. Beer Money is good but Team 3D should be the champs

TNA Knockouts- Taylor Wilde: Like someone else said, other than Velvet Sky she is damn sexy and a pretty good wrestler. And she is also from Toronto, where im from. Also a year younger than me too. She has it all!

TNA Legends- I'd drop this title and make a Television Title, something with a little more prestige to it. Maybe not right away, let the roster build up a little bit more, so it doesnt seem like everyone has a title. But the legends title is pointless. It would jsut be weird seeing someone other than one of the old fogies holding the belt, so its pointless to have around. So if I changed the Legends Title to the TV Title, id give the TV title to Christopher Daniels or Suicide
TNA World Heavyweight Championship-Matt Morgan
-Dude is gonna be huge in TNA. He has charisma, he is athletic as all hell for a man his size and it is only due time until he gets a shot at the world title.

TNA X-Division Championship-Alex Shelley
-Shelley is perfect for the belt. He is arrogant, good in the ring, decent on the stick and is entertaining.

TNA Tag Team Championship-Beer Money Inc.
-There isn't another team in TNA that I'd stick the tag straps on. They are great heels and they are a great team
HM-no one

TNA Legends Championship-Jeff Jarrett
-I think after Styles/Booker we could see something with Booker and Jarrett, leading to Jarrett capture the Legends title.

TNA Knockout Championship-ODB
-She, in my opinion is the most entertaining knockout and she deserves a title run. She is good in the ring, she is a bundle of energy, she is over with the crowd and she can scrap with anyone. Plus she is the complete opposite of the pretty girl wrestler, she is a flat out brawler.
so on your wwe thread i got reported twice for "spamming" i guess i should have read the rules before entering the forums.

she is every thing that is not a diva and plus she is the most interesting knockout

TNA tag team
beer money inc.
they are pretty much the only heels in tna that gets total heat and they are an outstanding tag team

TNA x division
alex shelly
since i have been watching tna i have not seen a bad match out of him. he is great for the x division

TNA "legends" title
mick foley
it would be awesome for foley to beat booker for this title at the Slammiversary ppv cause foley is the biggest legend of TNA

TNA championship
aj styles
for me a tna fan of like 8 mths i have not got to see aj at his best so i think i would have to go with him plus he did make tna the company it is today
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: AJ Styles. Abut time he has another credible run
TNA World Tag Team Championships: Beer Money, Inc. No explanation needed, best team in the world
TNA Legends Champion: Jeff Jarrett. He would epitimize what the championship is all about
TNA X-Division Championship: Homicide. Deserves a singles push
TNA Knockouts Championship: Awesome Kong. The best in the Division
TNA- AJ Styles
Back when AJ had the belt, TNA wasn't on Spike so I've never got to see him as champ. He's the face of the company, he deserves a reign with the TNA title.
X Division- Suicide
As I mentioned in another thread, I really like Suicide. I think he needs a focus, the X title could be it.
Tag Belts- Beer Money
They're such a good team, only a few steps away from Miz and Morrison level. Keep the straps on them.
Legends- Nobody
Retire this please. If I had to choose, just keep it on Booker.
Knockouts- ODB
Kong is getting stale as the big bad champ who can be beat but never when it counts (title matches). ODB was over as hell when Gail Kim was there, but now she's undisputedly the top face. Give it to her for a few months.
TNA World HeavyWeight Champion: AJ Styles
How this guy hasn't held a singles title in like 3 years is a question i've asked myself many times, and then realized its TNA. TNA needs to build him as the face of their company like they did in 2004-2005. He's always worked hard and will not let them down

I have no problem with this but I think Angle needs to drop it to him after winning it from Sting. AJ needs the rub.

TNA X Division TItle: Alex Shelley
TNA has made the right choice in giving Shelley the title as he has proved time and time again that he is a great wrestler and absolutely brilliant on the mic. Some sort of cockyness towards Sabin could lead to a great feud between the two.

bleh. He's ok but the X-Division is crap since the glory days. You know what they need a whole F*n show and they could use RVD as well.

THey've been the top team in TNA for like 3 years now and deserve a title reign. With Shelley being the X CHamp this could lead to some dissension causing shelley to turn on Sabn establishing himself as a Heel and Sabin as a face

yay spot monkeys just like the hardys...heres another tag team two words for ya BEER MONEY

TNA Knockouts Title: Ever since Taylor WIlde won the title this division has started to suck, literally. Awesome kong is great but her reign has been long and boring and she has ABSOLUTLEY no competition. Now she's feuding with Sojourner Bolt? WTF! Why don't they give the title to ROxxi who is very credible since she could jsut hit kong with a chair and win.

