Best Picture
"Django Unchained"
"Les Miserables"
"Life of Pi"
"Silver Linings Playbook"
"Zero Dark Thirty"
"Beasts of the Southern Wild"
I wouldn't have a problem with Django or Argo winning, but there's too much controversy surrounding Django right now. So the Academy might go with Life Of Pi or Lincoln.
Actor in a Leading Role
Bradley Cooper - "Silver Linings Playbook"
Daniel Day-Lewis - "Lincoln"
Hugh Jackman - "Les Miserables"
Joaquin Phoenix - "The Master"
Denzel Washington - "Flight"
Daniel Day Lewis all the way.
Actress in a Leading Role
Jessica Chastain - "Zero Dark Thirty"
Jennifer Lawrence - "Silver Linings Playbook"
Emmanuelle Riva - "Amour"
Quvenzhané Wallis - "Beasts of Southern Wild"
Naomi Watts - "The Impossible"
Haven't seen some of the films on this list, but Jennifer Lawerence seems to be a strong contender.
Actor in a Supporting Role
Alan Arkin - "Argo"
Robert De Niro - "Silver Linings Playbook"
Philip Seymour Hoffman - "The Master"
Tommy Lee Jones - "Lincoln"
Christoph Waltz - "Django Unchained"
Damn, the selfish side of me wanted Leo in this category, but Waltz was just amazing.
Actress in a Supporting Role
Amy Adams - "The Master"
Sally Field - "Lincoln"
Anne Hathaway - "Les Miserables"
Helen Hunt - "The Sessions"
Jackie Weaver - "Silver Linings Playbook"
Going with Anne Hathaway, she deserves it.
Animated Feature Film
"The Pirates! Band of Misfits"
"Wreck-It Ralph"
Wreck-It Ralph is the only film I've seen on this list.
"Amour" - Michael Haneke
"Beasts of the Southern Wild" - Benh Zeitlin
"Life of Pi" - Ang Lee
"Lincoln" - Steven Spielberg
"Silver Linings Playbook" - David O. Russell
Lee or Spielberg will probably take this, and I'm kind of surprised Ben didn't make it into this category.
Writing - Original Screenplay
"Amour" - Michael Haneke
"Django Unchained" - Quentin Tarantino
"Flight" - John Gatins
"Moonrise Kingdom" - Wes Anderson & Roman Coppola
"Zero Dark Thirty" - Mark Boal
Holy shit I almost forgot about Moonrise Kingdom. Oh, and Tarantino is my pick.
Writing - Adapted Screenplay
"Argo" - Chris Terrio
"Beasts of the Southern Wild" - Lucy Alibar & Benh Zeitlin
"Life of Pi" - David Magee
"Lincoln" - Tony Kushner
"Silver Linings Playbook" - David O. Russell

The entire list is here: