Randy Orton...

I've read all three pages, and it's not hard to tell the difference between those who know what they're talking about and the dopes. Seriously, people.

It would be a win for TNA. You can't argue against that. Well, you can, but you'd be wrong. If you like being wrong, please, continue.

You can call him stale, or whatever other IWC term you can think of, but in the end, he's a major star, the biggest TNA has ever gotten (at the height of his popularity). Would he make a big difference in ratings? I'm not sure, depends on how high TNA's ceiling is with Spike TV, and that's a question I can't answer.

He'd be the top guy, no question. Why? He'd be the best guy on the roster, that's why. I'm a huge Orton mark. However, there's a reason for that - he's really fucking good.

He'd have more freedom in TNA, as well. He would actually cut promos. The guy has mic skills, don't kid yourselves. Watch his time with Legacy. Even if you hated the stable, he cut some damn fine promos, especially during his feud with HHH.

However, this isn't all about my man love for Orton. I loved the days of WCW vs. WWE, where guys were constantly jumping ship. Big names, not a Motor City Machine Gun, or Christian. I'm not saying this puts TNA in competition with WWE, because it probably wouldn't. I just like the musical chairs game, it interests me.

It's a score for TNA. Probably won't happen, but if it did, I'd be a happy camper.
I don't see there being any truth in WWE letting Orton go. The fact they stuck by their policy and backed themselves into a corner by having him on 2 strikes doesn't alter the fact he's a top 5 guy in the company.

I imagine when he returns he'll be used to put over Sheamus and maybe Del Rio ad then work with some up and comers, but in time he'll be back in the main events, winning.
Randy Orton could be the uhem Will be the biggest free agent in this business since Hogan if he's released. Orton has all the tools and he's on the right side of 40,WWE knows this that's why they won't release him. Face it Orton is a name just not any name but a third generation name who has surpassed his father and grandfather. When I look at ring psychology one of the names I get is Randy Orton,the guy is great in the ring he can sell sell sell. His monotone promos fit his character, when he was the cocky heel he had cocky promos but he was still a great in ring performer. If you say ORTON SUCKS! Hey that's your opinion however wrong it is because people that matter in pro wrestling say otherwise, you can put ORTON SUCKS! right next to Cena can't wrestle. TNA knows that adding Orton would be huge for them not saying it would reinvent the wheel but it'll be a big deal. BTW did I mention that he's on the right side of 40.
On-screen, Orton has been nothing but consistent since his face turn in 2010. You think his attitude would be a problem for TNA? The same company that has housed a convict, Ric Flair, an asshole who condemned an entire country, a chronic alcoholic, Kurt Angle and a divorce scandal and you think Randy Orton is bigger trouble? Bitch please. They put up so much crap from Ric Flair and he was released for going off-script. Orton can do all the evils in the world, but we all know that when the camera's come on, Randy Orton becomes the Apex Predator. The epitome of badass in pro wrestling since 2010. There isn't anything he could find in his heart to do that would flip TNA to the point of firing him.

Him jumping to TNA would do nothing but benefit them and Orton trying to fit in with a crop of guys that have spent years trying to oppose his current employer's "oppression" of the wrestling world might teach him a few things. If Jeff Hardy can change, so can Orton. Plus it would be fun to see what would go down between him and Mr. Anderson.
nice little plug to your book this man ;)

back on topic...i dont think id wanna see orton in TNA hes not bad in the ring but his promos bore me to death and he would become champ right away i think his ego is way to big for his own good i will be surprised if he even gets fired....i think he will be punished in the mid card for about 6 monthes though
The issue will come down to one thing, and it's one that has done for a lot of people... In these situations WWE has a track record of asking guys in major busts to go to rehab... Carlito, Jeff, Umaga all refused and were let go as a result. While only the guys in the room know what was said in that meeting, I would wager that some of it was about just that.

Randy of course would be horrified at the prospect, after all he's a young dad and while a 60 day suspension could be seen as a holiday and time with his family (albiet unpaid) rehab is a whole different situation.

WWE has a very tough sell on its hands to get him in... but even if he goes, he has the past where he has gone AWOL if something doesn't suit him... So if he quit after 2 weeks would they then release him?

