I Need to Come Clean

I pretended to be a girl so I would be accepted :(

Also I watched wrestling for probably a one year period in 2009, and never otherwise.

Why am I here

I don't fucking know. Jake's dead.

It's possible I've lied about something at some point, but it's just not important enough to remember.

I have been lying a bit, though. Truth be told, I'm not a big CM Punk fan anymore. I was, but gradually I've begun to hate the guy. He's sloppy, overrated and he finds himself to be a much bigger/better deal than he actually is. I think he's a giant douche. Does my growing disdain for CM Punk have anything to do with Randy Orton no longer being important? Probably, at least somewhat.

It's like you want me to walk out the room in a huff - and if there's anybody who's defended Orton more vehemently than you, it's me.
Against SNS and whoever the fuck he wants to mentor? I doubt it very much

I did mentor Milenko's cadaver back into the living. I did so well he was able to beat another person's child without me having to tell him to.

I also mentored HGR but it isn't working out so well.
I took a leave of absence. But I'm still here. And we WILL win mentor/mentee this year.


I did mentor Milenko's cadaver back into the living. I did so well he was able to beat another person's child without me having to tell him to.

I also mentored HGR but it isn't working out so well.
You getting Milenko to do much of anything is very impressive. Too bad you've had to carry people.
I did mentor Milenko's cadaver back into the living. I did so well he was able to beat another person's child without me having to tell him to.

I also mentored HGR but it isn't working out so well.

Its only a matter of time before you completely destroy his sense of morality and he wont have to ask if its acceptable.

HGR is dangerously unhinged, you cant give up on him just yet. Definately a "before he turned the gun on himself" type.
The very first time I told everyone I had gotten a girl pregnant, I was lying. I was living on a futon in a spare room at my mom's house, I wasn't fucking anyone. I tried to make one of those announcement type threads to get rep.

I don't even remember the lie I told to explain away the fake baby. I either said she lost it or aborted it.

The second time though, the one where I was hysterically upset, that one was real.

Did you actually shit on the carpet? because I am pretty sure your entire reputation has been built on that
It's like you want me to walk out the room in a huff - and if there's anybody who's defended Orton more vehemently than you, it's me.

The two (me no longer drooling over Punk and you & I defending Orton) have nothing to do with one another. I'm sorry I've disappointed you, Samuel, but this is the thread where we come clean, even about those things we take very little pride in. I'm not proud of what I've become - a whiny, bitter little bitch... much like CM Punk.

I find it odd how Nick and I have similar opinions of almost all wrestlers that have ever been in WWE but wildly divergent views of the product itself.

I like WWE from late December through early April. I'm not really a huge fan. Being a fan to any degree puts me into a different category than yourself, but I'm no WWE mark. I've told you that for a couple of years now, haven't I?

EDIT: I must clarify - I am actually enjoying Punk's title reign... as of late. Since he turned heel, where he's best, I am starting to turn back to the light and away from the darkness. When you have a turn like that in the middle of a title reign, it's like an all new reign from that point. The second half has been fun, and to top that off, I don't hate Paul Heyman like I once did. Very interesting.
Oh great, another episode of Dman judges teenagers.

Ah, yes. So since you personally disagree with my statement, it's labeled negatively as me "judging" while to the rest of the free world, it's kind of pathetic. I'd rather view myself as helping these guys more than hurting them.
Ah, yes. So since you personally disagree with my statement, it's labeled negatively as me "judging" while to the rest of the free world, it's kind of pathetic. I'd rather view myself as helping these guys more than hurting them.

I get that but I think there is something to be said for frame of reference. I find it hard to believe you, as well as most of the free world, have never embellished your understanding of something that actually isn't important as a teenager in an attempt to have more credibility. It is pretty common and you are insinuating it isn't. Admitting these things is a step in the maturity process and so it seems like you are actually discouraging their growth opposed to helping it.
I get that but I think there is something to be said for frame of reference. I find it hard to believe you, as well as most of the free world, have never embellished your understanding of something that actually isn't important as a teenager in an attempt to have more credibility. It is pretty common and you are insinuating it isn't. Admitting these things is a step in the maturity process and so it seems like you are actually discouraging their growth opposed to helping it.

All I did was point out what was wrong with this picture. Spin it whichever way you want. Fact of the matter is that the first step in solving a problem is identifying it.
Oh, please. They'll continue to do it even after my pointing out the obvious and you're attempt at shielding them from my malicious attack. Save it.
It's okay. I know you didn't mean to hurt us, as much as you intended to build yourself up and bring meaning to your lonely, porn-addled life.
Oh, and alcohol.

The caricature I picture of you... Oh, how I wish I could draw.
Am I missing something? D-Man said someone lied in a thread about lies you've told. The only thing I can see giving him a hard time for here is the fact that he pointed out the obvious. Sure, D-Man has been guilty of judging young people in the past, but I don't really see it this time around. It seems like ya'll are just looking for an excuse to jump on him.

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