Hall Of Fame 2007

I think they should have themed hall of fames, for example this year when they inducted Bret Hart they should have had a Hart related ceramony.

This is who I think should have been inducted:-

Bret Hart
Owen Hart
Jim Neidhart
Davey Boy Smith
Brian Pillman
Tom Billington
Stu Hart
Y 2 Jake said:
I think they should have themed hall of fames, for example this year when they inducted Bret Hart they should have had a Hart related ceramony.

This is who I think should have been inducted:-

Bret Hart
Owen Hart
Jim Neidhart
Davey Boy Smith
Brian Pillman
Tom Billington
Stu Hart

Bret was just inducted this past year

But I agree 100% with all of those....Except for Tom Billington (due to not knowing who he is).

Others to be inducted.....Randy Savage, Dusty Rhodes, Yokozuna, Any of the Von Erich's. Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig, John "Earthquake" Tenta, Mr. Fuji, Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, The Road Warriors (Animal and Hawk), and there are way more to name.
Stone Cold Steve Austin
The Rock
The Undertaker
Shawn Michaels
Triple H
Trish Stratus
and I can't think of anymore at the moment
Tom Billington aka The Dynamite Kid! Benoit will arguably induct him sometime soon, Harry will induct Davey but probably not till he is near the main event level, then it makes sense to do it.

The difficulty WWE has, is it has to balance main eventers with the guys who made lasting impacts without titles. and also it has the issue of those who are alive or not... An empty stage at WM where all the dead guys should be would shatter WWE's family image... so all these guys like Davey, Owen, Pillman, Quake, Bossman and Rude will have to be staggered over the years... They will all get in eventually, but they can't all go in at once...

With that in mind I think 2007's will be:-

Savage & Liz
Steamboat (I like the idea of inducting each other, though I think Flair will induct Steamboat and Hogan would induct Savage and Liz.)
The Rock (they need to get him on a WWE show somehow) (inducted by Rocky Johnson)
Jericho (ditto infact it's a little more important to get Jericho back into WWE right now, inducted by Goldberg lol...ok, I'd go with Dean Malenko)
Ted DiBiase (inducted by IRS/Mike Rotundo
Bruno Sammartino (Inducted by Vince)
Rick Rude (Inducted by Bobby Heenan)
JBL & Ron Simmons (if JBL's back injury is as bad as it seems and he is retired, then he will go in quickly.. Ron deserves it on his own for being the first Black world champion in WCW... another duo that should induct each other (complete with one night only APA skit)
Now listen, sorry I haven`t read alllllll of them, but I read a bunch of your ideas so far! WHAT ABOUT BOB BACKLUND!? I AM ASHAMED! THATS RIGHT! I AM ASHAMED THAT BOB BACKLUND ISN`T IN THE HALL OF FAME YET! HE IS DEFINITELY MY TOP PICK FOR THE HALL OF FAME NEXT YEAR! Next on the list is another pretty obvious choice, Macho Man Randy Savage. I actually created a lot of stats for why these people should be in the hall of fame so here it is:

Ted DiBiase:
-Won the WWE title, but immediately gave the title to Andre The Giant who was later stripped of the title by Jack Tunney who stated that a title cannot be given away.
3 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
Creator Of & 2 Time Million Dollar Champion
Managed Steve Austin when he was known as "The Ringmaster" in 1996
Introduced The Undertaker at the 1990 Survivor Series
Competed in 4 Royal Rumble Matches
Competing At 6 Wrestlemanias going 4-1-3
Only Competed on Monday Night Raw twice, losing both times.
Brought the "Fake" Undertaker into the WWE
Lost to Pat Patterson in the first match for the WWE Intercontinental Title

Honky Tonk Man:
Held the WWE Intercontinental Title one time for a record 455 Days before losing the title to Ultimate Warrior at the 1st ever Summerslam in 1988
Competed in 4 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 3 Wrestlemanias going 1-2
Competed in 4 Survivor Series Matches going 1-3

Ricky Steamboat:
4 Time WCW United States Champion
1 Time WWE Intercontinental Champion
Competed at 4 Wrestlemanias going 3-1

Mr. Fuji:
5 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
Competed at 1 Wrestlemania going 0-1
Managed many great wrestlers including Former WWE Champion Yokozuna.

Owen Hart:
4 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
2 Time WWE Intercontinental Champion
1 Time WWE European Champion
1994 King Of The Ring Winner
Competed in 7 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 8 Wrestlemanias going 5-1-2
Competed in 5 Survivor Series Matches

3 Time WCW World Heavyweight Champion
1 Time WCW United States Champion
Competed in 3 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 2 Wrestlemanias going 1-1-0
Competed in 2 Survivor Series Matches
In his history on RAW, He wrestled 52 times only being pinned 6 times.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts:
The very 1st & 2 Time WCW TV Champion
Known for great "In Ring" phycology
Competed in 7 Royal Rumble Matches
Made it to the King Of The Ring Finals in 1996 but lost to Stone Cold Steve Austin
Competed at 8 Wrestlemanias going 3-1-4 in which beating Andre The Giant

