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How can someone hate Cena but love Orton?

Justin Satiable

Pre-Show Stalwart
I just watched Smackdown, and watched Cody vs Orton, and I was left feeling the same way I do after EVERY SINGLE Orton promo and match; "Wow, that was the same as every other promo/match."

A lot of people claim they dislike Cena because he has the 4 move combo of doom or whatever, when, to be fair, Orton rarely exhibits more than 4 "interesting" moves in a whole match.

Anyway, here's a little run-through of why I've soured hugely on Orton.

1. Orton has reverted back to the "OMG GUN KIK U IN SKUL" Randy that bored us shitless a couple of years back.
2. You can practically re-write the script of his matches as you're watching them, as every twist and turn is massively predictable.
3. The Punt Kick and the RKO have been overused so much that they just fail to interest me anymore.
4. Spazzing around the ring like he's just been subjected to flashing lights. It's embarrassing to watch. No offence to epileptics.

Alongside this, just for the hell of it, here's some reasons why a once Cena-hater, has now grown to enjoy watching Cena.

1. The diversification of his matches. Whereas Randy has taken to "hey look I reversed your move and RKO! Yay!" John Cena keeps mixing it up and keeping his finishes interesting.
2. How well he's played his part in the Nexus angle. His underdog status remains during the "numbers game", but the fact that he falls to Nexus, rather than pulling off the Superman, then has to be saved, THEN fights back and wins the battle is good.
3. Cena's promos. No more needs to be said.

Anyhoo, there's my little rant and whatnot. Feel free to comment with your personal opinions and all that jazz.

No flaming please.
Batman vs. Superman. Orton's Batman is craft and cagey, quick and smart, borderline crazy. Older fans and some younger fans like that, just like older fans and some younger fans like Batman. Batman's edgy and cool.

John Cena's Superman is John Cena's Superman. Strong, invincible even. Always on the side of good, always heroic, always pure. Little kids love that, eat that up - they want to BE Superman! Older fans hate that because we're old and cynical. Heroism is lame, we want the rogue hero, the anti-hero.
Here's why. Orton doesn't do the same Superman crap that Cena does all the time. Cena also doesn't sell the hits he takes as good either. And his finishes are all the same believe it or not.

The punt isn't really all that frequently used. Although it's been teased more lately, Jericho is the first one to take it in a while.

Orton's showing emotion finally in the ring and it's entertaining as hell actually, and these RKO's can be hit from just about anywhere.

I also believe Orton's promos are much better than Cena's. Cena tries to be funny but he's not, the little kids will buy it because he's heavily focused to that market whereas to the rest of us, all hate it. Orton says what he's gonna do in his promos and then does it. Orton's also never had the long, boring title run that Cena has where Cena went over everybody clean 90% of the time, Orton's title runs so far have had many DQ's and Countouts but he's also been heel.

As for the moves, we all know Orton has a bunch more, like the standing dropkick, european uppercut, etc., - that's probably creative holding him back now. Cena has never shown more than 5 or 6 at any point.
Orton is so much better than Cena that it is not even funny. To be quite honest when it comes to wrestling I'm not sure Cena even is quite sure what he's doing, because he isn't a wrestler he's brawler. Orton is an excellent wrestler. And if anyone older likes Cena better than Orton they must a little kid or dumb
IMO How can you hate a wrestler who's over anyways... look at every single wrestler that has ever existed, once they are over with the crowd they don't need more moves or anything to refresh themselves. Look at Undertaker, he does the same moves every match but he's over so it doesn't matter, I actually find these Cena-haters to be a minority who are just bored of looking at Cena. I would say even some one as good a wrestler as Jericho or Angle... they do the same moves over and over because the crowd loves it.

