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If you could pick your own TNA Champions, who would it be and why?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
This is a thread that I did about a year and a half ago. It ended up getting a ton of responses. I thought I'd do it again, now that there are a ton of new people who weren't around for the other one. (If a similar thread exists, feel free to merge them then. I couldn't find one.)

Here are the rules.

You can pick anyone to hold any of the championships in the federation. You can NOT bring back old titles. You can NOT bring in someone who is not currently working for the federation. You also can NOT break gender rules (guys holding female titles, women holding any championship but their division's). Basically, it has to be someone who could hold the title in real life and be booked to win it on this week's tv show. You can also discuss how long you'd want them to hold it, and potential feuds. Oh, and one last rule.... No one should be holding more than one belt. Let's try to be creative and not have any dual-weilders.... and no unifying any of the belts unless the federation has done so in real life.

Don't forget to include WHY you picked someone.

I'll go first.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Aj Styles. He had such a good reign earlier and they should not have ended it by giving the title to RVD. I'd have him win the title back in time to defend it at Bound For Glory, making the match a 4-way instead of the already booked Triple Threat match. He'd hold it long enough to feud with every other main eventer.

TNA Television Championship
That's a tough one. I don't care for this belt much. Not Styles obviously, since he cannot dual-weild if he is the world champion. I would give it to.... Desmond Wolfe, because he could use it to establish himself. He could feud with just about anybody, and then lose it to someone else who needs a title reign.

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Motor City Machineguns. I would not change this one bit. I'd have them feud with as many other teams as possible. Beer Money had a couple of good reigns, if anyone deserves the same now then it's the MCMG. The reign would be very long and full of title defences.

X Division Championship
I agree with the current champion on this one as well. Jay Lethal. A great X Division reign will help him re-establish himself now that he is not a Macho Man clone or a Flair clone anymore. I'd have him feud with several midcarders and even a few former world champions.

Knockouts Championship
Angelina Love has it currently, right? I'd keep it that way. Reason one is because she's the only option right now since the others either suck or are tag team champions. I honestly don't care about how this would be booked, she's stuck with the title because the others suck and I don't have any ideas for feuds.

Knockouts Tag Team Championship
Taylor Wilde and Hamada, but same as above. I'm keeping it the same as how TNA has it.... because I don't care about the booking here.

Alright, let's see what the rest of you come up with.
World Title: Anderson. But only as a heel champion. He is a great heel, and have him as a heel champion would set up some great feuds-Angle, Hardy, RVD when he returns, maybe even Pope.

TV Title: I'd keep it on AJ to build up the prestige of the title. He needs to defend it as much as possible, and of course he'd eventually lose it, but the title needs a long, impressive reign, and AJ can do that. Maybe he could feud with Samoa Joe or Pope, or even Wolfe, who is pissed about being kicked out of Fortune.

Tag Titles: MCMG. Best tag team in the world, and they've earned a lengthy title run. Although you couldn't argue with a Beer Money title run either.

X Division: Again, I think Jay Lethal is a good choice, mainly because the division is thin at the moment. TNA needs to bring in some talent in this area-maybe Daniels, or they could put Kazarian in the division. He isn't doing anything, and he could use the Flair/Lethal history as the basis for a feud.
TNA World Title- Aj Styles he's reign was a little too short in my opinion it should have been a couple months longer. I really wanted to see an Anderson and Styles feud too.

TNA TV Title- Hernandez, This guy hasnt been on tv forever he's a big guy and could be good for your relations with Mexico. I think you could have a couple more matches with him and Morgan then put him in program Kazarian to put him into the Fortune story line as well.

X division Title- Wolfe, A program with him and Lethal could be good same with Kendrick.

