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I expect to get banned in the next 10 minutes

I've only quoted two people in a sig; Sly and NorCal. There have been plenty of things I wanted to swap the current one with but I just get lazy and or forget.

I read this excellent quote in The Walking Dead that i wanted to use but couldn't because apparently my sig contained too many characters.

It read:

'See, the thing about really smart motherfuckers, is that they sound like really crazy motherfuckers, to really dumb motherfuckers.
So, Mark, did you happen to tell everyone WHY you started PM Trolling me in the first place? Nope. But then again, I'd also be embarrassed if I had to explain everyone that your potential banning stemmed from you being pissed at a red-rep that I gave you.

That's right, everyone... this guy went apeshit because I RED-REPPED HIM. Pathetic.

I love when egotistical posters talk shit about the mods and try to make themselves out to be heroes when they leave out crucial details that would nullify their bitching.
Again, no you don't know anything. You've jumped to a conclusion. Unless you were in the room with me at the time i started all this, then you don't know anything.

I guess you forgot that Sly's an admin and can see EVERYTHING on this forum, including PM's. But allow me to clarify, considering that I was there.

At no point, and hopefully if D-Man did read this, he'd at least stand up and defend me when i say that i never said he was a poor or biased moderator. What i actually said was that i was disappointed in him because he didn't read all of my post before jumping to a conclusion, which he even admitted during the argument.

And then you proceeded to categorize ALL mods and how we do things. If the PM system wasn't down right now I'd quote you all day long to prove it.

Then, when I told you to stop bothering me, you wrote back that I "threatened" you. The only problem was that I never "Stop bothering me... or else." But you said that insinuated a threat, which makes absolutely no fucking sense, whatsoever.

The argument stemmed from him just repeatedly shrugging me off and assuming i was whining about rep, when rep was the least important aspect of my issue with his statement in the beginning.

But you WERE whining about rep. You wouldn't have PM'ed me if I hadn't red-repped you. So no matter what your bullshit argument is from here on, everyone needs to know that you PM'ed me to CRY ABOUT RED REP.

I'm trying to explain to the guy why he shouldn't label me as a a certain type of fan,

I guess you're a bit ********* if you felt the need to PM me because my red-rep made you assume that I portrayed you as a "certain type of fan." That's such a horrible excuse.

Just admit the fact that you argue against EVERYONE that red-reps you because you feel everyone needs a justifiable reason to do so. There used to be another person like that on this forum... his name was Lord Sidious. Where is he now? Probably exactly where you should be.

and all he could do was keep going back to me whining about rep,

Because that was the purpose of your entire PM, anyway.

so it felt like he still wasn't even reading what i was saying to him.

I read everything. But I couldn't get the thought out of my head that this all stemmed from red-rep.

This is also one of the reasons why i didn't go into detail in the first place, because as soon as 'rep' is mentioned, that's the only word anyone will focus on from that moment on.

Because it might be the most meaningless thing to ever argue with a G-Mod about. You don't like an infraction or warning and want to argue it? That's fair. But to write me the King James Bible over PM because I red-repped you? You need a life, bro.

This was not about red rep, but D-Man refused to believe that and we argued and it got ugly.

No, it was about red-rep. You just needed an excuse to troll me.

I didn't request anything.

I threatened to infract you and you said "Go ahead. Ban me if you'd like." That's not a request?

What would be the point in requesting to be banned when i could just up and never come back to the site? I don't need to be banned to never come back ya know.

Exactly why I didn't ban you. I assumed you'd leave.

I DARED him to ban me. That's not the same as asking someone to do it, now is it?

I guess we could consider it as asking me sternly.

Because I got in an argument with a MOD

That's G-Mod.

and was being a dick about it. We both were, but he's got the authority and was justified to use it, and i'm just a poster with a lot of mouth.

Finally, some truth.

I still don't really see how i've done this to boost my own ego. I've admitted i was in the wrong multiple times already.

Your reaction to my red rep was egotistical. You tried speaking down to me and I verbally pissed on you because you deserved it. You picked a fight with me over the most insignificant thing on this site since V-Cash which is our rep system.

I didn't something in your post and I red repped you. Like I replied in the PM, you need to get over it. Picking fights with Admins and G-Mods is probably not a good idea.
So, Mark, did you happen to tell everyone WHY you started PM Trolling me in the first place? Nope.

I mentioned it just now in response to one of Sly's post actually.

But then again, I'd also be embarrassed if I had to explain everyone that your potential banning stemmed from you being pissed at a red-rep that I gave you.

