How long will John Cena's reign last?

How long will Cena's reign last

  • MITB 2013

  • Summerslam 2013

  • Night of Champions 2013

  • over the limit 2013

  • hell in a cell 2013

  • survivor series 2013

  • royal rumble 2014

  • elimination chamber 2014

  • wrestlemania 30

  • extreme rules 2014

  • payback 2014

  • wrestlemania 31

  • special Raw event

  • Other

  • Longer than Cm Punk's 434 day reign

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You see, you make outlandish claims, then don't post your sources of information. I post my sources of information and you don't even check them? Are you afraid that I will prove you wrong?

No. i am afraid that i will get a virus and my computer will get damaged. i already posted u statistics..

ryback turned heel, fed to cena
kane returned AND turned heel, fed to cena
big show turned heel, fed to cena
johnny ace became gm, only to be fed to cena
great khali had a lot of momentum, defeating undertaker clean and dominating rey mysterio, then he was fed to cena
batista was turned heel, then he was fed to cena before he left
the miz was put over by cena, but cena basically undid his own work and the miz went nowhere after it.
brock lesnar returned, and he was fed to cena.
triple h faced cena, only to be fed in wrestlemania 22..

theres probably even more
No. i am afraid that i will get a virus and my computer will get damaged. i already posted u statistics..

ryback turned heel, fed to cena
kane returned AND turned heel, fed to cena
big show turned heel, fed to cena
johnny ace became gm, only to be fed to cena
great khali had a lot of momentum, defeating undertaker clean and dominating rey mysterio, then he was fed to cena
batista was turned heel, then he was fed to cena before he left
the miz was put over by cena, but cena basically undid his own work and the miz went nowhere after it.
brock lesnar returned, and he was fed to cena.
triple h faced cena, only to be fed in wrestlemania 22..

theres probably even more

No, a source means a website, book, almanac, video clip, etc. to where you got your information. If I could whatever stats I wanted and not have anything to back them up then I could say that I have MY statistics saying that the WWE is feeding people to me.

SummerSlam 2009: Stone Cold Steven Austin lost to NewWaveKnight in under a minute
Wrestlemania 2010: NewWaveKnight beats HBK, forcing him to retire.
Money In The Bank 2011: I became the WWE Champion after beating John Cena AND making Daniel Bryan tap out in the same night.

But when I claim something as fact, I actually present my sources, because that's good debating. You probably wouldn't know that since you don't really pay much attention to your academics. Hell, I would assume you're failing most (if not all) of your classes. Maybe that's why you don't check any sources that I post, because you can barely even read your textbooks, let alone wrap your brain around something with facts.

I don't buy the virus excuse. The only virus here is you.
No, a source means a website, book, almanac, video clip, etc. to where you got your information. If I could whatever stats I wanted and not have anything to back them up then I could say that I have MY statistics saying that the WWE is feeding people to me.

SummerSlam 2009: Stone Cold Steven Austin lost to NewWaveKnight in under a minute
Wrestlemania 2010: NewWaveKnight beats HBK, forcing him to retire.
Money In The Bank 2011: I became the WWE Champion after beating John Cena AND making Daniel Bryan tap out in the same night.

But when I claim something as fact, I actually present my sources, because that's good debating. You probably wouldn't know that since you don't really pay much attention to your academics. Hell, I would assume you're failing most (if not all) of your classes. Maybe that's why you don't check any sources that I post, because you can barely even read your textbooks, let alone wrap your brain around something with facts.

I don't buy the virus excuse. The only virus here is you.

I will present you to my sources right now..