Knockouts Title- Angelina Love is fine with the title they seem to have her programs lined up for a month or two.
TNA world champion i would have the pope. He should fo beaten AJ a few months back, he was the hottest thing going in TNA until his injury. As a face champ i think he would be awesome having a lengthy title run to maybe drop it to anderson when hes a heel and have them battle

TV champ would stay AJ. Hes teh best and face of TNA so a new title worn by him would make it one of the best

Xdivision i like it on Lethal but if tna goes back to the old x-division having RVD or hardy be champ and the kind of matches they could have would be awesome to watch

Tag titles would go to Beer Money. there the next best tag team behind 3D so they should be wearing them, plus they arent doing anything now in TNA

Knockouts tag belts..bottom line should be scrapped

Knock outs champ either angalina love or Velvet sky
TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Kurt Angle. There are only two active guys on TNA's roster who are accepted universally as top talents; Angle and Sting. If TNA is trying to legitimize itself in the eyes of the mainstream, then they need someone on Angle or Sting's level to carry the banner. Unfortunately, Sting's age and desire for a light schedule make him less than ideal. So that leaves Kurt, and he really would be perfect as he can easily go face or heel depending on who you want him to put over. He could also be the "fighting champion" and wrestle often, putting his fantastic ring work on display as much as possible.

TNA Television Championship

This would be perfect for Matt Morgan. He could hype himself as TNA's true "TV Star" thanks to his appearances on American Gladiators and The Good Guys and mix between dominating opponents and occasionally cheating to keep the belt. You could also maybe have a run where he "injures" several opponents and becomes the most feared man in TNA. After a while, he could eventually put someone over and drop the title when someone finally "slays the Beast."

TNA World Tag Team Championship

I agree with the OP; no reason to change this one. The MCMG are just getting started and the division will be just fine with them as champs. After they fend off Generation Jobber, hopefully Wolfe and Magnus will be ready to go for a solid feud.

X Division Championship

Again, not much reason to change anything here. I've been calling for Lethal to win the belt for a while now so that he could get back to putting on some great matches. If I had to make a change, I'd have him drop the belt to either Richards or Kendrick so that Kazarian could battle them for gold in the EV2 vs Fortune storyline.

Knockouts Championship

Remember when Gail Kim and Kong were putting on entertaining matches? THAT was what made the Knockouts Division awesome. The belt is fine on Angelina now, but they need to make her, Tara, and Hamada the focal points of the division and use the others as props. Madison's improved a lot, but she couldn't go all-out with any of the three I mentioned.

Knockouts Tag Team Championship

I'd just get rid of this title completely. There's not enough TV time and barely enough Knockouts to make this worth having.
TNA World Heavyweight Title
AJ Styles. AJ had a nice Title run at the start of 2010. AJ had some excellent matches with Kurt Angle, The Pope and Rob Van Dam. He can go in the ring with anybody and make them look like a million bucks. His title reign was a decent length for title reigns now days but I think it should of been longer or when he dropped the belt to RVD they should of kept that program going just a little bit longer.

TNA Television Title
Samoa Joe. I like the current champion in Styles because he is already a very credible established performer and can add something special to the lacking TV title. It seems that the TV title has taken a small backseat recently with the Fourtune and EV2 feud. So I first choose Joe for the fact of him being on a red hot return right now. He is a awesome in ring performer and the TV title would give Joe something to do right after the Nash/Sting/Pope feud dies down. A Joe and Pope program for the TV title could be exciting.

TNA Tag Team Titles
Motor City Machine Guns. I agree with everyone else on this one. Their tag title reign should be long. This team deserves the belts more than any other right now. Chris and Alex have busted their asses the past few years and put on awesome matches and this payoff was well worth it. I'd like to see them hold the belts and keep defending them against the rest of TNA's nice tag division.

X-Division Title
Jay Lethal. Jay came off a nice feud with Ric Flair to establish himself as an ordinarily good- in ring competitor and not just a Randy Savage gimmick theif. I was afraid that TNA forgot about him because he wasn't shown on Impact for a few weeks and after that feud with Flair that sort of built Lethal up I would of hated to see the ball dropped on his push. The X title is great for Lethal and Lethal is great for the X title and the strength of the division.

