How can someone hate Cena but love Orton?

Well you can pretty much guess my opinion by my avatar but I am going to say why I think Randy Orton is way better than John Cena. Sure Cena does movies and lots of charity works (regarding movies his last one was very very bad compared to 12 rounds and the Marine) but in terms of appealing he only appeals to the kinds and women. Meanwhile Orton appeals to basically all types of fans from smarks to marks and from kids to adults.
Sure Cena does movies and lots of charity works (regarding movies his last one was very very bad compared to 12 rounds and the Marine) but in terms of appealing he only appeals to the kids and women. Meanwhile Orton appeals to basically all types of fans from smarks to marks and from kids to adults.

Where in the world did you come up with this statistic? Have you actually done a survey or a study to see who likes orton and who doesn't? Or is this just your opinion? Because honestly, I can see how both orton and cena could appeal to any demographic.

If you're basing it on merchandise sales, kids are more likely to want WWE merchandise, and kids probably like heroes more than tweeners, so I suppose that you are probably going to see more cena merchandise being worn by kids than orton shirts. So maybe you could make somewhat of a leap there. But to say that cena only appeals to kids and women, again, I don't know where from where you get your sources.
I must say the IWC is full of fucking ******s. here's my point, what does John Cena oe Randy Orton do that makes them more hated then any other face champions. They all have the same agenda. Start off with a ball of fire, get there ass kicked for about 5 minutes, then gain momentum hit a couple signature moves, go for a finisher and miss, do some other shit and finally hits the finisher and wins.

So what yall want is for them to only have Heel champions huh? John Cena isn't champion and you guys still find some bullshit to complain about. The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Kurt Angle all did the same shit as a face that Cena and Orton does but no body compained about them. Come on yall be real.

preach.... throw it even further back to Hogan back in the (WWF) day..... same shit but people lapped it up inc me.......

fact remains that people get bored easily and get tired of the same gimmick over a long period of time.... but then if they change uber suddenly then (if it aint done right) then people will complain that it aint feasbile and cuss the writers..... theres no pleasing people so you end up going with the majority cos thats what brings the money in (ie please the kids...."they are our future)...... it doesnt help with how PG it has become because there is that lack of "edge" to characters and they can't express themselves like they did during the attitude era.... thats why most people on ere (inc me) don't really like cena....... orton at least had the crazy, unpredictable thing going about him which made his charater interestin and why his popularity exploded in the past year..... now that he rkos everything that moves makes his unpredictability.... well..... predictable....

but people still like him and boo cena because firstly orton is a better wrestler, secondly has had a churn of diff gimmicks over the years (legend killer, rated rko, legacy, the viper) that keeps him relatively fresh and thirdly (for me personally) he doesnt make shit movies.....
A lot of people claim they dislike Cena because he has the 4 move combo of doom or whatever, when, to be fair, Orton rarely exhibits more than 4 "interesting" moves in a whole match.

Care to list those moves? I'm not just going to take your word for it because it's obvious by your lacking in both sides to the argument, that you're completely against Randy Orton.

1. Orton has reverted back to the "OMG GUN KIK U IN SKUL" Randy that bored us shitless a couple of years back.
2. You can practically re-write the script of his matches as you're watching them, as every twist and turn is massively predictable.
3. The Punt Kick and the RKO have been overused so much that they just fail to interest me anymore.
4. Spazzing around the ring like he's just been subjected to flashing lights. It's embarrassing to watch. No offence to epileptics.

1. Randy's punt wasn't boring whatsoever. He hardly ever used it as a normal move and it came out of nowhere, so how can it be boring? It was a spare of the moment move that he only used when he was completely in the zone. If anything it was just adding to his gimmick of being demented. It was perfect for him, don't shit on him for it. If you're going to shit on anybody, shit on Cena, or at least have 2 sides to the argument.