The biggest issue they have though is Umaga died less than a year after refusing the rehab... While tragic, it vindicated WWE's stance as being the right one. So can they afford NOT to release him? Sure it's a roid and week bust and Orton may argue he is not addicted. But... imagine if they didn't release him or let him off the rehab and something worse happens within the length of that now (in WWE's eyes) ominously long contract. He has been suspended 3 times in 8 years... logic says he will do it again and if the deal is another 7 then...forget about it... not worth that risk.

What this gives WWE is the perfect chance to renegotiate with Orton on their terms. They are able to cut the years and the dollar and take away some of the perks that he has gotten. Much as in Rey's seemingly bad bargaining position, Orton now needs WWE more than they need a 3rd strike potential. He'd have to take what they offered because his allies such as Flair are swiftly on the way out and in TNA he would get cold shoulder from a lot of people he wronged.

The thing that gets me now is that suddenly Jericho's suspension looks like the smokescreen that might stop people looking further into how WWE handles this one.
The issue will come down to one thing, and it's one that has done for a lot of people... In these situations WWE has a track record of asking guys in major busts to go to rehab... Carlito, Jeff, Umaga all refused and were let go as a result. While only the guys in the room know what was said in that meeting, I would wager that some of it was about just that.

Randy of course would be horrified at the prospect, after all he's a young dad and while a 60 day suspension could be seen as a holiday and time with his family (albiet unpaid) rehab is a whole different situation.

WWE has a very tough sell on its hands to get him in... but even if he goes, he has the past where he has gone AWOL if something doesn't suit him... So if he quit after 2 weeks would they then release him?

The biggest issue they have though is Umaga died less than a year after refusing the rehab... While tragic, it vindicated WWE's stance as being the right one. So can they afford NOT to release him? Sure it's a roid and week bust and Orton may argue he is not addicted. But... imagine if they didn't release him or let him off the rehab and something worse happens within the length of that now (in WWE's eyes) ominously long contract. He has been suspended 3 times in 8 years... logic says he will do it again and if the deal is another 7 then...forget about it... not worth that risk.

What this gives WWE is the perfect chance to renegotiate with Orton on their terms. They are able to cut the years and the dollar and take away some of the perks that he has gotten. Much as in Rey's seemingly bad bargaining position, Orton now needs WWE more than they need a 3rd strike potential. He'd have to take what they offered because his allies such as Flair are swiftly on the way out and in TNA he would get cold shoulder from a lot of people he wronged.

The thing that gets me now is that suddenly Jericho's suspension looks like the smokescreen that might stop people looking further into how WWE handles this one.

Randy went to rehab before of his own accord, he's discussed it in a lot of interview's and on his DVD, which ended on the high note that he'd matured and grown up, although that seems like a lie now. But he did go to rehab before without WWE pressuring him into it, he also successfully completed the cycle. So him returning wouldn't be totally surprising, but I also don't think it's needed.
I've read almost all of the replies from this thread and no one has mentioned the one thing that could be happening.


Randy Orton was signed to a 10 year contract a couple of years ago, basically because someone had asked TNA writer if they could sign any 5 guys to TNA who would they be, and they said ORTON,ORTON,ORTON,ORTON,ORTON, and Randy Orton's contract was coming up, and WWE signed him to a 10 year contract. Maybe Orton thought about it, and said to himself, maybe I don't want to be here for 10 more years, and maybe I would like to be the top dog on TNA for awhile, and create different characters that I would like to try.

So there you have it.
Orton know's what's at stake here, and before he tested positive, and the only way he see's of getting out of his contract is by getting termiated for drug policies which is the only way VINCE probably would fire him.

I THINK RANDY ORTON MAY WANT TO LEAVE WWE, and get away from them for awhile, and assess where he's at in life right now.
If TNA got Randy Orton, It will be the biggest acquisitions in the company's history by far. He's very popular, a established name, on the right side of 30 and can have fantastic matches and feuds.

If TNA do get him however, they need to advertise the hell out of this, not just on Spike TV.

I think it is unlikely WWE would let him go and if they did, I'm sure Randy Orton would spend time with his family, heal some injures, make the odd independent booking and the WWE would bring him back, similar to Eddie Guerrero.
Randy went to rehab before of his own accord, he's discussed it in a lot of interview's and on his DVD, which ended on the high note that he'd matured and grown up, although that seems like a lie now. But he did go to rehab before without WWE pressuring him into it, he also successfully completed the cycle. So him returning wouldn't be totally surprising, but I also don't think it's needed.