Knockouts Title
Angelina or Madison Rayne. Both have improved a good bit. But the once strong Knockout division is lacking something. TNA needs to figure that one out.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Mr. Anderson... he should be the champion for a while. Face or Heel. Preferably heel. Doesn't matter to me. My second option is Kurt Angle. But I will like to see Angle as a face champ, defending the title with honor and prestige.

TNA Television Championship
Jeff Hardy... If it wasn't because of the legal issues, he would have been the champion a long time ago. My second option will be AJ Styles. I like AJ, but I think AJ should take a break from being a champ to develop his heel character.

TNA World Tag Team Championship
MCMG should keep the titles for a while. My second option will be London Brawling. I think they will do great as champs.

X Division Championship
I will give the title to Samoa Joe. My second option will be... RVD. I think RVD will be great as the X Champ.

Knockouts Championship
Angelina Love is a good champ.. but they should give a chance to Hamada. I don't care if she cannot speak English... she can have a manager or something. My second option will be Angelina Love, the current champ. After Hamada, she is the best woman performer right now in TNA.

Knockouts Tag Team Championship
I think they should get rid of this championship because there are not too many women. So first choice, NO ONE. My second option will be Hamada and Taylor Wilde.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion:AJ Styles because before he joined Ric Flair,he had a good title run.Plus all the fans loved him.So what I think he should do is to leave Ric Flair and the Fortune and be on his own and become a face again.

TNA Television Champion:I think that title is a waste of time.So that's out of the question.And besides,no one goes after that title anyway.

TNA X Division Champion:Amazing Red,because I believe that he could hold on to the title for a long time.And he has the potenetial and high-flying ability.

TNA World Tag Team Champions:The Motor City Machine Guns,bottom line,there is no question.

TNA Knockouts Champion:Angelina Love,because she is hot and sexy,that's it.

TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions:There is NO reason to have that belt in TNA at all because there is no reason to have that championship belt.
TNA World Heavyweight Champion: AJ Styles
But here's the catch – I want heel AJ with the title, not face AJ. I don't give a flying fuck how long AJ Styles has been there, or whether or not you think he's better as a face or a heel – the bottom line here is that TNA as a company needs a heel champion, especially when you consider everything going on right now with power struggles in it. Getting AJ the title and having him continue to lead Fourtune would be phenomenal — all pun intended.

Runner up: Mr. Anderson

TNA Television Champion: Jay Lethal
It's a TV championship, which means it should be used as a mid-card title designed to keep not-yet-ready-for-the-main-event level performers still relevant and on television. Does that not describe the very green and still so young Jay Lethal perfectly?

Runner up: Matt Morgan

TNA World Tag Team Champions: Motorcity Machine Guns
Like you already noted, MCMG keep them. Took three+ years for them to earn them, and until a legitimate heel team is brought into viably contend for them, they belong no where but exactly where they are right now.

Runner up: Beer Money, Inc.

X Division Champion: Kazarian
Again, like the World Heavyweight Championship, I really think TNA would benefit most right now from a major heel champion like Kazarian owning this title, especially if Fourtune is to dominate TNA. This will also allow for a face savior to eventually elevate himself dramatically by beating Kazarian for the title against all odds (including outside interference by Flair & Fourtune).

Runner up: D'Angelo Dinero

Knockouts Championship: Angelina Love
Rayne's run was fantastic, but for the moment it belongs where it is. Love now being a five-time champion is really starting to add prestige to it.

Runner up: Tara

Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Disolved
I'm not even going to sit here and pretend that these stupid things matter one iota.
Knockouts Championship

Hamada would be an awesome champ. She's been under utilized and she's pretty damn good in the ring. However, I'd have to say for storyline purposes that I would like to see Angelina and Velvet be co-holders to stick it to BP 2.0

Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Madison and Tara would make a good heel Tag team. The main problem in the past with these titles is that they were made at the same time as everyone was leaving. Now that there is some depth I'd love to see them hold on to them until Angelina and Velvet are ready for them.

