Shocking tweets from Randy Orton about TNA

I find it refreshing that Orton complimented TNA and some of its wrestlers. One thing I have learned in business is that you have to keep your eye on the competition, there's always something to learn. Granted TNA is no threat to WWE, but the fact that Orton enjoyed what he saw is definitely a compliment and can only help TNA. It might spark enough interest in WWE fans to tune in to Impact and check it out.

Fair Play Randy thats all i saying, nice to see someone with a bit of class! and wrestling and watching wrestling for the love of it
Perhaps, but that's conjecture on your part (and anyone else who draws the comparison), as rival companies being rival companies does not necessarily equate a mandatory hatred for all things not your company — you being the one working for either in this case. Had Twitter or the like been around during the WCW/WWF era, I strongly believe that yes, a number of talents would have chalked up their friends and their "competition" just fine on something as inconsequential as an online social networking tool.

To the contrary, I believe the exact opposite. Those at war then were Bischoff and McMahon, not Perry Saturn and Ahmed Johnson. What would it matter if Booker T wrote "Damn son, just saw Mick Foley go through a table — dat boy crazy!"? Not one iota.

These territorial pissing contests are something the fans create, not the performers.

I disagree. See above.

Are you kidding! Rest assure if TNA had WWE on the ropes and the door half closed with WWE going out of business like WCW was doing in the late 90's their is NO WAY in hell randy orton would be tweeting a damn thing about TNA.

Strictly for arguments sake put TNA in the same position now that WCW was in during 97-98. A company that was a secondary company to the WWE gets two of their top stars and in a years time sky rockets past them in the ratings, and is close to putting them out of business, close to putting them on the unemployment line or indy circuit and you really think wrestlers who have thousands of fans on their twitter are really going to give props to guys on the other show who are indangering their way of living.

If TNA was this monster like WCW was Randy Orton would not be on his twitter talking about how good Joe is on his feet, or how good of a in ring worker Aj styles, simply TNA is not in the same ball park as far as economics and fanbase so their is nothing to worry about for WWE or Ortons stand point.

But if Twitter exisited back then during the Monday Night Wars you are crazy if you think this would happen, yea all these guys in the WWE are really going to endorse the competition thats beating their ass and possibly putting them out of business.Even if it where im pretty sure vince would just not let his wrestlers have twitter, the man tried suing WCW because they had creative thinking and a storyline that was destroying his lackluster TV, im pretty sure vince would cover his tracks by putting it in a contract that wrestlers could not have twitter especially back then when the wrestling world was run by the Kliq, and he wouldnt want his money makers like HBK & HHH giving props to Hall and Nash who are responsible for the most infamous faction ever.
I'm going to go completely against the curve and say this actually did shock me. I'll keep this brief cos I gotta go now, but when you've got john cena tweeting everything in eternal character mode, and your other totem being completely honest about wrestling its odd. WWE likes to have their guys either in character or at least not mentionning 'the other' company' when they tweet. TNA doesnt mind guys talking about the other company, in fact they love it, but WWE doesnt, it prefers not to talk about 'them' at all.

You can see this from MVP, when he expressed his concern at his position in WWE, he got heat for it, when matt hardy did it, he managed to get himself released even though WWE wanted to keep him. But then randy orton comes out and talks about the other company, I personally wouldn't be suprised if WWE told him to moderate what he wrote and kept it strictly WWE. WWE aren't even going to acknowledge TNA until TNA get big enough for WWE to start taking shots at. So personally I do find this weird in the current WWE climate and orton may be one of the few guys who can get away with it.
Personally, I don't think these are all that shocking. Seems like a guy who grew up a wrestling fan pointing out what he enjoyed about a wrestling show.

He didn't say they were better than WWE, that he wanted to work there or that the talent was far better. Just said they had some good workers and some of the things were really well put together. Honest is a more accurate depiction of his comments.

I agree about the JWoww thing and that AJ was virtually instrumental in TNA's early success.

He even seemed honest with Mr. Anderson. Nothing shocking about it, really.

It's cool to hear wrestlers talking about wrestling like that, though.
Tna mentions WWE to run it down because they want to be in the same level as WWE. Also the reason Vince dosent need to take jibes constantly at tna is because he does not want to stoop to there level as it does nothing positive for his own company. As for letting wrestlers go, Jeff Hardy left WWE to persue other things lik art which WWE let him as they had an unofficial agreement if he was to wrestle it wud be in WWE again, Similar with RVD Vince wanted him to stay, Ken Anderson had many chances in WWE, he got over then got injured then over then injured, Vince even wanted to name him as an onscreen son to push him unfortunately injuries prevented this and WWE thought time to invest in others, Mickie James who cares noone watches women wrestle. Kurt angle was a fall out because Vince had his best interests and asked him to rest kurt said no and as everyone in life has they disagreedand went seperate ways. Team 3D had their time in WWE but budget cuts and tag team wrstling falling in WWE they went. Nash i wnt say cause i honestly dont know. Butinstead of u writing pointlessness why dont you give WWE the credit it deserves and vince for that matter, in any sport entertainment its opinioned, things happen but all these guys and all the main guys bar abyss owe WWE for giving them a shot and giving them the name they have now TNA has big names thanks to WWE nt becuse they created there own (with exceptions to samo joe n styles) please reply if u have a structured evidence based argument to this point.

