Randy Orton- A true Superstar

I really don't see Orton overtaking Cena. He's definitely the number two guy right now but Orton's character doesn't and never will cater to the younger audience, where as Cena's character can cater to every type of fan. It's also very early in Orton's face run. He's receiving gigantic pops now but we still have to wait and see if can sustain these reactions over a prolonged period of time. Right now he's really at his peak popularity and everyone is hopping on the bandwagon saying he's passing Cena and better then Cena, but let's wait and see how the next year or so goes before jumping to too many conclusions.
You aren't actually pointing this out, or breaking this idea.


because I, personally, started practically this exact same thread a YEAR ago. They should have, and could have, done it then. In fact, they almost missed this.

Clearly this is our new anti hero. In a different mold than SCSA, but simulair crowd reaction to actions portrayed character.

Also, Razor Ramon was actually one of the first guys to pull this kind of thing off. But anyway. Obviously, this is Orton's angle, and has been since January.

I agree. Its been obvious for awhile. But it only began to take notice recently. Also it just sounds like an awesome name.

CobraVenom: Something to remember, I don't care.

And just for the heck of it: I think Randy is a true superstar for being full of promise and what not. He is the only superstar right now who isn't being abused by creative and we all hope he becomes the face of the WWE and a legend. There. Not spamming.
Hi all,
I don't think that Orton can top Cena as top face but if the Raw heads into an un-PG era i think that there is plenty of room for both of them at the top. Orton does play the bad-ass very well but i not sure how long it can go on for and if people will buy it for it long. There is only to many guys that he feud with.
Smith: I agree. In terms of woman and children, Cena owns them. But in ratings, and merchandise, Orton has a chance. Cena's being cheered because he has everything going for him at the moment. Children, woman, PG, being pushed like no one else, Media, Films.etc But despite all that he still gets booed. That says a lot. And Orton, who for the past 5 years has remained low even when in the spotlight, has been slowly climbing up the ladder and has generated a fan base outside of the "WWE Universe". He has nothing against him(besides attitude, I guess) and he has a lot going for him. He's the only one among the newer guys like Cena and Batista to have had his own stable and hes been WWE Champion and even won and defended it at Mania. So now that hes just started to be pushed and has already has a lot of people cheering for him says a lot. You can see where I'm going with this. If Cena being on the top is booed imagine where Orton, who's just rising, will be.

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