He went to Anger Management... Not drug rehab. It's a subtle but critical difference. When he talks about it, he talks about how he was a douche to people... not the influence drugs were having on his life.

WWE would now seriously be looking at a drug rehab, which would be longer than 4 weeks and be far more public than what he went through before.

Randy feels he has matured, but evidence points to the fact that he has failed again. Would TNA want to take the risk on him destroying their locker room with his antics? If he's clean maybe, but using AND being a dick, probably not...
Can't imagine Orton going to TNA when the guy he got fired when Orton went and cried to Papa Vince for an alleged botched moved caused a shoulder injury. I'm talking about Mr. Anderson. Don't think there's any good feelings between those two.
According to a follow up report, it's being said that WWE officials did meet with Orton over the weekend. The report says that there was no mention of Orton being terminated, but it's looking as though Orton won't be brought back immediately after his suspension is ended. The report says that the idea of letting Orton "sit and stew" for a while is something that's being heavily considered.

I don't look for WWE to let Orton go. I don't think we'll be seeing him with any World Championships anytime soon, but I don't look for WWE to job him out. Orton is valuable to WWE, so I don't look for them to bury the guy. Orton's been used a lot over the past year to help put other guys over while still being kept strong, so I'd say that's a role that WWE will continue to use him for.

I'd say it's unlikely Orton will be let go unless he asks to be released from his contract. Orton heading to TNA isn't out of the realm of possibility, but I think it's less likely now than it was earlier today.
As old and stale as Orton's gimmick is, there's NO WAY WWE will fire him. What will probably happen is he'll sit out for a while and when he comes back will be a mid-carder until he can earn their trust back.

Then again IF he went to TNA, I really don't think VKM would be all that worried. Hardy was over when he left then joined TNA. He didn't really bring up ratings at all. Orton and Anderson working together in the same company would be classic.

I don't know though with the ego He and Hogan have if they could work together.
He went to Anger Management... Not drug rehab. It's a subtle but critical difference. When he talks about it, he talks about how he was a douche to people... not the influence drugs were having on his life.

WWE would now seriously be looking at a drug rehab, which would be longer than 4 weeks and be far more public than what he went through before.

Randy feels he has matured, but evidence points to the fact that he has failed again. Would TNA want to take the risk on him destroying their locker room with his antics? If he's clean maybe, but using AND being a dick, probably not...

See that an issue also! Would TNA want to bring in Orton?? After all the crap they dealt with when Hall and the Hardy's were there. At least it appears Jeff cleaned up. Orton is a poison in the locker room and I really don't think Hogan and Orton could survive in the same company.

Another thing is could they afford to bring him in?
Seeing Orton in TNA is certainly not something I would ever rule out. Even in the mere six years I've watched wrestling, if there's one thing I've learned it's to never say never. In the event that Orton actually does get released by WWE, I think it would be foolish for TNA to not try and sign him. While I do agree with some stances that he might be a problem to deal with behind the scenes, I ultimately feel that Orton as an asset outweighs him as a liability. Granted, he's no John Cena in terms of mainstream appeal but he certainly is one of professional wrestling's most recognizable faces today. That said though, as Rayne pointed out, does he really need to jump ship should he be released? While it would be one of the biggest signings in TNA history if they could get Orton on the roster, it seems to me that TNA needs Randy Orton far more than Randy Orton needs TNA. I'll never rule out him joining TNA as an impossibility but I don't really see it as likely.

Also, as Jack-Hammer pointed out, after reading reports from today I don't really think WWE will release Orton. As said earlier, I also feel that even after his suspension is up, he won't be making an immediate return to television. Assuming WWE doesn't release Orton, I don't see him making a return to the main event scene right away. It seems more likely to me that he'll be demoted to the midcard for quite awhile. That means we probably won't see him win anymore world titles for the foreseeable future if at all for the rest of 2012. Time will tell, I suppose.
He went to Anger Management... Not drug rehab. It's a subtle but critical difference. When he talks about it, he talks about how he was a douche to people... not the influence drugs were having on his life.

Randy Orton recently spoke to David Harrow of the UK's The Sun newspaper publication. During the interview Orton discussed his recent face turn, what he see's in his future, how he juggles travelling on the road full-time while being a husband and a father to his two year old daughter Alanna plus much more.

