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Heat on Morrison


Do I have everybody's attention now
PWTorch.com is reporting that there is backstage heat on WWE Diva Melina and John Morrison as a result of their treatment of Trish Stratus during her return time to WWE.

It's being said that Melina and Morrison feel Trish Stratus took Melina's spot in the 6 person tag match at WrestleMania, and as a result they've been giving Stratus the cold shoulder over the course of the past few weeks. Additionally, it's being reported that John Morrison rejected several story line ideas that Trish Stratus pitched for their program against Dolph Ziggler and LayCool. This did not go over well with management as Trish Stratus is highly regarded amongst the top WWE brass.

So it seems Morrison has gotten his first taste at Wrestling drama (Aside from Batista fucking his girl but that's another issue...) Morrison wants Melina to take Trish's place. I honestly don't know WHY because Melina frankly sucks. Last time she was announcing I was appalled...she didn't even remember her fucking lines and she wants to take Trish's place? I like Morrison but I can't support him on this but I'm still saddened at the thought that Morrison, who has impressed WWE officials is getting heat.

Will this affect his push?
Will Morrison be the next "Kofi Kingston" so to speak?

It all sounds pretty childish and a great way to negatively affect your own career. Obviously the WWE is very big on Trish so it's probably not a good person to get into a feud with. I guess he just wanted his girlfriend to be part of WM with him but when you're not in charge of booking, you keep your mouth shut. Not like Morrison is a huge draw or anything, he's somewhat popular, but too easy to get rid of without much of a backlash, I wouldn't be acting up if I were him lol.
First off...I disagree with your assessment of Melina. Unlike most of the divas on the current roster, she actually has Wrestling talent. Bret hart even called her one of the best in the world....but I guess that is a little off-topic.

Now, Morrison....

I expect the entire IWC to overreact to this like they always do, and I'm sure we will see some "I lost ALL my respect for Morrison" statements. But I personally would not look to much into this. This seems like a very personal issue, we outsiders have absolutely no right to speculate and judge something that is frankly none of our business. If he really was giving Trish the "Cold shoulder" I really don't think it will hurt his career that much in the long run. Sure, maybe it was a little immature of him....but nobody's perfect.
I wasn't saying anything bad about Morrison at all, I just wonder what will happen to his push.

I really didn't think you were, I was just assuming that's what is gonna happen with the rest of the IWC. I personally think his career will be fine, this might extend his time in the Mid-card a little bit, but I still think he has big thing's in his future. He just need's to Want it.
This may not be the smartest thing to do JoMo.
1.You look very childish giving the cold shoulder to someone, just because they have something you wanted for Melina
2.The person you are giving the cold shoulder to is Trish Stratus...not wise...since she's highly respected around the WWE.
3.You barely got a role in Wrestlemania anyway..keep being a douche and next year its no role for JoMo.
Ehh, give it a couple of weeks at it'll blow over. Unless Morrison outright starts acting like an asshole, the most I guess he'll get is extended time on the mid card and a few "What the hells" from the guys backstage.
I'm sorry, but I have to doubt the validity of this story. I'm not John Morrison fan, but I can't believe that the man is this stupid. Melina has been wallowing in relative obscurity for a fair while now, and considering that fact, the fact that she is currently a heel, and that WWE is gung ho on the revived Tough Enough, I just can't see this as ever having been a possibility.

It just seems way too incredibly random to be true.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet.

Morrison has been being pushed through the late part of 2010, but that all settled down once he lost his match against The Miz in 2011. John Morrison is a GREAT talent I seriously hope he becomes WWE Champion in 2011 because out of everybody he deserves it. He is to talented to not have the opportunity.

But honestly, he needs to get his head where it is suppose to be and it is focusing strictly on his career. There is no friends in the wrestling business. John Morrison should be honored to be working with Trish Stratus. I know him and Melina are involved with each other outside of wrestling, but honestly when was the last time we have seen Melina on television? I can see if she was active, but my word it's been FOREVER since I have heard from her. John Morrison needs to stop following her around and make his own route if he wants to be successful.

