HGR's Top Films of 2012 List

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm hoping to get this up by the end of the weekend. Here's a list of the movies I've seen that came out in 2012, in no particular order:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Django Unchained
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Seeking a Friend for the End of the WOrld
Cabin in the Woods
Moonrise Kingdom
The Hunger Games
The Avengers
Premium Rush
People Like Us
The Dark Knight Rises
Safety Not Guaranteed
Jeff, Who Lives at Home
The Five Year Engagement
The Amazing Spider-Man
Men in Black 3
The Bourne Legacy
The Expendables 2
The Campaign
Wrath of the Titans
Rock of Ages

And here's a list of films I didn't get around to seeing, with the ones at the top being most important. The five in bold I will most definitely be watching before I make the list:

Cloud Atlas

The Grey
Snow White and the Huntsman
Les Miserables
Wreck-It Ralph
Life of Pi
Rise of the Guardians
The Secret World of Arrietty
Killing Them Softly
Seven Psychopaths
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
Casa de Mi Padre
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
Magic Mike
The Watch
Total Recall
Hope Springs
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Hotel Transylvania
Taken 2
Here COmes the Boom
The Man with the Iron Fists
Dr. Seauss' The Lorax
Project X
Dark Shadows
The Dictator
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
That's My Boy
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

There were a lot of movies in 2012, many of which I wanted to see but didn't get the chance. Funds are pretty tight right now. Anything I do watch is probably going to be obtained in a less than legal method. Any on the list that I absolutely "must see", in your opinion?
And here's a list of films I didn't get around to seeing, with the ones at the top being most important. The five in bold I will most definitely be watching before I make the list:

Cloud Atlas
The Grey
Snow White and the Huntsman
Les Miserables
Wreck-It Ralph
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Magic Mike
The Watch
Total Recall
Hope Springs
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Hotel Transylvania
Taken 2
Here COmes the Boom
The Man with the Iron Fists
Dr. Seauss' The Lorax
Project X
Dark Shadows
The Dictator
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
That's My Boy
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

There were a lot of movies in 2012, many of which I wanted to see but didn't get the chance. Funds are pretty tight right now. Anything I do watch is probably going to be obtained in a less than legal method. Any on the list that I absolutely "must see", in your opinion?

You can miss all of these, and not be screwed out of a fuckton of money. Have you seen Silver Lining Playbooks?
Definitely check out Argo as soon as you have the chance Mike, it's my number two film of 2012(though I haven't seen Lincoln yet, I plan to watch it in a week or two when it comes to the art house down the street from me).
Allow me to possibly help you.

Lincoln-Good, not great film. Was surprisingly short, which I think took away from it for me.

Cloud Atlas-Others will say different, but I thought the film was too pretentious. Cool concept, but it felt like the filmmakers tried to hard

Snow White and the Huntsman-Not bad. I probably won't watch the likely sequel, but I don't regret watching. Kristen Stewart blows

Casa de Mi Padre-The film is like a long parody of Spanish soap operas. Good for a couple laughs, but my lack of Spanish soaps knowledge probably hurt the experience

Magic Mike-A surprising amount of boobies

The Watch-Funny, but I wish I would have waited until it was out on video

Total Recall-Poor. Colin Farrel deserves a nod for how well he can cover his thick accent though. Watch an interview of his, then watch one of his films. Drastic difference

Dredd- Surprisingly decent. A good mindless action film

Frankenweenie- I don't care for Tim Burton, my opinion is totally biased, but it was typical Burton gothy film making

Taken 2- If you go in not expecting much, you have an okay movie

The Man with the Iron Fists-Another good mindless action film. Cool soundtrack

Dr. Seauss' The Lorax-Not bad. It is weird to see things not in the book, but I like Taylor Swift so I enjoy hearing her sweet voice as I dream of marrying her

Project X-possibly the worst movie ever

Dark Shadows- A poor film. It has a couple of lines that made me giggle, but it was a mess of genres. Give it up Johhny Depp, you are almost 50, stop playing these roles

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted-If I hear afro circus one more time I may make it my personal mission to see to it zebras go extinct

That's My Boy-rivals Project X for worst film ever

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter-I enjoyed the comics, so I knew what to expect. It is a film that isn't bad, but you won't need to watch it twice, nor should you have the desire to do so
Besides your bolded picks, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower is the only film that qualifies as "must-see" for me. Seven Psychopaths is a bloody and violent black comedy with a top notch cast, but the jokes were hit-and-miss for me, and everything just falls apart towards the end.

Dark Shadows was awful, and sitting through any scene that doesn't feature Johnny Depp and Eva Green feels like a chore. Rise Of The Guardians starts out as a promising Christmas-esque version of The Avengers, but it just turns into another lame and predictable kiddy animation film, as the story progresses. And Casa de Mi Padre loses all of its luster after the first twenty minutes.

Also, I really enjoyed The Grey, but it has one of those "that's it?" endings.
Life of Pi
Hope Springs
Here Comes the Boom
Project X
Dark Shadows
The Dictator

I'll just go ahead and talk about these, since they are the only ones I've seen from your list.

Skyfall is probably one of the best films there has been in the last 10-15 years. I thought Casino Royale was brilliant but this is a great flick.

Life Of Pi is an exceptional movie. I seen it a few weeks ago and it absolutely blew me away. I mean, I read the book when I was in high school but this was just something else entirely. Even my girlfriend, who arrived at the cinema in a very cynical mood, thought it was an excellent movie.

Hope Springs was great too. Didn't expect too much out of it when I went to see it but I was surprised at how touching and moving it was. As per usual, Meryl Streep deserves a fucking medal for her performance. Further proving that she is the best working actress in Hollywood.

Here Comes The Boom was an excellent film. Being a lover of UFC and of comedy movies, this really just clicked from the outset with me. Thoroughly amusing throughout, even if a little predictable. You'll laugh at this and for a comedy, what more do you want?

Project X I liked but my girlfriend hates it. She says that there is no plot and there is too much boobies and scantily clad women. She's right. But it's still a solid "I've got nothing better to do" flick.

Dark Shadows I seen this movie twice in the cinema and twice flying to and from the States. You may think that I like that movie and you would be dead wrong. I keep pretending I like it because my girlfriend does. But really, it is fucking woeful. One or two laughs but they're not worth the money. Avoid.

The Dictatoris the worst movie from Sacha Baron Cohen. So if you didn't like Borat or Bruno then you'll hate this. I loves both of the aforementioned but thought this was tedious at times.

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