A highlight of the interview was discussing his upcoming untitled DVD. "You know it's been very interesting going back and looking at stuff from earlier in my career. I don't like thinking about it because back then I was really immature, my feet weren't as grounded as they are now and I paid the price", says Orton. "It'll focus a lot on my time with Evolution, my attitude problems, a lot of my demon's which I've straightened out now. I've never discussed my stint in rehab for both anger and abuse of narcotics, or the discussion's I had back in the day with guys like Triple H, Vince, Ric Flair, so you'll get a real good insight into who Randy Orton was and is."

He's had two stints in rehab; I didn't even know there was a rehab for anger issues, although I am aware he went to anger management, but I was aware of his stint for drug rehabilitation due to the fact he went on it while they were travelling Europe, I was attending a house show in Dublin, he wasn't on the card. I read some wrestling magazine and it had all the details.
wow Orton in TNA might not be that much of a stretch considering all that has happened. But in reality i dont think orton is going anywhere anytime soon. Sure his meeting with the higher ups didnt go so well for him orton is a difficult person to deal with

But the one thing that could send him packing is the fact he tested positive for steroids not good if ur him. Thats at least IMO what could send him packing is that and the meeting that took place. Orton is in deep trouble and really this is his like 4th strike alreaddy should have been fired already. But orton is a top top star on smackdown i hope orton gets his shit together just curious on how there gonna write him off tv!!
Obviously, Randy Orton would be a huge pick up for TNA. A young wrestler, still very much in his prime, leaving WWE, albeit not by his own choice, to end up in TNA. Despite TNA's recent tendency towards homegrown guys, I think Orton in TNA would definitely result in a return to the operation of old, as a former WWE guy would leapfrog right over such guys as Bobby Roode, James Storm, and AJ Styles. I think with a wrestler of Randy Orton's magnitude on board, we could even see Impact Wrestling crack the 1.0 ratings mark again!

Simple fact of the matter is, no one wrestler is going to come on board and be the savior of the organization. Angle didn't do it. Sting didn't do it. The lost is long of guys who were supposedly going to come on board and be a difference maker. Yet none of them have managed to do it.
I'm not sure him in TNA would be that great. He's a name, and he's good in the ring.

The problem ? :
He's good but he's not great. There are better performers (both in the ring and on the mike) out there. He has issues with keeping off drugs, which unless he gets help for, will follow him to TNA. He's already had run-ins with 2 former WWE stars who are now with TNA, and old wounds die hard. These two will not be happy with him joining TNA. He is a pain in the ass backstage with his politicking and arrogant attitude. He's more effective as a heel than a face but him being a heel isn't as compelling as other people because he is so damn boring on the mike.

I think he could be more trouble than anything else in TNA. I doubt that he'll be in TNA, as I would find it hard For Vince to actually let him go when it's clear the main event needs performers who can actually deliver and Orton does that for WWE, irregardless of his personal issues. The best thing to do is to allow him to come back after his suspension, challenge for the title a few times. He never wins for at least 6 months to 1 year after returning and then put the belt on him. People would have forgotten by then, hopefully.
It seems to me orton isn't counting his blessing's. He went in to vince mcmahon office and in front of triple h and some other dude went off with his anger bs and now they aint even considering bringing him back. I watched the randy orton dvd and it really touched my heart what he said about getting off drugs and how his family is this and that and how his wife saved his life and to find out it was all bs. Yeah it may of been weed but its still a drug and he knew better but he chose to try it and hope he didn't get drug tested. If i was Randy Orton is this situation he I would be begging they bring me back,even if it was a mid-card he should be like anyone else and have to work himself back up to the top of the company. Not go in and show your ass and make yourself look big and bad when all vince has to do is say well we decided your gone.

If randy orton goes to tna it will totally destroy his career do you think that anyone who was a Jeff Hardy fan or Kurt Angle fan stopped watching wwe for tna??? Hell No!! Yeah he could feud with joe,angle,hardy,rhoode,storm,sting or whoever but its not going to be anything like it was in wwe. New Jack said it best tna is no where near wwe no matter who they have tna isn't even in the same world as wwe they are more like a disney land for wrestling. If Randy Orton goes to tna 1) In some what ways he will ruin his career 2) WWE probably owns the rights to his name so he will have to go by something slightly different like the dudleys had to. It don't matter who tna brings in its not going to change. Look what happen when they brought in hogan, they thought the ratings were going to go up and it didn't change. So if Orton goes to tna its not going to change. It will be a shame that he couldn control himself.