Awesome Kong sucks. She is Mark Henry but female...I think. Taylor is passable. Sojo and Roxxi have no sex appeal so they're useless.

TNA LEgend Title: Until like 2 weeks ago this title was little more than an exessary to KIng/Booker T. The only man who seemed to want it was a referee. NOw all of a sudden AJ STyles, the man who should be world champ wants it. NOW THATS BULLSHIT

The Legends title isn't even a real title so I say give it to suicide because he isn't even real. He is a video game character come to life and I happen to know video game characters can't come to life...I've tried.
I would put the top belt on Jeff Jarrett. I truly believe he is the most compelling character on the show. He can work effectively as a heel or face, which could be helpful in establishing younger guys as main eventers.

I would be the X division belt on Eric Young. I think he is the most exciting of the X division guys. I also think that he puts on the best matches of all the guys in that division. Of all the crazy spotfests, his crazy spotfests ar ethe best, regardless of opponent.

I would put the Legends belt on Kurt Angle. I would use this for storyline purposes. He could claim that the belt makes him number one contender. After losing to JJ, he could drop that belt to AJ, who could make the same claim. After a couple of weeks of JJ and AJ teaming to take on Booker and Angle, JJ could whack AJ with the guitar and set off a feud.

The tag belts would be constantly changing hands from Beer Money to LAX and back again. These two teams are amazing, all four guys can work. Both of these teams seem out of their element if they are not involved in the title scene, and since everyone is relatively young, a long drawn out feud with five or six title changes would just be awesome.
I actually have been slacking in keeping up to date with my TNA so take these choices for they are:
World Champion - AJ Styles
I feel like this guy has been shunned out of the title picture ever since TNA brought in all the big names they have now, but he is without a doubt the most talented wrestler they have and one of the best in the business

Tag Team Champs - Beer Money
This could go either way I'm just glad that some company out there has a tag team division with them, MCMG, Team 3D, I'm assuming Lax is still together, and all the X division guys they mix and match.

X Division - Suicide
Hate to say that, but it would make sense to get over the character since thats what TNA wants to do. In my opinion they should let Kaz be Kaz and Chris Daniel be The Fallen Angel

The Legends Title
I don't know too much about this title, but I know that Aj fought for it and I kind of liked the idea of having a young up and coming TNA guy winning the Legends Title from someone in the MEM it would be a huge blow to MEM and a way to push the TNA guys against the MEM
TNA World Title - A.J. Styles or Hernandez. I want A.J. styles to have another run with the belt. It sickens me that he has been put into a meaningless feud with Booker T over the Legends Title. Anyway, I really want to see Styles vs. Hernandez at some point for the World Title, with Styles putting over Hernandez and allowing him to be the star that he is destined to be.

X-Division Title - Consequences Creed or Homicide. I, like another poster in here, want to see Creed get a run with the X-Division title. I thought that he would win it from Sheik Abdul Bashir, but TNA had other plans. Anyway, I think a Creed/Homicide feud would be awesome, and I would want this feud to be over the belt.

Knockout Championship - Roxxi, and no one else. Taylor Wilde proved that she wasn't ready to be TNA's top female face when she had the championship and ODB is just all sorts of bland. On the other hand, Roxxi is a great wrestler, has an edge to her, and can have a great match with any of TNA's Knockouts.

Tag Team Championship - Either Beer Money, Inc. or The Motor City Machine Guns. Right now, given that Alex Shelley is still paired with Chris Sabin, I am just not buying him as the X-Division champion. Together, Shelley and Sabin still have plenty of time left before their partnership gets stale, so I don't see why they shouldn't feud with Beer Money, Inc. over the tag belts.

Legends Title - No one. This belt sucks, and it should be retired and swept under the rug.
TNA Champion:Samoa Joe
In my opinion,the single top wrestler in the company,slightly ahead of AJ for this.He is unique,and that is something TNA needs right now.AJ would be a great, an exceptional champ but I just can't look past Joe for this one.

TNA X division:Alex Shelley
The perfect man for the title right now,untill KAZ returns to play Suicide and letting Daniels return.Speaking of Suicide,I wouldn't mind him but I'll wait untill Destination X to see.

Tag Team:LAX
Sure Beer Money are good,and hilarious,but how has noone mentioned the Latin American Xchange.Singly the most talented of the tag teams and a perfect combo,although I do see them splitting to pursue singles success.And I see them hopefully succeeding

TNA women's title:ODB
The most over face in the division deserves the title the most.Plain and simple.

