You see, you make outlandish claims, then don't post your sources of information. I post my sources of information and you don't even check them? Are you afraid that I will prove you wrong?
No. i am afraid that i will get a virus and my computer will get damaged. i already posted u statistics..
ryback turned heel, fed to cena
kane returned AND turned heel, fed to cena
big show turned heel, fed to cena
johnny ace became gm, only to be fed to cena
great khali had a lot of momentum, defeating undertaker clean and dominating rey mysterio, then he was fed to cena
batista was turned heel, then he was fed to cena before he left
the miz was put over by cena, but cena basically undid his own work and the miz went nowhere after it.
brock lesnar returned, and he was fed to cena.
triple h faced cena, only to be fed in wrestlemania 22..
theres probably even more