As far as his push goes? I am not sure where this will take him. But all I can say is he better plan on marrying Melina because she probably just cost him a year more of being in the mid-card division. It's funny what the splits can do to a man.
Ehh, give it a couple of weeks at it'll blow over. Unless Morrison outright starts acting like an asshole, the most I guess he'll get is extended time on the mid card and a few "What the hells" from the guys backstage.

If they can forgive Jeff hardy for violating the wellness policy Twice, and Still push him to the Main-event....I don't see why they can't forgive Morrison over some girl troubles, lol.
We'll probably see JoMo stuck in his mid-card rut for a little longer if this is true. I would love to see him get a new push for main event status. He really needs to sell his promo's a bit better. Really generate some momentum for himself.

This all hinges on McMahon's state of mind though. But that's another topic all together
When you're in a meaningless match with fricken Snooki, how much lower can you really go? I feel worse for Ziggy being pretty much World Champion, then getting demoted to an "attraction" match.

However, with all that said, Melina and JoMo kinda have a legit beef. As do alot of the other divas like Nattie and Beth. I mean they work their asses off all year, come back from injuries and such only for their potential spots to be handed to Snooki and Trish. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Trish Stratus and she looks in as good of shape now as before, but it's kind of a one-off deal and I would feel screwed if I was one of the other divas(especially the top ones). Snooki is really the one that shouldn't have been there, but Vince gets a boner at every chance to put a celebrity in a WM situation.

As for the heat on JoMo, he can either sit and pout about it or he can work to earn the respect and trust of WWE brass and maybe do something with his career while he's still young.
Well, I hope this isn't true/doesn't have dire consequences for Morrison. Morrison's done what (apparently) is pretty tough to do--get a strong crowd reaction as a face. If the powers-that-be would nix all of that because of some petty politics... that sucks. Not the smartest business decision, either. If the audience/consumer is responding positively to a particular wrestler, you try and keep them as relevant and likable as possible, I'd imagine.
It very much could affect his push, just ask CM Punk and for the record, what he said to Taker isn't nearly as bad as how jomo treated Trish. If Punk loses his push by simply defending his character to the deadman (someone who is hugely respected) then I see much worse happening to Morrison for acting so childish to Trish (again, someone who is hugely liked and respected).

SIDE NOTE: Didn't Melina turn heel a while back against Natalya (if she turned face again my bad, but lets be honest who pays close attention to the divas division) so why would she all of a sudden be face with Morrison and Snooki?

Its not like Trish demanded to be in that match, somebody obviously wanted her in that spot so acting that way to Trish is not only childish, its nonsensical. Its not Trish's fault she was in that match and even if it was Trish deserves the spot more than Melina does, Trish is a legend, Melina hasn't been relevent in a long time.

In any business you have to act like a professional, especially to the higher ups (unless they are really douchy). Morrison and Melina should show Trish respect, just because you don't like something your boss does doesn't mean you act like a child about it, it happens in every business, just be a professional and SUCK IT UP PRINCESS.
I take pretty much all backstage stuff with a grain of salt, if any salt at all.

Morrison won't get screwed over too bad, he's too valuable. It's a matter of "how much money do you make for the WWE?" If he were more replaceable and this legitimately happened, he'd be out of there.

I say they make it into a story. Have Melina get jealous of Trish.
I just wanna know how the match would work with Melina if she is a heel. Plus we dont know what kind of probably stupid ideas Trish was coming up with, JoMo was just thinling about the fans and not wanting a shitty storyline or match-up...which in WM27's case doesn't mean a damn thing
The following is assuming that the rumor is true. I am fully aware that it may be a bunch of bullshit, as most "Backstage News" tends to be.

John Morrison, you fucking moron. Why are you attaching your well being to this fucking idiot? You guys think the spot at Mania should have been Melina? Really? Tell me, what benefit would there be to putting in a chick that has absolutely no crowd support and who has been irrelevant for the better part of year now over a true legend? Trish is a fan favorite, which most Divas can't really say these days. If any woman is going to draw a dime, it will be Trish, not Melina.