2. You can re-write alot of people's matches, not just Orton's. In 2008 when I watched No Way Out, I knew exactly what was going to happen with Triple H and Jeff Hardy. I was literally sat there saying out loud what was going to happen as they followed through with it. It's not just Randy, and it sure as hell isn't his fault. Creative's fault more than anything.

3. The RKO and Punt Kick are Randy's trademark moves. The fans love him for it when he executes them. You're the first ever person I've seen to have said the RKO and Punt Kick are boring or uninteresting. I think you're just shitting on Randy for the sake of shitting on him now.

4. Like I said in my first point, it's Randy's gimmick. Are you going to flame Cena because he interacts with the crowd, or flame R-Truth because he sings his own entrance music? No of course you're not.

Alongside this, just for the hell of it, here's some reasons why a once Cena-hater, has now grown to enjoy watching Cena.

This being you or some other Cena fan? You've lost me.

1. The diversification of his matches. Whereas Randy has taken to "hey look I reversed your move and RKO! Yay!" John Cena keeps mixing it up and keeping his finishes interesting.
2. How well he's played his part in the Nexus angle. His underdog status remains during the "numbers game", but the fact that he falls to Nexus, rather than pulling off the Superman, then has to be saved, THEN fights back and wins the battle is good.
3. Cena's promos. No more needs to be said.

1. Ugh, don't be so biased. Cena's matches aren't diverse in the slightest. Michael Cole marks out for him as soon as he does a shoulder barge. Cena's more predictable than Orton.

2. Everybody has played a perfect part in the Nexus angle, not just Cena. While Cena has been the main focus, there have been many other superstars that have performed just aswell as Cena has. Even now that Cena is apart of the Nexus, people are still in on it as good as Cena. Biased, again.

3. Cena's promos. Pahaha, don't make me laugh, seriously, don't. His promos are the same old, same old. One minute he's all happy, then he's all sad, then he's all angry, then he goes and wins his match. It's been the same way for 6 long years. Don't give me that shit, like Cena's the only one that can pull off a good promo. Just because he calls Heath Slater "Wendy" doesn't make it fresh, it just gives Edge something else to add to his vastly populated 'stupid' list.

No flaming please.

Too late, this thread was horribly biased.
This joining Nexus angle is just what Cena needed. I found him very entertaining last night, for the first time in a while. Much more so than The Viper.

Randy's character right now is plain dull. He needs more than the RKO to make him an interesting champion. It's a great finisher and he's managed to base a face turn entirely around it, but he needs to make his gimmick more than just that.

Cena has also added a dropkick to his move set and is adding at least a little variation. About time.
I'm going to sit on the fence - I like both Cena and Orton, but for different reasons. Both bring something different to the table.

I don't really understand the hatred that many people have for John Cena. To me, he is an awesome competitor who puts his heart and soul into his performances. While he may not be an oscar winner, he is a great actor. Just look at how he portrayed his character on Raw last night when forced to join Nexus. Many actors can pull that off, but most wrestlers can't act that well. While Cena may not be the greatest technical wrestler on earth, his strengths are his acting skills and how he really carries the feuds that he's in, to the point that they really do seem "personal". Cena also appeals to the younger audience as WWE have molded his character into a role model, although that may change now that he's in Nexus.

Orton is a different kind of guy. He's still heel-ish and can get away with saying that he'd kick your grandmother in the head, while still being cheered. Orton has great ring psychology going, just in his facial expressions alone. The RKO is a great finishing move too that can be executed at any time. As a face, Orton gets the best of both worlds because he can still utilize his heel qualities, but be cheered for them. It's got to the point where Orton could RKO your parents or your girlfriend and you'd still cheer him!
For me, it's not so much that I hate Cena, but it's more of me being bored of his ring performances - like his superman persona, gets beaten up, wins and saves the day -and his ring psych which to me is always pretty much always the same tone, and almost predictable. As a person, I think he's a really nice guy. And that whole make-a-wish thing where he's granted like 190+ wishes, I think that's great. I just think they need to change the direction he's going performance wise.

Orton, he's just a badass. I've been hoping he would turn face for probably a year, and when he did I seriously marked out, and I'm not really a marker. He does somewhat have the whole... I guess home stretch of the match routine - the scoop slam, backbreaker, first RKO fails, second wins the match etc - like Cena's You can't see me, FU, etc in their respective orders, are the same general idea, but Orton just has a totally different persona and way about him... mysterious I guess. And people tend to be attracted to mysterious people whether that be in real life, or a show.
1. Randy's punt wasn't boring whatsoever. He hardly ever used it as a normal move and it came out of nowhere, so how can it be boring? It was a spare of the moment move that he only used when he was completely in the zone. If anything it was just adding to his gimmick of being demented. It was perfect for him, don't shit on him for it. If you're going to shit on anybody, shit on Cena, or at least have 2 sides to the argument.

Matter of opinion. You can't speak for him. Plus, the point of this thread is why Cena isn't as hated as Orton, so why would he shit on Cena, when the point he's trying to get across is Orton being just as bad, and in my opinion, even worse.

3. Cena's promos. Pahaha, don't make me laugh, seriously, don't. His promos are the same old, same old. One minute he's all happy, then he's all sad, then he's all angry, then he goes and wins his match. It's been the same way for 6 long years. Don't give me that shit, like Cena's the only one that can pull off a good promo. Just because he calls Heath Slater "Wendy" doesn't make it fresh, it just gives Edge something else to add to his vastly populated 'stupid' list.

You don't see people complaining about how lame Wendy's is, but rather crowds laugh and chant it on. Also, he never said that Cena was the only person who can pull off promos. Nice twist of words there. I'm guessing CM Punk's promos make you laugh because it's the same thing. Or Orton. Or Kane. Or Undertaker. The list goes on.

Generally, everyone follows one format, and you can see some similarities between Orton and Cena.
It seems your opinions run rather biased too.
I still don't get what so many like about Orton. His promos are nothing special, and neither is his in ring work. There's absolutely nothing about him, he's just as bland as everyone else on the roster.

He could have a shred of charisma, that might make him the slightest bit interesting.

He has NO appeal, they pushed him for years and no one cared so they turned him into some generic madman heel, but eventually it got so ridiculous people couldn't ignore him any more. Just proves that Vince will do anything for someone he likes. Orton never got anyone consistently interested in him until he kicked Michaels in the head and supposedly ended his career. He didn't even get any benefit from saying Eddie Guerrero was in hell, which gave him a one time heat reaction, then he still came out to no one caring. the RKO is 1 of the most overrated finishers today .. its basicly a cutter

and besides Headlocks and Body scisors i haven't seen Orton use many different submissions, so i don't see how he is " 1of the best technicians today "
I for one like both men. I believe Cena's biggest downfall for most male fans was when he dropped the rap gimmick and his edginess. It does not help either that most Teens that are males give in to peer pressure or go with the flow with what their friends say is cool. I'm not saying all but we know most do.

I respect and like both mens characters both have evolved and changed drastically from their 2002 debuts. I'm proud of both their achievements. I do prefer Orton however, to be honest only because I do prefer his style of wrestling and his personas have been great in my eyes sans the 2004 face run he had.

To the OP, It all comes down to opinion and how you view both characters.
Damn good question.

I like both of them. I think you made valid points as to the positive aspects of what Cena does. Ill give you some of my own.

1. He's not just a brawler anymore, he's added a technical aspect to his matches that is quite refreshing.

2. He's been able to carry lesser wrestlers to damn good matches. He got a good match from Bobby Lashley in 2007, which is unbelievable, because Lashley was SO limited in the ring. And he's been doing it ever since.

3. His serious promos are second to none. When he cuts out the cheesy joke cutting crap, there isn't a better promo guy on Raw.

All of the same things could be said of Orton.