TNA legend's title:AJ Styles
The only true legend in TNA.Although I would rather a name change first.Hell put in on Suicide the way they're going with it,just as a joke.Like the title...
TNA Champion - Robert Roode: You just signed him long term, reward him and see if he can carry a company or if they were better off to let him got to WWE.

TNA X-Division - Christopher Daniels as Christopher Daniels: What a waste as Curry Man and now replacing Kaz as Suicide. Let me be him as the Fallen Angle and let him do what he does best, wrestle and give dark promos.

TNA Tag Team - Lethal Consequences: Never got a real shot. Give them a lenghty run and see what they can do. There really isn't a better option with the lack of depth in TNA.

TNA Knockout - Who really cares. They are all the same and boring to watch.

TNA Legends - See knockouts title
TNA Champion:Samoa Joe
In my opinion,the single most overrated wrestler in the company,way behind AJ for this.He is fat,and that is something TNA doesnt need right now.AJ would be great, an exceptional champ but I can easily look past Joe for this one....

I totally agree with you man. Joe is overweight. He doesnt look like a legit champion and his last run was a failure. Completely agreed AJ would be better. Or Kurt Angle. He worked for WWE ya know.

TNA X division:Alex Shelley
The perfect man for the title right now,untill KAZ returns to play Suicide and letting Daniels return.Speaking of Suicide,I wouldn't mind him but I'll wait untill Destination X to see....

Meh, Shelley is ok but he ain't great. Leave him in the tag division. Their one advantage over WWE is the tag division.Dont fuck that up too.

Tag Team:LAX
Sure Beer Money are good,and hilarious,but how has noone mentioned the Latin American Xchange.Singly the most talented of the tag teams and a perfect combo,although I do see them splitting to pursue singles success.And I see them hopefully succeeding...

Beer Money is the best. LAX is really good but TNA wastes them by teaming them with referees. They were better when they were anti-american.TNA's tag division is very good. The best in the world.

TNA women's title:Taylor Wilde
The most over face in the division deserves the title the most.Plain and simple....

So you agree that Taylor Wilde deserves the title. That's great. At least you didn't say that gross redneck ODB didn't deserve it. Taylor is beautiful and talented. TNA's trish stratus.

TNA legend's title:AJ Styles
The only true legend in TNA.Although I would rather a name change first.Hell put in on Suicide the way they're going with it,just as a joke.Like the title...

The title is a joke. Hell put it on Jake Roberts. Or Mike Tenay. Or Mickey Rourke. Hell yeah Mickey Rourke for TNA Legends Champion.
I dunno about the other titles but lemme run a scenario by you.
To shut Rasheed up.Cornette allows Kong in the Feast or Fired Event.By sheer luck,she wins the World Title Shot.After a gruelling PPV World match,she appears & cashes it in & holds the TNA WORLD TITLE.
After a week of forum speculation,she loses the rematch on Impact leaving folk to say,the guys were tired,it was a fluke win etc allowing Kong to return to the unlevel playing field of the Knockouts BUT,it,d show that TNA arent just about the vets & Joe & that AnythinG can happen.
Okay,the others.
VETS;Rhino.I agree,for TNA to have a name like Rhino & make him an afterthought tag partner is ridiculous,this title,although a bit of an afterthought in itself,should give him a bigger look in.God knows there should be a queue in TNA elligible to claim it! (so they give it to A.J.?!-Wrong!)
X;Brutus Magnus.If the X Division is to give rising talent a push then Id obviously chose Williamus Regalus,(sorry,I get them mixed up sometimes) But dont you think ,Jay has been around long enough to be in the World title picture at least by now.Failing that Creed.He wouldnt be slow in letting everyone know hes X Div Champ! Id also nominate Roode to get him in the world title picture too.
TAG;3D.I know-ob-vi-ous,but on the right occassion ,for them to break the tag holding record on TNA-wow! Beer Money work well,but soon youre gonna tire of their goofball baddie win-by-fluke scenario.Let me run another scenario by you.Foley under stress of management & memories of past glories,,has relapse,does Mankind antics & bumps into Abyss,,why not!
Knockouts;Bolts title shot was a chance for the Kongtourage to implode & give ODB a chance at the title,the only KO to match Kong sizewise AnD give greater emphasises to her ODB Angle skit.She has a gimmick,a character & as she tell s you herself She,s not just a pretty face..Or Christy Hemme,,you could do worse but I feel Sarah Stocks not just joining for a laugh.,
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