Ultimate Warrior:
1 Time WWE Heavyweight Champion
2 Time WWE Intercontinental Champion
Competed in 2 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 5 Wrestlemanias going 4-1
First Wrestler to become the WWE Heavyweight Champion & WWE Intercontinental Champion at the same time.
Ended Honkytonk Man`s record Intercontinental Title reign at Summerslam 1988 in 31 Seconds
Had one of the most legedary rivalries with Rick Rude

Terry Funk:
2 Time WCW United States Champion
1 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
2 Time WCW Hardcore Champion
2 Time NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion
2 Time ECW Heavyweight Champion
1 Time ECW Television Champion
Competed in 2 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 2 Wrestlemanias going 2-0

King Kong Bundy:
Competed in 1 Royal Rumble Match
Main Evented Wrestlemania 2 against Hulk Hogan in the only steel cage match in Wrestlemania history
Competed at 4 Wrestlemanias going 1-3
Competed in 2 Survivor Series Matches going 2-0

Dino Bravo:
1 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
The Only WWE Canadian Heavyweight Champion
3 Time NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champion
Competed in 3 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 4 Wrestlemanias going 2-2
Competed in 4 Survivor Series Matches going 2-2, being the "Soul Survivor" 2 times

Bob Backlund:
4 Time WWE Heavyweight Champion
1 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
Competed in 5 Royal Rumble Matches Lasting the longest recorded time in 1993
Competed at 2 Wrestlemanias going 0-2
In his history on RAW, Went 10-1-3, in which he was never pinned

2 Time WWE Heavyweight Champion
2 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
1993 Royal Rumble Winner
The Only Wrestler To Defend the WWE title twice at one Wrestlemania, 2 years in a row
Competed in 2 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 4 Wrestlemanias going 3-3
Competed in 2 Survivor Series Matches going 0-1-2

Bruno Sammartino:
2 Time WWE Heavyweight Champion
1 Time WWE International Tag Team Champion
Longest title reign in WWE history (2,804 Days)
Competed at 1 Wrestlemania going 0-1

Dusty Rhodes:
1 Time WWE United States Champion
3 Time WCW Television Champion
1 Time NWA National Heavyweight Champion
1 Time NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champion
7 Time NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion
1 Time NWA Mid-Atlantic Television Champion
Competed in 1 Royal Rumble match
Competed at 1 Wrestlemania going 1-0
Partially known for his rivalry with "Macho Man" Randy Savage

"Macho Man" Randy Savage:
4 Time WCW Heavyweight Champion
2 Time WWE Heavyweight Champion
1 Time WWE Intercontinental Champion
Competed in 6 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed in 4 Survivor Series Matches going 4-0 -(Was the "Soul Survivor" 3 times)
Competed at 8 Wrestlemanias going 8-3 (3 of which were Main Event WWE title matches)
Was "Married" at Summerslam 1991 to Miss Elizabeth

"British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith:
2 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
1 Time WWE Intercontinental Champion
2 Time WWE Hardcore Champion
2 Time WWE European Champion
The very 1st WWE European Champion
Competed in 6 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 6 Wrestlemanias going 3-1-2
Competed in 8 Survivor Series Matches going 5-3 -(Was the "Soul Survivor" 2 times)

Rick Rude:
1 Time WWE United States Champion
1 Time WWE Intercontinental Champion
2 Time WCW International World Heavyweight Champion
2 Time NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion
Competed in 1 Royal Rumble Match
Competed at 3 Wrestlemanias going 2-1-0
Competed in 3 Survivor Series Matches going 3-0
The Only person to be on RAW & NITRO on the same night
Known for his longtime rivalry with The Ultimate Warrior

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake:
1 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
Competed in 1 Royal Rumble Match
Competed at 7 Wrestlemanias going 3-2-2
Competed in 3 Survivor Series matches going 3-0 -(Was the "Soul Survivor" Once)

Rick Martel:
3 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
1 Time WCW Television Champion
Competed in 7 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 6 Wrestlemanias going 2-4
Competed in 5 Survivor Series matches going 2-3 -(Was the "Soul Survivor" Once)

Arn Anderson:
1 Time WWE Tag Team Champion
3 Time WCW Tag Team Champion
4 Time WCW Television Champion
Competed in 1 Royal Rumble Match
Competed at 1 Wrestlemania going 1-0
Competed in 2 Survivor Series matches going 0-2

Phyco Sid:
1 Time WCW United States Champion
2 Time WWE Heavyweight Champion
2 Time WCW Heavyweight Champion
Competed in 1 Royal Rumble- (Was the runner up)
Competed at 2 Wrestlemanias going 0-2- (Both were Main Events)
Competed in 1 Survivor Series match going 1-0
Out of Phyco Sid`s 19 PPV appearances, 11 were Main Events

Mr. T.:
Competed at 2 Wrestlemanias going 2-0

Donald Trump:
The only person/building to souly host two consecutive Wrestlemanias

