Randy Orton...

Imo, Orton will NEVER be a TNA superstar for 3 simple reasons:

1. TNA couldn't afford his wage and I doubt he would take a pay cut. If rumors are true that TNA is in the Red it would be a HUGE pay cut too.
2. Anderson is there. I know its been stated that HHH did more damage to his WWE career but Orton still did damage and it could cause friction and could split the locker room.
3. His attitude. I mean if he is the arrogant arsewhole that he apparently is the he could drive away other superstars especially if it put there place in the main event or getting to the main event at risk.
1. TNA couldn't afford his wage and I doubt he would take a pay cut.

Of course, if he's being cavalier in his attitude toward his continued employment with WWE, he'd better understand that if he wants to be a professional wrestler and not work for Vince McMahon, he had better be prepared to take a pay cut. I don't know what he's making now, but I'm sure no independent wrestling company (nor TNA) could afford to come anywhere close to it.

Yes, WWE is under pressure with Orton; they can't afford to lose him, yet they might not be able to keep him (or at least build around him) if he keeps up his immature ways. But let's not forget that Randy is under the gun, too. Unless he plans to leave pro wrestling and do something else, he'll be giving up tons of money and fame if he loses his job with Vince.

If Randy doesn't want to take a pay cut, he's going to have to fall in line. Of course, we've heard all this before.....yet, here we are again with the same garbage from him. In many ways, I would think WWE would love to be rid of him....and if TNA didn't exist, Vince might have pulled the pin already.
No, I wouldn't want to see him in TNA. I don't like him in WWE, either.

He wouldn't work in TNA because there would be no room for his ego. Hogan's ego is more than enough.

Is Blandy Boreton over? For some unknown, warped reason, yes. Would he add interest to TNA's product? Sure. But I doubt it would be enough to skyrocket the ratings.

His attitude is something they definitely don't need, either. They've already taken a gamble with the Hardys. One worked out, the other didn't. Angle's been fairly subdued as of late, but he's also kind of unpredictable. Why would they want to have to curtail another top guy or, even worse, risk this guy bringing the negativity back out of the others?

Nah, let him go work at Starbucks, or Toys R Us, or the local grocery store.
Imo, Orton will NEVER be a TNA superstar for 3 simple reasons:

I'll say it one more time - If Bret Hart can return to the WWE in 2010, anything can happen.

1. TNA couldn't afford his wage and I doubt he would take a pay cut. If rumors are true that TNA is in the Red it would be a HUGE pay cut too.

A. What is a pay cut from zero? This whole idea rests on the assumption Orton might be released. When you're fired, you're not making any money. Whatever they pay him will obviously be more than he'd be making at home, on his ass.

B. I doubt TNA operates in the red.

2. Anderson is there. I know its been stated that HHH did more damage to his WWE career but Orton still did damage and it could cause friction and could split the locker room.

Very good, I agree. Anderson would have to go. Orton's a star, Anderson isn't.

3. His attitude. I mean if he is the arrogant arsewhole that he apparently is the he could drive away other superstars especially if it put there place in the main event or getting to the main event at risk.

Recently, he seems to be quite popular among his peers. It has been a few years since anyone had anything awful to say about him. Sure, he fucked up with weed and 'roids, but his co-workers seem to get along with him today. Also, it's TNA - a bad attitude means shit. They want stars.
It doesn't matter who dislike Randy Orton and wants him to leave, like the WWE Officials, the final decision will be Vince McMahon's. The whole company could all want him to leave but if Vince wants him to stay then he will stay.
It would be cool to see Orton come into TNA, and he'd be used the same as all other WWE pilgrims he would be one of their top players and would get a few title reigns.
Just sayin TNA needs to build up its own stars instead of WWE rejects.
As all of us pro wrestling junkies have read recently Randy Orton is currently on strike number two, and if the speculation is correct having a fall out with Vince, HHH, and the top brass. This could be incorrect but if true he will ultimately either be given another chance or have a falling out which will result in being released from his current contract.

Do you think there would be room for a Randy Orton jump to Impact Wrestling? If so, could the Post-Russo era lead to a better storyline for an incoming top WWE star? The first thing that comes to mind is Mr.Anderson and Orton's heat with the "drop on the head" during a show which lead to The Asshole getting tossed out of WWE.

He could come in and work as a face/tweener vs Roode or end Crimson's streak. I always liked the 2008 RR match vs Jeff Nero Hardy and thought it was solid. He could help younger stars and put on long matches possibly putting over heel talent like he has built up Cody Rhodes, and Barrett.

The Viper could also sit on a pile of cash he made from WWE and wait for a return. What are your thoughts on a potential Impact run for Randy Orton?
its possible, But i dont think TNA would even want him. Because 1) he will probobly ask for too much money. 2) Randy orton has alot of beef with people in the back like anderon and hardy.