I want to reply on befair2fair's comment... what utter bull shit... no offence but first you say Cena isn't a wrestler he's a brawler... wtf?!?!?! Look at Sheamus, JBL and the like... they are brawlers Cena is a PERFORMER, theres a difference. On top of that you say "If anyone older likes Cena better than Orton they must a little kid or dumb" I got a lot to say about that, improve your grammar so it makes sense and even if it had good grammar... "anyone older who likes Cena is a little kid"? that is the MOST BULL SHIT sentence I've ever read. Orton is NOT better than Cena just because you think he is doesn't mean he actually is *tbh even I prefer him to Cena but I respect the fact that Cena is sooo over with the crowd, he is more over than Orton at the moment and he will always be because he's playing to the fan's needs which Orton isn't (I don't even know what Orton is meant to be at the moment)*.

EDIT Might aswell reply to Abhooya's comment The reason Orton hasn't had a long title run is because he fails to keep the audience's interest, fans want him chasing to get a title or the like not actually having it. Its like you crave for eating a chocolate and once you've ate it it's like... now what. You also say Orton's lack of moves is due ot creative holding him back, isn't that what happened to Cena and just about every other over wrestler in the history of wrestling as we know it... EDIT
I've always liked Orton. hes a gifted wrestler. hes current and future. Cena, well i cant stand the guy. he thinks hes better then everyone else when he isnt. cena gets booed alot also ive noticed. make the guy a heel.
I've always liked Orton. hes a gifted wrestler. hes current and future. Cena, well i cant stand the guy. he thinks hes better then everyone else when he isnt. cena gets booed alot also ive noticed. make the guy a heel.

Agreed Orton is current and for the future but Cena does not get booed by the fans he is trying to please... he just gets booed by the older generation who feel embarressed in liking Cena because he isn't actually playing to our wants but he is playing to the children's wants, which happens to be the best money option for WWE. We "older" generation are now beginning to like those small indy shows and ROH or even TNA because promotions like those don't spoon feed the kids for their money. It's a FACT and now people are gonna say I hate WWE and I'm some idiotic TNA fan. Just to make it clear I like WWE... AND TNA. No harm in it.
Here's why. Orton doesn't do the same Superman crap that Cena does all the time. Cena also doesn't sell the hits he takes as good either. And his finishes are all the same believe it or not.

The punt isn't really all that frequently used. Although it's been teased more lately, Jericho is the first one to take it in a while.

Orton's showing emotion finally in the ring and it's entertaining as hell actually, and these RKO's can be hit from just about anywhere.

I also believe Orton's promos are much better than Cena's. Cena tries to be funny but he's not, the little kids will buy it because he's heavily focused to that market whereas to the rest of us, all hate it. Orton says what he's gonna do in his promos and then does it. Orton's also never had the long, boring title run that Cena has where Cena went over everybody clean 90% of the time, Orton's title runs so far have had many DQ's and Countouts but he's also been heel.

As for the moves, we all know Orton has a bunch more, like the standing dropkick, european uppercut, etc., - that's probably creative holding him back now. Cena has never shown more than 5 or 6 at any point.

The only point I will concede to you is the RKO, that is a fantastic finish.

However. Orton is not that good in the ring and never really has been, his matches all play out the exact same as the one that preceded it. Cena, in the last three or four months specifically, has put on some very good showings and has showcased Nexus brilliantly.

Cena doesn't sell? Well he didn't get up after a couple of nobodies, and I stress NOBODIES, hit their finishes on them. He may not take moves brilliantly but to say he doesn't sell for anyone is, quite frankly, ridiculous. Cena is build like a tank, he can't exactly flop around the ring like a Jeff Hardy or HBK did in their prime.

Cena's humor isn't something I enjoy, 'nor do I find his "poopy" act and the like entertaining, but my little sister's friends do. However, when Cena cuts a serious promo while in the middle of an intense feud he has shown he has more charisma and microphone skills than Orton will ever have. Orton, as a "tweener" or face, is quite simply the most boring (yet still incredibly over) individual on TV atm, imo. He's a talented dude, no doubt, but he's reverting back to his old "Blandy Orton" days. He was amazing when he first won the WWE title, the feud with Hardy, Cena, Trips, etc, were all fantastic......but the viper gimmick is tired and stale.