Why would i be embarrassed? If i was going to be banned, why would i explain to people why it happened? The details are only coming out now because you and Sly have accussed me of trying to attack ALL the Mods on the forum. Sly wasn't even part of it, so i gave him certain details. The same details that i'm apparently suppposed to be embarrassed about.

And again, i'll say it, the rep was irrelevant. The reason we got in an argument is because you labelled me as something that i'm not, and completely misinterpreting what i actually said. Like i said before, if you'd have put it in a post and rep hadn't been involved i'd still have said 'why are you accusing me of wanting that, when i never said even said that? Did you not even read what i posted?' Then you admitted that you hadn't even read the post and that's what angered me and caused the whole thing to spiral out of control. I wanted to extend my gratitude to the other posters who valued my thoughts, yet now you and Sly are trying to make it look like i'm trying to save my ego.

How does saying thank you = salvaging ego?

That's right, everyone... this guy went apeshit because I RED-REPPED HIM. Pathetic.

Nope, afraid not, and i still can't believe that you still can't see past the rep issue.

I love when egotistical posters talk shit about the mods and try to make themselves out to be heroes when they leave out crucial details that would nullify their bitching.

I didn't give any details originally. Made a point of stating i wasn't going to do that i believe.

I pointed out i was likely to get banned and was pretty much just saying 'If so... then goodbye.' If i was going to bitch about you D-Man i'd have actually posted the entire argument and used it to defend my opinion.

Why have two mods tried to turn this simple 'farewell' thread into an opportunity A) to try and strengthen their own position, and B) to try and make me look like I was complaining about you, when i in fact admitted that i was wrong in the very first post?

So i admit to being guilty, and i thank people, which somehow means i'm bitching and trying to save my ego?
Why would i be embarrassed? If i was going to be banned, why would i explain to people why it happened? The details are only coming out now because you and Sly have accussed me of trying to attack ALL the Mods on the forum. Sly wasn't even part of it, so i gave him certain details. The same details that i'm apparently suppposed to be embarrassed about.

Like the detail about it stemming from red-rep that you didn't mention until almost the third page of this thread.

And again, i'll say it, the rep was irrelevant.

The rep was the genesis of this whole thing. Stop playing it off like it wasn't. Did you or did you not PM me because I gave you red-rep??

The reason we got in an argument is because you labelled me as something that i'm not, and completely misinterpreting what i actually said.

No, it was because I red-repped you with this:
D-Man rep said:
Anyone that asks for the return of the Cruiserweight Belt gets red rep from me.

I didn't misinterpret anything. You mentioned something I didn't like in your post so I red-repped you for it. So once again, stop BS-ing everyone and start fessing up.

Like i said before, if you'd have put it in a post and rep hadn't been involved i'd still have said 'why are you accusing me of wanting that, when i never said even said that? Did you not even read what i posted?'

But then I would have broken our spamming rules. Hence, the reason why our rep system exists. And you got ********* over it.

Then you admitted that you hadn't even read the post and that's what angered me and caused the whole thing to spiral out of control.

No. I never said I didn't read your post. I said that once I saw your statement about possibly bringing back the CW title I decided to red-rep you. That doesn't mean I didn't read your post. Don't put words in my mouth.

I wanted to extend my gratitude to the other posters who valued my thoughts, yet now you and Sly are trying to make it look like i'm trying to save my ego.

Oh, PAH-LEEEEEEASE... Here is your original post:

I'm not going to go into details, or insult anyone, but i do expect to get banned soon.

I did just dare D-Man to do it during a private argument we were just having, petty as it was. And by saying 'petty' i do mean i was being petty too.

He probably won't, although if he did, he's probably justifed, and i'm sure all the other mods would back him without hesitation, but if he does, i'm just going to say thanks to all those who thought The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh's opinion was worth paying attention to for a few seconds.

And now we play the waiting game.......

So out of that whole post, you made 1/2 sentence in regards to thanking people. But the rest of the post was a cry for attention to anyone that would listen because you felt need to obtain justification and recognition from other posters before your departure from the site. I don't know whether that's egotistical, stupid, pointless, pathetic, or just all of the above.

How does saying thank you = salvaging ego?

Look at everything else you wrote. You're looking for a reason to get a pat on the back because you think you're worth it. That's egotistical to me.

Nope, afraid not, and i still can't believe that you still can't see past the rep issue.

Probably because it's the reason behind all of your bitching here. Is it not??

I didn't give any details originally. Made a point of stating i wasn't going to do that i believe.

Yeah, to try and make your point seem even slightly valid.

If i was going to bitch about you D-Man i'd have actually posted the entire argument and used it to defend my opinion.

But you didn't. You knew better because you're dead wrong here.

