I expect to get banned in the next 10 minutes

The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh

Tell me what's on ur so called mind
I'm not going to go into details, or insult anyone, but i do expect to get banned soon.

I did just dare D-Man to do it during a private argument we were just having, petty as it was. And by saying 'petty' i do mean i was being petty too.

He probably won't, although if he did, he's probably justifed, and i'm sure all the other mods would back him without hesitation, but if he does, i'm just going to say thanks to all those who thought The Mark of Zur-En-Arrh's opinion was worth paying attention to for a few seconds.

And now we play the waiting game.......
Well you could always come back with your back up mind/alt. Like the real Batman of Zur-En-Arrh. Of course that would result in perma ban. But hey it works with the theme.
Or you could have not been a ********, or failing that, apologize for being one.

I don't see why you would take pride in being banned.
Furyof5 said:
Well you could always come back with your back up mind/alt. Like the real Batman of Zur-En-Arrh. Of course that would result in perma ban. But hey it works with the theme.

Yeah, or just find something else to do with my time. I do have plans for stuff i've never actually gotten around to, and no one ever argues with my opinion anymore which has sucked the fun out of this place for me in all honesty.

And here's a quick question just for the sake of it. Do people actually get my name? By now you should understand the Batman reference, but the name as a whole, what do you think it means?

General Dissarray said:
Take this to the cage, mothafucka!

There's not really any need now at this point. Got my infraction.

DirtyJosé said:
You still waiting? Lulz

Actually, i didn't even wait the 10 minutes. Instead i rolled a fatty and read 'The Walking Dead' vol9.

Slyfox said:
I don't see why you would take pride in being banned.

This is how i got in the argument in the first place. Because a mod responded to something i posted, having seemingly not even read it. Where did say i was proud of being banned Sly?

Total Numbers Action said:
Ok, this is how to make everyone think you are a tit. When you are a better poster than that.

No offence Numbers, but what people I've never met think of me as an individual matters less than zero to me. I don't apply that to this forum only, that is my stance in regards to everyone. If someone walks up to me and says 'You're blah blah blah!' i'll simply turn and say 'You're opinion matters to me..... Why exactly?' Unfortunately, i am that kind of cunt.

I don't like you as a martyr.

Lol, i'm not trying to be one of these guys who suddenly starts bashing the mods as a group because i got in an argument with one, but i will stand for what i believe in, and that is that every single person in the world is entitled to a certain level of respect.

In my view D-Man didn't show me that respect and i spoke up about it. Now of course, another mod is going to turn around and say, 'you don't deserve our respect' and then there's not really anything i can say in response is there? Without getting even more infractions.
This is how i got in the argument in the first place. Because a mod responded to something i posted, having seemingly not even read it. Where did say i was proud of being banned Sly?
You made a thread about it, that says this whole thing is more about your pride than anything else. In fact, because of this thread, I can pretty much guess what went down in the PMs, without you telling anyone about it.

If it weren't for pride, you wouldn't have made this thread. But your ego demanded you make it, so if you did get banned, people who know your side of the story, which makes you feel better.

It has everything to do with pride.
You made a thread about it, that says this whole thing is more about your pride than anything else.

This also, suggests you didn't even read the OP.

In fact, because of this thread, I can pretty much guess what went down in the PMs, without you telling anyone about it.

Not really, it just turned into a slandering match towards the end. Nothing was proved and nothing was disproved.

If it weren't for pride, you wouldn't have made this thread.

I made it to thank the people who'd mentioned me as a decent poster in recent weeks. Nothing more.

But your ego demanded you make it, so if you did get banned, people who know your side of the story, which makes you feel better.

A) I haven't given ANY side of a story, to anyone. Won't either. The issue between me and D-Man doesn't even matter anymore.

B) How would i feel better? I wouldn't even be able to come back and read the thread afterward if i'd been banned so if i don't know how it turned out, why would i feel better?

C My ego? This coming from a guy who's argument usually just consists of 'I'm right'?
So you want to get banned because D-Man didnt agree with your posts?

No, basically the argument got heated, D-Man started saying 'Don't say this, that or the other etc' and i said 'Or what?'