Orton's move-set has ALWAYS been limited at best. That's why I laugh at people who slam Cena for it and defend Orton for it, at least Cena's five moves of death are impactful because I find the "repeated stomps" to be far less entertaining than Cena's flip face buster. I'd also take his diving leg drop over a European upper-cut. You can't complain about Cena's move-set and then claim Orton is limited by creative....they BOTH are. It just so happens some of Cena's signature moves are, quite frankly, better.

All in all, I was one of the original Cena haters. I loved his debut but soured on him a weeks later and even when he turned heel I simply did not like the dude. After all these years though, Cena has proven he is passionate and dedicated to the business and has gone out of his way to start preparing the next generation in the Nexus.

To complain that Cena always wins clean is ridiculous. HE'S A FACE! They're supposed to win clean. I don't remember many matches where Jeff Hardy, HBK or Undertaker won via count-out or cheating but nobody calls them on it; people just use this as an excuse to complain about Cena. Orton rarely won clean in his title runs because he was a heel. Duh.
wow D zone calm down as you said its only a minority that are cena-haters right?.......
Cena knows how to get the crowd over at every match because he found a method as do all wrestlers mixed with plans from the creative writers. Now the thing is with cena apart from jericho, orton and undertaker is cena's 'method' is more noticeable than others. His method is to pretend to get his ass kicked for most of the match, have a comeback doing the usual cena revup the crowd with the knuckle shuffle followed by a failed first attempt FU
(or the name called nowdays the AA or attitude ajustment.) yes orton can be noticeble sometimes with a inverted backbreaker or ddt from the ropes then the failed rko but from there its not predictable.

And jericho ur kidding right that guy is one of the best for making matches original, every match of jericho is awesome. What im saying is supercena is way more repetetive than orton
Here's why people love Orton and dont like Cena. While Orton's promos arent all that great, his emotions in the ring are great. he looks like he's going to hurt someone in the ring and when he's on a roll, he looks like he's going to lose it. his RKO can hit anywhere and out of nowhere. while i didnt like seeing Rhodes get whipped in 2 minutes. Orton does sell moves and he can get the crowd behind him. Cena's selling sometimes isnt great, while i dont mind his promos when he jokes, i do NOT like his never give up and never quit promos because whenever he's in an I Quit match or a match where you have to submit, Cena wont lose and it spoils the ending. Cena can make some people laugh, but Orton is better in the ring and he attracts the older fanbase.
Yes supercena is way more repetetive than Orton and I do see why people would hate Cena's repetetive-ness... but he's over to all the kids in especially America with those 5 moves he doesn't need to change to be "more over".

I think you will find if you go to America and stand outside of any RAW event and ask the fans whether they hate Cena the answer would be "hell no". The only people that hate Cena are people who find his repetetive-ness boring and people who post on forums such as this *not saying thats bad ¬.¬*.

Admittedly Jericho was a bad example... lol, but that's only because he's just an awesome wrestler ;P. Take someone like Triple H or Edge most their moves are exactly the same because fans absolutely adore their moves. Triple H for example, before he got injured he very much played a Cena role, he got his ass kicked for most the match then hit a few high knees, then hit a spine buster, pedigree and finished it off with a pin and playing towards the thousands of screaming fans. But even though Triple H did this week in and week out no one flamed him like they flame Cena because admittedly he was coming up to the end of his career. BUT if Cena is at that stage of "great-ness" even though I would say he's 15-20years from retirement doesn't that show how far he's elavated himself.
john cena has comic book syndrome in his creative team...lol
he only has a few moves like any other super hero.. he is bult like the Hulk so why not have moves like the hulk.. hulk had one finisher too "HULK SMASH!!!"