Why have two mods tried to turn this simple 'farewell' thread into an opportunity A) to try and strengthen their own position, and B) to try and make me look like I was complaining about you, when i in fact admitted that i was wrong in the very first post?

First of all, it's a G-Mod and an Admin. Basically, that means the people who run this thing.

Secondly, you made assumptions on behalf of all the other mods and who they'd "back without hesitation." We don't like when you think on our behalf. It comes across a bit... well... egotistical.

We don't need to strengthen our positions. But if you decide to air out your dirty laundry then you'd better be prepared for the backlash. Stop trying to play the fucking victim.

So i admit to being guilty, and i thank people, which somehow means i'm bitching and trying to save my ego?

You could have thanked everyone without dedicating 3/4 of your post to mentioning the situation that occurred before anyone had a chance to ask. That could have been taken a bunch of different ways. In this case, it came across half-hearted.
I guess you forgot that Sly's an admin and can see EVERYTHING on this forum, including PM's.

But based on what he said, he hasn't read our PMs.

And then you proceeded to categorize ALL mods and how we do things. If the PM system wasn't down right now I'd quote you all day long to prove it.

I wish you could too, because i don't recall saying anything about the Mods, i seem to remember saying stuff about you and you only.

Then, when I told you to stop bothering me, you wrote back that I "threatened" you. The only problem was that I never "Stop bothering me... or else." But you said that insinuated a threat, which makes absolutely no fucking sense, whatsoever.

You're right, that doesn't make sense. Good job that's not what i said eh? I actually said 'By saying to me 'Don't do this to me again' you're suggesting that there will be consequences should i choose to do it anyway.'

That's what i actually said.

But you WERE whining about rep. You wouldn't have PM'ed me if I hadn't red-repped you. So no matter what your bullshit argument is from here on, everyone needs to know that you PM'ed me to CRY ABOUT RED REP.

I had to PM you because if i'd posted in the thread it would have made no sense because you hadn't posted anything in it. I couldn't post in the thread

"Hey D-Man, why you'd label me a CW fan?" When there's no post from you labelling me a CW fan is there? You'd have probably not even read it.

I guess you're a bit ********* if you felt the need to PM me because my red-rep made you assume that I portrayed you as a "certain type of fan." That's such a horrible excuse.

Read above for why you were PM'd. And you did. You said that as soon as you got to the words 'bring back the cruiserweight title' you stopped reading. And then assumed that i wanted that despite having never said anything of the sort.

Just admit the fact that you argue against EVERYONE that red-reps you because you feel everyone needs a justifiable reason to do so.

I wanted you to explain to me how you got 'I want the CW title back' from 'If there's only 1 Diva belt, maybe they'll bring back the CW belt to balance out the belts.' Never actually got an answer to that. Instead all i got was, 'stop whining about rep'.

There used to be another person like that on this forum... his name was Lord Sidious. Where is he now?

Not a clue, i don't follow the comings and goings of everyone on the forum, funnily enough.

Because that was the purpose of your entire PM, anyway.

The purpose was to determine how you managed to completely misinterpret what i said. All i got was insults back.

I read everything. But I couldn't get the thought out of my head that this all stemmed from red-rep.

But that's not why it started. You're still the only one of focusing on rep.

Because it might be the most meaningless thing to ever argue with a G-Mod about. You don't like an infraction or warning and want to argue it? That's fair.

I don't argue infractions, they expire, why would i care?

But to write me the King James Bible over PM because I red-repped you?

The first person to mention rep in our argument was you. I didn't mention rep at all until you did.

No, it was about red-rep. You just needed an excuse to troll me.

I was trying to argue my case. You weren't prepared to listen, which somehow means i'm still in the wrong.

I threatened to infract you and you said "Go ahead. Ban me if you'd like." That's not a request?

No, it's not. Requests usually begin with words like 'Would you....' and end in words like 'please' in my experience.

Your reaction to my red rep was egotistical. You tried speaking down to me and I verbally pissed on you because you deserved it.

Not really. I more or less said 'this is what i said and this is how you've read it. How did that happen?'

You responded with 'get over it', completely disregarding what i'd PM'd you about in the first place. This then continued. You tried to tell me that my opinion on the subject was worthless because you guys had 'proven' that my suggestion didn't work, and i then gave an example that completely contradicted your point, and then that part of the discussion ended completely while we focused on trying to sound hard on the internet.

You picked a fight with me over the most insignificant thing on this site since V-Cash which is our rep system.

Totally agree. Rep is totally meaningless.

I didn't something in your post and I red repped you. Like I replied in the PM, you need to get over it.

