If You Could Bring In One Superstar From Any Other Promotion In The World To The WWE


The Cerebral Assassin
... Who would it be, and why? We all know that the WWE is the world's premiere wrestling promotion. However, that doesn't mean that they have ALL of the best wrestlers out there. In fact, there's tons of guys that don't work for the WWE that could greatly enhance the already elite product. However, these guys, whether it be because of differences they have with the management, availability issues, or anything of the sort, are obviously not with the WWE. So, if you could bring in ANY superstar from ANY other promotion in the world, who would it be? Who would you pick to bring in (defying any odds that kept them away from the WWE in the first place) and give the chance to showcase their ability to the world? I know alot of guys from TNA and ROH are good choices, but even a few certain guys from Japan and Mexico would be good choices as well.

My pick would probably be Sting. Now I know that probably wouldn't be the most sensible pick, as the guy is definitely not going to be around much longer, nor does he have the capabilities to run an entire promotion around anymore (despite what TNA thinks), but I just have to pick him. He's just always been THE anti-WWE superstar, and not in terms of his feelings toward the WWE, but just in terms of him NEVER working for them throughout his entire career. I'm pretty sure EVERYONE would mark out if Sting appeared in a WWE ring, and that's what I'm pretty much basing my pick on. It would just be epic. Short-lived, but epic nonetheless.

So, who would you pick?
There's enough people to go around for the singles titles, and the tag division is beyond saving. So, I'd bring in someone that knows how to wrestle, to try and help the Women's division. Following all the movement in the draft, you can only think they're trying to draw interest.

But, who would I bring in? It would have to be someone with a following, and someone that cana ctually wrestle. Someone with a gimmick, that can work as a face or a heel. Who is it?

Cheerleader Melissa. As long as she's under contract with TNA as Raisha Saeed, it won't happen. But eventually, Awesome Kong is going to get bored of having a manager, and she'll be cut loose. I'm not sure if she would sign with WWE, but it would be interesting to see her fight the Divas like Melina, Beth, and Mickie.
Wow so many choices on this. Sting, and RVD are great choices, but for me I would love to see AJ Styles. He's an incredible talent and while I know it'll never happen because he doesn't fit the "WWE mold," but imagine him in a fued with CM Punk or Chris Jericho, or even Edge. Good stuff I say. Good stuff.
I could see the WWE bringing in Bryan Danielson. he worked with Regal back in 2001 and had a good match with him. I see the WWE pushing him as either a chris-benoit like wrestler or use his American Dragon persona as an American Luchador.

As far as bringing in a woman to help the divas with their abilities I could see Amber O'Neil going to the "E". she has the "E" look and talent to boot and can help divas like maria in their ring skills

hell I can also see the E bring in Nigel McGuinnes
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Id Have to go with Brock Lesnar. I used to love his style of wrestling cause he was so agile 4 such a big man. Plus his finishing move The F-5 was the shit.
Sting. Not really now since he's gotten so old and has lost a few steps, but it would have been perfect a few years ago. I still think we'll see him on a WWE show one day when he's inducted into the HOF. He'll just never have a match. Even if it's just a promo, it'll be epic.

I'd say Styles since TNA doesn't use him properly, but then again WWE likely wouldn't either since he's "too small" for Vince's liking. He'd still probably be a great midcarder though.
AJ Styles heads this list for obvious reasons. Can you imagine a Styles/Mysterio/Bourne triple-threat? How about Styles against HBK, Y2J, or Edge? To me, he's more ready for a jump to WWE than anyone except for possibly Robert Roode. I really like Roode's overall character and his mic skills and he's on the rise. In fact, I thought he was ready a long time ago and he is versatile enough to succeed either as a singles or tag-team wrestler. I'd also like to see LAX in the WWE especially with Hernandez because there are very, very few out there with his power.
10 years ago, my pick would have also been Sting. Sting vs. Taker. Sting vs. Austin. Sting vs. Rock. Sting vs. HHH. Sting vs. HBK. I think you get the point.

But now, I would definitely go with "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles. Yeah he lacks size but that is most of his defecencies. Facing off against the likes of either Hardy, Jericho, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, getting a real rivalry with Christian, running against the Miz and/or Morrison..., those possibilties make me really want him to jump ship. He can wrestle, do high spots, sells moves. Like I said, his size may make match-ups with the likes of Triple H, Batista, or maybe even Cena, Orton or Edge look a little less appealing. Yeah he probably would get buried at first but if you can deal with being buried at a second rate TNA and still persevere, then why not by the big company. Vince has a tendancy to use guys who refuse to quit (HHH, HBK, Jeff Hardy). Why not, if AJ proves his loyalty then why wouldn't Vince want to try to make money off of him?
definetly aj styles

he is the most talented athletic face in tna

he truly is phenomenal and should be tna world champ and if he came to wwe i think would eventually be one of their top faces too.