as for orton.. the epileptic reference was spot on.. i know everytime i watch an orton match i end up saying "what the hell is wrong with this guy.. he mis his meds or what"
whether it be creative or his lack of inring abillities at some point hes got to sit back and ask himself.. "is this what i really want to be doing in my matches?"
Dont get me wrong.. there are things i like about both but for the most part id rather see a good technical match with a good back n forth move set that makes me say "OH DAMN!!" alot of good points have been made thru out this thread but what it all boils down too is what you are really into.. comic book wrestling or intense technical wrestling. personally for me it depends on my mood at the time. so in closing do i love em or hate em?
The similarities between Orton and Cena are growing by the day. Most of the IWC hates Cena because he is Superman. Before Nexus came along, Cena never lost. It took 7 guys to beat Cena once in a while. (As much as it would skyrocket Barrett to main event status, I can't see him going over Cena cleanly at HIAC unfortunately.) As much as Cena is Superman, Orton is getting there too. He has taken out as many as 4 superstars with the RKO in as little time as a minute. He is becoming dominant in such an unbelievable way, its disappointing.

People have claimed that Orton cuts a better promo. That is utter bullshit. He hasn't cut a promo longer than a couple minutes in years. He used to be able to talk for hours about how much better he was then everybody. I think his promos will be better when he talks about how he ended Jericho's career, but him telling me intensely that the only thing that matters to him is the WWE championship, and he's going to do whatever he can to keep it, here's an idea Orton, hold an audience long enough that WWE doesn't question putting the belt on you less than 24 hours after they did.

While I don't like Orton's promos as of late, I enjoy watching him in the ring. He is intense and it's enjoyable. Someone said Cena doesn't sell that well. I couldn't agree more with that. I remember he was in a match a month ago or so. He was laid out out side the ring. The 10 count was climbing. He looked dead until the count hit 9 when he sprung up out of nowhere and nosedived into the ring. How the fuck can you not show any sign of struggling to get up, to dawning your cape and flying into the ring.

The reason I like Orton is because I know he could lose the belt at anytime. I know he will not win every match he's in. As much as i want to see Cena lose a match cleanly, or turn heel, it never happens. He's become bland. Same thing week in and week out for 3-4 years now. You want some, come get some. Never give up. Stay in school. Drugs are bad. Seriously Cena, prove to us you can be a heel. Show us a dirty win. A cowardly escape. BE HUMAN for a night.

I didn't mean for this to turn into an anti Cena post. I enjoy some of his matches and lines. I just want to enjoy him more as a heel.
I'm not all that wild about John Cena, but I don't hate the guy. I do think that Cena does get unfairly singled out a lot of times over things that are actually quite common to most wrestlers. One thing you constantly hear are the "he only knows 5 moves" stuff. While not exactly accurate, Cena does have a series of trademark moves and so does just about every other wrestler going today. Ric Flair, Sting, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Randy Orton, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, etc. are all examples of wrestlers that all have signature moves that they almost always use in every match they have.

I'm not all that crazy about SuperCena either. It gets on my nerves sometimes but I find it odd that Cena gets so much hate for it, yet Hulk Hogan continues to get so much praise when they're basically the same character. Hulk Hogan was a very patriotic, kid friendly character that was generally portrayed as virtually "superhuman" and delivered promos that came across at times like something an old school comic book character or minister might say and John Cena is pretty much the same character. It's quite easy to dislike the straight laced Boy Scout sort of hero in wrestling these days but the truth is that sort of is a mainstay among wrestling babyfaces and has been for just about as long as anyone can remember.
The reason people love Orton but hate Cena is down to their gimmicks. No one should bring up their wrestling skill, because Cena and Orton both use the same style, just different moves.

You see, as adults, some people have become disillusioned with the squeaky-clean patriotic face that Cena is. People don't want perfection, or superhumans. People want imperfect, flawed heroes. It shows in all forms of media; Superman films have slowly died out, whereas Batman films are hotter than ever. So it is with Cena and Orton. Orton's character is more flawed and troubled than Cena's character, due to its mental instability, and so the cynical adults of the world cheer for him.