I did, about 30 seconds after i noticed i'd gotten red rep. What i wouldn't let go was that someone of your stature decided to shit on my post without reading it through properly and wanted to know why, and then just had more abuse thrown at me.
But based on what he said, he hasn't read our PMs.

I wish you could too, because i don't recall saying anything about the Mods, i seem to remember saying stuff about you and you only.

You're right, that doesn't make sense. Good job that's not what i said eh? I actually said 'By saying to me 'Don't do this to me again' you're suggesting that there will be consequences should i choose to do it anyway.'

That's what i actually said.

I had to PM you because if i'd posted in the thread it would have made no sense because you hadn't posted anything in it. I couldn't post in the thread

"Hey D-Man, why you'd label me a CW fan?" When there's no post from you labelling me a CW fan is there? You'd have probably not even read it.

Read above for why you were PM'd. And you did. You said that as soon as you got to the words 'bring back the cruiserweight title' you stopped reading. And then assumed that i wanted that despite having never said anything of the sort.

I wanted you to explain to me how you got 'I want the CW title back' from 'If there's only 1 Diva belt, maybe they'll bring back the CW belt to balance out the belts.' Never actually got an answer to that. Instead all i got was, 'stop whining about rep'.

Not a clue, i don't follow the comings and goings of everyone on the forum, funnily enough.

The purpose was to determine how you managed to completely misinterpret what i said. All i got was insults back.

But that's not why it started. You're still the only one of focusing on rep.

I don't argue infractions, they expire, why would i care?

The first person to mention rep in our argument was you. I didn't mention rep at all until you did.

I was trying to argue my case. You weren't prepared to listen, which somehow means i'm still in the wrong.

No, it's not. Requests usually begin with words like 'Would you....' and end in words like 'please' in my experience.

Your reaction to my red rep was egotistical. You tried speaking down to me and I verbally pissed on you because you deserved it.

Not really. I more or less said 'this is what i said and this is how you've read it. How did that happen?'

You responded with 'get over it', completely disregarding what i'd PM'd you about in the first place. This then continued. You tried to tell me that my opinion on the subject was worthless because you guys had 'proven' that my suggestion didn't work, and i then gave an example that completely contradicted your point, and then that part of the discussion ended completely while we focused on trying to sound hard on the internet.

Totally agree. Rep is totally meaningless.

I did, about 30 seconds after i noticed i'd gotten red rep. What i wouldn't let go was that someone of your stature decided to shit on my post without reading it through properly and wanted to know why, and then just had more abuse thrown at me.

I won't sit here and go quote for quote in response to this. Instead, I'll just say my peace and be done with it. Does everyone have their popcorn ready? Because here we go...

I red-repped you because of a statement you made. You PM'ed me with a long speech about how my rep wasn't justified and you proceeded to tell me about how I need to read your entire post before making assumptions. I told you "It's only red-rep... get over it." And you proceeded to reply with a barrage of bullshit, rudely calling me out and saying that I had no reason to justify my side of things. So I wrote back a detailed reason for why I gave you the rep in order to satisfy your ego, followed by a request to leave me alone. You took my request as a "threat" (for some ridiculous reason because it was not intended that way. Like I said before, if I wanted to threaten you then I would have followed my comment with "or else...") and started making ridiculous claims about how the mods do their jobs. THEN, I responded with a threat to infract you if you continued to PM troll me. You welcomed it with open arms and said I could ban you, for all you care. I said that I wouldn't ban you, and yet you still created this thread because you have an excess of sand in your vagina.

Now everyone knows the details. This whole thing spawned from a red-rep comment, your reaction to it, and your assumption that I was "threatening you". My comments from there on were simply reactive to your bullshit. You're wrong on every level... end of story.
Like the detail about it stemming from red-rep that you didn't mention until almost the third page of this thread.

BUT.... it WAS mentioned BEFORE you said that i'd never mentioned it all wasn't it?

The rep was the genesis of this whole thing. Stop playing it off like it wasn't. Did you or did you not PM me because I gave you red-rep??

No i Pm'd you because you said

'Anyone that asks for the return of the Cruiserweight Belt gets red rep from me.'

When in reality i actually said.

If the belt is going to be on one brand only, then surely a new belt needs to be made for SD. Perhaps bringing back the cruiserweight title perhaps?

Now, where did i ask for it to come back? This is more or less what i asked you in the original PM, and all i got in response was 'stop crying over rep'

I didn't misinterpret anything. You mentioned something I didn't like in your post so I red-repped you for it. So once again, stop BS-ing everyone and start fessing up.

I fess up to being pissed that you didn't actually read my post properly like i would do for any of yours before i responded to it, regardless of what form that response took.