But Morrison, why? Do you have such a big head now that you think you're above Trish Stratus? You yourself have never been as universally loved as Trish, nor have you had any significant effect on the business like she has. The fuck are you thinking rejecting storylines?

Morrison is a moron.
When you're in a meaningless match with fricken Snooki, how much lower can you really go? I feel worse for Ziggy being pretty much World Champion, then getting demoted to an "attraction" match.

However, with all that said, Melina and JoMo kinda have a legit beef. As do alot of the other divas like Nattie and Beth. I mean they work their asses off all year, come back from injuries and such only for their potential spots to be handed to Snooki and Trish. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Trish Stratus and she looks in as good of shape now as before, but it's kind of a one-off deal and I would feel screwed if I was one of the other divas(especially the top ones). Snooki is really the one that shouldn't have been there, but Vince gets a boner at every chance to put a celebrity in a WM situation.

The reason Snooki was there was to garner interest in mainstream media. WWE has a match like this at every Wrestlemania. Morrison should have been thankful that WWE wanted to put him in this match as this was the one that got mainstream media attention. Its all about how you handle situations like this. Big Show did a great job with Floyd Mayweather several years back. Jericho also did great with Mickey Rourke (yes they didnt wrestle, but a program was built based upon it). Opportunities like this can make you a media darling and, quite honestly, if this backstage heat thing is true, Morrison blew it.

Will he get more chances in the future? I hope so. If he does get another chance he cant p*ss and moan about it because it wasnt the Melina, a girl that cheated on him with a POS like Batista.
John Morrison needs to stay away from this situation and let Melina handle her our own business. He doesn't have the pull backstage to be pissed off about Wrestlemania or storylines like a Randy Orton. This isn't the first time Melina has screwed him over. She slept with Batista and Morrison didn't do a damn thing. Now he's possibly throwing his push away for her? IDIOT, she is not worth it.
if thats true, then its a douchey thing to do . Trish is talent al the way and that is just disrespectful....if its true. I like Melina alot, and stuff like this is the silly stuff that she doesn't need to affect her career.

if this is true.

Same thing with Morison. Good talent with bad judgement.
Ok, who reported this? How do we even know its true? I wouldn't automatically call out Morrison and Melina without some facts at least. This could all be bull. I say wait'n see, if Morrison is all of a sudden jobbing on Superstars.com, then yeah, legit heat, if not, then all this could be dirt sheet crap.
John Morrison needs to stay away from this situation and let Melina handle her our own business. He doesn't have the pull backstage to be pissed off about Wrestlemania or storylines like a Randy Orton. This isn't the first time Melina has screwed him over. She slept with Batista and Morrison didn't do a damn thing. Now he's possibly throwing his push away for her? IDIOT, she is not worth it.


What push? Going from starring in the Elimination Chamber to being in a multi-person match with Snooki? It doesn't get any lower.

I will predict it now. I hope I am wrong, but I believe that John Morrison will never win a major title. But I don't believe it is because of his behaviour, his stickwork or lack thereof, or anything about his character. He won't get pushed because Vince simply doesn't rate him.

It was the same story with Shelton Benjamin and Christian. Both were good workers, and got the crowd into their matches, but because Vince McMahon can't see them as champion, they won't be. It's the same with Morrison.

You see, to make it in WWE, you either have to be over six-feet five inches tall, or be able to talk or look a particular way, or be a suck and play politics. If you look at every champion over the years, they all fit into one of those catergories. It has nothing to do with ringwork, or who the fans get behind, or else Daniel Bryan would be main-eventing. It has nothing to do with the fans being behind someone, because John Cena is horribly booed, and yet he is the most pushed guy in the company.

In regards to the issue, I agree that Morrison and Melina should have been more mature about the Trish situation. If anything, they should have been more pissed off that Snooki was in the match. I am someone who doesn't think that celebrities should do matches at WM, as many others work hard to earn a spot, and then don't.

But Melina isn't the only person who this has happened to. For two years straight, Mickie James was reduced to being a Lumberjill, (even though she had carried the diva's division) so that WM could host a champion v Playboy bunny match.