If you want to start spouting shit about why wrestlers leave WWE and go to WWE please get the facts correct. And before you go on about the length of time it has taken to reply. I know its a long time.
Kurt Angle asked to leave as he could not take anymore in WWE and begged Vince to release him which Vince finally did as Angle would have walked if he had to anyway. Jeff Hardy was shown the door as he had drug allegations hanging over his head and WWE did not want someone with those kind of problems. Kevin Nash had neck surgery and had time off to recover but while he was recuperating WWE did not renew his contract so he went to TNA and yes , the Dudley boys were released fro budget reasons and the lack of Tag team talent in WWE. TNA are competition to WWE and Vince for whatever reason seems to ignore that fact. WWE is more superior to TNA but it still does not mean that TNA are no better. Im a fan of both. Just because a wrestler is signed to a particular promotion does not meant that they cannot talk about wrestlers in another promotion. There you go. theres my arguement
I think there's a difference between praising TNA itself and praising the talent. People can like the talent in the company and not like the actual promotion itself. I don't doubt that Orton is a likable guy outside the ring, and when given his space he will be a genuinely nice guy. Heck, I've received tweetbacks from him before and a great person to talk to. I think its just a matter of also growing up as well. Bear in mind some of his actions before, was when he wasn't married, and not a father yet. Keep in mind some of that stuff will DRASTICALLY change you for the better also. But when you are like Orton and a legacy wrestler, and you also are getting stepped on, you probably do have a limited BS tolerance and when someone is probably making veiled remarks at you and your family legacy, I'm sure that can cut deep. I know I'd probaby be a little short with someone.
I don't know, to be honest, and I'm really not trying to just be cynical. I mean, you know Vince has knowledge of what his top guys do in and out of the ring, so to me there's a couple of possible things it could mean.

One, it could mean that he watched it, gave an opinion, and Vince could give a flying fuck because they're not really competition yet so he just shrugged and went about his day. ECW would talk about WWE, Heyman was pretty outspoken, and Vince actually even did some work with the guys. Was there any collaboration w/WCW? No, because they were serious competition. It's kind of like picking your battles, and maybe Vince just realized that there really was no reason to get worked up.

That being said, there's also the possibility he was putting out "feelers" for a couple TNA talents that would bring some refreshing shock value if they were to make the jump. I mean, he mentioned AJ and Joe, a couple of guys that are pretty solid, ME singles guys that would fit pretty well in their present direction. And Orton seems like the kind of guy you could "go to" that would have no qualms about doing something like that. He's also the loner, antihero anyway, so those comments wouldn't really look weird coming from him. I didn't notice any mention of MCMG, two smaller guys that are in a top tag team. They don't fit the WWE mold, and WWE isn't that big on tag teams at the moment, so maybe the comments were made as kind of a "feeling out" process towards talent they would be interested in bringing into the "E".

This brings me to Anderson. Could that be a "feeler" comment too? I mean, if Anderson honestly believes Randy got him fired, Orton's claiming not to do so would only really serve to irritate and anger Anderson further by denying it.

However, what if Orton DID get Anderson fired from the "E" (since it's been noted that he has had pull for quite a while now, contrary to what he says) but knows Anderson is simply speculating, or making an educated guess, but couldn't REALLY be positive Randy was the one that helped it along? In that situation he could be simply lying about his involvement to make Ken think that he really didn't have anything to do with it because Vince has mentioned wanting Anderson back.

This would settle any doubts in Ken's mind because it would make him believe that maybe Orton didn't have anything to do with it at all, and thus remove any hesitations or inhibitions he may have about coming back to the "E". This also makes sense because, for some reason, Anderson seems like the kind of guy (IMO; haven't met him) to wear his heart on his sleeve. I think Anderson on-screen isn't really that far from Anderson's attitude in real life, and maybe Vince thinks it wouldn't be that hard to convince him to come back for another go around.

Everybody's going to have different opinions about this subject. I do find it hard to believe, however, that when other guys have definitely been scrutinized for their comments on the internet or dealings w/TNA (Highlanders, anybody?) that one of the WWE's top dogs would do something so uncharacteristic of what the WWE has shown they aren't too fond of. I personally think there's an underlying reason, but again, who knows?

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