But then I would have broken our spamming rules. Hence, the reason why our rep system exists. And you got ********* over it.

Now that's a lame excuse.

No. I never said I didn't read your post. I said that once I saw your statement about possibly bringing back the CW title I decided to red-rep you. That doesn't mean I didn't read your post. Don't put words in my mouth.

I seem to recall you saying 'once i got to your suggestion to bring back the CW belt, i lost all respect for your post and stopped reading it.'

Oh, PAH-LEEEEEEASE... Here is your original post:

Originally Posted by The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh
I'm not going to go into details, or insult anyone, but i do expect to get banned soon.

I did just dare D-Man to do it during a private argument we were just having, petty as it was. And by saying 'petty' i do mean i was being petty too.

He probably won't, although if he did, he's probably justifed, and i'm sure all the other mods would back him without hesitation, but if he does, i'm just going to say thanks to all those who thought The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh's opinion was worth paying attention to for a few seconds.

And now we play the waiting game.......

So out of that whole post, you made 1/2 sentence in regards to thanking people. But the rest of the post was a cry for attention to anyone that would listen because you felt need to obtain justification and recognition from other posters before your departure from the site. I don't know whether that's egotistical, stupid, pointless, pathetic, or just all of the above.

If i expected to get banned, i wouldn't expect to be able to come back and see if anyone took my side would i? I don't need everyone to support me in my actions, i'm quiet happy to stand alone for what i believe in.

Look at everything else you wrote. You're looking for a reason to get a pat on the back because you think you're worth it. That's egotistical to me.

I'm looking for a reason for a pat on the back? I even said you'd be justified in banning me, but apparently i'm doing that for my own ends.

Probably because it's the reason behind all of your bitching here. Is it not??

Once more, no, it's not.

Yeah, to try and make your point seem even slightly valid.

What point? See, again this is being turned into 'this guy's attacking the Staff'. There was no alterior motive to this. If anything, it was to see if anyone would give a shit if i was banned.

But you didn't. You knew better because you're dead wrong here.

No, i didn't because it wasn't neccessary to show everyone why i was likely to be banned, it was easier to simply say 'i'll be banned in a minute' and then if you wanted to tell everyone why you banned me, then whatever.

Secondly, you made assumptions on behalf of all the other mods and who they'd "back without hesitation." We don't like when you think on our behalf. It comes across a bit... well... egotistical.

Ok, yes i did assume. I assumed that my actions were worthy of punishment.

We don't need to strengthen our positions. But if you decide to air out your dirty laundry then you'd better be prepared for the backlash. Stop trying to play the fucking victim.

Well, i'm here facing the backlash aren't i?

I'm not looking for sympathy. Never was, never will.

You are so back and forth about this situation that it's causing me mental pain to continue to reply to it all. Therefore, I won't.

I red-repped you and you PM'ed with with your disdain about it. Your reasons are irrelevant. MY point is that you bitched about my red-rep over PM. YOUR point is that you wanted to clarify your position in reaction to what I wrote in your red-rep. WE GET IT.

But this all stemmed from red-rep. Next time, just take the red rep, eat it, ignore it, move on with your life, lather, rinse repeat.

You are so back and forth about this situation that it's causing me mental pain to continue to reply to it all. Therefore, I won't.

Shame, i still have 30 minutes of my shift to waste.

I red-repped you and you PM'ed with with your disdain about it.

Disdain about your reasoning, not the rep. If it'd been Red rep with no explanation, i wouldn't have batted an eyelid. But when my words are twisted and used against me, then yeah i'm not just going to ignore that.

Your reasons are irrelevant. MY point is that you bitched about my red-rep over PM.

Which isn't the case, but yeah ok, whatever.....
Here we go with that internet serious business crap again. Originality at its finest.
Well i just wasted a good chunk of my life reading this whole thing and all i have to show for it is a headache and 15min of my life wasted... :disappointed:
Fuck me! That was the most pointless argument in the world.

Mark of Z... who cares man. Move on and don't waste time trying to defend your point in a forum. Forum's usually are filled with opinionated people who won't change their mind. D-Man's a decent guy from what I see on here but he's obviously made up his mind so just move on.

D-Man... Seriously? Who cares man, I get what you're saying but he has somewhat of a point in the fact you and Sly have made him seem like a whinny little bitch. I didn't get that at all from the thread (although the PMs might say otherwise). Just let it go and stop trying to be the big mod. You're cool man but some of that just seemed like you were whinning and bitching about another whinny bitch, fuck.

Sly is nearly always a dick about stuff like this. Best to ignore him anywhere except a wrestling topic, that's what i do.

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