Not to mention Orton is also a dishonorable discharge in the military, so that means he will never get a job at macdonalds or walmart. He will have to stick with wrestling and he won't get a contract near as big as he did with wwe so what happens if tna goes out of business or he pulls the same thing at tna and gets fired he will go down to independent circuit and make 5,000 a night but thats only while he young and not many people can afford that. The best thing for Randy Orton is to get on his hands and knees and apologize if he has to go to rehab and come back to wwe even if its mid-card or whatever they may have him doing cause he won't make it anywhere else
I surely hope Orton doesn't go anywhere, but if he keeps this up then he deserves to be punished. I wonder what his wife is thinking of all this, he shouldn't be letting his child down either like this.

I am a Orton mark, like another guy in this thread said his promos back in the day were awesome. They just don't give the guy the mic at all. I hope he stays with WWE and never even considers TNA. Great talent, young and still has lots of belts to win.

If they do release him, I hope they give me enough time to hit up wweshop to purchase some of his items and just don't remove all of it in a click. Hell I may as well just go over there now and order some stuff. :)
He's had two stints in rehab; I didn't even know there was a rehab for anger issues, although I am aware he went to anger management, but I was aware of his stint for drug rehabilitation due to the fact he went on it while they were travelling Europe, I was attending a house show in Dublin, he wasn't on the card. I read some wrestling magazine and it had all the details.

I went to rehab twice and about a quarter of the people there were there for behavioural issues rather than drugs. Some were just really clinically depressed. So it is possible he went there for anger management. In all honesty, anger management classes is total BS. And that's not just my words, they're Penn and Teller's also.

I think everybody's being way to hard on Orton for this. The man tested positive for dianabol. If I were running the wellness policy at Titan Towers, I'd only suspend him for running a dbol only cycle. If you're a healthy adult male, you've reached your natural limit and getting regular bloodwork done, steroids aren't that dangerous to your health. This is just some media fueled witches hunt.

Triple H and Vince of all people should be sympathetic to him. Since neither of those guys are clean.

But because of his behaviour problems, I think TNA might want to double think signing him. But if they do sign him, I bet Mr. Anderson will be a free agent shortly. It's probably one of his conditions for signing.
Wherever he goes and however he's packaged moving forward, he NEEDS to drop the ridiculously stupid "My name....is Randy Orton" crap. It definitely doesn't hold as much weight as either he or creative think it does.

Sorry, it'll be "My name...cough...cough...inhale....is Randy Orton."
I went to rehab twice and about a quarter of the people there were there for behavioural issues rather than drugs. Some were just really clinically depressed. So it is possible he went there for anger management. In all honesty, anger management classes is total BS. And that's not just my words, they're Penn and Teller's also.

I think everybody's being way to hard on Orton for this. The man tested positive for dianabol. If I were running the wellness policy at Titan Towers, I'd only suspend him for running a dbol only cycle. If you're a healthy adult male, you've reached your natural limit and getting regular bloodwork done, steroids aren't that dangerous to your health. This is just some media fueled witches hunt.

Triple H and Vince of all people should be sympathetic to him. Since neither of those guys are clean.

But because of his behaviour problems, I think TNA might want to double think signing him. But if they do sign him, I bet Mr. Anderson will be a free agent shortly. It's probably one of his conditions for signing.

The reason they will be harder on Randy Orton is cause they just going to make a example out of him to show everyone know matter how big you are in the company Nobody is bigger than the wwe which is sad but honestly i don't see him coming back the officials are even voting against him. I would say the superstars are to so someone else could get that push.
Vince has no problem "nuking" his top guys if he needs to Bret, Angle, Kennedy, Hardy and Foley have all been "let go" at various points despite being big names in the company.

In Orton's case it probably is going to be Trips sticking up for him seeing the good he can do in putting people over rather than Vince keeping him out of TNA's clutches as Vince surely knows that Orton in TNA means he will likely pick up guys like Morgan, Anderson and Hardy sooner rather than later... indeed a 4 for one trade is in essence a good business deal!

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