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig:
1 Time WCW United States Champion
2 Time WWE Intercontinental Champion
1 Time WCW Tag Team Champion
Competed in 5 Royal Rumble Matches
Competed at 4 Wrestlemanias going 1-3
Competed in 3 Survivor Series Matches going 2-1 -(Was the "Soul Survivor" 2 times)

Lex Luger:
2 Time WCW Heavyweight Champion
5 Time WCW United States Champion
1 Time WCW Tag Team Champion
2 Time WCW Television Champion
3 Time NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion
Competed in 2 Royal Rumble Matches (Co-Winning 1 of them)
Competed at 3 Wrestlemanias going 2-1
Competed in 2 Survivor Series Matches going 1-1- (Soul Survivor once)
In his history on RAW, Went 16-2-4

Others that I didn`t make stats for yet are:

Dynamtite Kid
"Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich
Alundra Blaze
(Ultimate Warrior I`m a little skeptical of just because of his attitude outside the ring but at the same time, its not about what he does outside the ring, but inside the ring.)
I think the best person to get into the Hall of Fame is Terry Funk. He is allready in the WCW Hall of Fame. He should be inducted in the WWE won, he's a legend.
This is a list of the guys in the WCW HOF.
1993 -
Lou Thesz
Verne Gagne
Mr. Wrestling II
Eddie Graham
1994 -
Harley Race
Ernie Ladd
The Crusher
Dick the Bruiser
Ole Anderson
Masked Assassin
1995 -
Wahoo McDaniel
Dusty Rhodes
Antonio Inoki
Angelo Poffo
Terry Funk
Big John Studd
Gordon Solie

Ernie Ladd, Big John Studd, and Verne Gagne are the only wrestlers to be inducted into both the WCW Hall of Fame and the WWE Hall of Fame.

Do you think any of these other guys will be inducted into the WWE HOF this upcomming year?
I agree with most of the wrestlers some of you have cited, but think about this: If Vince can put William "The Refrigerator" Perry and Pete Rose in the HOF, I wonder what will keep him from putting DAVID ARQUETTE in the near future? If he can actually induct a guy for playing the Gobbeldygooker for a few seconds at Wrestlemania 15, why not a former WCW World Champion?
Curt Hennig, Randy Savage, all the Von Erichs, and The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase (one of the greatest heels)
At Wrestlemania 23 I would put this lot into the Hall of Fame.

Stone Cold Steve Austin - I can't find a reason why not.

Mr Perfect - Amazing wrestler, great charisma, one of the most popular guys in the dressing room back in the day and still to this day is regarded as the Best Intercontinental Champion of all time, even though he only held it twice.

Ted DiBiase - The ultimate heel back in the day. The guy you love to hate because he is richer than you. Pulled off the character so well, Vince picked the right man to portray the character.

Ravishing Rick Rude - Just oozed charisma and had amazing in-ring ability. Hell he had to single handidly carry the Ultimate Warrior through matches for most of 1989. That deserves credit.

Owen Hart - A lot of fans are dieing to see it (me included) but it's down to his family. Will they consent to allowing him to be inducted into the HOF?

Demolition - First tag team in WWE history to win the World Tag Team Championships three times.

Mr Fuji - They always seem to induct a manager every year. So why not Fuji? People forget he had a highly successful wrestling career before becoming a manager.
Hall Fame well ...Stone Cold Steve Austin and have Vince McMahon induct him
Jake The Snake Roberts, Randy Macho Man Savage, SD Jones (LOL), Demolition,LOD
Owen- not trying to be rude but the only reason why Eddie was inducted so early is because they knew they could get super huge buyrates and ratings off of that angle. Bulldog and Owen deserve it a lot more than Eddie right now in my opinion. I respect Eddie and what he has done but all they are doing is milking his death for money and ratings, My goodness its been how many months since he passed and they are still using this angle?? Anyway thats a whole new thread. SOrry

Brutus Beefcake
Mr. Perfect a must
Jim Neidhart
Macho Man
Bam Bam Bigalow maybe....
good ole JR
Flyin Brian
Barry Whindahm
What about the tag team Demolition (without Crush) and the Legion Of Doom, probably the two best tag teams throughout the late 80's and early 90's! They could main event shows!! You would never see that these days!
Dusty Rhodes
Mr. Perfect Aka Curt Henning
Owen Hart
The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith
The Legion Of Doom
The Big Boss Man
Paul Bearer
Macho Man Randy Savage
Razor Ramon
The Rock
Terry Funk
Bam Bam Bigalow
Crash Holly
Dusty Rhodes
Randy Savage
Owen Hart

Theres many more..
the rock dammit hes done with wrestling he doesnt come back all the time
Ipswichicon said:
Owen Hart(IMO the Best wrestler never to be champ)
Jake Roberts(Pure Gold on the mic a guy who just seemed to "get" Wrestling)
Ted Diabse(one of my all time faves)
These are three I would like to see inducted this year. For the Future:
Steve Austin
Triple H
Ric Flair.
owen hart[if eddie got it as soon as he passed away why isnt he already there?]
ted dibiase
mr perfect[again another deceased wrestler not already there]
legion of doom
randy savage
trish[maybe not this year,but i see it happening soon]
tito satana[maybe]
terry funk?

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