Personally, I prefer Cena to Orton both in the ring and out, but no one can deny that what Orton is doing sells. He's what the public wants in their heroes, and that is why those that can bash Cena love Orton.
The similarities between Orton and Cena are growing by the day. Most of the IWC hates Cena because he is Superman. Before Nexus came along, Cena never lost. It took 7 guys to beat Cena once in a while. (As much as it would skyrocket Barrett to main event status, I can't see him going over Cena cleanly at HIAC unfortunately.) As much as Cena is Superman, Orton is getting there too. He has taken out as many as 4 superstars with the RKO in as little time as a minute. He is becoming dominant in such an unbelievable way, its disappointing.

People have claimed that Orton cuts a better promo. That is utter bullshit. He hasn't cut a promo longer than a couple minutes in years. He used to be able to talk for hours about how much better he was then everybody. I think his promos will be better when he talks about how he ended Jericho's career, but him telling me intensely that the only thing that matters to him is the WWE championship, and he's going to do whatever he can to keep it, here's an idea Orton, hold an audience long enough that WWE doesn't question putting the belt on you less than 24 hours after they did.

While I don't like Orton's promos as of late, I enjoy watching him in the ring. He is intense and it's enjoyable. Someone said Cena doesn't sell that well. I couldn't agree more with that. I remember he was in a match a month ago or so. He was laid out out side the ring. The 10 count was climbing. He looked dead until the count hit 9 when he sprung up out of nowhere and nosedived into the ring. How the fuck can you not show any sign of struggling to get up, to dawning your cape and flying into the ring.

The reason I like Orton is because I know he could lose the belt at anytime. I know he will not win every match he's in. As much as i want to see Cena lose a match cleanly, or turn heel, it never happens. He's become bland. Same thing week in and week out for 3-4 years now. You want some, come get some. Never give up. Stay in school. Drugs are bad. Seriously Cena, prove to us you can be a heel. Show us a dirty win. A cowardly escape. BE HUMAN for a night.

I didn't mean for this to turn into an anti Cena post. I enjoy some of his matches and lines. I just want to enjoy him more as a heel.

Agree with everything you said and I for one do remember the match where he popped up on the 9 count... I was literally laughing on the floor.

There is only one reason I want a heel turn for Cena is so that he can use more moves than his already "5" impactful moves and shut people up about the fact he "can't wrestle" so to speak. But I gotta admit I don't see anyone putting the point across to kids that "drugs are bad" and they should "stay in school" apart from Cena. I mean imagine if they did make Orton say things like drugs are bad, his tweener character doesn't fit the statement.

Just to make it clear I'm very fond of Orton's wrestling style myself, its a big whacko and unique which is what I like about it. Cena does need a refreshing change but mainly to shut people up him, supposingly, "not being able to wrestle".
IMO How can you hate a wrestler who's over anyways... look at every single wrestler that has ever existed, once they are over with the crowd they don't need more moves or anything to refresh themselves. Look at Undertaker, he does the same moves every match but he's over so it doesn't matter, I actually find these Cena-haters to be a minority who are just bored of looking at Cena. I would say even some one as good a wrestler as Jericho or Angle... they do the same moves over and over because the crowd loves it.

What do you mean how can you hate a wrestler who's over. I am not a so-called cena hater but I dont enjoy anything he does. There ARE fans who absolutely hate him though and I can understand why even though I dont feel the same way. Just because an entertainer is over with the fans in general doesnt mean other fans cant dislike him. Justin Beiber, Tyler Perry and Megan Fox are over with the fans and it makes sense that the creative teams who market and sell them arent changing them but people can still dislike them and many do. And comparing great wrestlers like Angle who's had some of the best matches in history to John Cena is a little strange. Its one thing for great wrestlers like Taker, Angle and Jericho doing the same 8-10 high end moves (we'll say 4 moves are high end) each match and another thing for Cena to do the same 5 low end moves a match. OK its totally my own opinion of whats low end or high end and I acknowledge that.