X Division Championship

Jay Lethal isn't a bad choice but he's boring. I can't stand the whole acting like a damn rookie thing when he's a freaking pro. Give this belt back to Douglas Williams. His reign reminded me of HHH's 9 month championship reign in which you just wanted anyone to beat him but unlike HHH I love watching Doug do his thing and he should always have or be in the hunt for a title.

TNA World Tag Team Championship

TNA finally did the right thing with these belts. Leave it that way until either Matt Hardy joins TNA or the Young Bucks get over as heels.

TNA Television Championship

This belt needs to be defended weekly so we need someone who can bring some prestige to this title. RVD is a great choice. let him have a run with it for about a year, that'll do it.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

This is the hardest one for me to pick. TNA needs a solid heel champion. The problem is, the best heels they have are involved in other crap or in the middle of a face turn. Anderson isn't ready.. I think this needs to go to Desmond Wolfe. If given the opportunity, I think he could have a very strong run as champion but we're about 3-4 months away from that, he needs a serious win streak for us to take him seriously.
tna world championship- aj styles. my favorite tna original. he is one of the best to hold the title and i wouldnt mind him having the title

tna tv championship- matt morgan. the guys only held one title in his tna career and that was a tag team title reign that was pretty boring

tna tag team championship- mcmg. do i really have to explain this

x division championship- jay lethal. the x division need to rise to new levels and this guy can do it

tna knockouts champion. angelina love. she is the best knockout that tna has to offer right now as far as skill wise besides tera

tna knockouts tag team championship. madison rayne and tara. the two were enemies and now they have an alliance. its a great combo right
TNA World Championship- A.J. Styles. They should be building the company around this guy. Hulk said that Abyss should be their version of John Cena. A.J. should be that guy.

T.V. Champion- Desmond Wolfe. I think Desmond Wolfe and The Pope should be TNA's version of Stone Cold vs The Rock. These guys should be feuding from Mid-Card to Main Event. When we talk about one, we should talk about the other. I'd make Desmond a face and Pope a heel.

Tag Team Champions- The belts are perfect where they are on the Motor City Machine Guns. I think they should have at least a 6 month reign as champions. They should be the Cornerstone of the TNA Tag Team Division.

X-Division Champion- I say keep the belt on Jay Lethal. I'd try to bring in some of the guys from Dragon Gate to fill out the division. Jay Lethal vs CIMA would be a good match. Along with Shingo, BxB Hulk, etc.

TNA Knockout Champion- Hamada. She should an extremely dominant champion. Have her feud with the Beautiful People and Madison and Tara, etc.

TNA Knockout Tag-Team Chmpions- Again, keep the belts on the current champions. Making Hamada the only double champion in TNA right now.
TNA World Champion should be Angle. He deserves to be the headliner of the company and is the most credible. Runner up: AJ Styles. He should still be a main event guy, period.

TNA TV Champion should be Matt Morgan. The title would fit his character perfectly and he's too dominant to not have any gold around him as a singles competitor. Runner up: The Pope. Having The Pope as the TV champ could call for some good promo segments.

TNA Tag Champs: MCMG, there's really nothing that needs to said for this one. Runner up: Beer Money. They should fued back and forth consistantly as their matches never get old.

TNA X Division Champion: Samoa Joe. He is being so underutilized currently and could really shine again as the X Division Champion. Runner up: Rob Van Dam. He could put on some great X Division matches.

TNA Knockouts Champion: Hamada, she is a great talent and has the smoothest in-ring skills in the womens division. Runner Up: Taylor Rayne, I liked her previous run with the title.