This then led to him saying 'You'll get an infraction' and i basically said 'If you want to infract me, do it. If you want to ban me even, then do it, but that's not going to change anything regarding what we're arguing about', and i assumed that because i said that, that he'd do it.

Like i said the argument had gotten really petty by this stage, and i just expected it to go to a new level. It didn't, so there we go.

I don't get how there's now 2 people who've interepreted this to mean that i wanted to get banned. All i said was, it was likely to be the end result of something that no one else would know about, and thanks to those who 'respected' my opinions on wrestling.

Somehow that's been translated to 'my ego demanded i create this thread for sympathy even though i intentionally want to get banned, even though i wouldn't be able to check if anyone gave a shit, if i did get banned.
This also, suggests you didn't even read the OP.
You mean this part?

You said:
I'm not going to go into details, or insult anyone, but i do expect to get banned soon.

I did just dare D-Man to do it during a private argument we were just having, petty as it was. And by saying 'petty' i do mean i was being petty too.

He probably won't, although if he did, he's probably justifed, and i'm sure all the other mods would back him without hesitation,
And now we play the waiting game.....
That part? Yeah, that had absolutely dick to do with you thanking people. The only part of your OP that had anything to do was HALF of a sentence in a paragraph.

I read your OP, and it was you trying to backdoor you way into salvaging your ego for other posters if you got banned. I'm not an idiot, I know EXACTLY what you were doing.

You made a private grievance public, just so you could tell everyone you said for D-Man to ban you and you even managed to throw in the entire Staff, to make it appear as a conspiracy.

I know exactly what you were doing. And I called you on it, so now you're busy trying to deny it.

Not really, it just turned into a slandering match towards the end. Nothing was proved and nothing was disproved.
Exactly. And both of you got upset, you both likely resorted to insults, you might have accused him of being a poor or biased moderator, and then, in a huff, you told him to ban you because you think something wasn't fair or right.

I've been in hundreds of those conversations.

A) I haven't given ANY side of a story, to anyone. Won't either. The issue between me and D-Man doesn't even matter anymore.
Sure you did. You let everyone know that if you got banned, it was because YOU told D-Man to ban you, and that the Staff would conspire against the regular members to support the ban.

I read between the lines very well.

B) How would i feel better? I wouldn't even be able to come back and read the thread afterward if i'd been banned so if i don't know how it turned out, why would i feel better?

Either you're not as smart as I thought you were, or you think I'm dumber than I am, either way, this quote is incredibly inaccurate.

C My ego? This coming from a guy who's argument usually just consists of 'I'm right'?
Yes, that's what I do. I go around to every thread and just put "I'm right". Nevermind that pesky spam rule, and the fact I present details and facts, I just say "I'm right" and go on.

Yes, this is about YOUR ego, as you had to let everyone know YOU requested to be banned, and you wanted everyone to know why you were banned. It was all about your ego.
You mean this part?

That part? Yeah, that had absolutely dick to do with you thanking people. The only part of your OP that had anything to do was HALF of a sentence in a paragraph.

But i did say it though didn't I? Regardless of what percentage of the post it took up, i did still say it.

I read your OP, and it was you trying to backdoor you way into salvaging your ego for other posters if you got banned. I'm not an idiot, I know EXACTLY what you were doing.

No you're not an idiot, but you don't know anything about why i started this. Why would i need to salvage my ego to people who don't even know what was going on? I post so infrequently in so few threads, that it'd probably have been 6 months before anyone even noticed that i'd gone.

You made a private grievance public, just so you could tell everyone you said for D-Man to ban you and you even managed to throw in the entire Staff, to make it appear as a conspiracy.

Er, no. I said that if we did go into full details, you'd back D-Man, based on what actually happened. You'd be right to back him too, i never said you'd be wrong to, all i said was, you'd all back him without having to think about it because i obviously deserved some form of punishment. I assumed because even after the warning i'd given D-Man more grief, that I'd be gone. Where are the conspiracy theories there exactly?

I know exactly what you were doing. And I called you on it, so now you're busy trying to deny it.