But i would love to see randy orton debut as a HEEL. just imagine randy orton come out of no where and rko's and punts sting. Then gets a mic and says ''people have been talking about a certain legend named sting. and i just happen to be the LEGEND KILLER. FZrom there randy orton can start his first fued with Sting
Randy Orton in TNA would be god awful. It will be like when Kurt Angle went yea it was hot for about 3 months than it sizzled down. Greatest WWE to TNA jump is CHRISTIAN my god was that dude on fire as Christian Cage.
TNA would take Orton in a heartbeat, money would not be a problem. TNA is starved for Star talent, they signed Anderson (career WWE mid carder) & RVD (drug problems, out of wrestling for years) and of course Jeff Hardy, a walking testament to 2nd chances and drug addiction in pro wrestling. He's the Kerry Von Erich of the new millenium. Orton has been a bigger star over a longer time with more higher quality matches than any of those guys.

Simply put, TNA would sign Orton in a heartbeat because he would immediately eclipse every star on their roster except Angle & Sting.
I think TNA would sign him. Orton has major star power then most guys in TNA, Orton will be the guy in TNA. Like said above, they signed Jeff Hardy twice after he got fired from the WWE after using drugs. If they signed Hardy, then they will sign Orton. He may cause alot of money to sign, but TNA will probably make money too. Orton can boost up revenue by people buying his merchandise and he will bring people to the arena.
I think it's a moot point because I think there's no chance in hell he is cut from WWE. Bottom line is that he still makes money for the WWE and their roster is so weak.

But could he go to TNA? It would be so weird to see. Orton would be the biggest star they have ever had make the jump to TNA and he is still in his prime.
Yeah, TNA would sign him. People tend to forget that Mr. Carter and dixie has money, just as much money as Vince, sure Mr. carter wouldn't put all his eggs in one basket, but for the right star he would make an exception and not worry about the budget he set aside for TNA.
Lets assume for a moment that WWE cuts one of its biggest stars of the last 10 years: Would Randy Orton go to TNA? Of course TNA would him, he would be the biggest star there except for Hogan. They would pay him whatever he asked. But lets be realistic- Orton is too big a star to make the personal choice to go there. What would he gain by going to D-class wrestling promotion? He is already a recognized star in the Biz? What could working for TNA possible do to enhance his career? He has plenty of money and his royalty checks are probably 6 figures every year. So he sits home, stays in shape, maybe makes some movie or TV appearances, wrestles a couple of matches in Japan or Europe, then heads back to WWE when they call for him back. Why would a young guy like Orton who has made it closer to the top then most people care to go to TNA? Who would he want to feud with? Maybe Angle? Sting? Orton eats midcard cruiser weights like Styles or Daniels for breakfast in WWE why go work a legit program with them? Bad buisness move.
Lets assume for a moment that WWE cuts one of its biggest stars of the last 10 years: Would Randy Orton go to TNA? Of course TNA would him, he would be the biggest star there except for Hogan. They would pay him whatever he asked. But lets be realistic- Orton is too big a star to make the personal choice to go there. What would he gain by going to D-class wrestling promotion? He is already a recognized star in the Biz? What could working for TNA possible do to enhance his career? He has plenty of money and his royalty checks are probably 6 figures every year. So he sits home, stays in shape, maybe makes some movie or TV appearances, wrestles a couple of matches in Japan or Europe, then heads back to WWE when they call for him back. Why would a young guy like Orton who has made it closer to the top then most people care to go to TNA? Who would he want to feud with? Maybe Angle? Sting? Orton eats midcard cruiser weights like Styles or Daniels for breakfast in WWE why go work a legit program with them? Bad buisness move.

I agree to a point but if he we're released which I highly doubt he will be, he could go over to TNA for the pure purpose of trying to prove a point to WWE that he can be the top draw, kinda like why Hogan decided to go to TNA to prove to Vince that he is still worth what they think they're worth.
I doubt the E would let him go for the reason of him maybe going to TNA. I know they feel TNA is not a threat but you dont want to just give them top draws either. If the E doesnt want to put Orton in top angles then they could just keep him to help build younger stars which honestly would be the best option right now anyways. Why give up your second or third star to the other team when you can use him to help teach your up-n-commers. Do i feel he could go to TNA sure they would pay him what he wanted and he would wrestle twice a week and make a killing, but will he... NEVER. Like I was saying the E will not let him go, if hes in trouble then they will just keep him on the roster lower him down some and build up new stars.
Randy reportedly would have made 75,000 dollars at Summerslam. If Randy can get that in one night, why would he settle for less than that a year? The dude has enough money to do what he wants. I highly doubt he will even consider TNA.
you know what would be bigger is if randy orton went to roh. That would be more of an effect on the lanscape of wrestling
Randy could go to tna.
if he wanted to be underpayed.
randy gets over millons dollars every year in wwe.
tna main eventers get paid like 350,000 at the most
Randy reportedly would have made 75,000 dollars at Summerslam. If Randy can get that in one night, why would he settle for less than that a year? The dude has enough money to do what he wants. I highly doubt he will even consider TNA.

Why? because he is already a millionaire & while he may not make as much as he did in WWE there is no doubt he could make 7 figures working for TNA as well as being promoted as TNA's top star for FAR LESS dates then his WWE schedule allowing more time for him to see his daughter grow up.