2nd would be the beautiful people(although that is 2) because they are what the name says and would definetely make the divas much more entertaining
AJ Styles, this guy remidns me of the next HBK far mroe than Morrisson, not because of the way he looks or anything, more the fact that he's a slightly smaller guy who's booekd as a main eventer and looks legit there.
I really like all the people who picked AJ Styles, as he is for sure on the top of the list of potential WWE superstars that would do great in the company.

As far as I'm concerned, however, it's a tie between three guys that I would really like to see in the WWE.

Austin Aries - I know he is a small guy, and Vince really likes the bigger guys, but I think Austin has the technical ability to make it in the WWE dispite his size. Vince would see that Aries is like a Jericho in terms of entertainment value. Yes, Y2J is better on the mic, but Austin is better in the ring, I think. I Jericho / Aries match series would be the best programming on the 'E in a long time if it happened.

Tyler Black - I got a theme here, in case you didn't catch on already. Ring of Honor has a bunch of guys that would do great in the WWE if given the oppourtunity. Tyler has the look, the wrestling ability, and he has greatly improved in his mic skills. Plus, I think he could be a huge face draw for the company after only a couple of months in the company. The ladies love Tyler Black.

Rhett Titus - My personal favorite, and if I had to pick one out of these three, I would pick Rhett. I know I may get some heat for this pick, but I can't help it, I think the guy is great. He already has great mic skills and puts out some sick promo's when given the time. He has GOOD ring ability, but he is working on it all the time. He has the cocky and brass attitude that makes you a hated heel, which is exactly what he does best. I think he could really thrive in the WWE.

Any of those three choices I think would be awesome on any of the three brands on WWE programming right now.
For me it would have to be my original favourite STING. This man was the reason I started watching pro wrestling way back when. However, he should have moved years ago to WWE but still he could be huge even now imo. I would love to see him in matches with 'Taker and Michaels etc before it really is too late. Although you gotta respect the man for not going to WWE as he didn't agree with some of their stuff..so in a way it would be weird for him to suddenly go there now. Chances are it will never happen but we can hope, eh...
My first gut reaction to this thread was, as many other have stated, Sting or maybe Danielson. On the other hand, the name Brock Lesnar was mentioned and I immediately thought, how awesome would it be for Orton to win the title, have HHH "injured" in the bout, having to take some time off and the next Monday have a 10 minute "I am great" promo in the middle of the ring with Orton proclaiming that no man on the planet can take the title away from him, and then Lesnar's music hits, he rushes the ring and lands the F5, setting up a feud that could carry until HHH returns and/or Lesnar gets bored again and goes back to MMA.
The King of old school Steve Corino for me, I love the guys style and he's one of the last great guys that have been everywhere and done everyting. I loved his cowbell strap match with Dusty Rhodes in ECW (the real ECW) and I think the WWE could use a bit of old school right about now.

Close second would be a return of RVD
I'd have to bring back Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle return to the WWE

they were 2 of the greatest wrestlers i have seen!

Wrestlemania 19
WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle

that was an amazing match!!!
TEDDY HART!!!!!!!! wrestling in AAA, i believe, not quite sure but however so much talent, and skills on the mic, second to none. BRING ON THE HART FOUNDATION!
i was at wrestlemania 19. that was an awesome match with lesnar and angle. my pick though would have to be matt morgan. the guy continues to be used wrong and should be pushed as a monster. except a monster that can actually move, and move well.
oh, son of a bitch, missed that. ok, the hell with morgan than. i guess my pick would have to be aj styles. he would eventually be HUGE in wwe. bring him in, give him an ic title reign, win a mitb, a world championship, than who knows. but it's likely not going to happen so ya.
I would choose Sting but its highly unlikely because he only will work with them if he has someone that he knows to hang out with like Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, or Goldberg. So unless the WWE is going to give Hogan one more run or Kevin Nash rejoins them while Sting is there then I don't see it happening. Sting has a comfort zone. He's like Goldberg, when Goldberg first joined the WWE it was Hogan who convinced him to join under the assumption that Hulk would be there to hang out with and help him out. But when Hogan was put through his Mr. America gimmick Goldberg saw that Vince doesn't care who it is, he'll treat anyone like crap. So I think it would have to start out the same way as Goldberg first joined the WWE.

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