Again, no you don't know anything. You've jumped to a conclusion. Unless you were in the room with me at the time i started all this, then you don't know anything. You've accused me of something, i've said you're wrong, and now you're just repeating the same accusation as if that's suddenly going to make it true. By all means Sly, accuse me til you're blue in the face, but you don't know and never will know why i started this, if you continue to disregard the reasons i've already explained.

Exactly. And both of you got upset, you both likely resorted to insults, you might have accused him of being a poor or biased moderator, and then, in a huff, you told him to ban you because you think something wasn't fair or right.

At no point, and hopefully if D-Man did read this, he'd at least stand up and defend me when i say that i never said he was a poor or biased moderator. What i actually said was that i was disappointed in him because he didn't read all of my post before jumping to a conclusion, which he even admitted during the argument. The argument stemmed from him just repeatedly shrugging me off and assuming i was whining about rep, when rep was the least important aspect of my issue with his statement in the beginning. I'm trying to explain to the guy why he shouldn't label me as a a certain type of fan, and all he could do was keep going back to me whining about rep, so it felt like he still wasn't even reading what i was saying to him.

This is also one of the reasons why i didn't go into detail in the first place, because as soon as 'rep' is mentioned, that's the only word anyone will focus on from that moment on. This was not about red rep, but D-Man refused to believe that and we argued and it got ugly.

I've been in hundreds of those conversations.

I'm sure you do. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, but i'm sure there's lots of posters who bang on at you specifically Sly.

Sure you did. You let everyone know that if you got banned, it was because YOU told D-Man to ban you, and that the Staff would conspire against the regular members to support the ban.

No, that's how you've interpreted it, what i meant was i assumed you'd think him banning me was justified based on how it went down.

I read between the lines very well.

OR..... you're paranoid because you get so much grief from other posters because you're on the staff and seemingly manage to piss so many people off with you posts.

Either you're not as smart as I thought you were, or you think I'm dumber than I am, either way, this quote is incredibly inaccurate.

By all means, enlighten me as to why it's innaccurate.

Yes, that's what I do. I go around to every thread and just put "I'm right". Nevermind that pesky spam rule, and the fact I present details and facts, I just say "I'm right" and go on.

Yeah, ok i exaggerated there.

Not in your original posts no, of course not, but when i read most debates you have with some people, you're repsonses to certain aspects do literally just say things like, 'Because i'm right' or 'Because Wrestler-A is shit' and then never say anything else to actually back that statement up. I've asked you in numerous threads to explain why you feel a certain way about certain talent, and i don't think you've actually responded once.

Yes, this is about YOUR ego, as you had to let everyone know YOU requested to be banned,

I didn't request anything. What would be the point in requesting to be banned when i could just up and never come back to the site? I don't need to be banned to never come back ya know.

I DARED him to ban me. That's not the same as asking someone to do it, now is it?

and you wanted everyone to know why you were banned. It was all about your ego.

Because I got in an argument with a MOD and was being a dick about it. We both were, but he's got the authority and was justified to use it, and i'm just a poster with a lot of mouth. I still don't really see how i've done this to boost my own ego. I've admitted i was in the wrong multiple times already.
There was a point when I was in like 10 peoples sigs. Clearly my stock has dropped.

In two years i've been sigged once, lol. Thing is, most people sig comments that praise them as an individual, which personally, i think is kinda sad. It's like saying 'look, someone here does like me.'
I've only quoted two people in a sig; Sly and NorCal. There have been plenty of things I wanted to swap the current one with but I just get lazy and or forget.
Remind me to try and stay or get on sly's good side.

Why? I'm actually happy to finally get an argument out of him, rather than be completely ignored. I'm not saying he does it on purpose, but like i said just now, i've tried to engage him in debate before only to get nothing......
One thing I noticed about armbar's post is that his post are always good but his sigs are always fucking hilarious

Just had to through that in there.
Why? I'm actually happy to finally get an argument out of him, rather than be completely ignored. I'm not saying he does it on purpose, but like i said just now, i've tried to engage him in debate before only to get nothing......

Cool beans man. I did notice that when sly does get in an argument he tries to keep them as professional as possible. There always funny and entertaining to read.

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