Morrison should see if TNA are interested. I know they are a crap company, but look at what they did with Christian, putting the title on him three times (WWE would never give it to him once), so maybe Morrison may get more love elsewhere. The fact is, Morrison isn't "Vince's boy", so he hasn;t got a chance, no matter what he says or does.
I respect John Morrison. He is a good in-ring worker. That's it...

If this is true I would be truly dissapointed with JoMo..

John Morrison will be a midcarder for life.. people here say that VKM views a WWE champion or World Champion as having big bodies, standing 6 feet 5 inches tall.. that's full of BS.. what do you call HBK, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, Edge (kinda tall but a little skinny unlike HHH)..

it is not the appearance.. i don't know if you guys would agree but i think VKM views a WWE champion with these following criteria..

Great worker
a GOOD talker

if you have all of these then for sure down the road you will be a WWE CHAMP.. with this in mind let us see where JoMo would fare..

Look - CHECK
Charisma - CHECK
Great Worker - CHECK
a Good Talker - NO

these are just my opinion.. Rey Mysterio is an exception.. He had a different fanbase, which are the Latino Fans.. and WWE is very much well loved in Mexico (which is why Alberto Del Rio will SOON become World Champion..

This is great. I've seen threads on Morrison all week. Even started one. And well...

This guy is a bore in the ring, and sounds like he is making a big mistake if him and Melina threw a hissy fit about the match.

First off. Yea it sucks that girls like Beth, and Nattie didn't get the spot. But then again, if they didn't get the spot, we wouldn't even know if they were on the card. Trish Stratus is a good worker, and Snookie got some extra eyes on it.

Hell, it was one of the many things that popped up on yahoo for a couple of weeks. They didn't put the belt on any of the two. Plus it got that little extra exposure for Morrison. It can move a couple more t-shirts for JoMo.

Then again, he sounds like a moron. He has had more chances then most. Hell, I think he has had double, even triple the amounts of pushes as Shelton Benjamin.
I'm can't be bothered with rumors.We'll know if the reports are true if Morrison gets stuck in the mid-card for the rest of 2011.If Morrison really acted like they said he did,then too bad.He should know better than that.It is pretty stupid to throw a tantrum just because you wanted your girlfriend in the match (a match that didn't even last 5 minutes,by the way.)

To be honest I can think of more terrible things than just giving Trish the cold shoulder.Morrison still went out and did his job,so what's so unprofessional about that?Morrison's kind of right,because Trish could have been replaced with Melina and it wouldn't have made any difference.That match was all about Snooki's handspring elbow.Trish was only in the match because they needed to get more publicity for Tough Enough.

Lastly,thank God he rejected the ideas Trish suggested for the LayCool/Ziggler vs. JoMo/Trish feud.I don't want to see another inter-gender tag-team match between them because there's no point.Morrison and Ziggler should be having their own feud,they shouldn't have to share the spotlight with the Divas.It looks like LayCool's heading for an implosion anyway,I'd much rather see that.Morrison could have been acting like a dick when he rejected the ideas,or he could have just been a smart guy who knew that fans didn't want to see that match anymore.Just because he rejected Trish's ideas doesn't mean he's pulling a power play.If Vince and the writers can't see that Trish's ideas for prolonging the feud are bad ideas,then hell,it's their fault,not Morrison's.
I take pretty much all backstage stuff with a grain of salt, if any salt at all.

Morrison won't get screwed over too bad, he's too valuable. It's a matter of "how much money do you make for the WWE?" If he were more replaceable and this legitimately happened, he'd be out of there.

I say they make it into a story. Have Melina get jealous of Trish.

He's too valuable!!!!

If we didn't see John Morrison for 6 weeks, I wouldn't know it. Hell, most fans wouldn't know it. Hell, John Morrison wouldn't know it.

And know, they don't just fire people for complaining, they fire people for failing. A lot of guys complain about what's going. Chris Jericho complained about Bill Goldberg almost killing him during a match. Orton complains twice a month if something does something correct.

Just because you complain, doesn't mean you get fired. However, JoMo. He sucks!

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