Honest opinions about me...?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This thread is probably going to be seen by some as really desperate or needy for attention, and let me assure you that is not the case. Since the whole election stared, I've seen an outpouring (over 500 posts!) against Dagger, challenging his legitimacy as a moderator, a poster, and even a man! I've attempted to remain objective, but I agree with a lot of people on both sides.

I've been around for awhile, and I intend to stick around for as long as I can. I've seen a lot of friendships formed here, and it really struck me how people care for one another deep down, even though it's "just a wrestling forum(this is really obvious if you take a look at the thread on C.M.'s passing). I don't want to be one of those guys that goes on blissfully unaware that he's a totally assclown, and one day wake up to find over 500 posts made against me, as a person.

I know I'm opening up a can of worms asking the Bar Room, and that's ok. If you want to be a total dick, because you can, go for it! We'll have a good laugh... But if a few, or even a lot of you want to express your actual opinions of me as a forum poster, I would really appreciate it. Even if it's "you're a total jackass and all your posts suck", I can learn something from your views of me. If you don't recognize the [Heel] Green Ranger, I just had it changed from Mike "the kid" Killam about two weeks ago.

Honestly, my only intent is to become the best possible forum poster I can. Part of me wants to say "who the fuck cares what people think of me?" but that's just not true. This is a great community, with some awesome people that I wish I knew better. So please, educate me! Where can I improve? Where do I totally suck? Where are my strengths, if you've seen any? Are they any sections I should visit more, or any I should stay away from? ANYTHING, if you have observed me at all, that you feel could help me become a better, more beloved poster in this forum...

And besides, I made a name for myself. As the realest ***** on this block.

Typo sorry...

Anyway it's not good to make a name for yourself by being the loudest person on the block,or in a forum example:the most annoying poster. Start asking about a guy named ryan86 and you'll see...
Typo sorry...

Anyway it's not good to make a name for yourself by being the loudest person on the block,or in a forum example:the most annoying poster. Start asking about a guy named ryan86 and you'll see...

DAMMIT I TOLD YOU TO NOT BRING UP THAT NAME IN THIS HOUSEHOLD! Sorry, i'm still a little fragile form the whole Zrise/Ryan86 thing
Well, you're no Mark Madden.
I agree. Madden tends to be concise and on the money. That said, I don't mind you, Mike. I don't venture into the non-spam sections too often, but I tend to find you tolerable. Somewhat needlessly long-winded at times (The English major in you? I really hope English majors are better than that. I've got the hots for an English major right now. She's gonna get the Full Coco), but tolerable nonetheless. You're not in my fave five or anything, but I'm not going to be raking you over the coals any time soon.
I agree. Madden tends to be concise and on the money. That said, I don't mind you, Mike. I don't venture into the non-spam sections too often, but I tend to find you tolerable. Somewhat needlessly long-winded at times (The English major in you? I really hope English majors are better than that. I've got the hots for an English major right now. She's gonna get the Full Coco), but tolerable nonetheless. You're not in my fave five or anything, but I'm not going to be raking you over the coals any time soon.

Post that fave five, immediately.
Whispering He beats me
I got to go. NOTHING HONEY

You were in Sam's sig so you can't be all bad.
I was in Sam's sig? I know Sam was in MY sig... SWEET.

I just can't win can I? I try to make people laugh, I get red-repped. I open up emotionaly, no-one gives a shit.
Shamar, from this point forward I'm going to call you Bon Qui Qui... can you enter into a single thread without it devolving into a conversation about how much you suck? Much love, but calm the fuck down. If you were really worried about your emotions, why the blue hell would you start making friends in the Bar Room!?

She's gonna get the Full Coco
Is that something you can apply for, or...?
@ Heel Green Ranger

Did you make your sig?

Yes, I did. Not my best work, but it was good enough for me. I had a thread in the graphics section for creating sigs, but I just ran out of time. All my free time I designated for forum usage was spent doing that, and it just got frustrating. I think some of them are still up there if you want to take a look. PM me if you want something, but I can't promise you I'll get to it in a timely manner.
Thanks for the nice words guys. Feel free to NOT be nice if you have something honest to say. You're not going to drive me to alcoholism or anything.
No thats okay. I just think your sig is badass. I just keep seeing the white ranger pop into my head too. It is good work as it has that evil feel to it when Tommy turned to join the side or Rita.

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