Extreme rules 2013 -
payback 2013 -

ryback was fed to cena on payback.. he turned heel and lost his momentum.

kane was fed to john cena right after he returned and turned heel.

big show turned heel and returned, only to be fed to cena.

johnny ace became GM at wrestlemania 28, and then he was forced to quit by cena.

khali defeated undertaker.
then he was fed to cena,

batista turned heel.. then he was fed to cena.
3 ppvs in a fucking row.. waste of talent.

the miz had a long championship reign, to be fed to cena

brock lesnar returned, fed to cena.

triple h fed to cena..

as for my academics, why should i give a fuck? its not that important and its boring as fuck.
Okay man.. they are all from wikipedia, which are mostly correct

Okay, Bastista was on his way out, so they let him go out against the top guy in the company. How is that being fed? Of course, they're going to have him lose because that would be pointless to push a guy who is on his way out.
Okay, Bastista was on his way out, so they let him go out against the top guy in the company. How is that being fed? Of course, they're going to have him lose because that would be pointless to push a guy who is on his way out.

They had other options.

1. Instead of feeding him to cena, feed him to a guy who will be a future star, like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, or Sheamus.
2. Instead of feeding him to anybody.. u can keep him looking strong so that he will be able to come back happy.. i think he is pissed off at being jobbed out to cena. but if u keep him strong, he will obviusly stay in the wwe.. and his legacy will be untouched and he will be a hall of famer. now his legacy is to job to cena.. thats how we will remember him
They had other options.

1. Instead of feeding him to cena, feed him to a guy who will be a future star, like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, or Sheamus.
2. Instead of feeding him to anybody.. u can keep him looking strong so that he will be able to come back happy.. i think he is pissed off at being jobbed out to cena. but if u keep him strong, he will obviusly stay in the wwe.. and his legacy will be untouched and he will be a hall of famer. now his legacy is to job to cena.. thats how we will remember him

I seriously doubt that he will be remembered as the guy who was jobbed to Cena.

And Batista didn't leave because he was being jobbed to Cena. He left because he wanted to do movies, didn't want to go along with the direction the show was going (I disagree with him, but whatever), and was starting his MMA gym project.

Okay, you talk about how hokey Cena is for "pandering" (I'm still sure you don't know what that word means), yet you would be okay with Batista losing to Kofi Kingston?

Yeah, you're SlyFox alright. You are definitely an alternate account.
I seriously doubt that he will be remembered as the guy who was jobbed to Cena.

And Batista didn't leave because he was being jobbed to Cena. He left because he wanted to do movies, didn't want to go along with the direction the show was going (I disagree with him, but whatever), and was starting his MMA gym project.

Okay, you talk about how hokey Cena is for "pandering" (I'm still sure you don't know what that word means), yet you would be okay with Batista losing to Kofi Kingston?

Yeah, you're SlyFox alright. You are definitely an alternate account.

the thing is, i dont liek kofi kingston, but i prefer him a lot more to john cena. at least he is a breath of fresh air and does crazy spots. hes entertaining and a spot monkey, like jeff hardy. john cena is a differnet one.. hes a super man. kofi kingston isnt a super man.. hell his mic skills arent good but i STILL prefer him rather than cena..i rather have batista untouched, but if they REALLY want to job him out, then kofi kingston would be a better choice than cena. kofi kingston's push in 2009 was pretty badass, against randy orton.

and yes i truly believe his legacy is jobber to cena.. his last 3 matches were fed to cena.. he left as a jobber to cena, and thats how he will be remembered.
the thing is, i dont liek kofi kingston, but i prefer him a lot more to john cena. at least he is a breath of fresh air and does crazy spots. hes entertaining and a spot monkey, like jeff hardy. john cena is a differnet one.. hes a super man. kofi kingston isnt a super man.. hell his mic skills arent good but i STILL prefer him rather than cena..i rather have batista untouched, but if they REALLY want to job him out, then kofi kingston would be a better choice than cena. kofi kingston's push in 2009 was pretty badass, against randy orton.

and yes i truly believe his legacy is jobber to cena.. his last 3 matches were fed to cena.. he left as a jobber to cena, and thats how he will be remembered.

Look, SlyPunker, Batista's legacy isn't cemented yet. If you read the article, he said that when the shows changed a little, he would consider returning to the WWE.

And if Batista remained untouched and never lost to anyone, wouldn't that be the same as having "Super Cena", but instead having "Super Batista"? Oh, it's different if the Superman is someone you like?