1.When Orton debuted, he couldn't land a dropkick above his opponents knees. Now, his dropkick is second to none. Similiar to Cena's progression in the ring.

2.He's demonstrated the ability to carry lesser guys and elevate them to good matches. His recent match with Wade Barrett on Raw stands out to me. He made Barrett appear his equal, while Orton is a far superior wrestler.

3. Orton's promo's since becoming a face, have been excellent. i found him a boring, rambling promo as a heel. Now his "less words, more actions" promos both through his words and facial expressions have shown his tremendous growth in range.

And for those who don't see Orton as a "Superman type", have you been watching lately? Did you see the way he single handedly took out all of Nexus, Jericho, and Edge in his Tables match on Raw? The way he reversed the FU into an RKO through the table? What would you call that type of character? if it was Cena who had done that, everyone would be bitching.

When's the last time Orton lost a match? Cena's lost 4 matches in the last 8 days. 1. Vs Barrett at Hell In A Cell. 2. the tag match with tarver vs henry/bourne. 3. the battle royal the same night. 4. The bragging rights captain match last night on Raw to Miz.

It doesn't matter how he lost, he DIDN'T overcome the odds in a Superman-esque way. He lost. Orton's overcome every concievable odd that I cant remember the last time hes lost a match, period. Im with the OP on this one. If you bash one, you have to bash the other. I personally like what WWE is doing with them both right now.
to lifestartsnow:
both orton and cena put nexus through tables.

And as some people have said in this thread Cena is superman like, but people don't really care as much for superman, while Orton is Batman=like, and look how good the dark knight did. he is more of a bad ass. and although he has been winning alot lately its only to make his viper character seem as viscious as it really is, and he's not getting beat up all match like cena does, it's actually a back and forth match.

and Orton has a sick moveset.
Cena had one and is starting to bring it back luckily.

i like Cena, he's good, but orton is def better.:)
If you think about it, Cena really isn't superman at all, not like Hulk Hogan was. He has lost matches and has put people over (c'mon, he lost to Wade Barrett recently!).

I am certainly no Cena mark, but I appreciate the guy for what he puts in to the wrestling business and the true heart and soul that he gives off in his performances. Truth be told, you really don't have to be a kid to appreciate this. I am actually the same age as Cena, but I appreciate and respect what he does.

Orton and Cena are on top for a reason....they have consistently performed at the top level for many years. Maybe all these guys need is a role reversal to spark up the interest in them (particularly Cena) again from the more "mature" WWE fans, i.e. that Cena is the heel and Orton is the face this time around.
Easy cant stand goody tooshoes & u cant see me is so stupid. dont like his clothes, his attitude or his mic skills. really would like to see him switch over to the dark side that may be cool
Simple answer to a simple question... Randy orton is today's stone cold steve austin. People want to see a character like orton, and are not interested in the wholsome values of John Cena. This is why I also think its only a matter of time before wwe drops the Rated PG13 deal. As soon as linda mcmahon is out of politics.
Basically if your a TRUE wrestling fan its SOOOOOOO hard 2 suspended your disbelief and get into a Cena match. He hardly sells ANYTHING ie: Michaels working his leg @ mania 23 and as soon as it was time 4 Cena 2 make his comeback he is running around the ring like nothing was wrong with him. I still cant believe EVEN 2 DIS DAY he STILL does that :banghead: His punches are sooo weak its laughable, His STFU has NO legitimacy 2 it AT ALL! And I dont care what u say he ripped of The Rocks promo style and does it BADLY. When he tries 2 b funny during a promo in hardly ever works. Although 2 b fair I have marked out over 3 Cena promos since his 1st time as wwf champion 2 now. And dont get me started on the whole "Super Cena thing" :wtf:

As 4 Orton his in-ring stuff looks legit. People may cuss hes short promo style, But he says what he is going 2 do in a few little words, Then he goes 2 the ring and does it. Plain and simple. People buy into a badass that talks a little and lets his actions speak 4 them. :worship:

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