TNA Knockouts Tag Belts: Get rid of those titles all together.
Hulk Hoagn should be given the strap

I dont care what anyone says about his age. But when Hogan holds a Strap the company always makes money. He just knows how a champion should act what 2 say and when to say it..... whenever he holds a strap it just makes that strap seem like the end all and be all of tittles
TNA WHC- Anderson, he is the total package and seeing his first run at the top would be awesome. Anderson could become a draw if he can keep his hot streak alive.

TV Title- I think it would benefit from being on a face that wrestles (at a high level) almost every week. I would pick Jay Lethal. If they want the title to be defended in such a way against a higher quality of competitors I would give Joe a dominant run. This is not the house that you built AJ, no one can beat me on impact.

Tag Titles- agree that keeping them the same is my preference (this allows the tag division to be like the x-division).

KO - Love as champ does not do a whole lot for me even if it is credible. I'd prefer the story with velvet, madison or tara holding the belt. I'll pick madison here because she has been very impressive all around to me.

X-division- Brian kendrick, his character has been captivating to me and he can appease the people wanting a certain type of wrestling here. Then he can use it as a stepping stone to bigger things if he can keep it up.

KO Tag titles- I know they are not much for impact but I imagine they are useful for house shows. I'll vote for Daffney and someone doing a darker gimmick, maybe bring back shelly martinez or something.
World Heavyweight Title

AJ Styles: Here is someone that has been with the company since day one and can put on a good match with almost anyone. I would say give the belt to AJ keep him as a heel and let him hold it for over a year and be a real heel champion (cheat to win, get DQd on purpose, counted out...ect) have him in fueds with all the top players and have him lose it to either Jeff Hardy or Kurt Angle

TV Title

Abyss: Again another original who would help give the title a boost in prestige and is one of the most athletic big guys today. Plus this whole they storyline needs to end soon, but when it does you have abyss built up as a monster who basically cant be stopped just keep feeding him faces for about six months and having him tear through them then finally have a returning Rob Van Dam come back as a surprise opponent and only just beat Abyss.

X Division Title

Brian Kendrick: Going by the rules of the game and having to choose someone in the company I have to say that Kendrick is as good as any to hold the title. But bring back Petey Williams, Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper and Homicide to have them fued with him. Give Kendrick a decent run with the belt for at least four to six months including a fued with AJ styles over which title is better X or World but eventually have him loose it to AJ in that match so we can have AJ in both Divisions

Tag Team Title

Motor City Machine Guns: it has taken them so long to get to this point they need a long reign with the belts. The current Generation Me fued should go on for a good month or two just to try and fully establish Gen Me as a heel team, then they should move on to London Brawling and again another two month programme there and finally have beer money back in line for the titles and have them take the belts but keep the guns chasing them for a bit

Knockout Title

Angelina Love: Simply the best all rounder that TNA have at the moment (Hamada is clearly the better wrestler but never really gets the chance to establish a persona so can't really be her) Have the current thing with the Beautiful People 2.0 go for a while then move Angelina on to Sarita for a month or two finally have her get beaten by either Tara or Have Velvet Sky win it in a triple threat match and then turn Angelina.

Knockout Tag Team

Get rid of it, there is no where near the depth to keep this division going
Wow! this is weird cause everyone is picking Aj styles(Good choice) Kurt Angle(OK choice) and Anderson(Bleh choice) for the world. so heres mine..

TNA World Hvt. Championship
Robert Rhoode. Excellent in the ring, so much power and intensity in every move he delivers and takes. Also he's phenomenal on the mic. He's the total package and as much as i LOVE Beer Money, Storm is kinda holdin' him back.

TV Championship
Anyone deserving a title. The point of this title is to be defended every week, idk what happened? But it should switch hands regularly.

X Division Championship
You've already got the most deserving X division champino right there Jay Lethal. He worked hard for it, beat the Nature Boy! He should be going for the world after that, it would be better than there being 3 former WWE guys going for it.