Come on, SlyFox, let's be out with it already.
Look, SlyPunker, Batista's legacy isn't cemented yet. If you read the article, he said that when the shows changed a little, he would consider returning to the WWE.

And if Batista remained untouched and never lost to anyone, wouldn't that be the same as having "Super Cena", but instead having "Super Batista"? Oh, it's different if the Superman is someone you like?

Come on, SlyFox, let's be out with it already.

first of all, i am not sly fox.

second of all, batista legacy is somewhat cemented UNTIL he comes back.

third of all, batista is hardly "super".. going out as the winner is hardly super.. batista has put over edge and undertaker CLEAN, he allowed them to have the last laugh against him. he even put over ziggler in his 1st ever match, put over MNM, put over cm punk, and also jericho beat batista clean.. even jericho has beaten him clean. that is hardly "super".
No. i am afraid that i will get a virus and my computer will get damaged. i already posted u statistics..

ryback turned heel, fed to cena
kane returned AND turned heel, fed to cena
big show turned heel, fed to cena
johnny ace became gm, only to be fed to cena
great khali had a lot of momentum, defeating undertaker clean and dominating rey mysterio, then he was fed to cena
batista was turned heel, then he was fed to cena before he left
the miz was put over by cena, but cena basically undid his own work and the miz went nowhere after it.
brock lesnar returned, and he was fed to cena.
triple h faced cena, only to be fed in wrestlemania 22..

theres probably even more

Yawn, yawn, yawn.

I've been trying to educate you. However, you just will not get it. I think you know where I'm going with this. So Khali had all this momentum before being "fed" to Cena? I hope I get that right.

I have a question for you. What did Khali do from the time he defeated Taker to the first time he faced Cena? Let your feeble brain come up with an answer (hopefully sometime this decade) and get back to me. Then, get a dictionary and look up the word "momentum". Finally, read every word in that dictionary. Knowledge is fundamental.
first of all, i am not sly fox.

second of all, batista legacy is somewhat cemented UNTIL he comes back.

third of all, batista is hardly "super".. going out as the winner is hardly super.. batista has put over edge and undertaker CLEAN, he allowed them to have the last laugh against him. he even put over ziggler in his 1st ever match, put over MNM, put over cm punk, and also jericho beat batista clean.. even jericho has beaten him clean. that is hardly "super".

When in the blue hell did Edge and Undertaker ever needed to be "put over" at that point at time? Edge already had main event feuds with Cena, HHH, and HBK. The Undertaker is the freaking Undertaker.

I thought this was going to be fun. It has quickly turned pathetic.
When in the blue hell did Edge and Undertaker ever needed to be "put over" at that point at time? Edge already had main event feuds with Cena, HHH, and HBK. The Undertaker is the freaking Undertaker.

I thought this was going to be fun. It has quickly turned pathetic.

When did edge have a feud with hhh? that wasnt until 2009, and u were talking about 2007, which was when batista feuded with edge..

and batista actually put over undertaker's streak. if batista wasnt included in that list of defaeted opponents, would the streak mean as much as it did now? not really..
Yawn, yawn, yawn.

I've been trying to educate you. However, you just will not get it. I think you know where I'm going with this. So Khali had all this momentum before being "fed" to Cena? I hope I get that right.

I have a question for you. What did Khali do from the time he defeated Taker to the first time he faced Cena? Let your feeble brain come up with an answer (hopefully sometime this decade) and get back to me. Then, get a dictionary and look up the word "momentum". Finally, read every word in that dictionary. Knowledge is fundamental.

he was feuding with kane and undertaker and he also dominated rey mysterio..

ur acting like jobbign to cena actually means something.. it doesnt. i am trying to educate YOU
When did edge have a feud with hhh? that wasnt until 2009, and u were talking about 2007, which was when batista feuded with edge..

and batista actually put over undertaker's streak. if batista wasnt included in that list of defaeted opponents, would the streak mean as much as it did now? not really..

Actually, it would. Jake "The Snake" Roberts, HBK, Triple H, and Ric Flair are sufficient enough to make the Streak important.

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