Randy could go to tna.
if he wanted to be underpayed.
randy gets over millons dollars every year in wwe.
tna main eventers get paid like 350,000 at the most

In late 2005 TNA signed Sting for a year for $500,000...for the amount of dates he worked it was reported to be one of the best deals in pro wrestling behind Shawn Michaels $1.5 milllion part time WWE deal.

When Kurt Angle was signed in 2006 it was reported he was making close to 7 figures.

It was reported last year that Hulk Hogan's TNA contract allows him to potentially make $2 million.

Also in TNA unlike WWE they really are independant contractors so they are able to make movies, commercials, music, appearences & even wrestle for other companies (excluding WWE, ROH & certain others) without TNA's permission as long as it does not interfere with their TNA schedule.
I highly doubt WWE would let him go. For one thing, he isn't a repeat offender of intoxicants or narcotics, which would make him a risk for other talents to work with. Secondly, he retains the 100% ownership of his wrestling name, which could headline WWE main events at the A-List pay-per views. Thirdly, Orton was 100% over as one of the strongest heel runs of the last decade. As a heel, he's on the highest tier of marquee stars, and as a face, though not as over, is still wayyyy more over - and proven it for a much longer sustained period of time -- than any full time wrestler on the WWE roster, aside from Cena. How do you know what kind of deal TNA would offer Orton? Angle was past his peak prime, due to neck injuries, painkillers and age. Orton is still in the peak period of his career. With WWE looking to expand their ratings-challenged two hour show to a paper thin 3 hour show, they can't afford to hand TNA a ratings point by handing over on of the top 2 recognized and money drawing heels in the business. The WWE should take the chance on Orton upon his return, return him to the heel side, and take advantage of the third opportunity for as long as it lasts. If they do release him, and let him go to TNA, it would absolutely be a game changer, until WWE proves they can create new stars on his level. At this point, they ain't there. No star is bigger than the WWE, when there's a roster of stars to elevate and the ratings and pay per view numbers support it. Right now, WWE can't even afford to get rid of a Jack Swagger, let alone Randy Orton.
I think it would be the best thing for wrestling if Randy were to go to a different promotion... damn those 90 days though, would have a huge impact if he could do it on a whim. While I get the need to protect their interests on WWE's part, it was also that ability to jump ship that helped launch wrestling to new levels in the 90s, along with the dirt sheets not being as prolific back then. I used to watch every week knowing I could possibly be surprised, now, i've been shocked about 5 times in as many years. Orton just showing up on Impact would create that atmosphere and in fact, it's something I wish would happen with Christian too. If he could cut some kind of crazy promo or do something to really stick it to the E (even if the E is behind it), it would just be HUGE and create a buzz around wrestling that has been missing since the 90s.
Why? because he is already a millionaire & while he may not make as much as he did in WWE there is no doubt he could make 7 figures working for TNA as well as being promoted as TNA's top star for FAR LESS dates then his WWE schedule allowing more time for him to see his daughter grow up.

Exactly, he is already a millionaire, what makes you think he wants to settle for less? He knows what he's worth and knowing that he's an asshole, he won't settle for less. He's the type of person who rather make no money than little money.

If Randy is indeed fired, I think he will just do Indy shows, that way he works when he wants to and doesn't have to answer to anyone. That's the best way.
Could he? Yes. Would he? Hell no. There are a few reasons. One being that he makes good money and would have to take a step down financially and two, would he really go to a smaller company? He's been treated very fairly considering all the crap he's done over the years. The WWE could have and should have fired him a long time ago. But it goes to show you the faith they had in him as a top guy. With all the buzz around Orton, as I've said many times, you have to take it with a grain of salt. People are making a mountain out of a mole. When he's back, things won't change in the ring. He'll do his thing, have his feuds and that will be that. Because if there is one thing the IWC does is forget. They only have short term memories, Give it a few months and most will forget. Some will bring it up, but for the most part because it's big news, it's talked about. The IWC will forget and move on to the next thing to bitch about. It's a vicious cycle.
Exactly, he is already a millionaire, what makes you think he wants to settle for less? He knows what he's worth and knowing that he's an asshole, he won't settle for less. He's the type of person who rather make no money than little money.

If Randy is indeed fired, I think he will just do Indy shows, that way he works when he wants to and doesn't have to answer to anyone. That's the best way.

He would still make good money in TNA working far less dates...what don't you understand about that? You under estimate what TNA can pay, they pay the top talent very well & if they signed Orton im sure he would be the highest earner.

There comes a point in time where you want to spend more time with your family especially when you are missing out on your child growing up from being on the road all the time.

Kevin Nash, Christian, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy & Rob Van Dam did & so could Orton.

For the record WWE wanted Hogan, Hardy (even despite the drug charges) & RVD before they choose to go to TNA - all documented fact so do your research for anyone reading who disagrees.

But regardless i would be very suprised if WWE let go of Randy Orton due to their lack of depth & star power & if they did they would probably tell him to sit out a year & they will re-sign him however i hope they do as it would be better for the wrestling business if he went to TNA.

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