I dont "hate" or "like" Cena but his character, act and promos just arent for me. I do understand that he's over with the crowd and thats why he's in the spot hes in right now. The one thing I do like about Cena though is no one is like him in wrestling right now. His act and character, as much as Im not personally entertained by it, is very unique. WWE is supposed to be about different gimmicks and styles and Cena performs his gimmick/style as well as anyone. If everyone else perfomed their gimmick and style as well as Cena played his, the WWE would be better.

Before and during Legacy, I was VERY much and Orton fan and was very entertained by everything he did. But he was a heel. This face Orton doesnt entertain me nearly as much and its clear that he or either WWE creative can do a good face Orton. Orton is still much better in the ring but the heel Orton is much more preferable than Cena at least IMO.

first of all let me start by saying that im niether a cena fan nor an orton fan

now with that out of the way the people who are liking orton are doing so for a simple reason:he is not a babyface named john cena.think about raw from 2006-2010.the only babyface in the industry we have had with a chance of winning the title is john cena.hhh and hbk have been there but they have either been together in dx or putting other guys over.even if they have been in title matches,they have lost.

so most title matches in the period i talked about have been cena vs random heel except for the months where cena was out due to injury.people have gotten bored.but now all orton is doing is presenting the audience with an alternative.this is wwe's way of saying "hey you dont like cena??you can always cheer for this guy."this i feel is the major reason.the other minor reasons are that he is totally anti cena in the sense he doesnt pander to the crowd or give corny promos about never give up always be good and stuff like that.also the rko is a cool finisher which reminds guys of the stunner.

with that being said orton has never lived up to his hype:whether in the ring or on the mic.lets just look past his moveset for a second.what are the great matches he has given us over the past 7 years.only one.backlash 2004 vs mick foley.yeah that is not a stunning resume.you know a reason why some people think "im the miz and im awesome" is a cool catchphrase??its coz orton's catchphrase is "im gonna hit you with an r.k.o"

now i just bashed orton a bit there but let me remind you that the OP wrote a lot of shit about cena as well.i did mention cena has had better matches than orton but he has had some of the most predictable matches as well over the years.i didnt read too much into the four moves crap coz stone cold was a four move guy as well but he has had about 20 ****+ matches.cena on the other hand just hsnt.cena's basic wrestling style is that of a brawler just like rock austin or orton.yet for a brawler he throws some of the weakest punches i have ever seen.plus cena has never even in his rapper days has been good at selling.something that i should mention orton is good at.plus you guys might find cena to be good at promos but in my opinion he is a shadow of himself on the mic compared to what he was in the rapper days.
If you don't evolve your character in wrestling, you get stale. Cena has been the same exact character since 2004 and it's old and it's boring (and it aged worse than most) It's the same reason I can't stand RVD right now, he's done nothing to further or better himself or his character

Everytime I say this everyone brings up The Undertaker. Even his character evolved, he started out as a zombie grave digger, moved on to a supernatural entity, became the "lord of darkness," American Badass, then some weird biker/old school hybrid I affectionately refer to as the American Deadass, and now he's back to his supernatural schtick.

Point is wrestlers have to change things up, Orton has done that phenomenally, Cena not so much
Orton's charactor is not the problem. Hulk Hogan, SCSA and HHH kept the same character once they were main eventer and title holders. I think the problem is that the overall WWE world title sceen isnt that interesting and storylines and fueds are book as great as they used to be. I do think WWE kind of dropped the ball by making the world title contenders take a back seat to Cena the last four years but now...right now...the title picture just isnt that interesting. If not Cena or Orton then who, Shaemus?
I just watched Smackdown, and watched Cody vs Orton, and I was left feeling the same way I do after EVERY SINGLE Orton promo and match; "Wow, that was the same as every other promo/match."

Yeah, that's how he's being booked. You're going to tell me after all the success he had as a heel, that he isn't talented enough to be a major face? Wrong. He's being booked for shit, and is wrestling an era too late.