Tag Championships
Motor City. Not only the best team in TNA, but the best in all of North America. The only other deserving teams would be Beer Money & Gen. Me. Suicide and red suck as a team for some reason, Orlando and Young is a total waste of a tag team, and Shore..? How fucking gay do you get..?

The rest of the titles don't matter.
I'll give it a whirl.

World Heavyweight:
Tough one. Although I agree with most, AJ being the best candidate while Kurt Angle would make for a solid follow-up, I'm gonna go ahead and say Abyss. They're trying to put the 'Monster' over and they're playing the twsted card. That's cool. He's pretty decent on the mic too. I like him. Give him the strap, have the others fear him. He could still feud with AJ, Kurt, RVD, Hardy, Anderson, Pope, name it... He's evil. The rest are shades of good, honorable, loyal, fearless, etc.

TV Championship:
This belt will be awesome. AJ for the freakin' win. Keep it for a long time brother, make it almost like the million dollar belt in the sense that it's AJ's (at least for the first 12-18 months) then when he loses = big time feud. Solid SOLID runner up is Matt Morgan. It fits the character so well. I'd be hard pressed to chose between the two.

Tag-Team Championship: Let the Guns have their fun, but I'm over them by now. I preferred both when they were heel and singles wrestlers. Can't wait until they break up (but I don't want that to happen for awhile - paradox eh?) I'd give them back to BeerMoney Inc. A real classic tag-team.

Kazarian. They fixed his look. Now give him the spotlight, let him wrestle. Great feud coming up with Lethal, there's no doubt. Kendrick will also have his day in my book.

Knockouts Championship: Are you guys kiddin' me?! DAFFNEY! Pretty much the only hardcore knockout. Let her be. Tables, chairs, fire, the works...
ummmmm if i were booking TNA (TNa then would be note worthylol jk )but for the thread i would
1:TNA champ: AJ Styles (he is the face of tna and gets me to watch the show peroid he is the one to bring that title to the main steam and bring TNA to that championship not like RVD that brought a WWE ECW feel to the championship
2:TV Championship?? or whatever it is called this week.
needs SOMOA JOE to bring a TNA
feel and noritaty to a that no named title
but Aj can do this well too
3:tag team: its fine with the MCMG's they bring TNA to those Championships
and wrestling for that matter they have the "AJ" of tag team but beer money is good too
4:X-divison: thats a good one jay lethal is desent but not the POPe,ANderson,Suicide, robert roode or KAz which is needed for that division (the divsion that made TNA) to that title come back on top Red is good but much to much borne that is good but not great yet same with douglas and lethal good but not yet.
5:knockouts: the same she is the top thing going right now and is not worth the time to tell you what her name is unless its playboy lol
6: knockout tag team: they have the right girls in this thing the only thing they can do to bring those titles up but they need to seek different knockouts to make this title with watching

but in my opion it is not the champs is the main problum with TNA it is the management that are to lazy to come up with a good title run or a good AJ charcter lol he needs mic work thats it please ric help my boy he is the future of TNA HELL WRESTLING IN as A HOLE needes Aj or ppl like him. MCMG BEER Money MAtt Morgan Somoa Joe the list goes on but you have a WWE dropout in RVD Jeff HArdy that are now your top guys wtf are you guys smoking the same stuff i am if so then your in need of a sobering waking up calll you have a chance to be the WCW to the WWF but if you follow things that made WCW fall you will have the same fate ex.hogan easy e etc. and go away from what has brought you to the dance in the first place is funny and just like someone with too much money and trowing it away if you're going to keep trowing money away please feed some homless find a cure to cancer(hemp) do somethiing better than this years TNA, i think you need VISION not hogan lol(he still works for vince, you mark my works) you were doing good things before jan 4 but when that day hit it has been one step forward ten steps back everytime thats why i watch Aj on you tube and dont bother with spike:lol::disappointed::rolleyes::confused::banghead::wtf:

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