A lot of people claim they dislike Cena because he has the 4 move combo of doom or whatever, when, to be fair, Orton rarely exhibits more than 4 "interesting" moves in a whole match.

Inverted headlock backbreaker, back drop, Rope Hung DDT, Orton Stomps, powerslam, RKO, Punt. That's seven. Not to mention a good variation of strikes. Now, does that mean Cena only knows 4 moves? No, not at all. You're basically not telling the truth.

Anyway, here's a little run-through of why I've soured hugely on Orton.

1. Orton has reverted back to the "OMG GUN KIK U IN SKUL" Randy that bored us shitless a couple of years back.

Huh? You mean the Legend Killer gimmick? A heel persona? It bores you, not us. It seems to me he is getting the biggest pop in just about every arena the WWE goes into. Don't project your feelings onto the entire wrestling community by saying he "bored us.."

2. You can practically re-write the script of his matches as you're watching them, as every twist and turn is massively predictable.

Same with every other WWE superstar right now, including John Cena.

3. The Punt Kick and the RKO have been overused so much that they just fail to interest me anymore.

Oh, I suppose he should just stop using his amazingly OVER finisher? Ya know, the one fans chant for? Also, the punt hadn't been used in quite some time before Jericho got one.

4. Spazzing around the ring like he's just been subjected to flashing lights. It's embarrassing to watch. No offence to epileptics.

Embarrassing? Once again, it makes the crowd go insane, therefor it works. I'm not seeing the problem.

Alongside this, just for the hell of it, here's some reasons why a once Cena-hater, has now grown to enjoy watching Cena.

1. The diversification of his matches. Whereas Randy has taken to "hey look I reversed your move and RKO! Yay!" John Cena keeps mixing it up and keeping his finishes interesting.

Yeah, this is in no way accurate. The finishes to Cena's matches are just as predictable as Orton's. By the way, you do realize these matches are booked this way, no? They are told to stick to a certain set of moves.

3. Cena's promos. No more needs to be said.

Both of them are cutting shit promos, because they are not being given decent material to work with. Cena has an advantage. He can come out and cut all the corny, cheesy little jokes he wants, and the 5-11 year olds eat it up. Orton, on the other hand, is given nothing. His bad-ass type of character really has nothing to say on PG-television. It's much harder for Orton to cut a good, solid promo in todays wrestling world than it is for Cena, given the difference in characters.

Basically, you hate Orton, and love Cena. I get it. But don't act as if it isn't working for Orton. He's the most over guy, with the live crowd, in the WWE. You sure as hell don't hear him getting boo'ed out of an arena, now do you?
To be fair, nickb03, this thread was just based off my personal opinions, not what is "correct" or whatever. Most of what you're saying is accurate enough, but I don't count moves that most superstars have used as "interesting moves", e.g. the powerslam.

Lastly, again, it's just my opinion. I loved Orton at first, but wow, him coming out and RKOing all the other main event guys got really repetitive and boring. I'm not saying Cena never was, cos oh shit he was, but in my eyes, that's happening to Orton, and I think it's a shame.
I must say the IWC is full of fucking ******s. here's my point, what does John Cena or Randy Orton do that makes them more hated then any other face champions. They all have the same agenda. Start off with a ball of fire, get there ass kicked for about 5 minutes, then gain momentum hit a couple signature moves, go for a finisher and miss, do some other shit and finally hits the finisher and wins.

So what yall want is for them to only have Heel champions huh? John Cena isn't champion and you guys still find some bullshit to complain about. The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Kurt Angle all did the same shit as a face that Cena and Orton does but no body complained about them. Come on yall be real.
Im not sure if I count for the older generation or the kid generation because Im 15. But I dont Like Cena Im just sick of him winning all the TIME. But I also Dont like Orton either Im sick of seeing the RKO on everybody like 5x on RAW every night. My favorites are Christian, Chris Jericho Edge, Taker, Nexus, HHH, and Sheamus(Mostly because it Cool when he says Fella). But to the topic I really dont know. Because like I said I dont like either.

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